Commit ca1a6046 authored by chase's avatar chase

merge 档案管理

parent 69f01997
"Document Attribute":"Document Attribute",
"Document Type":"Document Type",
"Document Name":"Document Name",
"IsRequired":"Is Required",
"PleaseChecksRequired":"Please Checks Required",
"Business Line":"Business Line",
"Company Name":"Company Name",
"Due Date":"Due Date",
"Tax Type":"Tax Type",
"Storage Index":"Storage Index",
"Storage Location":"Storage Location",
"Approval Status":"Approval Status",
"Upload Date":"Upload Date",
"Delete Record":"Delete Record",
"Create Record":"Create Record",
"Export Record":"Export Record",
"Download Attachment":"Download Attachment",
"Multiple File Upload":"Multiple File Upload",
......@@ -44,18 +44,20 @@
"No Data":"No Data",
"Please Select":"Please Select",
"Please Type":"Please Type",
"Document Path":"Document Path",
"Confirm delete":"Confirm delete",
"Page {0} of {1} ({2} items)":"Page {0} of {1} ({2} items)"
\ No newline at end of file
"Document Attribute":"档案属性",
"Document Type":"档案类型",
"Document Name":"档案名称",
"Business Line":"业务线",
"Company Name":"公司名称",
"Due Date":"到期日",
"Tax Type":"税种",
"Storage Index":"实物索引号",
"Storage Location":"实物存放地点",
"Approval Status":"审批状态",
"Upload Date":"上传日期",
"Delete Record":"删除记录",
"Create Record":"新建记录",
"Export Record":"导出列表",
"Download Attachment":"下载附件",
"Multiple File Upload":"批量上传",
......@@ -46,17 +46,19 @@
"Please Select":"请选择",
"Please Type":"请输入",
"Document Path":"档案路径",
"FileTimeDateRangeError": "'到期日'不能早于'文件生效日期'"
"Confirm delete":"是否确认删除记录?",
"FileTimeDateRangeError": "'到期日'不能早于'文件生效日期'",
"Page {0} of {1} ({2} items)":"当前 {0}页 /共 {1}页 ({2} 项)"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ frameworkModule.controller('appUsrOperateLogController',
pager: {
allowedPageSizes: 5,
infoText: "当前 {0}页 /共 {1}页 ({2} 项)",
infoText:$translate.instant('Page {0} of {1} ({2} items)'),
showInfo: true,
showNavigationButtons: true,
showPageSizeSelector: true,
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<button class="btn log-export-btn" ng-click="exportTableData()">
<i class="fa fa-file-excel-o"></i>
<span translate="ExportTable"></span>
<span translate="Export Record"></span>
<div dx-data-grid="dataGridOptions"></div>
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