Commit c7939ead authored by frank.xa.zhang's avatar frank.xa.zhang

[fixed issue] change the database to new style

parent ef2478a6
......@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@ public interface TaxRuleSettingMapper extends MyMapper {
int updateByPrimaryKey(TaxRuleSetting record);
@Select("select trs.GroupName,trs.ID,trs.IsDefault,trs.Name,trs.TaxBase,trs.TaxRate*100 as TaxRate,trso.OrganizationID"
+ " from TaxRuleSetting trs "
+ "left join TaxRuleSettingOrganization trso on trs.ID=trso.TaxSettingID")
@Select("select trs.group_name,,trs.is_default,,trs.tax_base,trs.tax_rate*100 as tax_rate,trso.organization_id"
+ " from tax_rule_setting trs "
+ "left join tax_rule_setting_organization trso on")
@Result(id = true, column = "ID", property = "ID"),
@Result(column = "GroupName",property="GroupName"),
@Result(column = "IsDefault",property="IsDefault"),
@Result(column = "Name",property="Name"),
@Result(column = "TaxBase",property="TaxBase"),
@Result(column = "TaxRate",property="TaxRate"),
@Result(column = "OrganizationID",property="OrganizationID"),
@Result(id = true, column = "id", property = "ID"),
@Result(column = "group_name",property="GroupName"),
@Result(column = "is_default",property="IsDefault"),
@Result(column = "name",property="Name"),
@Result(column = "tax_base",property="TaxBase"),
@Result(column = "tax_rate",property="TaxRate"),
@Result(column = "organization_id",property="OrganizationID"),
List<TaxRuleSettingDto> GetTaxRuleSetting();
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