Commit b3cbba16 authored by neo's avatar neo

[bugfix] fixed exctrace pct from parsed formula

parent c8dff18e
......@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ public class ReportGeneratorImpl extends VatAbstractService implements ReportGen
byte[] parsedFormulaBytes = parsedFormula.getBytes();
Integer begin = null;
for (int i = 0; i < parsedFormulaBytes.length - 3; i++) {
if (parsedFormulaBytes[i] == 'P' && parsedFormulaBytes[i + 1] == 'C'
for (int i = 0; i < parsedFormulaBytes.length; i++) {
if (i < parsedFormulaBytes.length - 3 && parsedFormulaBytes[i] == 'P' && parsedFormulaBytes[i + 1] == 'C'
&& parsedFormulaBytes[i + 2] == 'T' && parsedFormulaBytes[i + 3] == '(') {
begin = i;
} else if (parsedFormulaBytes[i] == ')' && begin != null) {
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