Commit 9bea8758 authored by sherlock's avatar sherlock

import template & datasource

parent 57f6d081
......@@ -251,9 +251,10 @@
// if ($scope.detail.inputValue && (isNaN($scope.detail.inputValue) || r.test($scope.detail.inputValue))) {
// message = $translate.instant('CheckInputValueFormat');
// } else
if ($scope.detail.inputValue && parseFloat($scope.detail.inputValue).toFixed(2) > 9999999999999) {
message = $translate.instant('CheckInputValueLength');
} else if ($scope.detail.dataType === 5) {
// if ($scope.detail.inputValue && parseFloat($scope.detail.inputValue).toFixed(2) > 9999999999999) {
// message = $translate.instant('CheckInputValueLength');
// } else
if ($scope.detail.dataType === 5) {
r = /^(-[1-9]\d*|[1-9]\d*|[0]{1,1})$/;
if (!r.test($scope.detail.inputValue)) {
message = $translate.instant('CheckIntInputValue');
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