Commit 8bdc79b3 authored by chase's avatar chase


parent 94d00491
......@@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ public class ReportCellDataSourceDto extends DataSourceDto {
this.type = FormulaDataSourceType.Report.getCode();
public void extractFromGroup(WPNAMEParasBo parasBo, Integer period, Integer year,
CellTemplatePerGroupDto cellTemplateData) {
this.tag = "WPNAME"; = DataSourceName.ReportDataSource;
this.year = year;
this.period = period;
this.columnIndex = cellTemplateData.getColumnIndex() - 1;
this.columnName = cellTemplateData.getColumnName();
this.rowIndex = cellTemplateData.getRowIndex() - 1;
this.rowName = cellTemplateData.getRowName();
this.reportTemplateId = cellTemplateData.getReportTemplateId();
this.cellTemplateId = cellTemplateData.getCellTemplateId() + "";
this.resultType = cellTemplateData.getResultType();
this.isOnlyManualInput = false;
this.reportName = parasBo.getReportCode();
public static ReportCellDataSourceDto nullDataSource(BBParasBo bbParasBo, CurrentPeriodBo currentPeriodBo) {
ReportCellDataSourceDto nulDataSource = new ReportCellDataSourceDto(); = DataSourceName.ReportDataSource;
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