Commit 6b7e0730 authored by eddie.woo's avatar eddie.woo


parent 5fb70b65
......@@ -456,6 +456,22 @@
<!-- tomcat7的插件, 不同tomcat版本这个也不一样 -->
package pwc.taxtech.atms.common.config;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class SystemConfig {
private String longiApiBasicUser;
private String longiApiBasicPwd;
private String longiApiGlBalance;
public String getLongiApiBasicUser() {
return this.longiApiBasicUser;
public void setLongiApiBasicUser(String longiApiBasicUser) {
this.longiApiBasicUser = longiApiBasicUser;
public String getLongiApiBasicPwd() {
return this.longiApiBasicPwd;
public void setLongiApiBasicPwd(String longiApiBasicPwd) {
this.longiApiBasicPwd = longiApiBasicPwd;
public String getLongiApiGlBalance() {
return this.longiApiGlBalance;
public void setLongiApiGlBalance(String longiApiGlBalance) {
this.longiApiGlBalance = longiApiGlBalance;
......@@ -45,17 +45,7 @@ public class LgGlBalanceJob extends QuartzJobBean {
for (Organization organization : orgList) {
try {
EnterpriseAccountSetOrgExample setOrgExample = new EnterpriseAccountSetOrgExample();
EnterpriseAccountSetOrg accountSetOrg = setOrgMapper.selectByExample(setOrgExample).get(0);
EnterpriseAccountExample accountExample = new EnterpriseAccountExample();
List<EnterpriseAccount> accountList = accountMapper.selectByExample(accountExample);
for (EnterpriseAccount account : accountList) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("LgGlBalanceJob error. Organization: " + organization.getId(), e);
package pwc.taxtech.atms.dto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalance;
public class GlBalanceDto extends GlBalance {
private String accountName;
public String getAccountName() {
return this.accountName;
public void setAccountName(String accountName) {
this.accountName = accountName;
package pwc.taxtech.atms.service.impl;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.common.ServiceException;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.common.config.SystemConfig;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dao.EnterpriseAccountMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dao.EnterpriseAccountSetOrgMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.*;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.dao.GlBalanceMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalance;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalanceExample;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.List;
public class LgGlBalanceService extends BaseService {
private SystemConfig systemConfig;
@Resource(name = "enterpriseAccountMapper")
private EnterpriseAccountMapper accountMapper;
@Resource(name = "enterpriseAccountSetOrgMapper")
private EnterpriseAccountSetOrgMapper setOrgMapper;
private GlBalanceMapper glBalanceMapper;
* 科目余额数据同步
* @param org Organization
* @param period YYYY-MM
* @throws ServiceException ex
public void queryGlBalance(Organization org, String period) throws ServiceException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(systemConfig.getLongiApiGlBalance())) {
throw new ServiceException("EmptyUrlError");
EnterpriseAccountSetOrgExample setOrgExample = new EnterpriseAccountSetOrgExample();
EnterpriseAccountSetOrg accountSetOrg = setOrgMapper.selectByExample(setOrgExample).get(0);
EnterpriseAccountExample accountExample = new EnterpriseAccountExample();
List<EnterpriseAccount> accountList = accountMapper.selectByExample(accountExample);
for (EnterpriseAccount account : accountList) {
SoapResponse<List<GLBalanceDto>> response = GLBalanceClient.queryGLBalance(systemConfig.getLongiApiGlBalance(),
new GlBalanceParam(org.getClientCode(), period, account.getCode()),
StringUtils.isAnyBlank(systemConfig.getLongiApiBasicUser(), systemConfig.getLongiApiBasicPwd()) ?
null : new BasicUser(systemConfig.getLongiApiBasicUser(), systemConfig.getLongiApiBasicPwd()));
if (response.getStatus() != SoapResponse.SUCCESS) {
logger.error("queryGLBalance error." + JSON.toJSONString(response));
throw new ServiceException("ErrorResponse");
response.getData().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(o -> StringUtils.joinWith("_",
o.getSegment1(), o.getSegment3(), o.getSegment4()))).values().forEach(list -> {
GlBalance glBalance = new GlBalance();
beanUtil.copyProperties(list.get(0), glBalance);
GlBalanceExample example = new GlBalanceExample();
List<GlBalance> tmpList;
if ((tmpList = glBalanceMapper.selectByExample(example)).size() > 0) {
} else {
......@@ -32,4 +32,9 @@ max_file_length=${max_file_length}
\ No newline at end of file
# Longi config
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -40,3 +40,8 @@ distributed_id_datacenter=1
# Longi config
......@@ -34,3 +34,8 @@ distributed_id_datacenter=10
# Longi config
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<property name="beginningDelimiter" value="&quot;"/>
<property name="endingDelimiter" value="&quot;"/>
<property name="javaFileEncoding" value="UTF-8" />
<!--<plugin type="" />-->
<!--<plugin type="pwc.taxtech.atms.plugin.MapperAnnotationPlugin" />-->
<plugin type="org.mybatis.generator.plugins.MapperAnnotationPlugin"/>
<!--<plugin type="org.mybatis.generator.plugins.RowBoundsPlugin" />-->
<plugin type="org.mybatis.generator.plugins.ToStringPlugin" />
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
<!--<columnOverride column="PERIOD" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />-->
<table tableName="GL_BALANCE" schema="tax_admin" domainObjectName="GlBalance">
<table tableName="GL_BALANCE" schema="tax_admin_longi" domainObjectName="GlBalance">
<property name="useActualColumnNames" value="false"/>
<property name="ignoreQualifiersAtRuntime" value="true"/>
<columnOverride column="ID" javaType="java.lang.Long" />
......@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
<!-- -->
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package pwc.taxtech.atms.dao;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.MyMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.EnterpriseAccountDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.EnterpriseAccount;
......@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.EnterpriseAccountExample;
import java.util.List;
public interface EnterpriseAccountMapper extends MyMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package pwc.taxtech.atms.dao;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.MyMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.EnterpriseAccountSetOrgDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.EnterpriseAccountSetOrg;
......@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.EnterpriseAccountSetOrgExample;
import java.util.List;
public interface EnterpriseAccountSetOrgMapper extends MyMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.MyMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.DimensionValueOrgDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.OrgBasicDto;
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.OrganizationExample;
import java.util.List;
public interface OrganizationMapper extends MyMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalanceExample;
public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -27,7 +27,15 @@ public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -35,7 +43,7 @@ public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -43,7 +51,7 @@ public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -51,7 +59,15 @@ public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
GlBalance selectByPrimaryKey(Long id);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -59,9 +75,25 @@ public interface GlBalanceMapper extends MyVatMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
int updateByExample(@Param("record") GlBalance record, @Param("example") GlBalanceExample example);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(GlBalance record);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
int updateByPrimaryKey(GlBalance record);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import java.math.BigDecimal;
* This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated do_not_delete_during_merge
......@@ -14,232 +14,282 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ID
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @mbg.generated
private Long id;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 科目组合ID
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal codeCombinationId;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 科目组合
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* @mbg.generated
private String codeCombinationCode;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 科目组合名称
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* @mbg.generated
private String codeCombinationDescription;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 涉税事项类别
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* @mbg.generated
private String attribute12;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 公司段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @mbg.generated
private String segment1;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 部门段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @mbg.generated
private String segment2;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 科目段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @mbg.generated
private String segment3;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 明细科目段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @mbg.generated
private String segment4;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 内往段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @mbg.generated
private String segment5;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 项目段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @mbg.generated
private String segment6;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 备用段
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @mbg.generated
private String segment7;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 期间 YYYY-MM
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* @mbg.generated
private String periodName;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 期初借方余额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal beginDrBalance;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 期末贷方余额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal beginCrBalance;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 本期借方发生额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal ptdDr;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 本期贷方发生额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal ptdCr;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 本年累计借方发生额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal ytdDr;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 本年累计贷方发生额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal ytdCr;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 期末借方余额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal endDrBalance;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 期末贷方余额
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
private BigDecimal endCrBalance;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 备用字段1
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @mbg.generated
private String attr1;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 备用字段2
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @mbg.generated
private String attr2;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 备用字段3
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @mbg.generated
private String attr3;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 备用字段4
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @mbg.generated
private String attr4;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 备用字段5
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* This field corresponds to the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -247,7 +297,7 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -255,9 +305,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ID
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -267,9 +317,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ID
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @param id the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @param id the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ID
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -279,9 +329,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -291,9 +341,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* @param codeCombinationId the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* @param codeCombinationId the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_ID
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -303,9 +353,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -315,9 +365,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* @param codeCombinationCode the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* @param codeCombinationCode the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_CODE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -327,9 +377,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -339,9 +389,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* @param codeCombinationDescription the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* @param codeCombinationDescription the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -351,9 +401,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -363,9 +413,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* @param attribute12 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* @param attribute12 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTRIBUTE12
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -375,9 +425,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -387,9 +437,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @param segment1 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @param segment1 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT1
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -399,9 +449,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -411,9 +461,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @param segment2 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @param segment2 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT2
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -423,9 +473,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -435,9 +485,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @param segment3 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @param segment3 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT3
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -447,9 +497,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -459,9 +509,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @param segment4 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @param segment4 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT4
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -471,9 +521,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -483,9 +533,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @param segment5 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @param segment5 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT5
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -495,9 +545,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -507,9 +557,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @param segment6 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @param segment6 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT6
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -519,9 +569,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -531,9 +581,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @param segment7 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @param segment7 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.SEGMENT7
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -543,9 +593,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -555,9 +605,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* @param periodName the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* @param periodName the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PERIOD_NAME
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -567,9 +617,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -579,9 +629,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* @param beginDrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* @param beginDrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_DR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -591,9 +641,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -603,9 +653,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* @param beginCrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* @param beginCrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.BEGIN_CR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -615,9 +665,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -627,9 +677,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @param ptdDr the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @param ptdDr the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_DR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -639,9 +689,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -651,9 +701,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @param ptdCr the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @param ptdCr the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.PTD_CR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -663,9 +713,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -675,9 +725,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @param ytdDr the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @param ytdDr the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_DR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -687,9 +737,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -699,9 +749,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @param ytdCr the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @param ytdCr the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.YTD_CR
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -711,9 +761,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -723,9 +773,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* @param endDrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* @param endDrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_DR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -735,9 +785,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -747,9 +797,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* @param endCrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* @param endCrBalance the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.END_CR_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -759,9 +809,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -771,9 +821,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @param attr1 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @param attr1 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR1
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -783,9 +833,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -795,9 +845,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @param attr2 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @param attr2 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR2
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -807,9 +857,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -819,9 +869,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @param attr3 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @param attr3 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR3
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -831,9 +881,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -843,9 +893,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @param attr4 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @param attr4 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR4
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -855,9 +905,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* This method returns the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @return the value of TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -867,9 +917,9 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* This method sets the value of the database column TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @param attr5 the value for TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @param attr5 the value for TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE.ATTR5
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -879,7 +929,7 @@ public class GlBalance implements Serializable {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import java.util.List;
public class GlBalanceExample {
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This field corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This method corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated do_not_delete_during_merge
......@@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ public class GlBalanceExample {
* This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN.GL_BALANCE
* This class corresponds to the database table TAX_ADMIN_LONGI.GL_BALANCE
* @mbg.generated
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<result column="ID" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="id" />
<id column="ID" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="id" />
<result column="CODE_COMBINATION_ID" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="codeCombinationId" />
<result column="CODE_COMBINATION_CODE" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="codeCombinationCode" />
<result column="CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="codeCombinationDescription" />
......@@ -127,6 +127,24 @@
order by ${orderByClause}
<select id="selectByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.Long" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
where ID = #{id,jdbcType=DECIMAL}
<delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.Long">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
delete from GL_BALANCE
where ID = #{id,jdbcType=DECIMAL}
<delete id="deleteByExample" parameterType="pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalanceExample">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
......@@ -466,4 +484,122 @@
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterType="pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalance">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<if test="codeCombinationId != null">
CODE_COMBINATION_ID = #{codeCombinationId,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="codeCombinationCode != null">
CODE_COMBINATION_CODE = #{codeCombinationCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="codeCombinationDescription != null">
CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION = #{codeCombinationDescription,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="attribute12 != null">
ATTRIBUTE12 = #{attribute12,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment1 != null">
SEGMENT1 = #{segment1,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment2 != null">
SEGMENT2 = #{segment2,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment3 != null">
SEGMENT3 = #{segment3,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment4 != null">
SEGMENT4 = #{segment4,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment5 != null">
SEGMENT5 = #{segment5,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment6 != null">
SEGMENT6 = #{segment6,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="segment7 != null">
SEGMENT7 = #{segment7,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="periodName != null">
PERIOD_NAME = #{periodName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="beginDrBalance != null">
BEGIN_DR_BALANCE = #{beginDrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="beginCrBalance != null">
BEGIN_CR_BALANCE = #{beginCrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="ptdDr != null">
PTD_DR = #{ptdDr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="ptdCr != null">
PTD_CR = #{ptdCr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="ytdDr != null">
YTD_DR = #{ytdDr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="ytdCr != null">
YTD_CR = #{ytdCr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="endDrBalance != null">
END_DR_BALANCE = #{endDrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="endCrBalance != null">
END_CR_BALANCE = #{endCrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
<if test="attr1 != null">
ATTR1 = #{attr1,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="attr2 != null">
ATTR2 = #{attr2,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="attr3 != null">
ATTR3 = #{attr3,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="attr4 != null">
ATTR4 = #{attr4,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="attr5 != null">
ATTR5 = #{attr5,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
where ID = #{id,jdbcType=DECIMAL}
<update id="updateByPrimaryKey" parameterType="pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.GlBalance">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
set CODE_COMBINATION_ID = #{codeCombinationId,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
CODE_COMBINATION_CODE = #{codeCombinationCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION = #{codeCombinationDescription,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
ATTRIBUTE12 = #{attribute12,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT1 = #{segment1,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT2 = #{segment2,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT3 = #{segment3,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT4 = #{segment4,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT5 = #{segment5,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT6 = #{segment6,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
SEGMENT7 = #{segment7,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
PERIOD_NAME = #{periodName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
BEGIN_DR_BALANCE = #{beginDrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
BEGIN_CR_BALANCE = #{beginCrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
PTD_DR = #{ptdDr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
PTD_CR = #{ptdCr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
YTD_DR = #{ytdDr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
YTD_CR = #{ytdCr,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
END_DR_BALANCE = #{endDrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
END_CR_BALANCE = #{endCrBalance,jdbcType=DECIMAL},
ATTR1 = #{attr1,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
ATTR2 = #{attr2,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
ATTR3 = #{attr3,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
ATTR4 = #{attr4,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
ATTR5 = #{attr5,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
where ID = #{id,jdbcType=DECIMAL}
\ No newline at end of file
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