Commit 5b563b2e authored by kevin's avatar kevin


parent a8c2b51d
......@@ -75,9 +75,8 @@ public class FileUploadUtil implements ApplicationContextAware {
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
ApiResultDto resultDto = JSON.parseObject(IOUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"), ApiResultDto.class);
if (resultDto.getCode() == ApiResultDto.SUCCESS) {
return config.getServerUrl() + "/" + filePath;
return filePath;
} catch (Exception e) {
......@@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.dao.CitTbamMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dao.OperationLogEntryLogMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.CitTbamDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.OperationResultDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.CitJournalEntryAdjust;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.CitTbam;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.OperationLogEntryLog;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.OperationLogEntryLogExample;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.*;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.service.impl.DistributedIdService;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.dao.PeriodFormulaBlockMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.PeriodCellComment;
......@@ -67,17 +64,20 @@ public class CellCommentController {
return operationResultDto;
public OperationResultDto loadEntryListDataList(String code, String projectId) {
public OperationResultDto loadEntryListDataList(@RequestBody CitTbam citTbam) {
OperationResultDto operationResultDto = new OperationResultDto();
CitJournalEntryAdjust citJournalEntryAdjust = new CitJournalEntryAdjust();
List<CitJournalEntryAdjust> journalMerge = citJournalEntryAdjustMapper.getJournalMerge(citJournalEntryAdjust);
CitTbamExample example = new CitTbamExample();
CitTbamExample.Criteria criteria = example.createCriteria();
List<CitTbam> citTbams = citTbamMapper.selectByExample(example);
return operationResultDto;
......@@ -121,8 +121,6 @@ public class CellCommentController {
public OperationResultDto addLog(@RequestBody List<OperationLogEntryLog> operationLogEntryLogs) {
for (OperationLogEntryLog operationLogEntryLog : operationLogEntryLogs) {
......@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ public class ManualDataSourceDto {
Long reportId;
Long id;
String penValue;//穿透修改值
String accountCode;
public String getAccountCode() {
return accountCode;
public void setAccountCode(String accountCode) {
this.accountCode = accountCode;
public String getPenValue() {
return penValue;
......@@ -111,4 +120,23 @@ public class ManualDataSourceDto {
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String toString() {
return "ManualDataSourceDto{" +
"cellId=" + cellId +
", cellTemplateId='" + cellTemplateId + '\'' +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
", description='" + description + '\'' +
", amount=" + amount +
", keyinData='" + keyinData + '\'' +
", projectId='" + projectId + '\'' +
", serviceTypeId='" + serviceTypeId + '\'' +
", period=" + period +
", reportId=" + reportId +
", id=" + id +
", penValue='" + penValue + '\'' +
", accountCode='" + accountCode + '\'' +
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import static pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.vatdto.WrapPeriodJobDto.*;
public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CitReportServiceImpl.class);
private final static String[] functions = {"SGSR", "FSJZ", "ND", "BB", "XXFP", "GZSD", "PC", "JXFPMX",
private ReportGeneratorImpl reportGenerator;
......@@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
private DataValidateLogMapper dataValidateLogMapper;
* 清除配置,复制配置
......@@ -691,6 +692,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
* 查询最新的任务
* @param projectId
* @param period
* @return
......@@ -736,17 +738,18 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
private CitAssetsListMapper assetsListMapper;
* 获取固定资产及EAM Mapping的数据
public PageInfo<CitAssetsListDto> getAssetEamMappingPage(CitAssetsListDto citAssetsListDto) throws Exception {
logger.debug("获取固定资产及EAM Mapping的数据");
Page page = PageHelper.startPage(citAssetsListDto.getPageInfo().getPageIndex(),citAssetsListDto.getPageInfo().getPageSize());
Page page = PageHelper.startPage(citAssetsListDto.getPageInfo().getPageIndex(), citAssetsListDto.getPageInfo().getPageSize());
CitAssetsList citAssetsList = new CitAssetsList();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(citAssetsListDto, citAssetsList);
List<CitAssetEamMappingDto> citAssetsLists = assetsListMapper.getAssetEamMapping(citAssetsList);
List<CitAssetsListDto> citAssetsListDtos = new ArrayList<>();
citAssetsListDtos = assetToAssetEamMapping(citAssetsListDtos,citAssetsLists);
citAssetsListDtos = assetToAssetEamMapping(citAssetsListDtos, citAssetsLists);
// for (CitAssetsList citAssetsListTemp:citAssetsLists){
// CitAssetsListDto temp = new CitAssetsListDto();
// BeanUtils.copyProperties(citAssetsListTemp,temp);
......@@ -760,7 +763,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
// citAssetsListDtos.add(temp);
// }
PageInfo<CitAssetsListDto> pageInfo =new PageInfo<>(citAssetsListDtos);
PageInfo<CitAssetsListDto> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(citAssetsListDtos);
return pageInfo;
......@@ -768,22 +771,23 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
* 固资申报表导出(第二种方式)--正在使用
* @param citAssetsListDto
* @param response
* @return
public int exportAEMData2(CitAssetsListDto citAssetsListDto, HttpServletResponse response){
public int exportAEMData2(CitAssetsListDto citAssetsListDto, HttpServletResponse response) {
CitAssetsList citAssetsList = new CitAssetsList();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(citAssetsListDto, citAssetsList);
List<CitAssetEamMappingDto> citAssetsLists = assetsListMapper.getAssetEamMapping(citAssetsList);
return 0;
if (citAssetsLists.size() == 0) {
return 0;
List<CitAssetsListDto> citAssetsListDtos = new ArrayList<>();
assetToAssetEamMapping(citAssetsListDtos, citAssetsLists);
ExportDto exportDto = new ExportDto();
exportDto.setTemplateUrl(Constant.citTemplateUrl + "/assetEamMapping.xlsx");
exportDto.setTemplateUrl(Constant.citTemplateUrl + "/assetEamMapping.xlsx");
......@@ -791,10 +795,10 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
return 1;
public List<CitAssetsListDto> assetToAssetEamMapping(List<CitAssetsListDto> citAssetsListDtos, List<CitAssetEamMappingDto> citAssetsLists){
for (CitAssetsList citAssetsListTemp:citAssetsLists){
public List<CitAssetsListDto> assetToAssetEamMapping(List<CitAssetsListDto> citAssetsListDtos, List<CitAssetEamMappingDto> citAssetsLists) {
for (CitAssetsList citAssetsListTemp : citAssetsLists) {
CitAssetsListDto temp = new CitAssetsListDto();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(citAssetsListTemp, temp);
//计算处置损益 处置/赔偿收入-账面净值(年终剩余价值)
......@@ -1018,6 +1022,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
return resultDto;
private Integer convertType(Integer dataSourceType) {
if (dataSourceType.equals(FormulaDataSourceDetailType.InputInvoiceDataSourceDto.getCode())) {
return CellDataSourceType.InputInvoice.getCode();
......@@ -1055,6 +1060,9 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
return operationResultDto;
private CitJournalEntryAdjustMapper citJournalEntryAdjustMapper;
public OperationResultDto addCellManualDataSource(ManualDataSourceDto data, String projectId) {
OperationResultDto operationResultDto = new OperationResultDto();
try {
......@@ -1109,6 +1117,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
/*kevin insert */ // TODO: 3/21/2019 需要验证
PeriodCellTemplateConfigExample example = new PeriodCellTemplateConfigExample();
PeriodCellTemplateConfigExample.Criteria criteria = example.createCriteria();
......@@ -1117,6 +1126,22 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
PeriodCellTemplateConfig periodCellTemplateConfig = new PeriodCellTemplateConfig();
periodCellTemplateConfigMapper.updateByExampleSelective(periodCellTemplateConfig, example);
CitJournalEntryAdjust citJournalEntryAdjust = new CitJournalEntryAdjust();
CitJournalEntryAdjustExample example1 = new CitJournalEntryAdjustExample();
CitJournalEntryAdjustExample.Criteria criteria1 = example1.createCriteria();
citJournalEntryAdjustMapper.updateByExample(citJournalEntryAdjust, example1);
JournalEntry journalEntry = new JournalEntry();
JournalEntryExample example2 = new JournalEntryExample();
JournalEntryExample.Criteria criteria2 = example2.createCriteria();
journalEntryMapper.updateByExample(journalEntry, example2);
List<DataSourceExtendDto> dataSourceExtendDtos = periodDataSourceMapper.getManualDataSource(data.getCellId());
......@@ -1242,6 +1267,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
return operationResultDto;
private void updateCellValueForDataSourceChange(PeriodDataSource dataSourceEntity, BigDecimal amount) {
BigDecimal originalAmount = dataSourceEntity.getAmount();
......@@ -1274,6 +1300,7 @@ public class CitReportServiceImpl extends BaseService {
private void updateCellValueForDataSourceChange(Long cellDataId, BigDecimal originalAmount, BigDecimal newAmount) {
BigDecimal aValue = newAmount != null ? newAmount : new BigDecimal("0");
BigDecimal bValue = originalAmount != null ? originalAmount : new BigDecimal("0");
......@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ public class CitJournalEntryAdjust extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
private String organizationId;
* 选中标志
private String isSelect;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 项目ID
......@@ -2470,6 +2475,14 @@ public class CitJournalEntryAdjust extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
this.updateTime = updateTime;
public String getIsSelect() {
return isSelect;
public void setIsSelect(String isSelect) {
this.isSelect = isSelect;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table cit_journal_entry_adjust
......@@ -2478,81 +2491,78 @@ public class CitJournalEntryAdjust extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" [");
sb.append("Hash = ").append(hashCode());
sb.append(", id=").append(id);
sb.append(", organizationId=").append(organizationId);
sb.append(", projectId=").append(projectId);
sb.append(", period=").append(period);
sb.append(", date=").append(date);
sb.append(", source=").append(source);
sb.append(", ledgerId=").append(ledgerId);
sb.append(", ledgerName=").append(ledgerName);
sb.append(", currencyCode=").append(currencyCode);
sb.append(", status=").append(status);
sb.append(", headerId=").append(headerId);
sb.append(", lineNum=").append(lineNum);
sb.append(", approvalStatus=").append(approvalStatus);
sb.append(", postedStatus=").append(postedStatus);
sb.append(", accountPeriod=").append(accountPeriod);
sb.append(", accountingDate=").append(accountingDate);
sb.append(", journalSource=").append(journalSource);
sb.append(", category=").append(category);
sb.append(", name=").append(name);
sb.append(", voucherNum=").append(voucherNum);
sb.append(", description=").append(description);
sb.append(", orgCode=").append(orgCode);
sb.append(", segment2=").append(segment2);
sb.append(", subjectCode=").append(subjectCode);
sb.append(", segment4=").append(segment4);
sb.append(", segment5=").append(segment5);
sb.append(", segment6=").append(segment6);
sb.append(", segment7=").append(segment7);
sb.append(", segment8=").append(segment8);
sb.append(", segment9=").append(segment9);
sb.append(", segment10=").append(segment10);
sb.append(", orgName=").append(orgName);
sb.append(", segment2Name=").append(segment2Name);
sb.append(", subjectName=").append(subjectName);
sb.append(", segment4Name=").append(segment4Name);
sb.append(", segment5Name=").append(segment5Name);
sb.append(", segment6Name=").append(segment6Name);
sb.append(", segment7Name=").append(segment7Name);
sb.append(", segment8Name=").append(segment8Name);
sb.append(", segment9Name=").append(segment9Name);
sb.append(", segment10Name=").append(segment10Name);
sb.append(", journalCurrencyCode=").append(journalCurrencyCode);
sb.append(", sobCurrencyCode=").append(sobCurrencyCode);
sb.append(", accountedDr=").append(accountedDr);
sb.append(", accountedCr=").append(accountedCr);
sb.append(", enteredDr=").append(enteredDr);
sb.append(", enteredCr=").append(enteredCr);
sb.append(", cfItem=").append(cfItem);
sb.append(", attribute1=").append(attribute1);
sb.append(", attribute2=").append(attribute2);
sb.append(", attribute3=").append(attribute3);
sb.append(", attribute4=").append(attribute4);
sb.append(", attribute5=").append(attribute5);
sb.append(", attribute6=").append(attribute6);
sb.append(", attribute7=").append(attribute7);
sb.append(", attribute8=").append(attribute8);
sb.append(", attribute9=").append(attribute9);
sb.append(", attribute10=").append(attribute10);
sb.append(", attribute11=").append(attribute11);
sb.append(", attribute12=").append(attribute12);
sb.append(", attribute13=").append(attribute13);
sb.append(", attribute14=").append(attribute14);
sb.append(", attribute15=").append(attribute15);
sb.append(", attribute16=").append(attribute16);
sb.append(", createdBy=").append(createdBy);
sb.append(", createdDate=").append(createdDate);
sb.append(", lateUpdatedBy=").append(lateUpdatedBy);
sb.append(", lateUpdatedDate=").append(lateUpdatedDate);
sb.append(", createTime=").append(createTime);
sb.append(", updateTime=").append(updateTime);
return sb.toString();
return "CitJournalEntryAdjust{" +
"id=" + id +
", organizationId='" + organizationId + '\'' +
", isSelect='" + isSelect + '\'' +
", projectId='" + projectId + '\'' +
", period=" + period +
", date=" + date +
", source='" + source + '\'' +
", ledgerId='" + ledgerId + '\'' +
", ledgerName='" + ledgerName + '\'' +
", currencyCode='" + currencyCode + '\'' +
", status='" + status + '\'' +
", headerId='" + headerId + '\'' +
", lineNum='" + lineNum + '\'' +
", approvalStatus='" + approvalStatus + '\'' +
", postedStatus='" + postedStatus + '\'' +
", accountPeriod=" + accountPeriod +
", accountingDate=" + accountingDate +
", journalSource='" + journalSource + '\'' +
", category='" + category + '\'' +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
", voucherNum='" + voucherNum + '\'' +
", description='" + description + '\'' +
", orgCode='" + orgCode + '\'' +
", segment2='" + segment2 + '\'' +
", subjectCode='" + subjectCode + '\'' +
", segment4='" + segment4 + '\'' +
", segment5='" + segment5 + '\'' +
", segment6='" + segment6 + '\'' +
", segment7='" + segment7 + '\'' +
", segment8='" + segment8 + '\'' +
", segment9='" + segment9 + '\'' +
", segment10='" + segment10 + '\'' +
", orgName='" + orgName + '\'' +
", segment2Name='" + segment2Name + '\'' +
", subjectName='" + subjectName + '\'' +
", segment4Name='" + segment4Name + '\'' +
", segment5Name='" + segment5Name + '\'' +
", segment6Name='" + segment6Name + '\'' +
", segment7Name='" + segment7Name + '\'' +
", segment8Name='" + segment8Name + '\'' +
", segment9Name='" + segment9Name + '\'' +
", segment10Name='" + segment10Name + '\'' +
", journalCurrencyCode='" + journalCurrencyCode + '\'' +
", sobCurrencyCode='" + sobCurrencyCode + '\'' +
", accountedDr=" + accountedDr +
", accountedCr=" + accountedCr +
", enteredDr=" + enteredDr +
", enteredCr=" + enteredCr +
", cfItem='" + cfItem + '\'' +
", attribute1='" + attribute1 + '\'' +
", attribute2=" + attribute2 +
", attribute3='" + attribute3 + '\'' +
", attribute4='" + attribute4 + '\'' +
", attribute5='" + attribute5 + '\'' +
", attribute6='" + attribute6 + '\'' +
", attribute7='" + attribute7 + '\'' +
", attribute8='" + attribute8 + '\'' +
", attribute9='" + attribute9 + '\'' +
", attribute10='" + attribute10 + '\'' +
", attribute11='" + attribute11 + '\'' +
", attribute12='" + attribute12 + '\'' +
", attribute13='" + attribute13 + '\'' +
", attribute14='" + attribute14 + '\'' +
", attribute15='" + attribute15 + '\'' +
", attribute16='" + attribute16 + '\'' +
", createdBy='" + createdBy + '\'' +
", createdDate=" + createdDate +
", lateUpdatedBy='" + lateUpdatedBy + '\'' +
", lateUpdatedDate=" + lateUpdatedDate +
", createTime=" + createTime +
", updateTime=" + updateTime +
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ public class CitTbam extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
private Long id;
private String dataType;
public String getDataType() {
return dataType;
public void setDataType(String dataType) {
this.dataType = dataType;
* Database Column Remarks:
......@@ -638,6 +647,7 @@ public class CitTbam extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
return "CitTbam{" +
"id=" + id +
", dataType='" + dataType + '\'' +
", organizationId='" + organizationId + '\'' +
", adjustAccount=" + adjustAccount +
", projectId='" + projectId + '\'' +
......@@ -24,6 +24,16 @@ public class JournalEntry extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
private Long id;
private String isSelect;
public String getIsSelect() {
return isSelect;
public void setIsSelect(String isSelect) {
this.isSelect = isSelect;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 机构编号 对应机构编号
......@@ -2523,82 +2533,80 @@ public class JournalEntry extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" [");
sb.append("Hash = ").append(hashCode());
sb.append(", id=").append(id);
sb.append(", organizationId=").append(organizationId);
sb.append(", projectId=").append(projectId);
sb.append(", date=").append(date);
sb.append(", source=").append(source);
sb.append(", ledgerId=").append(ledgerId);
sb.append(", ledgerName=").append(ledgerName);
sb.append(", currencyCode=").append(currencyCode);
sb.append(", status=").append(status);
sb.append(", headerId=").append(headerId);
sb.append(", lineNum=").append(lineNum);
sb.append(", approvalStatus=").append(approvalStatus);
sb.append(", postedStatus=").append(postedStatus);
sb.append(", tmsPeriod=").append(tmsPeriod);
sb.append(", period=").append(period);
sb.append(", accountingDate=").append(accountingDate);
sb.append(", journalSource=").append(journalSource);
sb.append(", category=").append(category);
sb.append(", name=").append(name);
sb.append(", voucherNum=").append(voucherNum);
sb.append(", description=").append(description);
sb.append(", segment1=").append(segment1);
sb.append(", segment2=").append(segment2);
sb.append(", segment3=").append(segment3);
sb.append(", segment4=").append(segment4);
sb.append(", segment5=").append(segment5);
sb.append(", segment6=").append(segment6);
sb.append(", segment7=").append(segment7);
sb.append(", segment8=").append(segment8);
sb.append(", segment9=").append(segment9);
sb.append(", segment10=").append(segment10);
sb.append(", segment1Name=").append(segment1Name);
sb.append(", segment2Name=").append(segment2Name);
sb.append(", segment3Name=").append(segment3Name);
sb.append(", segment4Name=").append(segment4Name);
sb.append(", segment5Name=").append(segment5Name);
sb.append(", segment6Name=").append(segment6Name);
sb.append(", segment7Name=").append(segment7Name);
sb.append(", segment8Name=").append(segment8Name);
sb.append(", segment9Name=").append(segment9Name);
sb.append(", segment10Name=").append(segment10Name);
sb.append(", journalCurrencyCode=").append(journalCurrencyCode);
sb.append(", sobCurrencyCode=").append(sobCurrencyCode);
sb.append(", accountedDr=").append(accountedDr);
sb.append(", accountedCr=").append(accountedCr);
sb.append(", enteredDr=").append(enteredDr);
sb.append(", enteredCr=").append(enteredCr);
sb.append(", cfItem=").append(cfItem);
sb.append(", attribute1=").append(attribute1);
sb.append(", attribute2=").append(attribute2);
sb.append(", attribute3=").append(attribute3);
sb.append(", attribute4=").append(attribute4);
sb.append(", attribute5=").append(attribute5);
sb.append(", attribute6=").append(attribute6);
sb.append(", attribute7=").append(attribute7);
sb.append(", attribute8=").append(attribute8);
sb.append(", attribute9=").append(attribute9);
sb.append(", attribute10=").append(attribute10);
sb.append(", attribute11=").append(attribute11);
sb.append(", attribute12=").append(attribute12);
sb.append(", attribute13=").append(attribute13);
sb.append(", attribute14=").append(attribute14);
sb.append(", attribute15=").append(attribute15);
sb.append(", attribute16=").append(attribute16);
sb.append(", createdBy=").append(createdBy);
sb.append(", createdDate=").append(createdDate);
sb.append(", lateUpdatedBy=").append(lateUpdatedBy);
sb.append(", lateUpdatedDate=").append(lateUpdatedDate);
sb.append(", createTime=").append(createTime);
sb.append(", updateTime=").append(updateTime);
sb.append(", taskId=").append(taskId);
return sb.toString();
return "JournalEntry{" +
"id=" + id +
", isSelect='" + isSelect + '\'' +
", organizationId='" + organizationId + '\'' +
", projectId='" + projectId + '\'' +
", date=" + date +
", source='" + source + '\'' +
", ledgerId='" + ledgerId + '\'' +
", ledgerName='" + ledgerName + '\'' +
", currencyCode='" + currencyCode + '\'' +
", status='" + status + '\'' +
", headerId='" + headerId + '\'' +
", lineNum='" + lineNum + '\'' +
", approvalStatus='" + approvalStatus + '\'' +
", postedStatus='" + postedStatus + '\'' +
", tmsPeriod=" + tmsPeriod +
", period=" + period +
", accountingDate=" + accountingDate +
", journalSource='" + journalSource + '\'' +
", category='" + category + '\'' +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
", voucherNum='" + voucherNum + '\'' +
", description='" + description + '\'' +
", segment1='" + segment1 + '\'' +
", segment2='" + segment2 + '\'' +
", segment3='" + segment3 + '\'' +
", segment4='" + segment4 + '\'' +
", segment5='" + segment5 + '\'' +
", segment6='" + segment6 + '\'' +
", segment7='" + segment7 + '\'' +
", segment8='" + segment8 + '\'' +
", segment9='" + segment9 + '\'' +
", segment10='" + segment10 + '\'' +
", segment1Name='" + segment1Name + '\'' +
", segment2Name='" + segment2Name + '\'' +
", segment3Name='" + segment3Name + '\'' +
", segment4Name='" + segment4Name + '\'' +
", segment5Name='" + segment5Name + '\'' +
", segment6Name='" + segment6Name + '\'' +
", segment7Name='" + segment7Name + '\'' +
", segment8Name='" + segment8Name + '\'' +
", segment9Name='" + segment9Name + '\'' +
", segment10Name='" + segment10Name + '\'' +
", journalCurrencyCode='" + journalCurrencyCode + '\'' +
", sobCurrencyCode='" + sobCurrencyCode + '\'' +
", accountedDr=" + accountedDr +
", accountedCr=" + accountedCr +
", enteredDr=" + enteredDr +
", enteredCr=" + enteredCr +
", cfItem='" + cfItem + '\'' +
", attribute1='" + attribute1 + '\'' +
", attribute2=" + attribute2 +
", attribute3='" + attribute3 + '\'' +
", attribute4='" + attribute4 + '\'' +
", attribute5='" + attribute5 + '\'' +
", attribute6='" + attribute6 + '\'' +
", attribute7='" + attribute7 + '\'' +
", attribute8='" + attribute8 + '\'' +
", attribute9='" + attribute9 + '\'' +
", attribute10='" + attribute10 + '\'' +
", attribute11='" + attribute11 + '\'' +
", attribute12='" + attribute12 + '\'' +
", attribute13='" + attribute13 + '\'' +
", attribute14='" + attribute14 + '\'' +
", attribute15='" + attribute15 + '\'' +
", attribute16='" + attribute16 + '\'' +
", createdBy='" + createdBy + '\'' +
", createdDate=" + createdDate +
", lateUpdatedBy='" + lateUpdatedBy + '\'' +
", lateUpdatedDate=" + lateUpdatedDate +
", createTime=" + createTime +
", updateTime=" + updateTime +
", taskId='" + taskId + '\'' +
", periodJrMinDr=" + periodJrMinDr +
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -70,12 +70,18 @@
<result column="attribute14" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="attribute14" />
<result column="attribute15" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="attribute15" />
<result column="attribute16" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="attribute16" />
<result column="created_by" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="createdBy" />
<result column="is_select" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="isSelect" />
<result column="created_date" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createdDate" />
<result column="late_updated_by" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="lateUpdatedBy" />
<result column="late_updated_date" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="lateUpdatedDate" />
<result column="create_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createTime" />
<result column="update_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="updateTime" />
<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
<result column="create_by" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="createBy" />
<result column="create_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createTime" />
<result column="update_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="updateTime" />
<result column="data_type" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="dataType" />
<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
......@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@
id, organization_id, project_id, date, source, period, account_period, attribute,
account_code, account_description, debit_amount, credit_amount, beginning_balance,
ending_balance, create_by, create_time, update_time
ending_balance, create_by, create_time, update_time, data_type
<select id="selectByExample" parameterType="pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.CitTbamExample" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
......@@ -317,7 +317,6 @@
......@@ -347,8 +346,8 @@
journal_source, category, name, voucher_num, description, org_code, subject_code,
org_name, subject_name, accounted_dr, accounted_cr,
created_by, created_date, late_updated_by,
late_updated_date, create_time, update_time
from cit_journal_entry_adjust where project_id = #{projectId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
late_updated_date, create_time, update_time,is_select
from cit_journal_entry_adjust where project_id = #{projectId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="orgCode != null">
and org_code = #{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
......@@ -364,11 +363,11 @@
id, organization_id, project_id, tms_period as period ,date,source, ledger_id, ledger_name, currency_code,
status, header_id, line_num, approval_status, posted_status, period as account_period, accounting_date,
journal_source, category, name, voucher_num, description, segment1 as org_code, segment3 as subject_code,
status, header_id, line_num, approval_status, posted_status, period as account_period, accounting_date,
journal_source, category, name, voucher_num, description, segment1 as org_code, segment3 as subject_code,
segment1_name as org_name, segment3_name as subject_name, accounted_dr, accounted_cr,
created_by, created_date, late_updated_by, late_updated_date, create_time, update_time
from journal_entry where project_id = #{projectId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
created_by, created_date, late_updated_by, late_updated_date, create_time, update_time, is_select
from journal_entry where project_id = #{projectId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="orgCode != null">
and segment1 = #{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
<result column="create_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createTime" />
<result column="update_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="updateTime" />
<result column="task_id" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="taskId" />
<result column="is_select" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="isSelect" />
<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
......@@ -1599,6 +1599,7 @@
$scope.handInputModel.penValue = $scope.taxCellDetail.penValue;
if ($scope.handInputModel.amount || $ || $scope.handInputModel.keyinData || $scope.handInputModel.penValue ) {
$scope.handInputModel.accountCode = $scope.taxCellDetail.accountCode;
// 前端保存数据
return citReportService.addCellManualData($scope.handInputModel, logDto).then(function (manualData) {
var obj =;
......@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@
$scope.filterArr = ["isSelect", "=", "1"];
$scope.dataGridOptions = {
bindingOptions: {
columns: 'entryListColumns',
dataSource: 'relObj.entryDataSource'
dataSource: 'relObj.entryDataSource',
selectionFilter: 'filterArr'
loadPanel: {
enabled: false
......@@ -32,8 +35,10 @@
mode: "standard"
selection: {
mode: "multiple"/*,
deferred: true*/
mode: "multiple",
selectAllMode: "allPages",
showCheckBoxesMode: "always",
deferred: true
sorting: {
mode: 'single'
......@@ -47,13 +52,17 @@
placeholder: $translate.instant('SearchPlaceholder')
onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems) {
$scope.dataGrid.getSelectedRowsData().done(function (rowData) {
$scope.relObj.logs = $scope.doCalcute(rowData);
/* $scope.selectedItems = $.map(selectedItems.selectedRowsData, function (data) {
$scope.selectedAddDatasourceItems = selectedItems.selectedRowsData;
var _in = {};
if (selectedItems.currentDeselectedRowKeys.length == 0) {
_in.operate = "增";
......@@ -62,6 +71,7 @@
_in.orgCode = selectedItems.currentSelectedRowKeys[0].orgCode;
_in.organizationId = selectedItems.currentSelectedRowKeys[0].organizationId; = selectedItems.currentSelectedRowKeys[0].id;
_in.subjectCode= selectedItems.currentSelectedRowKeys[0].subjectCode;
} else {
_in.operate = "减";
_in.accountingDate = selectedItems.currentDeselectedRowKeys[0].accountingDate;
......@@ -69,9 +79,10 @@
_in.orgCode = selectedItems.currentDeselectedRowKeys[0].orgCode;
_in.organizationId = selectedItems.currentDeselectedRowKeys[0].organizationId; = selectedItems.currentDeselectedRowKeys[0].id;
_in.subjectCode= selectedItems.currentDeselectedRowKeys[0].subjectCode;
_in.subjectCode = $scope.relObj.entryLogIdByCode;
allowColumnResizing: true,
hoverStateEnabled: true,
......@@ -80,13 +91,36 @@
showColumnLines: true,
filterRow: {
visible: true
selectionFilter: ["Task_Status", "=", "Completed"]*/
onInitialized: function (e) {
$scope.dataGrid = e.component;
$scope.relObj.initMethod = function () {
$scope.dataGrid.getSelectedRowsData().done(function (rowData) {
$scope.relObj.logs = $scope.doCalcute(rowData);
switch ($scope.relObj.backSelect) {
case $('check1').data("type"):
case $('check2').data("type"):
case $('check3').data("type"):
case $('check4').data("type"):
var getEntryListColumns = function () {
return [
return [
dataField: 'index',
caption: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpNoCol'),
......@@ -135,8 +169,7 @@
$scope.selectRadio = function(event){
$scope.selectRadio = function (event) {
_ra =;
......@@ -153,6 +186,7 @@
$scope.doCalcute = function (data) {
var log = [];
var v1 = 0;//借方发生额合计
var v2 = 0//贷方发生额合计
var _index = 0;
......@@ -164,13 +198,23 @@
v1 += parseFloat(item.accountedDr);
v2 += parseFloat(item.accountedCr);
operate: "增",
accountingDate: item.accountingDate,
voucherNum: item.voucherNum,
orgCode: item.orgCode,
organizationId: item.organizationId,
subjectCode: item.subjectCode
$scope.entry.JFFSETotal = v1.toFixed(2);
$scope.entry.DFFSETotal = v2.toFixed(2);
$scope.entry.QMYETotalFirst = (v2 - v1).toFixed(2);
$scope.entry.QMYETotalend = (v1 - v2).toFixed(2);
return log;
......@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
<div class="row backColor" style="margin-right: 0px;">
<div class="col-sm-3 ">
<input type="radio" name ="checkRadio" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.JFFSETotal" > <h4 translate="JFFSETotal"></h4>:{{entry.JFFSETotal}}
<input type="radio" name ="checkRadio" data-type="1" id = "check1" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.JFFSETotal" > <h4 translate="JFFSETotal"></h4>:{{entry.JFFSETotal}}
<div class="col-sm-3 ">
<span><input type="radio" name ="checkRadio" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.DFFSETotal" > <h4 translate="DFFSETotal"></h4>:{{entry.DFFSETotal}}</span>
<span><input type="radio" id = "check=2" data-type="2" name ="checkRadio" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.DFFSETotal" > <h4 translate="DFFSETotal"></h4>:{{entry.DFFSETotal}}</span>
<div class="col-sm-3 ">
<input type="radio" name ="checkRadio" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.QMYETotalFirst" > <h4 translate="QMYETotalFirst"></h4>:{{entry.QMYETotalFirst}}
<input type="radio" name ="checkRadio" data-type="3" id = "check=3" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.QMYETotalFirst" > <h4 translate="QMYETotalFirst"></h4>:{{entry.QMYETotalFirst}}
<div class="col-sm-3 ">
<input type="radio" name ="checkRadio" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.QMYETotalend" > <h4 translate="QMYETotalend"></h4>:{{entry.QMYETotalend}}
<input type="radio" id = "check=4" data-type="4" name ="checkRadio" ng-click ="selectRadio($event)" ng-value="entry.QMYETotalend" > <h4 translate="QMYETotalend"></h4>:{{entry.QMYETotalend}}
<div class="row">
......@@ -635,8 +635,12 @@
allowColumnResizing: true,
//columnAutoWidth: true,
hoverStateEnabled: true,
onRowDbClick: function (e) {//监听分录行点击事件
onRowDbClick: function (e) {//监听分录行点击事件,该事件必须注册 dxDataGridService.registerRowDbClick
setTimeout(function(){ //给弹框流出来足够的数据加载时间
}, 400);
......@@ -1616,18 +1620,23 @@
$scope.detail.entryIndex = e.dataIndex;
$scope.detail.entryLogIdByCode =;
$scope.detail.entryLogIdById =;
cellCommentService.loadEntryListDataList(, (res) {
$scope.detail.accountCode =;
var delay = $q.defer();
cellCommentService.loadEntryListDataList( (res) {
$scope.relObj.account =;
if (res.resultMsg == "success") {
if (res.resultMsg != null) {
$scope.relObj.entryDataSource = commonWebService._index(;
$scope.relObj.backSelect = res.resultMsg;
}).error(function (error) {
return delay.promise;
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
{{'cellCommentDialogComment' | translate}}
<textarea id="remark-input-textarea" class="form-control" ng-model="addingRemark"></textarea>
<textarea id="remark-input-textarea" style=" height: 150px;" class="form-control" ng-model="addingRemark"></textarea>
<div style="height:60px;">
<button class="btn btn-primary add-remark-btn" ng-click="addCellComment()">{{'cellCommentCommit'
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
if (!Number.prototype.formatAmount) {
Number.prototype.formatAmount = function (decPlaces, type) {
return Number(decPlaces.toString().match(/^\d+(?:\.\d{2})?/));
return Number(decPlaces.toString().toFixed(2));
decPlaces = isNaN(decPlaces = Math.abs(decPlaces)) ? 2 : decPlaces;
var n = this.toFixed(decPlaces);
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ webservices.factory('cellCommentService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http
getCellInformation: function (data) {
return $http.get('/CellComment/getCellInformation?sql=' + data.relSql, apiConfig.createVat());
loadEntryListDataList: function (code, projectId) {
return $http.get('/CellComment/loadEntryListDataList?code=' + code + "&projectId=" + projectId, apiConfig.createVat());
loadEntryListDataList: function (data) {
return $'/CellComment/loadEntryListDataList', data, apiConfig.createVat());
updateAdjust : function (data) {
return $'/CellComment/updateAdjust', JSON.stringify(data), apiConfig.createVat({contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'}));
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