Commit 3b0925a3 authored by gary's avatar gary

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev_mysql' into dev_mysql

parents f7e25c79 3006acfe
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ public class CurrentPeriodBo {
int curYear = 0;
int curPeriod;
public CurrentPeriodBo(int curYear, int curPeriod) {
this.curYear = curYear;
this.curPeriod = curPeriod;
public CurrentPeriodBo(int period) {
this.curPeriod = period;
......@@ -35,9 +35,25 @@ public class ReportCellDataSourceDto extends DataSourceDto { = DataSourceName.ReportDataSource;
this.year = year;
this.period = period;
this.columnIndex = cellTemplateData.getColumnIndex() - 1;
this.columnIndex = cellTemplateData.getColumnIndex();
this.columnName = cellTemplateData.getColumnName();
this.rowIndex = cellTemplateData.getRowIndex() - 1;
this.rowIndex = cellTemplateData.getRowIndex();
this.rowName = cellTemplateData.getRowName();
this.reportTemplateId = cellTemplateData.getReportTemplateId();
this.cellTemplateId = cellTemplateData.getCellTemplateId() + "";
this.resultType = cellTemplateData.getResultType();
this.isOnlyManualInput = false;
this.reportName = parasBo.getReportCode();
public void extractFromGroup(WPTYPEParasBo parasBo, Integer period, Integer year,
CellTemplatePerGroupDto cellTemplateData) {
this.tag = "WPTYPE"; = DataSourceName.ReportDataSource;
this.year = year;
this.period = period;
this.columnIndex = cellTemplateData.getColumnIndex();
this.columnName = cellTemplateData.getColumnName();
this.rowIndex = cellTemplateData.getRowIndex();
this.rowName = cellTemplateData.getRowName();
this.reportTemplateId = cellTemplateData.getReportTemplateId();
this.cellTemplateId = cellTemplateData.getCellTemplateId() + "";
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public class WPNAMEParasBo {
public String toString() {
return "BBParasBo{" +
return "WPNAMEParasBo{" +
"reportCode='" + reportCode + '\'' +
", columnIndex=" + columnIndex +
", rowColumnIndex=" + rowColumnIndex +
package pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.vatdto;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static pwc.taxtech.atms.common.util.FormulaUtil.*;
import static pwc.taxtech.atms.exception.Exceptions.BAD_BBVO_PARAMS;
public class WPTYPEParasBo {
private String reportCode;
private Integer columnIndex;
private Integer rowColumnIndex;
private BigDecimal taxRate;
private Integer revenueType;
private Integer taxType;
private String rowName;
private String formulaExpression;
private List<PeriodCellDataTemplate> expressionData = new ArrayList<>();
public static class PeriodCellDataTemplate {
Integer period;
Long cellTemplateId;
public String toString() {
return period + ":" + cellTemplateId;
public PeriodCellDataTemplate(Integer period, Long cellTemplateId) {
this.period = period;
this.cellTemplateId = cellTemplateId;
public void putPeriodCellTempate(Integer period, Long cellTemplateId) {
if (period < 1 || period > 12 || cellTemplateId < 0) throw BAD_BBVO_PARAMS;
expressionData.add(new PeriodCellDataTemplate(period, cellTemplateId));
public WPTYPEParasBo(ValueEval[] args, OperationEvaluationContext ec) throws EvaluationException {
StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder("");
reportCode = resolverString(args, ec, 0);
concatPara(expression, reportCode);
try {
rowColumnIndex = resolverInteger(args, ec, 1);
concatPara(expression, rowColumnIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
String columnStr = resolverString(args, ec, 1);
concatPara(expression, columnStr);
int rtn = 0;
columnStr = columnStr.toUpperCase();
char[] excelCol = columnStr.toCharArray();
for (int i = columnStr.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (excelCol[i] >= 'A' && excelCol[i] <= 'Z') {
rtn += ((int) Math.pow(26, excelCol.length - 1 - i) * (excelCol[i] - 64));
} else {
rtn = -1;
rowColumnIndex = rtn;
if(args[2] instanceof MissingArgEval){
taxRate = new BigDecimal(resolverString(args, ec, 2));
concatPara(expression, String.valueOf(taxRate));
if(args[3] instanceof MissingArgEval){
revenueType = resolverInteger(args, ec, 3);
concatPara(expression, revenueType);
if(args[4] instanceof MissingArgEval){
taxType = resolverInteger(args, ec, 4);
concatPara(expression, taxType);
try {
columnIndex = resolverInteger(args, ec, 5);
concatPara(expression, columnIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
String columnStr = resolverString(args, ec, 5);
concatPara(expression, columnStr);
int rtn = 0;
columnStr = columnStr.toUpperCase();
char[] excelCol = columnStr.toCharArray();
for (int i = columnStr.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (excelCol[i] >= 'A' && excelCol[i] <= 'Z') {
rtn += ((int) Math.pow(26, excelCol.length - 1 - i) * (excelCol[i] - 64));
} else {
rtn = -1;
columnIndex = rtn;
formulaExpression = expression.toString();
private StringBuilder begin(StringBuilder expression) {
return expression.append("WPTYPE(");
private StringBuilder end(StringBuilder expression) {
return expression.append(")");
private StringBuilder split(StringBuilder expression) {
return expression.append(",");
private StringBuilder concatPara(StringBuilder expression, String para) {
return expression.append("\"").append(para).append("\"");
private StringBuilder concatPara(StringBuilder expression, Integer para) {
return expression.append(para);
public BigDecimal getTaxRate() {
return taxRate;
public void setTaxRate(BigDecimal taxRate) {
this.taxRate = taxRate;
public Integer getRevenueType() {
return revenueType;
public void setRevenueType(Integer revenueType) {
this.revenueType = revenueType;
public Integer getTaxType() {
return taxType;
public void setTaxType(Integer taxType) {
this.taxType = taxType;
public String expression() {
return formulaExpression;
public String getReportCode() {
return this.reportCode;
public void setReportCode(String reportCode) {
this.reportCode = reportCode;
public Integer getColumnIndex() {
return this.columnIndex;
public void setColumnIndex(Integer columnIndex) {
this.columnIndex = columnIndex;
public String getRowName() {
return rowName;
public void setRowName(String rowName) {
this.rowName = rowName;
public Integer getRowColumnIndex() {
return rowColumnIndex;
public void setRowColumnIndex(Integer rowColumnIndex) {
this.rowColumnIndex = rowColumnIndex;
public String getFormulaExpression() {
return this.formulaExpression;
public void setFormulaExpression(String formulaExpression) {
this.formulaExpression = formulaExpression;
public List<PeriodCellDataTemplate> getExpressionData() {
return this.expressionData;
public void setExpressionData(List<PeriodCellDataTemplate> expressionData) {
this.expressionData = expressionData;
public String toString() {
return "WPTYPEParasBo{" +
"reportCode='" + reportCode + '\'' +
", columnIndex=" + columnIndex +
", rowColumnIndex=" + rowColumnIndex +
", taxRate=" + taxRate +
", revenueType=" + revenueType +
", taxType=" + taxType +
", rowName=" + rowName +
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.dao.PeriodDataSourceMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.dao.PeriodReportMapper;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.vat.entity.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import static pwc.taxtech.atms.constant.Constant.FIRST_OR_DEFAULT;
......@@ -37,12 +38,13 @@ public class FormulaAgent {
private PeriodDataSourceMapper periodDataSourceMapper;
public List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> getCellTemplateGroupDto(Long templateGroupId, String projectId,String code,Integer rowIndex,Integer columnIndex,Integer period) {
return adminMp.getCellTemplatePerGroupDto(templateGroupId,code,rowIndex,columnIndex,projectId,period);
public List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> getCellTemplateGroupDto(Long templateGroupId, String projectId, String code, Integer rowIndex, Integer columnIndex, Integer period) {
return adminMp.getCellTemplatePerGroupDto(templateGroupId, code, rowIndex, columnIndex, projectId, period);
* 根据列index及row名称查询项目报表模板
* @param templateGroupId
* @param projectId
* @param code
......@@ -51,16 +53,46 @@ public class FormulaAgent {
* @param period
* @return
public List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> getCellTemplateByNameAndIndex(Long templateGroupId, String projectId,String code,Integer rowColumnIndex,String rowName,Integer columnIndex,Integer period) {
public List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> getCellTemplateByNameAndIndex(Long templateGroupId, String projectId, String code, Integer rowColumnIndex, String rowName, Integer columnIndex, Integer period) {
return adminMp.getCellTemplateByNameAndIndex(templateGroupId, code, rowColumnIndex, rowName, columnIndex, projectId, period);
return adminMp.getCellTemplateByNameAndIndex(templateGroupId,code,rowColumnIndex,rowName,columnIndex,projectId,period);
* 根据收入类型配置及列index查询报表模板
* @param templateGroupId
* @param code
* @param rowColumnIndex
* @param taxRate
* @param revenueType
* @param taxType
* @param columnIndex
* @param projectId
* @param period
* @param orgId
* @param startDate
* @param endDate
* @return
public List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> getCellTemplateByTypeAndIndex(Long templateGroupId,
String projectId,
String code,
Integer rowColumnIndex,
BigDecimal taxRate,
Integer revenueType,
Integer taxType,
Integer columnIndex,
Integer period,
String orgId,
String startDate,
String endDate) {
return adminMp.getCellTemplateByTypeAndIndex(templateGroupId, projectId,code, rowColumnIndex, taxRate, revenueType, taxType, columnIndex, period, orgId, startDate, endDate);
public Project getFixedProject(String projectId, Integer year) {
return adminMp.getFixedProject(projectId,year);
return adminMp.getFixedProject(projectId, year);
public List<PeriodDataSource> queryManualDataSource(Long templateId, String projectId,Integer period){
public List<PeriodDataSource> queryManualDataSource(Long templateId, String projectId, Integer period) {
PeriodDataSourceExample example = new PeriodDataSourceExample();
......@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public class ReportGeneratorImpl {
FreeRefFunction[] functionImpls = {new SGSR(formulaContext), new FSJZ(formulaContext), new ND(formulaContext),
new BB(formulaContext), new XXFP(formulaContext), new GZSD(formulaContext), new PC(formulaContext)
, new JXFPMX(formulaContext), new JXFP(formulaContext), new PSUM(formulaContext), new DFFS(formulaContext),
new JFFS(formulaContext), new WPSR(formulaContext),new WPNAME(formulaContext)};
new JFFS(formulaContext), new WPSR(formulaContext),new WPNAME(formulaContext),new WPTYPE(formulaContext)};
UDFFinder udfs = new DefaultUDFFinder(functions, functionImpls);
UDFFinder udfToolpack = new AggregatingUDFFinder(udfs);
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class ReportServiceImpl {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReportServiceImpl.class);
private BlockingQueue<PeriodJob> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
private final static String[] functions = {"SGSR", "FSJZ", "ND", "BB", "XXFP", "GZSD", "PC", "JXFPMX",
private ReportGeneratorImpl reportGenerator;
......@@ -49,23 +49,16 @@ public class WPNAME extends FunctionBase implements FreeRefFunction {
public ValueEval wrapExceptionEval(ValueEval[] args, OperationEvaluationContext ec) throws Exception {
List<Object> ds = new ArrayList<>();
return new NumberEval(bb(new WPNAMEParasBo(args, ec), ec, ds, null).doubleValue());
return new NumberEval(bb(new WPNAMEParasBo(args, ec), ec, ds).doubleValue());
public BigDecimal bb(WPNAMEParasBo bo, OperationEvaluationContext ec, List<Object> dataSource, WPNAMEParasBo rootBo) throws Exception {
CurrentPeriodBo curPeriod = CurrentPeriodBo.getPeriod(formulaContext.getPeriod(), formulaContext.getPeriod());
public BigDecimal bb(WPNAMEParasBo bo, OperationEvaluationContext ec, List<Object> dataSource) throws Exception {
ReportCellDataSourceDto nullCellDto = new ReportCellDataSourceDto();
BigDecimal cellValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;
CellTemplatePerGroupDto cellTemplateData = null;
try {
List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> cellTemplateDataList;
cellTemplateDataList = agent.getCellTemplateByNameAndIndex(formulaContext.getReportTemplateGroupId(),
formulaContext.getProjectId(), bo.getReportCode(), bo.getRowColumnIndex()-1,bo.getRowName(), bo.getColumnIndex() - 1, formulaContext.getPeriod());
......@@ -81,15 +74,13 @@ public class WPNAME extends FunctionBase implements FreeRefFunction {
logger.warn("[BB_Exception] some error {}", bo.toString());
throw e;
} finally {
if (rootBo == null) {
LOGGER.warn("[BB_Exception] error for bb cacls for {} and current for {}", bo.toString(), curPeriod.toString());
LOGGER.warn("[BB_Exception] error for bb cacls for {}", bo.toString());
Long dataSourceId = saveDataSource(ec, dataSource, FormulaDataSourceDetailType.ReportCellDataSourceDto,
cellValue, formulaContext.getPeriod(),
formulaContext.getReportTemplateGroupId(), cellTemplateData.getColumnIndex(), cellTemplateData.getRowIndex(),
saveFormulaBlock(formulaContext.getPeriod(), ec,
bo.expression(), cellValue, dataSourceId, formulaContext.getProjectId());
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.common.util.MyAsserts;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.constant.enums.FormulaDataSourceDetailType;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.CellTemplatePerGroupDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.vatdto.ReportCellDataSourceDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.vatdto.WPTYPEParasBo;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.exception.Exceptions;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.exception.FormulaException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class WPTYPE extends FunctionBase implements FreeRefFunction {
static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WPTYPE.class);
final static ValueEval defaultEval = new StringEval("0");
final static BigDecimal defaultBigDecimal = new BigDecimal("0");
public WPTYPE(FormulaContext context) {
public ValueEval evaluate(ValueEval[] args, OperationEvaluationContext ec) {
try {
return wrapExceptionEval(args, ec);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof FormulaException)
LOGGER.warn("Formula Exception || {}", e.getMessage());
return defaultEval;
public ValueEval wrapExceptionEval(ValueEval[] args, OperationEvaluationContext ec) throws Exception {
List<Object> ds = new ArrayList<>();
return new NumberEval(bb(new WPTYPEParasBo(args, ec), ec, ds).doubleValue());
public BigDecimal bb(WPTYPEParasBo bo, OperationEvaluationContext ec, List<Object> dataSource) throws Exception {
List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> cellTemplateDataList = new ArrayList<CellTemplatePerGroupDto>();
BigDecimal cellValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;
try {
String queryDate = formulaContext.getYear() + "-" + (formulaContext.getPeriod() < 10 ? "0" + formulaContext.getPeriod() : formulaContext.getPeriod());
cellTemplateDataList = agent.getCellTemplateByTypeAndIndex(formulaContext.getReportTemplateGroupId(),
formulaContext.getProjectId(), bo.getReportCode(), bo.getRowColumnIndex() - 1, bo.getTaxRate(), bo.getRevenueType(), bo.getTaxType(), bo.getColumnIndex() - 1,
formulaContext.getPeriod(), formulaContext.getOrganizationId(), queryDate, queryDate);
MyAsserts.assertNotEmpty(cellTemplateDataList, Exceptions.BB_CELL_TEMP_NULL);
for (CellTemplatePerGroupDto cellTemplateData : cellTemplateDataList) {
int index = ec.getWorkbook().getSheetIndex(bo.getReportCode());
BigDecimal curCellVal = getCellValue(index, ec, formulaContext, agent, cellTemplateData.getRowIndex(), bo.getColumnIndex() - 1,
cellValue = cellValue.add(curCellVal);
ReportCellDataSourceDto nullCellDto = new ReportCellDataSourceDto();
nullCellDto.extractFromGroup(bo, formulaContext.getPeriod(), formulaContext.getYear(), cellTemplateData);
return cellValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("[BB_Exception] some error {}", bo.toString());
throw e;
} finally {
LOGGER.warn("[BB_Exception] error for bb cacls for {}", bo.toString());
Long dataSourceId = saveDataSource(ec, dataSource, FormulaDataSourceDetailType.ReportCellDataSourceDto,
cellValue, formulaContext.getPeriod(),
formulaContext.getReportTemplateGroupId(), ec.getColumnIndex(), ec.getRowIndex(),
saveFormulaBlock(formulaContext.getPeriod(), ec,
bo.getFormulaExpression(), cellValue, dataSourceId, formulaContext.getProjectId());
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.CellTemplatePerGroupDto;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.GroupId;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.Project;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -128,4 +129,19 @@ public interface FormulaAdminMapper extends MyMapper {
@Param("columnIndex") Integer columnIndex,
@Param("projectId") String projectId,
@Param("period") Integer period);
List<CellTemplatePerGroupDto> getCellTemplateByTypeAndIndex(
@Param("templateGroupId") Long templateGroupId,
@Param("projectId") String projectId,
@Param("code") String code,
@Param("rowColumnIndex") Integer rowColumnIndex,
@Param("taxRate") BigDecimal taxRate,
@Param("revenueType") Integer revenueType,
@Param("taxType") Integer taxType,
@Param("columnIndex") Integer columnIndex,
@Param("period") Integer period,
@Param("orgId") String orgId,
@Param("startDate") String startDate,
@Param("endDate") String endDate);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="pwc.taxtech.atms.dao.FormulaAdminMapper">
<select id="getCellTemplateByTypeAndIndex" resultType="pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo.CellTemplatePerGroupDto">
select detail.*,
source_cell.cell_template_id AS cellTemplateID,
source_cell.column_index AS columnIndex,
source_cell.column_name AS columnName,
source_cell.row_name AS rowName,
source_cell.data_type AS resultType
from (
select template.template_id AS reportTemplateID,
template.template_group_id AS reportTemplateGroupID,
template.code AS reportCode,
cell_template.row_index AS rowIndex
from revenue_config revenue
inner join period_cell_template as cell_template
on = cell_template.row_name and cell_template.column_index = #{rowColumnIndex}
inner join period_template as template on template.template_id = cell_template.report_template_id
where revenue.org_id = #{orgId}
<if test="taxRate != null">
and revenue.tax_rate = #{taxRate}
<if test="revenueType != null">
and revenue.revenue_type = #{revenueType}
<if test="taxType != null">
and revenue.tax_type = #{taxType}
<![CDATA[ and revenue.start_date <= #{startDate}]]>
<![CDATA[ and revenue.end_date >= #{endDate}]]>
and template.template_group_id = #{templateGroupId}
and template.is_active_association = 1
and template.code = #{code}
and template.project_id = #{projectId}
and template.period = #{period}
and cell_template.project_id = #{projectId}
and cell_template.period = #{period}) as detail,
period_cell_template as source_cell
where source_cell.project_id = #{projectId}
and source_cell.period = #{period}
and detail.reportTemplateID = source_cell.report_template_id
and detail.rowIndex = source_cell.row_index
and source_cell.column_index = #{columnIndex}
\ No newline at end of file
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