Commit 2e9e0e94 authored by sherlock's avatar sherlock

basicData module test and correct

parent 7985afa7
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
<!--window.location.href = '/#/overview/assetsManage';-->
<!--else {-->
window.location.href = '/#/summary';
window.location.href = '/#/overview/vat';
// create the back to top button
$('body').prepend('<a href="#" class="back-to-top">Back to Top</a>');
......@@ -1965,9 +1965,9 @@ frameworkModule.controller('appOverviewController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$t
$scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4Year');
if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.VAT) {
$scope.systemTitle = $translate.instant('VATTitle');
$scope.systemTitle = $translate.instant('增值税申报');
$scope.viewMode = 1;
$scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4YearMonth');
$scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant(' yyyy 年 mm 月');
if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) {
$scope.systemTitle = $translate.instant('AssetTitle');
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