Commit 216bb2e0 authored by Ken you's avatar Ken you

update language .json ---Ken

parent e918a93d
"@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序",
"AccessControl": "Access control",
"Accessable": "可访问",
"AccountPeriod": "Accounting period",
"AcctProp": "Account type",
"APPTodoListConfigOTDisplayItemCount": "Display Item Count",
"APPTodoListConfigOTHTL": "From Largest to Smallest",
"APPTodoListConfigOTLTH": "From Smallest to Largest",
"APPTodoListConfigOTOnlyUnread": "Unread Only",
"APPTodoListConfigOTOrderByPriority": "By Priority",
"APPTodoListConfigOTOrderByTime": "By Send Time",
"APPTodoListConfigOTTitle": "Task Management Configuration",
"AccessControl": "Manage Access",
"Accessible": "Access Permitted",
"Account": "Account",
"AccountDirection": "Debit or Credit",
"AccountJudgementFormula": "Subject Judgment Formula",
"AccountPeriod": "Accounting Period",
"AccountProperty": "Account Nature",
"AccountsInformation": "Accounts Information",
"AcctProp": "Account Type",
"AccumulativeAmortization": "Accumulated Amortization (Accounting)",
"AccumulativeDepreciation": "Accumulated Depreciation (Accounting)",
"AccumulativeTaxDepreciation": "Accumulated Tax Depreciation",
"Accumulativedepreciation": "Accumulated Depreciation",
"Accumulativetaxdepreciation": "Accumulated Tax Depreciation",
"Action": "User Activity",
"Actions": "User Activities",
"Add": "Add",
"AddChart": "Add chart",
"AddChartButton": "Confirm to add",
"AddDataSource": "Add data source",
"AddSuccess": "Add successful",
"AdvancedSearch": "More search criterias",
"AddChart": "Add Chart",
"AddChartButton": "Confirm to Add",
"AddDataSource": "Add Data Source",
"AddExistingReport": "Add Current Form",
"AddReport": "Add Form",
"AddSuccess": "Successfully Added!",
"AddTemplate": "Add Template",
"AddWidget": "Add Widget",
"AdjustmentItems": "Adjustment Item",
"AdjustmentSummaryInCurrentPeriod": "Current Period CIT Adjustment Summary",
"AdvancedSearch": "More Search Options",
"AdvertisingExpense": "Advertisement Expense",
"AdvertisingExpenses": "Advertisement Expenses",
"After": "After",
"AlertDetail": "Alert details",
"AlertMap": "Alert Map",
"All": "All",
"AlreadyCompleted": "Completed",
"AmountType": "取值",
"AnyPasswordCanNotEmpty": "Password cannot be empty",
"ApplicationScope": "应用范围",
"ApplyService": "适用服务",
"AreaDesc": "Area",
"Amortization(m)": "Amortization Period in Month",
"AmortizationInCurrentYear": "Current Year Amortization Amount",
"Amount": "Amount",
"AmountJudgement": "Entry Comparison Formula",
"AmountType": "Data Extraction",
"Analytics": "Profit Forecast",
"AnalyzeReportLog": "Log",
"AnnualIndex": "Annual Value",
"Anticounterfeiting": "Anti-counterfeiting Tax Control Enterprise Related Materials",
"AnyPasswordCanNotEmpty": "No password Can be Empty!",
"ApplicationScope": "Scope of Service",
"ApplyService": "Applicable Service",
"Area": "Area",
"AreaDesc": "Area Details",
"AreaID": "Area",
"AreaRegion": "下属地区",
"AreaRegion": "Subordinate Area",
"Asset": "Asset",
"AssetManagement": "Asset management",
"AssignmentsList": "Assignment list",
"Authorization": "Add permission",
"AutoMapping": "Automatic mapping",
"AssetImpairmentLoss": "Asset Impairment Loss",
"AssetItem": "Asset Item",
"AssetList": "Asset List",
"AssetLoss": "Asset Loss",
"AssetManagement": "Asset Management",
"AssetsManage": "Value-added Tax Service for Asset Management",
"AssignmentsList": "Assignments List",
"AuditFeedback": "Notification of Tax Inspection",
"AuditImplementation": "Implementation of Tax Inspection",
"AuditNotice": "Notice of Tax Inspection",
"AuditSolution": "Tax Inspection and Processing",
"Authorization": "New Permissions",
"AutoMapping": "Auto Mapping",
"BadDebtProvision": "Bad Debt Preparation",
"BankCharges": "Bank Charges",
"Baseon": "Base on",
"Before": "Before",
"BelongService": "Affiliated service(s)",
"BusinessUnitDesc": "Business unit",
"BusinessUnitID": "Business Unit",
"BusinessUnitLog": "日志-事业部",
"BelongService": "Subordinate Services",
"Bi": "Pen",
"BillingManagement": "Billing Management",
"BranchCo": "Branch Office",
"BudgetTaxAmount": "Budgetary Tax",
"BudgetValue": "Budget Value",
"BusinessAllottedTime": "Business Term",
"BusinessAllottedTimeFrom": "Starting of Business Term",
"BusinessAllottedTimeTo": "Business Deadline",
"BusinessPromition": "Business Publicity Fees",
"BusinessScope": "Business Scope",
"RegStatus": "State of Business Registration",
"BusinessUnit": "Business Unit",
"BusinessUnitLog": "Business Unit Log",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
"ButtonClose": "Close",
"ByYear": "By Year",
"YearPeriod": "Year Period",
"CIT": "CIT",
"CITDeclareDocument": "CIT Declare Document",
"CITTypeDesc": "There Are SignificantTtax Risks in the High Tax Burden Rate of Enterprise Income Tax. Enterprise Income Tax Should be Regarded as Tax Risks Such as Sales Uncounted Income and Frequent Issuance of Red-letter Invoices",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"CancelMapping": "Cancel mapping",
"CellPosition": "Cell at: ",
"CertificationPeriod": "Verification period",
"CertificationResult": "Verification results",
"Change": "Edit",
"UpdateOrgExtraSubmit": "Commit",
"ChangePassword": "Change password",
"ChangePasswordFailInfo": "Password change failed: ",
"ChangePasswordSuccessInfo": "Password successfully updated, page closing in 3 seconds...",
"CancelMapping": "Cancel Mapping",
"CapitalForecastWorkingPaper": "Capital Forecast Working Paper",
"CashFlow": "Cash Flow",
"CategoryStandard": "Category Standard",
"CellPosition": "Cell Position",
"CertificationPeriod": "Certification Period",
"CertificationResult": "Certification Result",
"Change": "Change",
"Alter": "Alter",
"ChangePassword": "Change Password",
"ChangePasswordFailInfo": "Failed Password Modification Operation:",
"ChangePasswordSuccessInfo": "The Password Modification Operation was Successful! Automatic Shutdown After 3 Seconds...",
"ChildCo": "Subsidiary",
"CityBuildingTax": "City Building Tax",
"Clear": "Clear",
"Close": "Close",
"Code": "Code",
"ColumnNum": "Column number",
"ComfirmDisable": "Confirm to disable",
"ComfirmDisableSuccess": "Successfully disabled",
"ColumnNum": "Column Num",
"ComfirmDisable": "Confirm Disable",
"ComfirmDisableSuccess": "Confirm Disable Success",
"Comments": "Subsidiary Opinion",
"CompanyA1": "Branch A1 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"CompanyA2": "Branch A2 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"CompanyA3": "Branch A3 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"CompanyA4": "Branch A4 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"CompanyA5": "Branch A5 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"CompanyA6": "Branch A6 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"CompanyAddress": "Company Address",
"CompanyB": "CompanyB",
"CompanyTelephone": "Company Telephone",
"Complete": "Complete",
"ConditionType": "Condition Type",
"ConferenceFees": "Conference Fees",
"Config": "Setting",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"ConfirmDelete": "Confirm to delete",
"ConfirmDeleteSelected": "Confirm to delete all selected items",
"ConfirmInformation": "Confirm to delete this item: ",
"ConfirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"ConfirmTheSameInfo": "Both password input should be the same ",
"ConfirmDelete": "Confirm Delete",
"ConfirmDeleteSelected": "Confirm Delete Selected",
"ConfirmInformation": "Confirm to Delete This{0}?",
"ConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"ConfirmTheSameInfo": "Confirm Password Must be the Same as New Password",
"ConstructionTax": "Construction Tax",
"ConsultingFees": "Consulting Fees",
"ConsumTaxTitle": "Excise Tax",
"CoordinatingCondition": "Coordinating Condition",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Cost": "Cost",
"CreateUser": "Create user",
"CurrentlyInProgress": "In progress",
"CustomerDesc": "Client list",
"CustomerListManageLog": "日志-客户列表",
"CostOfGoodsPurchased": "Physical Cost",
"Costperbook": "Original Value of Assets",
"Count": "Count",
"Create": "Create",
"CreateUser": "Create User",
"CreditFlow": "Credit System Flow",
"CurrentPage": "Current Page",
"CurrentlyInProgress": "Processing",
"CustomerDesc": "Customer List",
"CustomerListManageLog": "Customer List Manage Log",
"DTA": "Deferred Income Tax",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"DataSource": "Data source: ",
"DataSourceName": "Data source",
"Debt": "Liability",
"DashboardOTAnnualTaxBurdenAmount": "Annual Tax Burden",
"DashboardOTProjectProgress": "Project Progress",
"DashboardOTReportException": "Report Exception",
"DashboardOTRiskDashboard": "Risk Dashboard",
"DashboardOTRiskWarning": "Risk Warning",
"DashboardOTSubtotal": "Summary of Tax Burden",
"DashboardOTSubtotalByBusinessUnit": "Business Unit Summary",
"DashboardOTSubtotalByRegion": "Area Summary",
"DashboardOTTaxBurdenDistribution": "Tax Burden Distribution",
"DashboardOTTaxBurdenDistributionConfig": "Configuration of Tax Situation",
"DataCalculation": "Prediction Calculation",
"DataEnquiry": "Data Preview",
"DataSource": "Data Source",
"Debt": "Debt",
"Declaration": "Declaration",
"DeductionList": "Deduction List",
"DefaultWidgets": "Restore Default",
"DeferredTaxAnalysis": " Analysis of Deferred Income Tax",
"DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTAssetStructure": "Assets Composition",
"DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTTaxStructure": "Liability Structure",
"DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTTitle": "Analysis and Allocation of Deferred Income Tax",
"DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTVariationAnalysis": "Asset/Liability Variation Analysis",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteReport": "Delete Report",
"DepositBank": "Bank Account",
"DepreciationFixedAsset": "Depreciation of Fixed Assets (Management Agency)",
"DepreciationInCurrentYear": "Depreciation In Current Year",
"DepreciationInLastYear": "Depreciation In Last Year",
"DepreciationMethod": "Depreciation Method",
"Depreciationincurrentyear": "Depreciation in Current Year",
"Description": "Description",
"Direction": "Debit credit direction",
"Detail": "Detail",
"DetailedInformation": "Detailed Information",
"DiffenenceReason": "Reason for Difference",
"DifferenceRate": "Difference Rate",
"DirectionCredit": "Direction Credit",
"DirectionDebt": "Direction Debit",
"Disable": "Disable",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"DisplayCharts": "Display Charts",
"DisplayContent": "Display Content",
"DisposalOfFixedAssets": "Disposal of Fixed Assets",
"DisposalProceedsTrading": "Disposal of Profit or Loss From Trading Financial Assets",
"DocNameColon": "File Name:",
"DocTypeColon": "File Type:",
"DocTypeDocNameRequired": "Document Type and Document Name Must be Selected",
"Document": "Document",
"DocumentCategory": "Document Category",
"DocumentDetail": "Document Detail",
"DocumentExpiredDuration": "Validity Period",
"DocumentListType": "Business Information List",
"DocumentName": "Document Name",
"DocumentPeriod": "Document Period",
"DocumentProjectCode": "Document Project Code",
"DonationInfor": "Donation Information",
"DoneInvoice": "Processed",
"DownloadTemplate": "Download Template",
"DueDate": "Due Date",
"Duration": "Duration",
"DutyPaid": "Tax Clearance Certificate",
"Edit": "Edit",
"EditReport": "Edit Report",
"EducationAttach": "Educational Surcharge",
"EffectiveInColon": "Term of validity",
"EffectiveIncomeTaxRate": "Effective Tax Burden Rate of Income Tax",
"EffectiveIncomeTaxRateDetail": "Effective Tax Burden Rate of Income Tax (= Income Tax Expenses/Total Profit)",
"EmployeeBenefits": "Employee Benefits",
"Empty": "Empty",
"Enable": "Enable",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"EnterpriceAccountDesc": "Set of accounts",
"EnterpriseAccountManageLog": "日志-企业账套",
"EntriesCheck": "Entry level cross validations",
"Equity": "Owner's equity",
"EnterpriceAccountDesc": "Set of Books",
"EnterpriseAccountManageLog": "Log - Business Account Sheet",
"EnterpriseSubjectCodeCol": "Enterprise Subject Code",
"EnterpriseSubjectNameCol": "Enterprise Subject Name",
"EntriesCheck": "Entry Comparison",
"EntryCondition": "Entry Condition",
"EntrySummary": "Abstract",
"Equity": "Equity",
"EquityChangeSuccess": "Equity Change Record Submitted Successfully!",
"EstateIndustry": "Estate",
"ExportAllPage": "Export All",
"ExportCurrentPage": "Export",
"Exception": "Abnormal",
"ExceptionJudgement": "Exception Judgement",
"ExclusionCondition": "Exclusion Condition",
"ExemptioinGoods": "Approval of Duty-free Goods",
"ExitEditing": "Cancel",
"ExitFullScreen": "Exit Full Screen",
"Export": "Export",
"ExportAllPage": "Export All Page",
"ExportButton_Failed": "Export Excel Failed",
"ExportButton_InvalidCallBack": "Export Function Not Implemented",
"ExportButton_Succeeded": "Export Excel Succeeded",
"ExportCurrentPage": "Export Current Page",
"False": "False",
"FollowTips": "Please follow the tips",
"Formula": "Formula: ",
"GeneralIndustry": "General",
"GoodsName": "Goods name",
"FileFullPath": "File Full Path",
"FinanceData": "Finance Data",
"FinancialDataVersionA": "Financial Data Version A",
"FinancialDataVersionB": "Financial Data Version B",
"FinancialExpenses": "Financial Expenses",
"FinancialReport": "Financial Report",
"FinancialServiceIndustry": "Financial Service Industry",
"FinancialStatement": "Financial Statement",
"FixedAssets": "Fixed Assets",
"FixedAssetsMaintenance": "Fixed Assets Maintenance",
"FollowTips": "Follow Tips",
"ForecastDataSource": "Forecast Data Source",
"ForecastReportType": "Forecast Report Type",
"ForecastvsActual": "Pre-real Comparison",
"Formula": "Formula",
"FoundationDate": "Foundation Date",
"Country": "Country",
"MainBusiness": "Main Business",
"BusinessLine": "Business Line",
"FreightCosts": "Shipping Fee",
"FundFlow": "Capital System Transport Fee",
"GainAndLossForecast": "Profit and Loss Budget",
"GainAndLosses": "Fair Value Change Gains and Losses",
"GeneralAdmin": "Management Cost",
"GeneralIndex": "General Index",
"GeneralIndustry": "GeneralIndustry",
"GeneralPublicity": "Publicity Expenses",
"GlobalDataImportOPBatchImport": "Batch Import",
"GlobalDataImportOTDisplayByDataType": "View by Data Type",
"GlobalDataImportOTDisplayByOrganization": "View by Institution",
"GlobalDataImportOTImportedStatus": "Data Import Status",
"GlobalTax": "Global Tax Situation",
"GoodsName": "Goods Name",
"GovernmentSubsidies": "Benefits from Government Subsidies",
"GrossProfit": "Gross Profit",
"GrossProfitMarginDetail": "Gross Interest Rate (= Gross Profit/Main Business Income)",
"HasTaxPayerNumber": "Taxpayer ID Number",
"HeaderCompany": "Head Office of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
"High": "High",
"Home": "Home",
"ImportError": "Failed to import data",
"ImportErrorTips": "出现{0}处错误,请修正!",
"ImportSuccess": "Import success",
"IncomeInvoiceManage": "Income invoice",
"IndexAnalysis": "Index analysis",
"IIT": "IIT",
"IITTypeDesc": "Medium Tax Risk of Tax Issuance of Unpaid Individual Income Tax",
"ImportError": "Import Error",
"ImportErrorTips": "An Error Occurred in {0}. Please Correct it.!",
"ImportSuccess": "Import Success",
"IncomeInvoiceManage": "Procurement Invoice Management",
"IncomeInvoiceOverview": "Income Invoice Overview",
"IncomeTaxContribution": "Income Tax Contribution Rate",
"IncomeTaxContributionDetail": "Income Tax Contribution Rate (= Income Tax Expenses/Business Income)",
"IncomeTaxExpense": "Income Tax Expenses",
"IndexAnalysis": "Index Analysis",
"IndexAnalysisConfig": "Indicator Analysis Allocation",
"IndexDataType": "Display Type",
"IndexFormula": "Index Formula",
"IndexName": "Index Name",
"Industry": "Industry",
"IndustryColon": "Industry",
"IndustryID": "Industry",
"IndustryIndex": "Industry Index",
"IndustryIndustry": "Industry",
"InheritRole": "Inherit role",
"Instructions": "Filing instructions",
"InvoiceCat": "Invoice type",
"InvoiceMain": "Invoice management",
"InvoiceManagement": "Invoice management",
"IsActiveStatus": "Active status",
"InheritRole": "Inherit Role",
"InputVAT": "Input VAT",
"InputVATTransferOut": "Input VAT Transfer-out",
"Instructions": "Instructions",
"IntangibleAssets": "Intangible Assets",
"InterestExpense": "Interest Expense",
"InterestIncome": "Interest Income",
"InvestmentIncome": "Investment Income",
"InvoiceCat": "Invoice Type",
"InvoiceMain": "Control Over Invoices",
"InvoiceManagement": "Invoice Management",
"InvoiceSearch": "Invoice Search",
"InvoiceSource": "Invoice Source",
"InvolvedOrganization": "Subordinate Institutions:",
"IsActiveStatus": "Enabled State",
"IsDisplay": "Whether to Display",
"Joint": "Common",
"KeyCode": "Key value code",
"KeyName": "Key value name",
"KeyValueDesc": "Key value",
"LessThan": "及以下",
"LogComments": "Comments",
"LogIndex": "Index",
"LogOperateObject": "Operands",
"LogOperationDescription": "Operation",
"JumpTo": "Jump To",
"KeyCode": "Key Code",
"KeyName": "Key Name",
"KeyValueDesc": "Key Value",
"LVATType": "Land Value Added Tax",
"LVATTypeDesc": "There is a Moderate Risk of Duplicate Expenditure being Included in the Total Contract Cost.",
"LabourCosts": "Labour Costs",
"LabourUnionExpenditure": "Trade Union Funds",
"LandAppreciationTax": "Land Value Added Tax",
"LastMonth": "Last Month",
"LegalCode": "Corporate Code",
"LegalPersonName": "Name of Legal Representative/Person in Charge",
"LegalPersonPhoneNumber": "Mobile Phone of Legal Representative/Responsible Person",
"LegalPersonLandlineNum": "Statutory Representative/Responsible Person Seating",
"LegalPersonEmailAddress": "Statutory Representative/Official Mailbox",
"RegFinancialOfficerName": "Name of Registered Financial Officer",
"RegFinancialOfficerPhoneNum": "Registered Finance Officer Mobile Phone",
"RegFinancialOfficerLandlineNum": "Registered Financial Officer Seating Machine",
"RegFinancialOfficerEmailAddress": "Registered Financial Officer Mailbox",
"SecondaryApprovalAmount": "Secondary Approval Amount",
"BusinessRegistrationNumber": "Business Registration Number",
"ParValue": "Par Value",
"IssuedShares": "Issued Shares",
"Directors": "Directors",
"LegalPersonIdNum": "Corporate Identity Card Number",
"LessThan": "Less Than",
"LinkToIssue": "Related Matters",
"LinkToProject": "Related Project",
"LocalEducationAttach": "Local Education Surcharge",
"LogComments": "Remarks",
"LogIndex": "Serial Number",
"LogOperateObject": "Operating Object",
"LogOperationDescription": "Operating",
"LogOperationIP": "IP",
"LogOperationOID": "OID",
"LogOperationTime": "Operation Time",
"LogOperationUser": "Operator",
"LogOrganizationType": "Organization",
"LogOperationUser": "Operation User",
"LogOrganizationType": "Organization Type",
"LogOriginalState": "Original State",
"LogOut": "Logout",
"LogProjectType": "Project",
"LogUpdateState": "Updated State",
"LogOut": "Log Out",
"LogProjectType": "Operating Item",
"LogUpdateState": "Update Status",
"LogUserType": "User",
"Logout": "Log out",
"Loss": "Profit and loss",
"ManualMapping": "Manual mapping",
"ManufacturingIndustry": "Manufacturing",
"MappingInvoice": "Invoice mapping management",
"MenuAMVAT": "Asset VAT",
"MenuCIT": "CIT",
"MenuAnalysis": "Analysis",
"MenuCashFlow": "Cash Flow",
"MenuDeferredTax": "Deferred Tax",
"MenuIndexAnalytics": "Tax Index Analysis",
"MenuInvoiceManagement": "Input Invoice",
"LossDisposalFixedAssets": "Disposal of Fixed Assets Loss",
"LossIntangibleAssets": "Disposal of Intangible Assets",
"LossInventory": "Inventory Price Loss",
"LossProjectConstruction": "Disposal of Construction in Progress",
"Low": "Low",
"MailRoomPendingInvoice": "Mail Room Pending Invoice",
"MainCondition": "Main Condition",
"MainIndex": "Main Index",
"ManualMapping": "Manual Mapping",
"ManufacturingIndustry": "Manufacturing Industry",
"MappingInvoice": "Association management",
"MenuAMVAT": "Asset Management VAT Return",
"MenuCIT": "Corporate Income Tax Return",
"MenuCashFlow": "Tax Cash Flow",
"MenuIndexAnalytics": "Tax Indicator Analysis",
"MenuInvoiceManagement": "Invoice Management",
"MenuOverview": "Overview",
"MenuRND": "RND",
"MenuRiskAlert": "Risk Early Warning",
"MenuRND": "R & D Preferential Solutions",
"MenuRiskAlert": "Tax Risk Warning",
"MenuStatistics": "Data Statistics",
"MenuTaxAnalysisPlatform": "Tax Analysis",
"MenuTaxOperationManagement": "Tax Operation",
"MenuTaxPolicyManagement": "Tax Policy",
"MenuVAT": "VAT",
"MenuTaxAnalysisPlatform": "Tax Analysis Platform",
"MenuTaxDocument": "Tax File Management",
"MenuTaxForecast": "Profit Forecast",
"MenuTaxOperationManagement": "Tax Operation Management Platform",
"MenuTaxPolicyManagement": "Tax Policy Management Platform",
"MenuVAT": "VAT Return",
"MenuListApproval": "Report Approval",
"Mid": "Mid",
"MobileManufacturingIndustry": "Mobile Manufacturing Industry",
"ModelAlert": "Model Anomaly",
"ModelException": "Model Exception",
"ModelStatusException": "System Detection Abnormality",
"ModelStatusNormal": "System Detection Normal",
"Month": "Month",
"Month01": "Month01",
"Month02": "Month02",
"Month03": "Month03",
"Month04": "Month04",
"Month05": "Month05",
"Month06": "Month06",
"Month07": "Month07",
"Month08": "Month08",
"Month09": "Month09",
"MoveDown": "Move Down",
"MoveUp": "Move Up",
"MsgExpired": "Account Has Expired",
"MsgInactive": "Account is Locked",
"MsgUsedPassword": "I Have Used This Password Recently, Please Reset it.!",
"MsgWrongPassword": "Old Password is Incorrect",
"NA": "NA",
"Name": "Name",
"NetProfit": "Net Profit",
"NetProfitMargin": "Net Profit Margin",
"New": "New",
"NewPassword": "New Password",
"NewPasswordTips": "The Length is More Than 6 Characters, Must be a Combination of Numbers and Letters, and Cannot be the Same as the Original Password.",
"NewRegistration": "New Registration",
"NewReport": "Write Report",
"NextPage": "Next Page",
"NoData": "No Data",
"NoDataAvailable": "No Data Available",
"NoDataInChart": "No Data In Chart",
"NoDataText": "No Data",
"NoInvoiceVerify": "Not Invoiced",
"NoRiskAboveMid": "No Medium or Above Tax Risk",
"NoSearchContent": "Sorry, No Matching Information!",
"NoTaxPayerNumber": "No TaxPayer Number",
"NonOperatingExpenses": "Non Operating Expenses",
"NonOperatingIncome": "Non Operating Income",
"NonTaxation": "Certificate of Tax-free and Tax-free Income",
"NormalStatus": "Normal",
"NotYetStart": "Not Yet Start",
"Number": "Number",
"NumberOfTaskes": "Number Of Taskes:",
"NumberType": "NumberT ype",
"OOCosts": "Other Business Costs",
"OldPassword": "Original Password",
"OperateOrganizationLog": "Operate Organization Log",
"OperateProjectLog": "Operate Project Log",
"OperateRoleLog": "Operate Role Log",
"OperateUserLog": "Operate User Log",
"OperatingCosts": "Operating Costs",
"OperatingProfit": "Operating Profit",
"OperatingProfitMargin": "Operating Profit Margin",
"OperatingProfitMarginDetail": "Operating Profit Margin (= Operating Profit/Operating Income)",
"OperatingRevenue": "Operating Revenue",
"OperationContent": "Operation Content",
"OrangizationStructureManageLog": "Organization Structure Manage Log",
"OrgCommonModel": "Institutional Common Model",
"OrgCustomModel": "Institutional Customization Model",
"OrgName": "Organization Name",
"Organization": "Entity",
"OrganizationColon": "Applicable Organization ",
"OrganizationCount": "Number of Visiting Organization ",
"OrganizationNameEn": "Organization Name(En)(英文)",
"Abbreviation": "Abbreviation",
"OrganizationServiceTemplateGroup": "Service Management",
"Organize": "Organize",
"Other": "Other",
"OtherOR": "Other Business Income",
"OtherRevenue": "Other Revenue",
"OtherTaxes": "Other Taxes",
"Others": "Others",
"OutMenuInvoiceManagement": "Sales Invoice Management",
"OutputInvoiceTitle": "Output Invoice Amount",
"OutputVAT": "Output VAT",
"OverView": "OverView",
"P2PPendingInvoice": "P2P Pending Invoice",
"PCompany": "Company",
"PIC": "Person in Charge",
"PLEntity": "Entity",
"PLItem": "Item",
"POCosts": "Main Business Cost",
"Page": "Page",
"PageTotalCount": "Total",
"ParentCode": "Superior Code",
"ParentID": "Superior",
"PasswordNotChanged": "Please Set a Different New Password!",
"PendingReturnInvoice": "Management of Tickets to be Refunded",
"Percentage": "Percentage",
"Period": "Period",
"PleaseAddMeasuresRight": "Please Add Data Indicators to the Right",
"PleaseChooseModel": "Please Choose Model",
"PleaseContactAdministrator": "Please Contact Administrator",
"PleaseSelect": "Please Select",
"PredictedData": "Predicted Data",
"PretaxMargin": "Pretax Margin",
"PretaxMarginDetail": "Pre-tax Profit Margin (= Gross Profit/Operating Income)",
"PreviewMail": "Preview Mail",
"PrimeOR": "Main Business Income",
"ProductLineConfigManageLog": "Product Line ConfigManage Log",
"ProductLineManageLog": "Product Line Manage Log",
"ProjectCodeColon": "Project Code",
"ProjectDesc": "Project",
"ProjectPeriod": "Project Period",
"ProjectServiceTypeDesc": "Project Service",
"PromotionExpenses": "Promotion Expenses",
"PropertyTax": "Property Tax",
"PropertyTaxTypeDesc": "There is a Moderate Tax Risk That the Change of Real Estate Tax Amount Exceeds 20%.",
"ProvisionDepreciationFixedAsset": "Fixed Assets Depreciation Reserves",
"PurchaseDate": "Purchase Date",
"PushMessageCategory_All": "All",
"PushMessageCategory_Overdue": "Overdue",
"PushMessageCategory_Today": "Today",
"PushMessageCategory_Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"QuarterlyFilingReturnType": "Quarterly Advance Statement",
"RDExpenseCapitalised": "R&D Expenses-Capitalization",
"RDExpenseExpensed": "R&D Expenses-Expensation",
"RDExpenses": "RD Expenses",
"RPT": "Pricing Transfer",
"RealTaxAmount": "Real Tax Amount",
"RecordCount": "Record Count",
"Reduction": "Additional Deduction/Half",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RegionDesc": "Region",
"RegionManageLog": "Region Manage Log",
"RegistrationAddress": "Registered Address",
"RegistrationAddressEn": "Registered Address (English)",
"RegistrationCapital": "Registered Capital (Ten Thousand Yuan)",
"PaidInCapital": "Paid-in Capital (Ten Thousand Yuan)",
"UpdateType": "Update Type",
"RegistrationDate": "Registration Date",
"RegistrationLocation": "Registration Location",
"RegistrationLocationEn": "RegistrationLocation(En)",
"RegistrationType": "Registration Type",
"ArchitectureType": "Architecture Type",
"RemarkColon": "Remarks:",
"RentalExpense": "Rental Expense",
"Report": "Report",
"ReportCode": "Report Code",
"ReportConfigurationDesc": "Report ConfigurationDesc",
"ReportException": "Report Exception",
"ReportValidation": "Report Validation",
"RequiredInfo": "Required Info",
"ResearchCosts": "Research Costs",
"Reset": "Reset",
"ResidualRate": "Residual Rate",
"RetrievePermissions": "Retrieve Permissions",
"ReturnExemption": "Free Return Declaration and Tax Exemption Certificate",
"ReturnRatioDistrictLevel": "Return Ratio (Actual) District Level",
"ReturnRatioMunicipalLevel": "Return Ratio (Actual) City Level",
"ReturnTaxItem": "Return Tax Item",
"Revenue": "Revenue",
"RiskAlert": "Risk Alert",
"RiskDesc": "Risk Description",
"RiskLevel": "Risk Level",
"RiskWarning": "Risk Warning",
"Role": "Role",
"RowForPage": "Row For Page",
"RowNum": "Row Num",
"Royalties": "Royalties",
"SalesDiscount": "Sales Discount",
"SalesOnRawMaterial": "Sales of Raw Materials",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveAsNew": "Save as Custom",
"SaveFail": "Save Fail",
"SaveFileError": "Server Save File Error",
"SaveSuccess": "Save Success",
"SaveasNewVersion": "Save as New Version",
"Search": "Search",
"SearchHintText": "Search for",
"SearchPlaceholder": "Please Enter the Query Criteria",
"SearchResult": "Search Result",
"SearchText": "Inquire",
"SelectAccount": "Select Account",
"SelectAll": "Select All",
"SelectArea": "Select Area",
"SelectInvoiceSource": "Please Select the Source of the Invoice",
"SelectNone": "Clear Data",
"SelectOrg": "Please Select an Institution",
"SelectOrgDefault": "Do Not Choose",
"SelectUploadFileRequired": "Please Select a File before uploading",
"SellingExpenses": "Selling Expenses",
"SendEmail": "Send Email",
"Seq": "Serial Number",
"SequenceNo": "Serial Number",
"SetAsDefaultVersion": "Set As Default Version",
"SharedIndex": "Shared Index",
"SheetNum": "Work Form Number",
"ShowFullScreen": "Full Screen Display",
"ShowPageItem": "Show Page Item",
"ShowPerPageCount": "Show Per PageCount",
"ShowRelevantAmount": "Credit And Debit Relevant Amount ",
"SortByBusinessUnit": "By Business Unit",
"SortByOrganization": "By Organization",
"SortByRegion": "By Region",
"SortByTaxBurdenAmount": "By Tax Burden Amount",
"SortByTaxBurdenRate": "By Tax Burden Rate",
"SpecialAccess": "Special Access",
"SpecialChar": "Cannot Contain Special Characters",
"SpecialItems": "Special Matters",
"SpecialRoleAccess": "Special Permission Settings",
"SpecialTasks": "Special Tax Matters",
"SpecialTaxType": "Special Tax Type",
"SpecialTaxTypeDesc": "No Medium or Above Tax Risk",
"SponsorshipExpenses": "Sponsorship Expenses",
"StaffSalaries": "Staff Salaries",
"StampTax": "Stamp Tax",
"StandardAccountCredit": "Credit",
"StandardAccountDebit": "Debit",
"StandardAccountDesc": "Standard Account",
"Start": "Start",
"Status": "Status",
"StopUse": "Stop Use",
"StringType": "String Type",
"StructureID": "Structure ID",
"SubjectCode": "Subject Code",
"SubjectName": "Subject Name",
"SubjectType": "Subject Type",
"Summary": "Summary",
"SummaryKeyword": "Summary Keyword",
"SuperDeductions": "Additional Deduction",
"SystemCommonModel": "System Common Model",
"SystemError": "System Error",
"TPermission": "Permission",
"TaskDescription": "Task Description",
"TaskDetailEntity": "Applicable Institution",
"TaskName": "Item Name",
"TaskUnit": "Task Unit",
"TaxAccumulativeAmortizationInCurrentYear": "Tax Accumulative Amortization In Current Year",
"TaxAccumulativeAmortizationInLastYear": "Tax Accumulative Amortization In Last Year",
"TaxAccumulativeDepreciationInLastYear": "Tax Accumulative Depreciation In Last Year",
"TaxAmortizationInCurrentYear": "Tax Amortization In Current Year",
"TaxAmortizationUsefulLife(m)": "Tax Amortization Useful Life",
"TaxAmount": "Tax Amount",
"TaxAnnualAmountDashboard": "Tax Annual Amount",
"TaxAuditTitle": "Tax Audit",
"TaxBurden": "Tax Burden",
"TaxBurdenRatio": "Tax Burden Ratio",
"TaxCashFlowAnalysis": "Tax Cash Flow Analysis",
"TaxCashFlowAnalysisConfigOTComparison": "Pre-real Comparison",
"TaxCashFlowAnalysisConfigOTProportion": "Return Ratio",
"TaxCashFlowAnalysisConfigOTTitle": "Tax Cash Flow Analysis Configuration",
"TaxCategory": "Tax Category",
"TaxDeclaration": "Tax Declaration",
"TaxDepreciationInCurrentYear": "Tax Depreciation In Current Year",
"TaxDepreciationUsefulLife(m)": "Tax Depreciation Useful Life",
"TaxDepreciationincurrentyear": "Tax Depreciation in Current Year",
"TaxDocumentManage": "Tax Document Manage",
"TaxForecast": "Tax Forecast",
"TaxForecastResult": "Tax Forecast Result",
"TaxForecastWorkingPaper": "Tax Forecast Working Paper",
"TaxInspection": "Tax Inspection",
"TaxPayment": "Tax Payment",
"TaxReturn": "Tax Return",
"TaxTreatmentRecord": "Special Tax Treatment Filing",
"TaxType": "Tax Type",
"TaxTypeName": "Tax Type Name",
"TaxUsefullife(m)": "Tax Useful Life(m)",
"TaxationAmountbytheendofcurrentperiod": "Total Tax Due to The Current Month",
"TaxesSurcharges": "Taxes and Surcharges",
"TaxforecastVersionA": "Tax Forecast Version A",
"TaxforecastVersionB": "Tax Forecast Version B",
"TemplateDesc": "Template",
"TemplateFormulaDesc": "Template Formula",
"TemplateGroupDesc": "Template Group",
"TestDemo": "Test Example",
"TestDemoNew": "Test New Example",
"ThousandYuan": "Thousand Yuan",
"Threshold": "Threshold",
"Total": "Total",
"TotalDocumentNumber": "Total Document Number",
"TotalInputVAT": "Total Input VAT",
"TotalNumber": "Total Number",
"TotalOOCosts": "Total Other Business Costs",
"TotalOutputVAT": "Total Out put VAT",
"TotalPOCost": "Total Other Business Costs",
"TotalPage": "Total",
"TotalPrimaryOR": "Total Income From Main Operations",
"TotalProfit": "Total Profit",
"TotalProjectRecords": "General",
"TotalTraining": "Total Training Costs",
"TpRpt": "Related Transaction Reporting",
"TransferOutOfInputVAT": "Transfer Out Of Input VAT",
"TravelTax": "Travel Tax",
"True": "True",
"Type": "Type",
"UnAccessable": "UnAccessable",
"Update": "Modify",
"Upload": "Upload",
"UploadDocument": "Upload Document",
"UploadDocumentSuccess": "Upload Document Success",
"UploadFileTime": "Upload File Time",
"UploadNewReport": "Upload New Report",
"UploadUserName": "Upload User Name",
"UrbanLandTax": "Urban Land Tax",
"UrbanMaintenance": "Urban Maintenance",
"UseOrganization": "Use Organization",
"UseStatusAbnormal": "Abnormal Data",
"UseStatusColon": "Use Status",
"UseStatusDisabled": "Disable",
"UseStatusEnabled": "Available",
"UsefulLife(m)": "Accounting Depreciation Month",
"Usefullife(m)": "Useful Life(m)",
"UserDesc": "User",
"UserExists": "User Exists",
"UserProfile": "User Attribute",
"UserRoleAccess": "User Rights Settings",
"UserRoleDesc": "User Role",
"VAT": "VAT",
"VATBudget": "VAT Budget",
"VATIndex": "VAT Index",
"VATTaxableSales": "VAT Taxable Sales",
"VATTypeDesc": "There Are Tax Risks Such as High Tax Burden Rate of VAT, no Transfer of Input Tax, Income or Sales Without VAT.",
"VATTypeDesc1": "There is a High Tax Burden on VAT",
"VATTypeDesc2": "No Input Tax Transfer",
"VATTypeDesc3": "Income or Sales Without VAT",
"VATTypeDescDetail1": "There May be Cases Where Purchase Invoices are Not Obtained and Input Tax Cannot be Deducted.",
"VATTypeDescDetail2": "In the Case of Inventory Goods and Raw Materials Used by Enterprises for Internal Welfare, There is no Case Where the Input Tax is Transferred out.",
"VATTypeDescDetail3": "There May be Cases Where VAT Taxable Income is Not Included in VAT.",
"ValidationException": "Check Exception",
"VarianceAmount": "Discrepancy",
"VehicleVesselTax": "Vehicle Vessel Tax",
"VersionA": "VersionA",
"VersionB": "VersionB",
"VersionControl": "Version Control",
"ViewDetail": "View Detail",
"ViewDetails": "View Details",
"ViewOriginalPicture": "View Original Picture",
"ViewTaxForecast": "View Tax Forecast",
"WarehouseRental": "Warehouse Rental",
"Welcome": "Welcome",
"WordLibraryDesc": "WordLibrary",
"WorkflowStatus_Analytics": "Data Analysis",
"WorkflowStatus_Declaration": "Declaration Completed",
"WorkflowStatus_Import": "Data Import",
"WorkflowStatus_Organize": "Data Sorting",
"WorkflowStatus_Report": "View Report",
"WorkingPaperType": "Working Paper",
"Worklist": "Work List",
"Year": "Year",
"Yuan": "Yuan",
"ascendingText": "Ascending",
"cellComment": "Comment",
"cellCommentCommit": "Submit",
"cellCommentDelete": "Delete",
"cellCommentDialogComment": "Remarks",
"cellCommentReply": "Reply",
"cellCommentReplyEmptyMsg": "Please fill in the reply",
"chartsetting": "Model Setting",
"clearSortingText": "Cancel Sort",
"contains": "Contain",
"dashboard": "Data Summary",
"dateFormat4Year": " yyyy Year",
"dateFormat4YearMonthForDX": "yyyy Year MM Month",
"descendingText": "Descending",
"endsWith": "End With",
"equal": "Equal",
"fileupload": "File Upload",
"greaterThan": "More Than",
"greaterThanOrEqual": "Not Less Than",
"lessThan": "Less Than",
"lessThanOrEqual": "No Greater Than",
"log": "Log",
"logoff": "Log off",
"logoffWithoutHistory": "No Trace Exit",
"messages": "Messages",
"modifiedAmount": "Modified Amount",
"modifyCellDataTitle": "Total Value Modification",
"modifyReason": "Modify Reason",
"notContains": "Not Contains",
"notEqual": "Not Equal",
"originalAmount": "Original Amount",
"settings": "Configuration Management",
"startsWith": "Start From",
"~MustBeEndOneApp": "I Must be the End One, please!",
"Accessable": "可访问",
"BusinessUnitDesc": "Business unit",
"BusinessUnitID": "Business Unit",
"YearPeriod": "Year Period",
"UpdateOrgExtraSubmit": "Commit",
"DataSourceName": "Data source",
"Direction": "Debit credit direction",
"MenuDeferredTax": "Deferred Tax",
"TaxDocumentManagement": "Doc Management",
"MenuListApproval": "List approval",
"MobileManufacturingIndustry": "Mobile manufacturing",
"ModelException": "Model exception",
"Month01": "Jan",
"Month02": "Feb",
"Month03": "Mar",
"Month04": "Apr",
"Month05": "May",
"Month06": "Jun",
"Month07": "Jul",
"Month08": "Aug",
"Month09": "Sep",
"Month1": "Jan",
"Month10": "Oct",
"Month11": "Nov",
......@@ -162,149 +797,17 @@
"Month7": "Jul",
"Month8": "Aug",
"Month9": "Sep",
"MsgExpired": "Account expired",
"MsgInactive": "Account locked",
"MsgUsedPassword": "Detected an old password, please re-enter",
"MsgWrongPassword": "Old password incorrect",
"Name": "Name",
"New": "New",
"NewPassword": "New password",
"NewPasswordTips": "Password needs to include at least 6 digits, combination of number and alphabets, and not the same as previous",
"NewRegistration": "New registration",
"NewReport": "Draft new report",
"NextPage": "Next page",
"NoDataInChart": "No data in current chart",
"NoData": "No data",
"NoDataText": "No data",
"NoInvoiceVerify": "Verification without receiving invoice",
"NoSearchContent": "Sorry, no search results found",
"NotYetStart": "Not started yet",
"NumberOfTaskes": "个任务:",
"NumberType": "数字型",
"OldPassword": "Old password",
"OperateOrganizationLog": "Log-Organization Management",
"OperateProjectLog": "Log-Project Management",
"OperateRoleLog": "Log-Role Management",
"OperateUserLog": "Log-User Management",
"OperationContent": "Operation contents",
"OrangizationStructureManageLog": "日志-机构层级",
"OrgCommonModel": "Org common models",
"OrgCustomModel": "Org customised models",
"Organization": "Organization",
"OrganizationCount": "访问机构数",
"OrganizationDesc": "Organisation",
"OrganizationServiceTemplateGroup": "Service Management",
"OrganizationStructureDesc": "Org struction level",
"OutMenuInvoiceManagement": "Output Invoice",
"OverView": "Overview",
"PageTotalCount": "Total",
"PagerFooter": "{{currentPageCount}} records in current page, {{totalCount}} records in total",
"ParentCode": "Parent code",
"ParentID": "Parent",
"PasswordNotChanged": "Please set a different password",
"PendingReturnInvoice": "Invoices pending to return",
"PleaseSelect": "Please select",
"ProjectDesc": "Project",
"ProjectPeriod": "Period",
"ProjectServiceTypeDesc": "Service",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RegionDesc": "Region",
"RegionID": "Region",
"RegionManageLog": "日志-区域管理",
"ReportCode": "Report ID",
"ReportConfigurationDesc": "Return form configurations",
"ReportException": "Report exception",
"ReportValidation": "Report validation",
"RequiredInfo": "Required field(s)",
"Reset": "Reset",
"RetrievePermissions": "Delete permission",
"RiskWarning": "Risk warning",
"Role": "Role",
"RoleDesc": "Role",
"RowNum": "Row number",
"RowNumber": "Row count",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveFail": "Fail to save",
"SaveFileError": "Server failed to save file",
"SaveSuccess": "Save successful!",
"Search": "Search",
"SearchHintText": "Search",
"SearchPlaceholder": "Please enter search details",
"SearchResult": "Search results",
"SearchText": "Search",
"SelectAccount": "Please select account",
"SelectAll": "Select all",
"SelectArea": "请选择区域",
"SelectNone": "Clear",
"SelectOrg": "Please Select Organization",
"SelectOrgDefault": "不选择",
"Seq": "Seq.",
"SheetNum": "Working paper ID",
"ShowPageItem": "items",
"ShowPerPageCount": "Display on page",
"SpecialAccess": "Special access",
"SpecialChar": "Special characters not allowed",
"SpecialRoleAccess": "特殊权限设置",
"StandardAccountCredit": "Credit",
"StandardAccountDebit": "Debit",
"StandardAccountDesc": "Standard account",
"StopUse": "Stop",
"StringType": "字符串",
"StructureID": "Structure",
"SubjectCode": "Account code",
"SubjectDirection": "Debit credit direction",
"SubjectName": "Account name",
"SubjectType": "Account type",
"Summary": "Subtotal",
"SystemCommonModel": "Solution common models",
"SystemError": "System error",
"TPermission": "Permission",
"TaxBurden": "Tax Burden",
"TaxBurdenRate": "Tax Burden Rate",
"TaxCategory": "Tax type",
"TaxType": "Tax type",
"TemplateDesc": "Template",
"TemplateFormulaDesc": "Formula",
"TemplateGroupDesc": "Set of templates",
"TestDemo": "测试例子",
"TestDemoNew": "测试新例子",
"TotalProjectRecords": "总揽",
"TpRpt": "TP RPT Form",
"True": "True",
"UnAccessable": "Cannot access",
"Update": "Edit",
"UserDesc": "User",
"UserExists": "User already exists",
"UserProfile": "User profile",
"UserRoleAccess": "User access right configuration",
"UserRoleDesc": "Role",
"ViewDetail": "View details",
"Welcome": "Welcome, ",
"WordLibraryDesc": "Word dictionary",
"Worklist": "工作列表",
"Yuan": "",
"cellComment": "Remark",
"cellCommentCommit": "Submt",
"cellCommentDelete": "Delete",
"cellCommentDialogComment": "Remark information",
"cellCommentReply": "Reply",
"cellCommentReplyEmptyMsg": "Please input content",
"chartsetting": "Chart settings",
"dashboard": "Data summary",
"dateFormat4Year": " yyyy ",
"dateFormat4YearMonth": " yyyy-mm ",
"dateFormat4YearMonthDay": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"dateFormat4YearMonthDayCh": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"dateFormat4YearMonthForDX": "yyyy-MM",
"fileupload": "File upload",
"log": "Log",
"logoff": "Log off",
"messages": "Message",
"modifiedAmount": "New Amount",
"modifyCellDataTitle": "Amount modification",
"modifyReason": "Modification Reason",
"originalAmount": "Orginal Amount",
"settings": "Configurations management",
"RecordSize": "Record Size",
"TaxPayerIdNum": "纳税人识别号",
......@@ -336,12 +839,11 @@
"CITEAMAssetDisposalAmountRecord":"CIT EAM Disposal Amount",
"CITPreClassifiedDataSource":"CIT PreClassified",
"RevenueTypeConfiguration":"Revenue Type Config",
"DataImport":"Data Import",
"DomesticDataImport":"Domestic Data Import",
"InternationalDataImport":"International Data Import",
"TBEBITForm":"TB EBIT Form",
"ClickEnsureTip": "Click Ensure Button!",
"~MustBeEndOneApp": "I Must be the End One, please!"
"RevenueTypeConfiguration":"Revenue Type Config"
"AreaTabTitle": "Area",
"AreaRegionTitle": "Region",
"RegionTabTitle": "区域",
"AddRegionTitle": "新增区域",
"EditRegionTitle": "编辑区域",
"AccessSetting": "Permission setting",
"AccountClass": "Account Category",
"AccountKeywordAddTips": "Multiple Keyword Intervals are Distinguished by Newline",
"AccountKeywordEditTips": "Only One Keyword Can be Entered When Editing",
"AddNewPermission": "Add New Permission",
"AddNewUser": "Add New User",
"AddOrganization": "Add Institution",
"AddRegion": "Add Region",
"AddRelevantOrg": "Add Affiliated Institutions",
"AddRelevantOrgAction": "!!Affiliated Institutions",
"AddStandardAccountTitle": "Add Standard Account",
"AddToMaximum": "Maximum Value Added to Dimension, Cannot be Added",
"AllRole": "All Roles",
"AreaNameOutOfLengthNode": "Region Name Cannot Exceed 50 Characters",
"AreaNameRequired": "Please Enter a Custom Area",
"AreaRegionRepeat": "Area Region Repeat",
"RevisionDate": "Change Date",
"RevisionRemark": "Change Remark",
"RevisionType": "Revision Type",
"Operator": "Operator",
"Operation": "Operation",
"GroupName": "Tax Type",
"TaxDecCycle": "Tax Declaration Period",
"TaxDecType": "Tax Declaration Method",
"AssociateModelContent": "Associate Model Content",
"AutoCreateID": "Automatically Assign ID",
"BasicData": "Basic Data",
"ClearRepeatItem": "Clear Duplicates",
"ClearRepeatItemTips": "Determine to Clear All Duplicates?",
"CollapseAll": "Collapse All",
"Export": "Export",
"CurentSystemNoEnterpriseAccountSet": "!!There Is No Enterprise Account Set In the Current System.",
"CustomDimension": "!!Self-built Dimension",
"CustomSelectDimension": "Custom Display Content",
"CustomerCodeEmptyNode": "Customer Code Cannot be Empty",
"CustomerCodeOutOfLength": "Customer Code Cannot Exceed 50 Characters",
"CustomerDuplicateNode": "Customer Code Repetition",
"CustomerImportDataFormatError": "Customer List Import Data Format Is Incorrect",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerAddressPhone": "Address and Phone Number",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerBankAccountNumber": "Bank Account Number",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerCode": "Customer Code",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerEmail": "Email",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerIsRelatedParty": "Related Party",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerIsSmallScaleTaxpayer": "General Taxpayer",
"CustomerListManageFNCustomerTaxPayerNumber": "Taxpayer Identification Number",
"CustomerListManageFNErrorFieldName": "Field Name",
"CustomerListManageOTNoDeleteItemSelected": "Please Select The Item You Want To Delete",
"CustomerListManageOTNoOrgItemSelected": "Please Select The Institution That Needs to Operate",
"CustomerListManageVLAddressPhoneInvalidMaxLength": "Address And Phone Number Cannot Exceed 200 Characters",
"CustomerListManageVLBankAccountNumberInvalidMaxLength": "Bank Account Cannot Exceed 100 Characters",
"CustomerListManageVLBankNameInvalidMaxLength": "Bank Name Cannot Exceed 200 Characters",
"CustomerListManageVLCodeAlreadyExists": "Customer Code Already Exists",
"CustomerListManageVLCodeInvalidMaxLength": "Customer Code Cannot Exceed 50 Characters",
"CustomerListManageVLCodeIsRequired": "Customer Code Cannot Be Empty",
"CustomerListManageVLCustomerNotFound": "Customer Information Does Not Exist",
"CustomerListManageVLEmailInvalid": "Invalid Email Address",
"CustomerListManageVLEmailInvalidMaxLength": "Email Cannot Exceed 50 Characters",
"CustomerListManageVLEnterpriseIDInvalidMaxLength": "Customer EnterpriseID Cannot Exceed 128 Characters",
"CustomerListManageVLEnterpriseNotFound": "Institutional Information Does Not Exist",
"CustomerListManageVLImportModeUndefine": "Import Method Is Not Specified",
"CustomerListManageVLIsRelatedPartyIsRequired": "Related Party Is Required",
"CustomerListManageVLIsSmallScaleTaxpayerIsRequired": "General Taxpayers Are Required",
"CustomerListManageVLTaxPayerNumberIsRequired": "Taxpayer Identification Number is Required",
"DeletePermission": "Remove Permission",
"DeleteRelevantOrg": "Delete Affiliates",
"DeleteSelected": "Delete Selected",
"DeleteUser": "Delete User",
"DimensionBecomeNonheritable": "!!请先将不可访问的维度,设置为不允许继承",
"DimensionValue": "Dimension Value",
"DimensionValueDuplicated": "Dimension Value Duplicated",
"DimensionValueEmptyNode": "Dimension Value Name Cannot Be Empty and Requires at Least 2 Characters",
"DimensionValueName": "Dimension Value Name",
"DimensionValueOutOfLengthNode": "Dimension Value Name Cannot Exceed 50 Characters",
"DimensionValueStatusUnsureness": "Please Choose Whether to Enable",
"DirectionFormatError": "!!Lending Direction is Wrong",
"DisableRegion": "Disable Region",
"DisabledUsers": "Disabled Users",
"EditEnterpriseAccountSetTitle": "Edit Enterprise Account Set",
"EditEnterpriseAccountTitle": "Edit Enterprise Account",
"EffectiveDate": "Validity Period",
"EffectiveDateAreaProblem": "Effective Start Time Must be Less Than The Effective End Time",
"EnterpriseAccountManage": "Account Set Manage",
"EnterpriseAccountNameEmpty": "Enterprise Account Name is Empty",
"EnterpriseAccountNameMaxLength": "Enterprise Account Name is Too Long",
"EnterpriseAccountNameRequired": "Please Enter Enterprise Account Name",
"EnterpriseAccountNameShort": "!!Set of Books",
"EnterpriseAccountSetCode": "Set of Books Code",
"EnterpriseAccountSetCodeRepeat": "Set Code Already Exists",
"EnterpriseAccountSetCodeRequired": "!!Please Enter The Set of Books Code",
"EnterpriseAccountSetFileRequired": "Please Select a Business Account File",
"EnterpriseAccountSetOrgDateTimeOverlap": "The Selected Institutions Have Overlapping Time Periods",
"EnterpriseAccountSetOrgExists": "!!The Following Institutions Have Been Associated With The Set of Books. Is the Re-association of the Set of books?",
"EnterpriseAccountSetOverLayImportTips": "!!It Will Cover the Original Business Account Book, Is the Coverage Confirmed?",
"ExtraRole": "Additional Role",
"FieldbusinessUnitName": "Business Unit",
"FieldindustryName": "Industry",
"Formula": "Formula",
"HasMapped": "Have Mapped",
"HttpRequestValidationException": "Set Names Contain Special Characters and Cannot be Saved",
"ImportBasicData": "Import Basic Data",
"ImportBasicDataOneTime": "Import Basic Data at Once",
"ImportInProgress": "Import In Progress",
"ImportResult": "Import Result",
"IsAccessible": "Accessible",
"IsMappedStatus": "Corresponding State",
"JumpTo": "Jump To",
"KeyvalueTitle": "Key Value",
"NoAreaRegionData": "No Area Data",
"NoCustomerList": "No Customer List",
"NoItemSelected": "Please Select the Item You Want to Delete",
"NoOrganization": "No Institution",
"NoRelatedOrgData": "Sorry, There are No Affiliates!",
"NoRole": "No Role",
"NonAccessible": "Not Accessible",
"NotMapped": "Not Mapped",
"OnlyAddOneOriginalRoleAndExtraRole": "Only One Original Character and One Additional Role Can be Added",
"OperateBasicDataLog": "Log - Basic Data",
"OperateBasicDataType": "Operation Type",
"OperationAddInvalid": "Please Save the Edit First",
"OperationEditInvalid": "Please Save the New Operation First",
"OrganizationBusinessUnitNameRequired": "Please Select a Business Unit",
"OrganizationDetailsList": "Detailed List of Institutions",
"OrganizationManageTitle": "Organization Management",
"OrganizationStructureActive": "Activated",
"OrganizationStructureAddNew": "Add Organization Level",
"OrganizationStructureAddSuccess": "Added Successfully",
"OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess": "Delete Success",
"OrganizationStructureDisabled": "Terminated",
"OrganizationStructureEdit": "Edit",
"OrganizationStructureEditSuccess": "Modified Success",
"OrganizationStructureEmptyNode": "!!The Organization Structure Name Cannot be Empty and Requires at Least 2 Characters",
"OrganizationStructureName": "Organization Structure Name",
"OrganizationStructureNoSelected": "!!未选择操作数据行",
"OrganizationStructureOperation": "Operation",
"OrganizationStructureSave": "Save",
"OrganizationStructureStatus": "Organization Structure Status",
"OrganizationStructureStatusUnsureness": "Organization Structure Status Uncertain",
"OrganizationStructureUpdate": "Modify Organization Structure",
"OrganizatoinBecomeNonheritable": "Set the Organization Inaccessible First",
"OriginalRole": "Original Role",
"Packup": "Pack up",
"PleaseChooseEnterpriseAccount": "Please Choose Enterprise Account",
"PleaseSelectAttr": "Please Select A Dimension",
"ProductLineConfigManageOTTitle": "Product Line Maintenance",
"ProductLineManageOTTitle": "Product Line List",
"ProductLineManageVLCompanyCodeAlreadyExists": "Company Code Already Exist",
"ProductLineManageVLCostCenterAlreadyExists": "Cost Center Already Exist",
"ProductLineManageVLLocationCodeAlreadyExists": "Location Code Already Exist",
"ProductLineManageVLOrganizationNotFound": "Institutional Information Not Found",
"ProductLineManageVLProductLineConfigNotFound": "Product Line Information Not Found",
"ProductLineManageVLProductLineItemNotFound": "This Detail Information Not Found",
"ProductLineManageVLProductLineNameAlreadyExists": "Product Line Name Already Exists",
"ProductLineManageVLProductLineNotFound": "Company Code Not Found",
"ProvinceRequired": "Please Select Province",
"RegionArea": "Custom Area",
"RegionCity": "Administrative City",
"RegionLatitude": "Latitude",
"RegionLatitudeRequired": "Region Latitude Required",
"RegionLongitude": "Longitude",
"RegionLongitudeRequired": "Region Longitude Required",
"RegionNamePlaceholder": "Enter The Name of The Added area",
"RegionPinYin": "Region Pin Yin",
"RegionPinYinRequired": "Region Pin Yin Required",
"RegionProviceLabel": "Administrative Regions",
"RegionProvince": "Administrative Province",
"RegionProvincePlaceHolder": "Click to Select Multiple Subordinate Administrative Areas",
"RegionShortName": "Regional Abbreviation",
"RegionShortNameRequired": "Regional Abbreviation Required",
"SalesSummary": "Summary of Selling Amount",
"StandardAccoutDoubleClick": "Standard Chart Of Accounts(Double Click to Correspond",
"StdAccountMappingResult": "Standard Account Corresponding Result",
"SubjectCorresponding": "Subject Corresponding",
"TaxBaseBalance": "Tax Base Balance",
"TaxableState": "Taxable State",
"UpdateBusinessUnit": "Modify Business Unit",
"UpdateCustomer": "Modify Customer List",
"VendorListManageFNCode": "Vendor Code",
"VendorListManageFNEmail": "Vendor Email",
"VendorListManageFNName": "Vendor Name",
"VendorListManageFNPhoneNumber": "Vendor Phone Number",
"VendorListManageOPImport": "Import Vendor Information",
"VendorListManageOTAddVendor": "Add Vendor Information",
"VendorListManageOTTitle": "Vendor List",
"VendorListManageOTUpdateVendor": "Modify Vendor Information",
"VendorListManageVLCodeIsExisted": "Vendor Code Already Exists",
"VendorListManageVLCodeOutOfLength": "Vendor Code Cannot Exceed 50 Characters",
"VendorListManageVLCodeRequired": "Vendor Code Cannot Be Empty",
"VendorListManageVLImportFileRequired": "Please Select The Vendor Data File You Want to Import.",
"VendorListManageVLNameOutOfLength": "Vendor Name Cannot Exceed 100 Characters",
"VendorListManageVLNameRequired": "Vendor Name Cannot Be Empty",
"notAllowDisableMessage": "Associated In the Organization, No Deactivation Allowed",
"RegionTabTitle": "Region",
"AddRegionTitle": "Add Region",
"EditRegionTitle": "Edit Region",
"CustomerTitle": "Customers List",
"WordLibraryTitle": "字库",
"OrangizationStructureTabTitle": "机构层级",
"WordLibraryTitle": "Word Library",
"OrangizationStructureTabTitle": "orangization Structure",
"EnterpriceAccountTabTitle": "Enterprice Account Set",
"BusinessUnitTitle": "事业部",
"StandardAccountTabTitle": "标准科目",
"AddKeywordMapTitle": "添加字库",
"EditKeywordMapTitle": "修改字库",
"AccountMappingKeywordRepeat": "标准科目代码:{code},模糊对应关键字:{fullNameList} 已经存在",
"AccountMappingKeywordNotExist": "字库不存在",
"ComfirmAccountMappingKeywordDisable": "确认停用标准科目代码:{code} {name},模糊对应关键字:{fullName}",
"AddStandardAccountTitle": "添加标准科目",
"EditStandardAccountTitle": "添加标准科目",
"StandardAccountRepeat": "标准科目代码:{code},标准科目名称:{name} 已经存在",
"BusinessUnitTitle": "Business Unit",
"StandardAccountTabTitle": "Standard Account",
"AddKeywordMapTitle": "Add Font Library ",
"EditKeywordMapTitle": "Edit Font Library",
"AccountMappingKeywordRepeat": "Standard Account Code:{code},Fuzzy Corresponding Keyword :{fullNameList} Already Exist",
"AccountMappingKeywordNotExist": "Font Library Not Exist",
"ComfirmAccountMappingKeywordDisable": "Confirm Deactivate Standard Account Code:{code} {name},Fuzzy Corresponding Keyword:{fullName}",
"EditStandardAccountTitle": "Edit Standard subject",
"StandardAccountRepeat": "Standard Account Code:{code},Standard Account Name:{name} Already Exist",
"AddEnterpriceAccountTitle": "Add EnterpriceAccount",
"EditEnterpriceAccountTitle": "Edit EnterpriceAccount",
"AddEnterpriceAccountSetTitle": "Add EnterpriceAccount Set",
"EditEnterpriceAccountSetTitle": "Edit EnterpriceAccount Set",
"SelectEnterpriseAccountSet":"Select EnterpriceAccount Set",
"AddEnterpriceAccountTitle": "Add Enterprice Account",
"EditEnterpriceAccountTitle": "Edit Enterprice Account",
"AddEnterpriceAccountSetTitle": "Add Enterprice Account Set",
"EditEnterpriceAccountSetTitle": "Edit Enterprice Account Set",
"SelectEnterpriseAccountSet":"Select Enterprice Account Set",
"SelectEnterpriseAccountSetFirst":"Please Select EnterpriceAccount Set First",
"NoCustomerList" :"No customer list found",
"EnterpriceAccountCode":"Enterprice account code",
"EnterpriceAccountCodeRequired": "Enterprice account code Required",
"EnterpriceAccountName":"Enterprice account name",
"EnterpriceAccountNameRequired": "Enterprice account name Required",
"EnterpriceAccountRepeat": "Enterprice Account already exists",
"EnterpriceAccountParentDisable": "please enable parent node first",
"EnterpriceAccountCodeRequired": "Enterprice Account Code Required",
"EnterpriceAccountName":"Enterprice Account Name",
"EnterpriceAccountNameRequired": "Enterprice Account Name Required",
"EnterpriceAccountRepeat": "Enterprice Account Already Exists",
"EnterpriceAccountParentDisable": "please Start Parent Node First",
"AccountCode": "Account Code",
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"StandardAccount": "Standard Account",
"EnterpriceAccount": "Enterprice Account",
"ImportEnterpriceAccountList": "Import Enterprice Account List",
"NoParentCode":"No ParentCode Exists",
"NoParentCode":"No Parent Code Exists",
"StandardAccountCode":"Standard account code",
"StandardAccountCodeRequired": "Standard account code Required",
"StandardAccountName":"Standard account name",
"StandardAccountNameRequired": "Standard account name Required",
"StandardAccountFullName": "Standard account full name",
"StandardAccountSuperiorAccount":"Superior account",
"StandardAccountCode":"Standard Account Code",
"StandardAccountCodeRequired": "Standard Account Code Required",
"StandardAccountName":"Standard Account Name",
"StandardAccountNameRequired": "Standard Account Name Required",
"StandardAccountFullName": "Standard Account Full name",
"StandardAccountSuperiorAccount":"Superior Account",
"StandardAccountRequired": "Debit/Credit Required",
"StandardAccountAccountTypes":"Account Types",
"StandardAccountAccountTypesRequired": "Account Types Required",
"StandardAccountAccountTypes":" Account Types",
"StandardAccountAccountTypesRequired": " Account Types Required",
"StandardAccountIndustry": "Industry",
......@@ -60,96 +247,75 @@
"StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss":"Profit And Loss",
"StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss":"Profit and Loss",
"AccountKeywordText":"Account Keyword",
"AccountKeywordAddTips":"Multiple keywords interval with wrap distinguish",
"AccountKeywordEditTips":"Only one keyword can be entered for editing",
"AccountKeywordTextRequired":"Account Keyword Required",
"AccountKeywordStandardCodeRequired":"Standardcode Required",
"AccountKeywordStandardCodeRequired":"Standard Code Required",
"RegionList":"Region list",
"RegionName":"Region name",
"RegionNameRequired":"Region name required",
"RegionShortName":"Region shortName",
"RegionShortNameRequired":"Region shortName required",
"RegionMergerName":"Region mergerName",
"RegionMergerNameRequired":"Region mergerName required",
"RegionPinYinRequired":"pinyin required",
"RegionLongitudeRequired":"Longitude required",
"RegionLatitudeRequired":"Latitude required",
"SameRegionNameExist":"region name:{name}exists!",
"SameRegionFullNameExist":"region full name:{name} exists!",
"ComfirmRegionIsActive":"Comfirm {isActiveStr} region:{regionName}",
"AddRegion":"Add Region",
"RegionList":"Region List",
"RegionName":"Region Name",
"RegionNameRequired":"Region Name Required",
"RegionMergerName":"Region Merger Name",
"RegionMergerNameRequired":"Region Merger Name Required",
"RegionTelCode":"Tel Code",
"RegionZipCode":"Zip Code",
"SameRegionNameExist":"Region Name:{name}Exists!",
"SameRegionFullNameExist":"Region Full Name:{name} Exists!",
"ComfirmRegionIsActive":"!!Confirm {Region is Active} Region:{Region Name}",
"UpdateRegion":"Update Region",
"EnableRegion":"Enable Region",
"DisableRegion":"Disable Region",
"NoRegionData":"no region data",
"NoRegionRootData":"no region root data",
"CannotFindRegionByID":"cannot find region by id:{id}",
"CannotDeleteRegionTips":"cannot delete the:{name} because of sub region exists!",
"CannotStopRegionTips":"cannot stop the region because of some organization, organization names are:{orgNameList}",
"NoRegionData":"No Region Data",
"NoRegionRootData":"No Region Root Data",
"CannotFindRegionByID":"Cannot Find Region by Id:{id}",
"CannotDeleteRegionTips":"!!Cannot Delete the:{name} Because of Subregion Exists!",
"CannotStopRegionTips":"!!Cannot Stop the Region Because of Some Organization, Organization Names are:{orgNameList}",
"NoAreaRootData": "no area root data",
"SameAreaNameExist": "area name:{name} exists!",
"NoAreaRootData": "No Area Root Data",
"SameAreaNameExist": "Area Name:{name} Exists!",
"AddArea": "Add Region",
"CannotFindAreaByID":"cannot find area by id:{id}",
"CannotDeleteAreaTips":"cannot delete the:{name} because of sub area exists!",
"ComfirmAreaIsActive":"Comfirm {isActiveStr} Area:{areaName}",
"CannotFindAreaByID":"Cannot Find Area by Id:{id}",
"UpdateArea":"Update Area",
"EnableArea":"Enable Area",
"DisableArea":"Disable Area",
"DeleteArea": "Delete Area",
"TemplateName":"Report Name",
"ServiceTypeName":"Service ",
"TemplateName":"Template Name",
"ServiceTypeName":"Service Type Name ",
"EnterpriceAccountManage":"Enterprice Account Manage",
"EnterpriceAccountImportDataFormatError":"Import enterprice Account data format error",
"EnterpriceAccountManage":"Enterprise Account Management",
"EnterpriceAccountImportDataFormatError":"Import Enterprise Account Data Format Error",
"ComfirmStandardAccountDisable": "确认停用标准科目代码:{code},{fullName}",
"ComfirmEnterpriceAccountIsActive": "Comfirm {isActiveStr} Enterprice Account:{code},{fullName}",
"ComfirmStandardAccountDisable": "Confirm Deactivate Standard Account Code:{code},{fullName}",
"ComfirmEnterpriceAccountIsActive": "!!Confirm {Enterprise is Active} Enterprise Account:{code},{fullName}",
"Operation": "Operation",
"CustomerCode": "Code",
"CustomerName": "Name",
"DeleteSelected":"Delete selected items",
"CustomerCodeEmptyNode": "The Code cannot be empty",
"CustomerNameEmptyNode": "The Name cannot be empty",
"CustomerDuplicateNode": "The Code is duplicated",
"CustomerNameOutOfLenth": "The maximum length of code cannot exceed 20",
"CustomerCodeOutOfLenth": "The maximum length of name cannot exceed 30",
"OperationAddInvalid": "Please Save first",
"OperationEditInvalid": "Please Save first",
"NoItemSelected":"Please select at least one item",
"ConfirmToDelete":"Are you sure to delete selected items ?",
"ConfirmImportOverwriteTitle": "Are you sure to import with overwrited?",
"ConfirmImportOverwriteText": "This action will delete current data, are you sure to continue?",
"CustomerCode": "Customer Code",
"CustomerName": "Customer Name",
"CustomerNameEmptyNode": "The Name Cannot be Empty",
"CustomerNameOutOfLenth": "The Maximum Length of Code Cannot Exceed 20",
"CustomerCodeOutOfLenth": "The Maximum Length of Code Cannot Exceed 30",
"ConfirmToDelete":"Are You Sure To Delete The Selected Items ?",
"ConfirmImportOverwriteTitle": "Are You Sure to Override Imports?",
"ConfirmImportOverwriteText": "This action will clear current data, are you sure to continue?",
"ImportCustomerList":"Import Customer List",
"SelectCustomerFileTitle":"Select file",
"SelectCustomerFileRequired":"Please select file",
"SequenceNo": "No.",
"SelectCustomerFileTitle":"Select File",
"SelectCustomerFileRequired":"Please Select File",
"SequenceNo": "Sequence No.",
"ErrorMesssage": "Error Message",
"ImportPartialSuccess":"Import with some errors",
"ImportPartialSuccess":"Import with Some Errors,Please Correct",
"ImportErrorMsg":"Three are {NumberOfError} error(s),Please revise and import again(only import the error record(s)).",
"CustomerImportDataFormatError" :"Import customer list with data format error",
"UnSave": "You need save first!"
"CannotDeleteAreaTips":"cannot delete the:{name} because of sub area exists!",
"ComfirmAreaIsActive":"Comfirm {isActiveStr} Area:{areaName}",
"UnSave": "You need save first!",
"addFileType": "add File Type"
"@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序",
"1stQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "1st Quarterly CIT Filing Return",
"2ndQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "2nd Quarterly CIT Filing Return",
"3rdQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "3rd Quarterly CIT Filing Return",
"4thQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "4th Quarterly CIT Filing Return",
"ACEOLEDBUnInstallError": "Import Failed. Please Confirm if the Microsoft Office Driver AccessDatabaseEngine.exe is Installed.",
"AccountCode": "Account Code",
"AccountCodeNullMag": "Null Account Code",
"AccountCodeNullType": "Account Code Null Error",
"AccountCodeOverLengthMag": "Account Code Length Over 50",
"AccountCodeOverLengthType": "Account Code Length Error",
"AccountIncome": "Account Income",
"AccountMapFailed": "AccountMap Failed!",
"AccountMapSuccess": "AccountMap Success!",
"AccountMappingMenuUnSelect": "Please Select Menu",
"AccountMappingSubmit": "Submit",
"AccountMappingSubmitComplete": "Mapping Submit Complete",
"AccountMappingTitle": "Title",
"AccountMappingUndo": "Undo",
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"AccountPeriod": "Account Period",
"Save": "Save",
"Undo": "Undo",
"AssetListImport": "Import Asset List",
"AssetList": "Asset List",
"FixedAssets": "Fixed Assets",
"LongTermPrepaid": "LongTerm Prepaid",
"InvisibleAssets": "Invisible Assets",
"AssetClassification": "Asset Classification",
"FixAssetClassification": "Fix Asset Classification",
"LongTermPrepaidClassification": "LongTerm Prepaid Classification",
"InvisibleAssetsClassification": "Invisible Assets Classification",
"AssetNumber": "Asset Number",
"AssetGroupName": "Asset GroupName",
"AssetGroupNameValidation": "Pleas Enter Asset GroupName",
"AssetDescription": "Asset Description",
"BuyDate": "Buy Date",
"DepreciationDate": "Depreciation Start Date",
"DepreciationPeriod": "Depreciation Period",
"AcquisitionValue": "Acquisition Value",
"TotalAccountAcquisitionValue": "Total Account Acquisition Value:",
"TotalAccountYearDepreciationAmount": "Total Account Year Depreciation Amount:",
"TotalTaxCurrentYearDepreciationAmount": "Total Tax Current Year Depreciation Amount:",
"TotalYearDifferenceAmount": "Total Year Difference Amount:",
"AdjustmentValue": "Adjustment Value",
"DisposedDate": "Disposed Date",
"ResidualRate": "Residual Rate",
"TaxMonthDepreciationAmount": "Monthly Depreciation Amount(Tax)",
"TaxToCurrentYearDepreciationAmount": "Up To Current Year Depreciation Amount(Tax)",
"ReportExportConfirm": "The Report Data Has not Been Saved, and the Operation Result May be Inconsistent With the Actual.Confirm to perform this operation??",
"LeaveReport": "The Report Data Has not Been Saved,Confirm to Leave?Leaving Will Miss All the Data",
"TaxCurrentYearDepreciationAmount": "Current Year Depreciation Amount(Tax)",
"TaxYearDepreciationPeriod": "Current Year Depreciation Period",
"PerMonthDepreciationAmount": "PerMonth Depreciation Amount",
"YearDepreciationAmount": "Year Depreciation Amount",
"YearAdjustmentAmount": "Year Adjustment Amount",
"YearEndValue": "Year End Value",
"AssetStatus": "Status",
"AccountData": "Account Data",
"TaxData": "Tax Data",
"AccountTotalepreciationAmount": "Accumulated Depreciation Amount",
"SetAssetGroup": "Asset Group",
"LevelOneGroup": "Level One Group",
"LevelTwoGroup": "Level Two Group",
"LevelOneGroupValidation": "Please select Group One",
"LevelTwoGroupValidation": "Please select Group Two",
"DepreciationPeriodValidation": "Please Enter Depreciation Period",
"AssetNameValidation": "Asset Type Cannot be Repeated",
"SaveSuccess": "Save Successfully",
"AssetDiffData": "Data Difference",
"LastYear": "Last Year",
"AssetDifferent": "Difference",
"TotalDifferenceAmount": "Accumulated Difference Amount",
"YearDifferenceAmount": "Current Year Difference Amount",
"IsRetain": "Confirm to Keep?",
"LastAcquisitionValue": "Last Year Acquisition Value",
"CurrentYear": "Current Year",
"CurrentAcquisitionValue": "Current Year Acquisition Value",
"TaxGroupType": "Tax Group",
"TaxToLastYearDepreciationPeriod": "Up to Last Year Depreciation Period",
"TaxToCurrentYearDepreciationPeriod": "Up to Current Year Depreciation Period",
"BuyDateType": "Buy Date Type Error",
"AssetNumberType": "Asset Number Error",
"AssetGroupNameType": "Asset Group Name Error",
"AcquisitionValueType": "Acquisition Value Error",
"DataTypeError": "Data Type Error",
"DepreciationDateErrorMsg": "Depreciation Start Date Error",
"DataTypeErrorMsg": "Data Type Error",
"BuyDateErrorMsg": "Buy Date Error",
"BuyDateNullMsg": "Buy Date Null",
"AssetNumberNullMsg": "Asset Number Null",
"AssetGroupNameNullMsg": "Asset Group Name Null",
"AcquisitionValueNullMsg": "Acquisition Value Null",
"PleaseSetAssetGroupInfo": "Please Set Asset Group Info",
"ViewAssetList": "View Asset List",
"NoProjet": "No Project",
"AssetListDataSource": "Asset List Data Source",
"UpdateAssetReportFail": "Update Asset Report Data Fail,Please contact administrator...",
"NumberDataTypeError": "Data Type Error",
"DateTypeError": "Format Error",
"DataTypeNull": "Data Type Null",
"NumberDataTypeValidate": "Data Type Invalid",
"DateTypeValidate": "Date Type Invalid",
"DataTypeNullValidate": "Required Field Validate",
"AccountReMapVoucherDetailTitle": "Voucher Information",
"AccountReMappingCredit": "ReMapping Credit Amount",
"AccountReMappingCustomerCode": "Customer Code",
"AccountReMappingDebit": "ReMapping Debit Amount",
"AccountReMappingFail": "Fail",
"AccountReMappingSelectOne": "Please select one",
"AccountReMappingSuccess": "Success",
"AccountReMappingType": "ReMapping Type",
"AccountRemMappingStdReMapResult": "Standard Account Remapping Result",
"AccountTypeDifferent": "Account Type Different",
"AccountVoucher_AccountCode": "Account Code",
"AccountVoucher_AccountName": "Account Name",
"AccountVoucher_AccountVoucher": "Account Voucher",
"AccountVoucher_AlertMsg_Leave": "Leaving the Current Page Will Lose the Current Query Result.Confirm to Abandon the Current Query Operation?",
"AccountVoucher_Credit": "Credit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_CustomerCode": "Customer Code",
"AccountVoucher_CustomerName": "Customer Name",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow": "Business Account",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit": "Credit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCreditSum": "Total Credit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow": "Accounting",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate": "Voucher Date",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit": "Debit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebitSum": "Total Debit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup": "Voucher Group",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod": "Period",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow": "Standard Account",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary": "Summary",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID": "Voucher ID",
"AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText": "No Data Can be Displayed Under Current Conditions",
"AccountVoucher_Date": "Voucher Date",
"AccountVoucher_Debit": "Debit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit": "Credit",
"AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit": "Debit",
"AccountVoucher_Display": "Display",
"AccountVoucher_Display_InEntry": "Display_In Entry",
"AccountVoucher_Display_InVoucher": "Display In Voucher",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountCodeEmpty": "Please Enter Account Code",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountNameEmpty": "Please Enter Account Name",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEmpty": "Please Enter Credit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEndAmountTooBig": "Credit Amount Invalid,Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal to The Maximum Value",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditInvalid": "Credit Amount Invalid,Please Enter Valid Number",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerCodeEmpty": "Please Enter Customer Code",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerNameEmpty": "Please Enter Customer Name",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Date",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEndDateTooBig": "Voucher Date Invalid,Start Date Should be Less Than End Date",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateInvalid": "Voucher Date Invalid,Please Enter Valid Date",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEmpty": "Please Enter Debit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEndAmountTooBig": "Debit Amount Invalid,Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal to The Maximum Value",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitInvalid": "Debit Amount Invalid,Please Enter Valid Number",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Group",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupNumEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Number",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEmpty": "Please Enter Accounting Period",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEndMonthTooBig": "Accounting Period Invalid,Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal to The Maximum Value",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodInvalid": "Accounting Period Invalid,Please Enter Integer Between 1 to 12",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Summary",
"AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryTooShort": "Please Enter 3 or Above Voucher Summary Characters",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_AND": "And",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_AllJe": "Display all Voucher",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_AndOr": "Condition",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_ChoiceAccountCode": "Select Account Code",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_CreditSum": "Credit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_DebitCredit": "Direction",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_DebitSum": "Debit Amount",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_ItemIDCount": "Number of Entries",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_OR": "Or",
"AccountVoucher_Fields_VIDCount": "Voucher Count",
"AccountVoucher_FilterMode": "Filter",
"AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Advanced": "Advanced Inquiry",
"AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Custom": "Custom Inquiry",
"AccountVoucher_FilterMode_DebitCrebitAccountCode": "Debit/Credit Related Account Inquiry",
"AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Normal": "Inquiry",
"AccountVoucher_Group": "Voucher Group",
"AccountVoucher_GroupNum": "Voucher Number",
"AccountVoucher_Menu_RecordDoubtfulPoint": "Record Doubtful Point",
"AccountVoucher_Period": "Accounting Period",
"AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Amount": "Please Enter Amount",
"AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date": "Please Enter Voucher Date",
"AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period": "Please Enter Accounting Period",
"AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text": "Please Enter Keyword",
"AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty": "",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_1": "Equal to any Keyword",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_10": "More Than",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_11": "More Than or Equal to",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_12": "Less Than",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_13": "Less Than or Equal to",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_2": "Start With Any Keyword",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_3": "Contain all Keywords",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_4": "Contains Any Keyword",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_5": "",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_6": "",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_7": "",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_8": "",
"AccountVoucher_Selector_9": "Equal to",
"AccountVoucher_Summary": "Summary",
"AccumulatedAmount": "Accumulated Amount",
"AccumulatedCreditAmount": "Accumulated Credit Amount",
"AccumulatedDebitAmount": "Accumulated Debit Amount",
"AddAccount": "Add Account",
"AddCertificate": "Add Voucher",
"AddCertificateCancel": "Cancel",
"AddCertificateConfirm": "Confirm",
"AddChart": "Add Chart",
"AddChartButton": "Add Confirm",
"AddChartDefault": "Custom Dashboard",
"AddChartDescF": "You can Add New Charts, Drag and Drop to Change the Position of the Chart, or Delete Unwanted Charts.",
"AddChartDescS": "You can Select the Data Source in the Add Chart Function and the Selected Chart Will be Added to Your Dashboard",
"AddChartDescT": "You can Modify the Analysis Dimensions and Chart Styles in the Edit Charts Feature.",
"AddImportBtn": "Additional Import",
"AddImportInputInvoice": "Input Invoice Import",
"AddImportInputInvoiceItem": "Input Invoice Item Import",
"AddImportJournalEntry": "Journal Entry Import",
"AddImportOutputInvoice": "Output Invoice Import",
"AddImportTrialBalance": "Trial Balance Import",
"AddReclassificationItem": "New Account Reclassification",
"AdjustDateParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Adjustment Data Error",
"AdjustDateParseErrorType": "Adjust Date Error",
"AdjustmentReasonCol": "Adjustment Reason",
"After": "After",
"AgriculturalProduct": "Agricultural Product Invoice",
"AllArea": "All Area",
"AllBusinessUnit": "All Business Unit",
"AllMappingStatus": "All Mapping Status",
"AllOrganization": "All Organization",
"AllTask": "All",
"AnnualCITFilingReturn": "Annual CIT Filing Return",
"AnnualCITFilingWorkingPaper": "Annual CIT Filing Working Paper",
"AuditFeedback": "Tax audit feedback",
"AuditImplementation": "Tax audit implementation",
"AuditNotice": "Tax audit notice",
"AuditReport": "Audit report",
"AuditSolution": "Tax audit solution",
"BNDKJTXE": "Amortization in current year:",
"BS": "Balance sheet",
"BankGroup": "Certificate of bank and group",
"Cancellation": "Establishment, liquidation and cancellation of branches",
"CompleteTask": "Completed",
"AllTax": "All Tax",
"AllTheItems": "All Select",
"AllTheItemsCancel": "All Select Cancel",
"Alltotal": "Total",
"Amount": "Amoun",
"AmountCompareErrorType": "The Product of the Amount and the Tax Rate is Compared With the Tax Amount Imported",
"AmountDifference": "Difference",
"AmountNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Incorrect Amount",
"AmountNumberCheckErrorType": "Amount Data Type Error",
"AmountQueryError": "The Amount Range is Incorrect, Please Re-enter!",
"AmountTips": "Enter the Reclassification Amount",
"AmountTotal": "Total Amount",
"AmountWarningSearch": "The Previous Amount Cannot be Greater Than the Post Amount",
"AnnualCITFilingReturn": "Filing Return",
"AnnualCITFilingWorkingPaper": "Working Paper",
"ApproveLevelDescTitle": "({level})",
"ApproveProcess": "Approval Process",
"ApproveReportStatusCheck": "Only After the Submission Has been Submitted or the Superior Review Can be Reviewed",
"AuantityNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Quantity Data Type Error!",
"AuantityNumberCheckErrorType": "Quantity Data Type Error",
"AuditFeedback": "Tax Review Feedback",
"AuditImplementation": "Tax Review Implementation",
"AuditNotice": "Tax Review Notice",
"AuditReport": "Audit Report",
"AuditSolution": "Tax Review Solution",
"AutoCalcCreditAmount": "Auto Calcuate Credit Amount",
"AutoCalcDebitAmount": "Auto Calcuate Debit Amount",
"AutoGoodsMapping": "Auto Mapping",
"AutoMapping": "Auto Mapping",
"AllowKeyInByDefault": "Allow Key In By Default",
"BNDKJTXE": "Accounting Amortization For the Year:",
"BackEndDuplicateInputInvoiceErrorMsg": "{rows}is Repeated in the Database;",
"BackEndDuplicateInputInvoiceErrorType": "Invoice Information is Repeated in the Database",
"BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorMsg": "{rows}is Wrong Invoice;",
"BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorType": "Invoice Information Error",
"BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorMsg": "The Cumulative Amount or Tax Amount of the{rows}Detailed Information is Greater Than the Amount or Tax Amount of the Input Summary Table.",
"BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorType": "Comparison of the Input Summary Table and the Schedule Amount",
"BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorMsg": "The {rows} of the Input Schedule is not Associated With the Input Summary Table",
"BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorType": "Relationship With the Input Summary Table",
"BalDiff": "Difference",
"BalanceId": "BalanceId",
"BankAccount": "Bank Account",
"BankGroup": "Bank Group",
"BasicDataCheck": "Basic Data Check",
"Before": "Before",
"BegBal": "Beginning Balance",
"BegBalMsg": "Beginning Balance Type Error",
"BegBalPlusBal": "Opening Balance + Balance",
"BegBalType": "Beginning Balance Type Error",
"BegCreditBal": "Beginning Credit Balance",
"BegCreditBalMsg": "Beginning Credit Balance Type Error",
"BegCreditBalType": "Beginning Credit Balance Type Error",
"BegDebitBal": "Beginning Debit Balance",
"BegDebitBalMsg": "Beginning Debit Balance Type Error",
"BegDebitBalType": "Beginning Debit Balance Type Error",
"Bi": "records",
"BillIncome": "Billing Income",
"BtnDelete": "Delete",
"ButtonBrowser": "Browser",
"Browse": "Browser.",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
"BuyerName": "Buyer Name",
"BuyerTaxNumber": "Buyer Tax Number",
"CITProject": "CIT Project",
"CallbackError": "Error: {errorMsg}",
"CancelGoodsMapping": "Cancel Mapping",
"CancelMapping": "Cancel Mapping",
"Cancellation": "Branch Established in Clearing and Writing Off",
"CellColumn": "Cell",
"CellInfo": "Cell Info",
"CellInfoFail": "Cell Information Fail",
"CellValue": "Value",
"CertificationDateCheckErrorMsg": "Certification Date Check Error",
"CertificationDateEmptyCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Empty",
"CertificationDateFormatCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Format Error",
"CertificationDateFormatMsg": "Certification Date Error",
"CertificationDateNullMsg": "Certification Date Null",
"CertificationDateRangeCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Range Check Error",
"CertificationNotPass": "Certification Fail",
"CertificationPass": "Certification Pass",
"CheckInputMemoLength": "Memo Input Length Too Long, The Length Can Not Exceed 500!",
"CheckInputValueFormat": "The Type of Numeric Input is Incorrect, Can Only Enter Numeric Types!",
"CheckInputValueLength": "The Value Exceeds the Upper Limit of 9999999999999!",
"CheckIntInputValue": "Input Format is Wrong, the Number of Copies Can only be Entered as an Integer!",
"CheckOrganizationDashboardConfig": "The Indicator Configuration is Invalid. Please Reconfigure!",
"ChildAcctBegSubSum": "Sub-account Opening Balance Summary Amount",
"ChildAcctCode": "Sub-account code",
"ClassCode": "Class Code",
"ClearAll": "Clear All",
"ClearFailed": "Clear Failed!",
"ClearInputInvoice": "Clear Input Invoice",
"ClearInputInvoiceItem": "Clear Input Invoice Item",
"ClearJournalEntry": "Clear Journal Entry",
"ClearMapFailed": "Clear Mapping Failed!",
"ClearMapSuccess": "Clear Mapping Success!",
"ClearMapping": "Cancel Mapping",
"ClearOutputInvoice": "Clear Output Invoice",
"ClearSuccess": "Clear Success!",
"ClearTbError": "Error Deleting TB Data, Financial Data not Imported",
"ClearTips": "Confirm to Clear all Records for this Month?",
"ClearTrialBalance": "Clear Trial Balance",
"CloseButton": "Close",
"CodeVersion": "Commodity Code Version Number",
"ColumnsMapErrorMsg": "Required Field: {columns} does not Correspond!",
"ColumnsMapErrorType": "Required Field Check",
"ComCreditBal": "Original Credit Balance",
"ComDebitBal": "Original Debit Balance",
"ComEndBal": "Original Ending Balance",
"ComEndCreditBal": "Original Ending Credit Balance",
"ComEndDebitBal": "Original Ending Debit Balance",
"ComfirmIgnoreUnsavedChanges": "The page has been changed and not saved. If you leave the page, you will lose your changes. Do you want to continue?",
"ComfirmToReMap": "The enterprise subject has been corresponding to the standard subject, is it necessary to re-correspond and overwrite the existing correspondence?",
"CompleteDeclarationStatusCheck": "The declaration can only be completed if the project status is generated and is not equal to the rejected status.",
"CompleteTask": "Task Completed",
"Conclusion": "Total",
"Condition1": "Both the beginning of the debit and the beginning of the credit must be selected at the same time",
"Condition2": "The opening balance or (at the beginning of the debit, the beginning of the credit) must be selected.",
"Condition3": "(Debit balance, credit balance) or (Debit ending balance, credit ending balance) or ending balance must be selected.",
"Condition4": "The opening balance or (the debit opening balance, the credit opening balance) cannot be selected at the same time.",
"Condition5": "The ending balance or (the debit ending balance, the credit ending balance) cannot be selected at the same time.",
"Condition6": "Debit balance and credit balance must be selected at the same time.",
"Condition7": "the debit ending balance and the credit ending balance must be selected at the same time.",
"ConditionDataSource": "Conditional data source",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"ConfirmClearCustomsInvoice": "Are you sure to delete the customs certification list data?",
"ConfirmCleartTbTitle": "Do you want to delete the data related to the trial balance import?",
"ConfirmCredit": "Confirm Credit Amount",
"ConfirmDebit": "Confirm Debit Amount",
"ConfirmSelectErpImportFile": "Import File not Selected, Cannot be Imported",
"ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle": "Please Select Import File",
"ConfirmTbDataToDelete": "The data has been imported through the trial balance table and must be cleaned before the financial data can be imported. Do you confirm the deletion?",
"ConfirmToContinue": "Confirm to Continue?",
"ConfirmToMapForDiffAcctProp": "The corresponding corporate subject is not the same subject type in the standard subject. Are you sure to correspond?",
"ConfirmToMapForDiffDirection": "The corresponding corporate subjects are not in the same lending direction in the standard Account. Are you sure to correspond?",
"ConsumDocumentListRoot": "Tax Fee Related",
"ContactAdmin": "Please Contact Admin",
"ConverImportBtn": "Append",
"CoverImportInputInvoice": "Overwrite Import Invoice Summary",
"CoverImportInputInvoiceItem": "Overwrite import invoice details",
"CoverImportJournalEntry": "Overwrite import Journal Entry",
"CoverImportOutputInvoice": "Overwrite import Output Invoice",
"CoverImportTrialBalance": "Overwrite import Trial Balance",
"CreateTask": "Create Task",
"CreditRecord": "Tax credit record",
"DFFSETotal": "Total Credit Amt:",
"DFJETotal": "Total Credit Amt:",
"DataProcessDataName_AnnualSettlement": "Annual CIT Filing Return",
"DataProcessDataName_CITFirstQuarterly": "1st Quarter",
"DataProcessDataName_CITForthQuarterly": "4th Quarter",
"DataProcessDataName_CITQuarterly": "Quarterly CIT Filing Return",
"DataProcessDataName_CITSecondQuarterly": "2nd Quarter",
"DataProcessDataName_CITThirdQuarterly": "3rd Quarter",
"DataProcessDataName_UpdateReportConfig": "Update Report Configuration",
"DataProcessDataName_FinanceReport": "Financial Report",
"CreditAmount": "Credit Amount",
"CreditAmountConfirmCol": "Final Confirmation Number(credit)",
"CreditBal": "Credit Balance",
"CreditBalDiff": "Credit Balance Difference",
"CreditBalMsg": "Credit Balance Type Error",
"CreditBalType": "Credit Balance Type Error",
"CreditClosingBalance": "Credit Ending Balance",
"CreditOpeningBalance": "Credit Beginning Balance",
"CreditParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Incorrect Credit Balance!",
"CreditParseErrorType": "Incorrect Credit Balance",
"CreditReclassificationCol": "Credit Rclassification!",
"CreditReclassificationCountCol": "Credit Rclassification Amount",
"CreditRecord": "Tax Incentive Filing",
"CreditRelevantAmtCol": "Credit Balance (including audit adjustments)",
"CreditTips": "Please enter the reclassified credit amount",
"Creditor": "Credit",
"CurrentMonth": "Current Month",
"CurrentPeriod": "Current Month",
"CurrentPeriodBegCreditBal": "Current Period Beginning Credit Balance",
"CurrentPeriodBegDebitBal": "Current Period Beginning Debit Balance",
"CurrentPeriodEndBal": "Current Period Beginning Balance",
"CustCreditBal": "System Credit Balance",
"CustDebitBal": "System Debit Balance",
"CustEndBal": "System Ending Balance",
"CustEndCreditBal": "System Ending Credit Balance",
"CustEndDebitBal": "System Ending Debit Balance",
"CustGoodsName": "Business name",
"CustomInvoiceFileCheck": "Please check the upload file format. Upload files can only be xls, xlsx Format",
"CustomsAuditResult": "Result",
"CustomsAuditResultError": "For the {rowIndex} line, please confirm the customs payment number: {rows}audit result",
"CustomsCertList": "Customs Certification List",
"CustomsIssueDate": "Issue Date",
"CustomsIssueEmpty": " The {rowIndex} line, the date of issue cannot be empty",
"CustomsIssueError": "For the {rowIndex} line, please confirm the customs payment number: {rows} date of issue (different from the period)",
"CustomsIssueNotDate": "For the {rowIndex} line, please confirm the customs payment number: {rows} was issued with an illegal date format",
"CustomsPayNum": "Customs Payment Number",
"CustomsPayNumDuplicate": "Customs Payment Number Duplicate",
"CustomsPayNumEorror": "The {rowIndex} line customs payment book number is empty, please confirm",
"CustomsPayNumExisted": "Line {rowIndex}, customs payment book number: {rows} already exists",
"CustomsPayNumExistedInSheet": "The {rowIndex} line in Sheet has duplicate customs payment numbers: {rows} ",
"DFFSETotal": "Total Credit Balance:",
"DFJETotal": "Total Credit Balance:",
"DFQCTotal": "Credit Beginning Balance:",
"DFQMTotal": "Credit Ending Balance:",
"DataCheckType": "Type",
"DataCorrectnessCheck": "Data Correctness Verification",
"DataFilter": "Data Filter",
"DataLoadingError": "Data Loading Error!",
"DataProcessDataName_AnnualSettlement": "-Annual settlement and payment",
"DataProcessDataName_CITFirstQuarterly": "First quarter prepayment schedule",
"DataProcessDataName_CITForthQuarterly": "· Fourth quarter prepayment schedule",
"DataProcessDataName_CITQuarterly": "- Income tax quarterly prepayment",
"DataProcessDataName_CITSecondQuarterly": "· Second quarter prepayment",
"DataProcessDataName_CITThirdQuarterly": "· Third quarter prepayment",
"DataProcessDataName_UpdateReportConfig": "Report configuration update",
"DataProcessDataName_FinanceReport": "- Finance Report",
"DataProcessDataName_GenerateReport": "Generate Report",
"DataProcessDataName_ModelAnalysis": "Model Analytics",
"DataProcessDataName_UpdateTB": "Update Trial Balance",
"DataProcessDataName_YearWorkPaper": "Annual CIT Filing Working Paper",
"DataProcessDataName_ModelAnalysis": "Model Analysis",
"DataProcessDataName_UpdateTB": "Update Standard Trial Balance",
"DataProcessDataName_YearWorkPaper": "-Annual Working Paper",
"DataProcessData_Generate": "Generate",
"DataProcessData_PreGenerate": "Generate",
"DataProcessData_PreGenerate": "PreGenerate",
"DataProcessData_Update": "Update",
"DepreciationCurrentYearTotal": "Total Depreciation",
"DepreciationPerTaxCurrentYearTotal": "Total Tax Depreciation",
"DividendReturn": "Dividend return",
"DataSourceCountFirst": "Total",
"DataSourceCountSecond": "DataSource",
"DataSourceInfo": "Data Source Information",
"DataSourceNotFound": "Data Source Not Found",
"DataValidation": "Data Validation",
"DateWarningSearch": "The previous date cannot be greater than the last date",
"DebitAmount": "Debit Amount",
"DebitAmountConfirmCol": "Debit Amount Confirm",
"DebitBal": "Debit Balance",
"DebitBalDiff": "Debit Balance Difference",
"DebitBalMsg": "Debit Balance Type Error",
"DebitBalType": "Debit Balance Type Error",
"DebitClosingBalance": "Debit Ending Balance",
"DebitOpeningBalance": "Debit Beginning Balance",
"DebitParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Incorrect Debit Balance",
"DebitParseErrorType": "Incorrect Debit Balance",
"DebitReclassificationCol": "Debit Balance Reclassification",
"DebitReclassificationCountCol": "Debit Balance Reclassification Count",
"DebitRelevantAmtCol": "Debit Balance(Contains Audit Adjustment)",
"DebitTips": "Please enter a reclassified debit amount",
"Debitor": "Debit",
"DeleteDuplicateData": "Delete Duplicate Data",
"DeleteEmptyWarning": "Please select the data and then delete it.",
"DeleteFailed": "Delete Failed",
"DeleteFailure": "Delete Failed",
"DeleteFiles": "Delete Files",
"DeleteSuccess": "Delete Succeeded",
"DeleteTbDataTip": "Are you sure to clear the current month's data? Data cannot be recovered after clearing",
"DeleteTips": "Please select the data you want to delete",
"DepreciationCurrentYearTotal": "Depreciation Current Year Total",
"DepreciationPerTaxCurrentYearTotal": "Depreciation PerTax Current Year Total",
"DirectionDifferent": "Direction Different",
"Display": "Display",
"DisplayCurrentPeriod": "Display Current Period",
"DividendReturn": "Dividend Return",
"DocumentNum": "Document Number",
"DownLoadCsvTemplate": "DownLoad Csv Template",
"DownLoadExcelTemplate": "DownLoad Excel Template",
"DownloadFiles": "Download Files",
"DownloadOutputTemplate": "Download Template",
"DownloadTemplateFail": "Download Template Failed,Please Contact Admin.",
"DueDate": "Due Date",
"FinancialReport": "Financial Report",
"InprogressTask": "In Progress",
"JFFSETotal": "Total Debit Amt:",
"JFJETotal": "Total Debit Amt:",
"NeedToUpdate": "Need to update",
"DuplicateCheckErrorMsg": "{rows} is repeated in the import file",
"DuplicateCheckErrorType": "Duplicate import document invoice information",
"DuplicateDataCheck": "Duplicate Data Check",
"DuplicateInDBErrorMsg": "{rows} already exists in the system!",
"DuplicateInDBErrorType": "The information in the import file is duplicated with the existing information in the system",
"DuplicateInFileErrorMsg": "{rows} is repeated in the import file!",
"DuplicateInFileErrorType": "Duplicate information in the import file",
"DuplicateNum": "Duplicate Number",
"EmptyFieldErrorMsg": "{rows}Required fields have null values!",
"EmptyFieldErrorType": "Empty Field Check",
"EmptyFileContent": "The file content is empty. Please select a file with content.",
"EndBal": "Ending Balance",
"EndBalMsg": "Ending Balance Type Error",
"EndBalType": "Ending Balance Type Error",
"EndCreditBal": "Ending Credit Balance",
"EndCreditBalMsg": "Ending Credit Type Error",
"EndCreditBalType": "Ending Credit Type Error",
"EndDebitBal": "Ending Debit Balance",
"EndDebitBalMsg": "Ending Debit Type Error",
"EndDebitBalType": "Ending Debit Type Error",
"EntempriseAccount": "Account",
"EnterpriseCodeDirection": "Enterprise Code Direction",
"Enum_Accounting": "Booked",
"Enum_Billed": "Recorded",
"Enum_DisplayIncoice": "Display Incoice",
"Enum_DisplayVoucher": "Display Voucher",
"Enum_NotAccounting": "Unrecorded",
"Enum_PartAccounting": "Partly Recorded",
"Enum_PartBilled": "Partly Billed",
"Enum_UnBilled": "UnBilled",
"EprConfirmImportData": "The status of the project is: {status}, whether to confirm the {importTypeStr} data",
"EprConfirmImportDataTitle": "Confirm To Import Data?",
"ErpCheckTypeId": "Financial Data Recommendation Type Id",
"ErpDetailWarning": "Verify correctly, no error details",
"ErpDownloadFileTitle": "Download the universal template file and fill in the corresponding data according to the field requirements of the universal template.",
"ErpFileUploadLimits": "The import file cannot exceed:",
"ErpImportFileTitle": "Import data source files (see note)",
"ErpImportTitle": "Financial Data",
"ErpToolTips": "Note: 1. The csv file naming format is: Balance_*.csv, Voucher_*.csv; 2. Data is divided by Tab; 3. You can select multiple files to upload while holding down the Ctrl key.",
"ErpUploadFileExtensionCheck": "Please check the upload file format. Upload files can only be csv, xls, xlsx file format",
"ErrorCount": "Error Count",
"ErrorDetail": "Error Details",
"ErrorDetails": "Error Details",
"ErrorFileMsg": ".EXE file is not supported",
"ErrorFileType": "File Type Error",
"ErrorResult": "Validate Result",
"EtsSubjectNameCol": "Corresponding Corporate Account",
"EvidenceTab": "Evidence",
"ExportBtn": "Export",
"ExportExcel": "Expor Excel",
"FLCITCount": "Total Number of Entries:",
"FailureTitle": "Failure!",
"FileName": "File Name:",
"Filter": "Filter:",
"FilterCriteriaTags": "Filter Result",
"FilterMapStatus": "Filter Status",
"FinalCredit": "Final Credit Amount",
"FinalDebit": "Final Debit Amount",
"FinancialReturn": "Financial Statements",
"FreightTransport": "Freight Transport Invoice",
"GP_BuildService": "Building Installation Service",
"GP_EstateLeasingService": "Estate Leasing Service",
"GP_FinancialService": "Financial insurance service",
"GP_GoodsAndRepairService": "Goods and Repair Service",
"GP_InvisibleCapital": "Invisible Capital",
"GP_LandUseRight": "Transfer of Land Use Right",
"GP_LifeService": "Life Service",
"GP_TangibleMovablesService": "Tangible movable property leasing service",
"GP_TelecomService": "Telecom Service",
"GP_TransportationService": "Transportation Service",
"GetVoucherDetailsFail": "Get Voucher Details Failed",
"HandInputValue": "Value",
"HandleMapping": "Mannual Mapping",
"Help": "Help",
"HideAllZeroRecords": "Hide All Zero Records",
"HistoryPeriod": "History Period",
"Icon": " ",
"ImagePic": "Validate Result",
"ImportBtn": "Import",
"ImportDocumentList": "Import Document List",
"ImportErpDataFail": "Import Data Failed: ",
"ImportErpDataSuccess": "Data import is successful, start to organize data",
"ImportAssetErrorMsg": "A warning appears at {NumberOfError}, please click on the details to view the details.",
"ImportErrorMsg": "An error occurred at {NumberOfError}, please correct it and click the refresh button to re-verify",
"ImportErrorPopUpErrorCountCol": "Error Count",
"ImportErrorPopUpErrorDescCol": "Error Description",
"ImportErrorPopUpErrorDetail": "Error Detail",
"ImportErrorPopUpErrorInfoCol": "Error Information",
"ImportErrorPopUpErrorTypeCol": "Error Type",
"ImportErrorPopUpNoCol": "Number",
"ImportErrorPopUpTitle": "The following error was found during the import process, the import is about to be terminated, please re-import after correction",
"ImportFail": "Import Failed",
"ImportFileInvalidType": "Import File Type Invalid!",
"ImportInputInvoice": "Import Input Invoice",
"ImportInputInvoiceItem": "Import Input Invoice Item",
"ImportJournalEntry": "Import Journal Entry",
"ImportOutputInvoice": "Import Output Invoice",
"ImportSuccess": "Import Succeeded",
"ImportTrialBalance": "Import Trial Balance",
"ImportTypeTip": "Need to Clear the Financial Data Imported This Month, Whether to Confirm?",
"Import_AccountMapping": "Account Mapping",
"Import_AuditAdjust": "Audit Adjustment",
"Import_CalculateData": "Data Processing",
"Import_CustomInvoice": "Customs List Import",
"Import_Erpdata": "Financial Data Import",
"Import_GoodsMapping": "Goods Mapping Import",
"Import_InputInvoice": "Input Invoice Import",
"Import_InvoiceMapping": "Invoice Mapping Import",
"Import_JournalEntry": "Journal Entry Import",
"Import_OutputInvoice": "Output Invoice Import",
"Import_TrialBalance": "Trial Balance Import",
"Import_UnbilledInvoice": "Unbilled Invoice",
"Import_VoucherMapping": "Voucher Mapping Import",
"Importing": "Importing",
"IncomeDataSource": "Input DataSource",
"IncomeDetailDataSource": "Input Detail DataSource",
"IncomeInvoiceDetail": "Input Invoice Detail",
"IncomeInvoiceTitle": "Input Invoice",
"IncomeInvoiceTotal": "Total Input Invoice",
"InprogressTask": "In progress",
"InputInvoiceClearTips": "All Incoming Summary and Entry Schedule Information Will be Cleared this Month?",
"InputInvoiceCoverImportTips": " If the Summary Table is Overwritten, the Entry Schedule Information Will be Cleared?",
"InputInvoiceItemClearTips": "Information For All Incoming Schedules Will be Cleared This Month.?",
"InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date",
"InvoiceDateEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Date Empty",
"InvoiceDateErrorMsg": "Invoice Date Error",
"InvoiceDateErrorType": "Invoice Date Error Type",
"InvoiceDateNullMsg": "Invoice Date Null",
"InvoiceDateQueryError": "The Time Range is Incorrect, Please Re-enter!!",
"InvoiceDateRangeCheckErrorMsg": "The Billing Date Does Not Match the Selected Period",
"InvoiceDateRangeCheckErrorType": "Billing Date is Not in the Selected Period",
"InvoiceFPDM": "Invoice Code",
"InvoiceFPDMQuery": "Invoice Code:",
"InvoiceFPFS": "Invoice Count",
"InvoiceFPHM": "Invoice Number",
"InvoiceFPHMQuery": "Invoice Number:",
"InvoiceFPLX": "Invoice Type",
"InvoiceFPLXQuery": "Invoice Type:",
"InvoiceGHFSH": "Supplier Tax Number",
"InvoiceGHFSHQuery": "Supplier Tax Number:",
"InvoiceHWMC": "Goods Name",
"InvoiceInfoDetailTab": "Detail List",
"InvoiceInfoEmptyCheckErrorMsg": "Invoice Code, Invoice Number or Invoice Type is Empty",
"InvoiceInfoEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Code, Invoice Number or Invoice Type is Empty",
"InvoiceInfoTotalTab": "Invoice Information Summary",
"InvoiceItemAmount": "Item Total Amount",
"InvoiceItemInfoEmptyCheckErrorMsg": "Invoice Code or Invoice Number is Empty",
"InvoiceItemInfoEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Code or Invoice Number is Empty",
"InvoiceItemTaxAmount": "Detail Total Tax Amount",
"InvoiceJE": "Amount",
"InvoiceJEError": " For the {rowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Customs Payment Number:{rows}Tax Amount",
"InvoiceJEQuery": "Amount:",
"InvoiceKPRQ": "Invoice Date",
"InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number",
"InvoiceQJ": "Period",
"InvoiceRZJG": "Certification result",
"InvoiceRZJGQuery": "Certification result:",
"InvoiceRZRQ": "Certification Date",
"InvoiceRZRQQuery": "Certification Date:",
"InvoiceSE": "Tax",
"InvoiceSEError": "For the {rowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Customs Payment Number: {rows} Tax Information",
"InvoiceSEQuery": "Tax:",
"InvoiceSL": "Tax Rate",
"InvoiceTotalAmount": "Summary Table Amount",
"InvoiceTotalTaxAmount": "Summary Table Tax Amount",
"InvoiceType": "Invoice Type",
"InvoiceTypeEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Type Empty",
"InvoiceTypeErrorMsg": "Invoice Type Error",
"InvoiceTypeErrorType": "Invoice Type Error",
"IsComfirmToSubmitReport": "Confirm to Sumbit For Approve?",
"IsComfirmToWithdrawSubmitReport": "Confirm to Withdraw Submitting the Report?",
"IsConfirmCancelMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Confirm to Cancel Mapping?",
"IsConfirmManualReClassify": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm to Save Mannual Reclassification?",
"IsConfirmReCalcuate": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm to Recalculate?",
"IsConfirmSaveReport": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm to Save the Report?",
"IsConfirmToApproveReport": "Whether to Confirm to approved?",
"IsConfirmToApproveReportTitle": "Whether to Confirm to approved?",
"IsConfirmToCompleteDeclaration": "Whether to Confirm Completing the declaration?",
"IsConfirmToReImport": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm Reimport?",
"IsConfirmToReMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm The Remapping?",
"IsConfirmToRejectReport": "Confirm To Reject Review?",
"IsConfirmToRejectReportTitle": "Confirm To Reject Review?",
"IsConfirmToSubmitReportTitle": "Confirm To Submit Report Review?",
"IsConfirmToWithdrawSubmitReportTitle": "Whether to Confirm the Withdrawal of the Submission of the Report Review?",
"IsConfirmUndoMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm The Withdrawal?",
"IsConfirmVoucherReClassify": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Confirm to Save Voucher Reclassification?",
"IsDelete": "Are You Sure to Delete??",
"IsInputNecessary": "Required or not",
"ItemIDParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Wrong Entry Number Value!",
"ItemIDParseErrorType": "Wrong Entry Value",
"JFFSETotal": "Total Debit Blance:",
"JFJETotal": "Debit Amount Total:",
"JFQCTotal": "Debit Beiginning Balance:",
"JFQMTotal": "Debit Ending Balance:",
"JournalDFJE": "Credit Amount",
"JournalEntryAccountCodeTooLongErrorMsg": "Account Code Cannot exceed 50 Characters!",
"JournalEntryAccountCodeTooLongErrorType": "Account Code Too Long",
"JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorMsg": "Account Code Empty Error!",
"JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorType": "Account Code Empty Error",
"JournalEntryAmountErrorMsg": "{rows}Debot Amount or Credit Amount Format Error!",
"JournalEntryAmountErrorType": "Amount Format Error",
"JournalEntryClearTips": "All the Journal Enrty Information Will Be Cleared This Month.?",
"JournalEntryClearWarning": "Confirm Clearing the Journal Enrty of the Selected Period?",
"JournalEntryCustomerCodeTooLongErrorMsg": "Customer Code Can Not Exceed 50 Characters!",
"JournalEntryCustomerCodeTooLongErrorType": "Customer Code Too Long",
"JournalEntryDateFormatErrorMsg": "{rows}Voucher Date Format Error!",
"JournalEntryDateFormatErrorType": "Date Format Error",
"JournalEntryDuplicateErrorMsg": "Duplicate Credentials in the Import File!",
"JournalEntryDuplicateErrorType": "Duplicate Data Check",
"JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher Type Empty Error!",
"JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Type Empty Error",
"JournalEntryGroupTooLongErrorMsg": "Voucher Type Cannot Exceed 50 Characters!",
"JournalEntryGroupTooLongErrorType": "Journal Entry Group Too Long",
"JournalEntryImportErrorERPDataImportedAlready": "Financial Data Has Been Imported,Can Not Import Enrty Journal,Please Import Trial Balance First!",
"JournalEntryImportErrorNotImportTBData": "Trial Balance Has Not Been Imported,Journal Entry Can Not be Imported!",
"JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher Entry Number Can Not be Empty!",
"JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Entry Number Error",
"JournalEntryItemIDFormatErrorType": "Incorrect Entry Number Format",
"JournalEntryItemIDTooLongErrorMsg": "Entry Number Cannot Exceed 50 Characters!",
"JournalEntryItemIDTooLongErrorType": "Entry Number is Too Long",
"JournalEntryPeriodErrorMsg": "The Period of {rows} Does Not Match The Currently Selected Interval",
"JournalEntryPeriodErrorType": "Period Error",
"JournalEntryPeriodFormatErrorType": "Period Format Error",
"JournalEntrySummaryTooLongErrorMsg": "Summary Cannot Exceed 200 Characters!",
"JournalEntrySummaryTooLongErrorType": "Summary Too Long",
"JournalEntryTitle": "Journal Entry",
"JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorMsg": "Vouher ID Can Not Be Null!",
"JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorType": "Journal Entry Vouher ID Empty",
"JournalEntryVIDTooLongErrorMsg": "Journal Entry Voucher ID Can Not More Than 50 Character!",
"JournalEntryVIDTooLongErrorType": "Journal Entry Voucher ID Too Long",
"JournalEntryVoucherDateEmptyErrorType": "Journal Entry Voucher Date Empty",
"JournalFLCount": "Entry Amount",
"JournalFLH": "Entry Number",
"JournalJFJE": "Debit Amount",
"JournalKHDM": "Business Code",
"JournalKMDM": "Account Code",
"JournalPZCount": "Voucher Amount",
"JournalPZH": "Voucher ID",
"JournalPZLX": "Voucher Type",
"JournalPZRQ": "Voucher Data",
"JournalQJ": "Period",
"JournalZY": "Summary",
"KeyData": "Key Data:",
"LastMonth": "Last Month",
"LastPeriodEndBal": "Last Period Ending Balance",
"LastPeriodEndCreditBal": "Last Period Ending Credit Balance",
"LastPeriodEndDebitBal": "Last Period Ending Debit Balance",
"LessThan": "Less Than",
"LineNum": "Line Number",
"Logtitle": "Logtitle",
"ManageDataSuccess": "Manage Data Success",
"ManualInput": "Manual Input",
"ManualInputDataSource": "Manual Input Data Source",
"ManualInputFail": "Manual Input Fail",
"ManualInputSuccess": "Manual Input Success",
"ManualReclassification": "Manual Reclassification",
"Mapped": "Mapped",
"MappingResult": "Mapping Result",
"MaxConditionDataSource": "Conditional Judgment Data Source (Take The Large)",
"Memo": "Memo",
"MinConditionDataSource": "Conditional Judgment Data Source (Take The Small)",
"ModelBackFillAmountNotFound": "Model Backfill Data Does Not Exist",
"Modify": "Modify",
"MoreThan": "More Than",
"MotorVehicle": "Motor Vehicle Invoice",
"MyTrialBalanceTitle": "Trial Balance",
"NeedToUpdate": "Need To Update",
"NoAccountCode": "No Account Code Selected.",
"NoCurrentPeriodData": "There is no Data Matching the Current Month.",
"NoCustomsAuditResult": "Required Fields:Result No Check, Please Confirm",
"NoCustomsIssueDate": "Required Fields: Date No Check, Please Confirm",
"NoCustomsPayNum": "Required Fields: Customs Payment Book Number No Check, Please Confirm",
"NoData": "No Data",
"NoDataAvailable": "No Data Can be Displayed Under Current Conditions",
"NoDataToDispaly": "No Data",
"NoInvoiceSE": "Required Fields: Tax No Check, Please Confirm",
"NoPeriod": "No Period,the System Imports All Data by Default, Whether to Confirm?",
"NoPeriodCannotImport": "Cannot Import Without Selection Period",
"NoSearchContent": "Sorry, No match!",
"Normal": "General Invoice",
"NotAllowDataProcess": "No Account Correspondence is Submitted, Data Processing is not Possible",
"NotAllowSubmitAccountMap": "No Import Data,No Account Correspondence",
"NotBegin": "Not Started",
"NotBeginTask": "Not Started",
"OtherRecordFiling": "Other record filing",
"OutDateTask": "Overdue",
"OutOfDateTask": "Overdue",
"PL": "Profit and Loss statement",
"PZCITCount": "Total Records:",
"Planning": "Tax planning",
"PleaseSelectAtLeastOneItem": "Please select at least one item!",
"ProfitAndLossStatement": "Profit and Loss statement",
"QCYETotal": "Total Begin Balance:",
"QMYETotal": "Total End Balance:",
"QNDKJZJE": "Depreciation last year:",
"NotInputTheQueryConditions": "No Query Condition Entered!",
"NullValue": "Null",
"Num": "Number",
"NumOutRangeErrorType": "Wrong Data Range",
"NumOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range (-1 Trillion to +1 Trillion)",
"OnGoing": "Processing",
"OnlyInvoiceItemCheckErrorMsg": "Please Import The Item Summary Table Information First.",
"OnlyInvoiceItemCheckErrorType": "Import Item List Separately",
"Operate": "Operate",
"OperationLogApproveContent": "{level}Level Review",
"OperationLogApproveUpdateStauts": "Reviewed level{level}",
"OrderBy": "Order",
"OrderByFileType": "By File Type",
"OrderByPeriod": "By Month",
"OrderyByFileName": "By File Name",
"OrderyByName": "By Name",
"OrderyByServiceType": "By Service Type",
"OrderyByStatus": "By Status",
"OrderyByYear": "By Year",
"OrganizationsHasDirtyData": "Model Data is Updated, is the Model Data Recalculated??",
"OtherRecordFiling": "Other Record Filing",
"OutDateTask": "Out Of Date",
"OutOfAmount": "Can Only Upload up to 5 Files at a Time",
"OutOfAmountType": "Out Of Amount",
"OutOfDateTask": "Out Of Date",
"OutOfSize": "{rows}File Size Cannot Exceed 10M",
"OutOfSizeType": "Wrong File Size",
"Output100LengthMsg": "Length Over 100",
"OutputCount": "Output Incoive Amount Total",
"OutputInvoiceDataSource": "Output Incoive Datasource",
"OutputInvoiceErrorMsg": "Invoice Number, Invoice Code or Invoice Category is Empty",
"OutputInvoiceErrorType": "Invoice Number, Invoice Code or Invoice Category is Empty",
"OutputInvoiceTab": "Invoice",
"OutputInvoiceTitle": "Output Invoice",
"OutputInvoiceTypeErrorMsg": "Invoice Type Error",
"OutputInvoiceTypeErrorType": "Invoice Type Error",
"OutputStringLengthMsg": "More Than 50 in Length",
"OutputStringLengthMsg_200": "More Than 200 in Length",
"OutputStringLengthType": "Wrong Data Length",
"OutputTempError": "Not Importing According to a Standard Template,Use the Standard Template to Import",
"OverLengthErrorMsg": "{rows} Exists Field Length Exceeds Maximum Length Limit!",
"OverLengthFieldErrorType": "Field Length Check",
"PIndustry": "Industry",
"PZCITCount": "Voucher Total:",
"PagingFirstPage": "First Page",
"TotalDebit": "Debit",
"PagingLastPage": "Last Page",
"PagingNextPage": "Next Page",
"PagingPreviousPage": "Previous Page",
"ParentAcctCode": "Parent Account Code",
"PeriodDifferenceTip": "Whether to Import Only the Current Month Data?",
"PeriodErrorMag": "Period Type Error。",
"PeriodErrorType": "Period Type Error ",
"PeriodId": "Period",
"PeriodInputValueErrors": "Period Input Value Errors!",
"PeriodOverLengthMsg": "Over Length(1-12)",
"PeriodParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Illegal Period Value!",
"PeriodParseErrorType": "Illegal pPeriod Value",
"PhoneNum": "Address&Telephone",
"Planning": "Tax Planning",
"PleaseSelectAtLeastOneItem": "Please Select At Least One Item!",
"PleaseSelectColumn": "Please Select Column",
"PleaseSelectFileFirst": "Please Select A File First!",
"PleaseSelectPeriod": "Please Select A Period",
"PleaseSelectTB": "Please Select to Update The Standard Account Balance Sheet",
"ProductName": "Product Name",
"ProductStandar": "Specification",
"ProejctStatusCompleted": "Completed",
"ProfitAndLossStatement": "Income Statement",
"Project": "Row",
"ProjectNameCol": "Project Name",
"ProjectServiceCol": "Service",
"ProjectStatus": "Project Status",
"ProjectStatusAcccountMapSubmitted": "Mapped",
"ProjectStatusGenerated": "Generated",
"ProjectStatusImported": "Imported",
"ProjectStatusStarted": "Start",
"ProjectStatusTitle": "Project Status:",
"ProjectStatusUnStarted": "UnStarted",
"ProjectYearCol": "Year",
"PropertyDocumentListRoot": "Document List",
"QCYETotal": "Total Opening Balance:",
"QMYETotal": "Total Ending Balance:",
"QNDKJZJE": "Accounting Depreciation Amount Last Year:",
"Quantity": "Quantity",
"QuantityOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range(1-9999)",
"QuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "Quarterly CIT Filing Return",
"RecordFiling": "Record filing of tax deduction on asset loss",
"SpecialTasks": "Special tax tasks",
"TBDataNum": "Total Records:",
"TaskDescription": "Description",
"TaskEntity": "Entity",
"Reason": "Reason",
"ReclassificationItem": "Reclassification Details",
"ReclassificationName": "Reclassification Name",
"ReclassificationNameCol": "Reclassification Name",
"ReclassificationNameTips": "Custom Reclassification Name",
"RecordFiling": "Asset Loss Income Tax Pre-tax Deduction",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RefreshInputInvoiceItemValidationData": "Refresh the Invoice Detail Verification Result",
"RefreshInputInvoiceValidationData": "Refresh The Input Invoice Total Verification Result",
"RefreshSuccess": "Refresh Successfully!",
"RefreshTbFail": "Failed to Refresh Data, Please Reload Page",
"RefreshValidationData": "Refresh Check Result",
"RejectReportStatusCheck": "Reject The Review Only After Submitting The Review",
"RelatedAttach": "Related Attachment",
"RelatedAttachmentCol": "Related Attachment",
"RelatedVoucherCol": "Related Voucher",
"Remarks": "Log",
"ReportDataSource": "Report Data Source",
"ReportName": "Report Name",
"RequiredColumnNotSelect": "Please Select The Required Field: {errorMsg} Import The Data",
"RowIndex": "Line {rowIndex}",
"STANDARDProject": "Standard Account",
"SealerTaxNumber": "Sales Tax Number",
"SearchFileName": "Search File Name",
"SearchFileType": "File Type",
"SearchHintText": "Search",
"SearchResult": "Search Result",
"SelectAFile": "Browse...",
"SelectASheet": "Select Sheet",
"SelectColumnError": "Column Name Corresponds to Error",
"SelectFile": "Select File...",
"SelectFileToUpload": "Upload File...",
"SelectMappTips": "Please Select The Name of The Company First..",
"SelectOneAccountToClearMap": "Please Select at Least One Business Account to Cancel the Corresponding!",
"SelectOneAccountToManualReclassificate": "Please Select a Corporate Subject For Manual Rclassification!",
"SelectOneAccountToMap": "Please Select at Least One Business Account to Correspond!",
"SelectOneAccountToVoucherReclassificate": "Please Select a Corporate Account For Reclassification of Documents!",
"SelectPeriodDelete": "Please Select a Period Before Deleting",
"SelectStdAccount": "Select Standard Account",
"SellerTaxNumber": "Seller Tax Number",
"SetProjectStatusError": "Project Status Error",
"ShowDetail": "Show Detail",
"ShowInPeriod": "Show In Period",
"SourceOrFormula": "Instructions For Filling Out",
"Special": "Special Invoice",
"SpecialTasks": "Special Tasks",
"StandardAccountAcctPropAsset": "Asset",
"StandardAccountAcctPropCommon": "Common",
"StandardAccountAcctPropCost": "Cost",
"StandardAccountAcctPropDebt": "Liability",
"StandardAccountAcctPropInterest": "Rights and Interests",
"StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss": "Profit And Loss",
"StandardAccountCredit": "Credit",
"StandardAccountDebit": "Debit",
"StandardAccoutDoubleClick": "Standard Chart of Accounts (Double Click to Correspond)",
"StandardSubjectCol": "Corresponding state",
"StartRowError": "Start Row Error",
"StartRowNull": "Start Row Cannot Null",
"StartRowNum": "Start Row:",
"StartRowNumberCheckMsg": "The Starting Line Cannot be Greater Than The Total Number of Currently Imported Data!",
"StartingDate": "Start Date",
"StdAccountMappingResult": "Standard Account Mapping Result",
"StdCodeDirection": "Standard Account Direction",
"StdGoodsName": "Standard Goods Name",
"StdGoodsNameList": "Standard Goods Name List(Double Click To Match)",
"StdSubjectCodeCol": "Standard Account Code",
"StdSubjectNameCol": "Standard Account Name",
"SubjectCodeCol": "Account Code",
"SubjectDirectionCol": "Direction",
"SubjectNameCol": "Account Name",
"SubjectTypeCol": "Account Type",
"SubmitReportStatusCheck": "Report Review Can Only be Submitted if The Status Has Been Generated or Rejected",
"SubsidiaryAccounts": "View Ledger",
"Subtotal": "Subtotal",
"SuccessTitle": "Succeeded!",
"SwitchToCITProject": "Display Business Account Data",
"SwitchToSTANDARDProject": "Please Organize The Data First Then View The General Ledger In a Standard Account.",
"SelectReportTemplate": "Select Report",
"TBDataNum": "Trial Balance Amount:",
"TableName": "Table Name",
"TaskDescription": "Task Description",
"TaskEntity": "Task Entity",
"TaskName": "Task Name",
"TaxInspection": "Tax inspection",
"TaxStatistics": "Investigation and statistics from tax bureau",
"TaxTaskManage": "Tax Task Management",
"TaxTaskType": "Task Type",
"TaxAmountCheckErrorMsg": "Please Confirm The Correct Amount of {rows}, The Tax Rate And The Value of The Tax Amount",
"TaxAmountNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Amount Error",
"TaxAmountNumberCheckErrorType": "Tax Amount Type Error",
"TaxAmountQueryError": "Tax Amount Range Incorrect,Please Try Again!",
"TaxClassCode": "Tax Class Code",
"TaxInspection": "Tax Inspection",
"TaxRate": "Tax Rate",
"TaxRateCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Rate Number Error!",
"TaxRateCheckErrorType": "Tax Rate Number Error",
"TaxRateNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Rate Error",
"TaxRateNumberCheckErrorType": "Tax Rate Type Error",
"TaxReportColumn": "Column",
"TaxStatistics": "Tax Bureau's Various Survey Statistics",
"TaxTaskManage": "Tax Task",
"TaxTaskType": "Task Classification",
"TaxTotal": "Tax Total: ",
"TemplateDownload": "Template Download",
"ThisMonth": "This Month",
"ThisWeek": "This Week",
"Tips": "Tips",
"Today": "Today",
"WaitCompleteTask": "In Progress",
"TotalAmount": "Total Amount:",
"TotalCreditAmount": "Total Credit Amount:",
"TotalDebitAmount": "Total Debit Amount:",
"TotalLoanAmountColon": "Total Loan Amount:",
"TotalNo": "Total:",
"TotalTaxAmount": "Tax Total:",
"TrialBalanceDataSource": "Trial Balance Data Source",
"TrialBalanceTitle": "General Ledger",
"UnbilledInvoiceTitle": "Unbilled Invoice",
"TemplateFile": "Template File",
"Unit": "Unit",
"UnitPrice": "Unit Price",
"UnitPriceNumberCheckErrorMsg": "UnitPrice Number Error!",
"UnitPriceNumberCheckErrorType": "UnitPrice Type Error",
"UniversalImport": "Universal Import",
"Unmapped": "Unmapped",
"UnsavedChange": "Change Unsaved",
"UpdateFailed": "Data Update Failed!",
"UpdateSuccess": "Data Update Succeeded!",
"UploadCertificate": "Upload Voucher",
"UploadFileFail": "Upload File Fail",
"UploadFileSuccess": "Upload File Success",
"VATInvoice": "VAT Invoice",
"ValidationDetails": "Validation Details",
"ValidationTips": "Tips",
"ViewDetails": "View Details",
"ViewRelatedDocument": "View Related Document",
"VoucherAccountCode": "Account",
"VoucherCode": "Voucher Code",
"VoucherCreditAmount": "Voucher Credit Amount",
"VoucherDataSource": "Voucher Data Source",
"VoucherDate": "Voucher Date",
"VoucherDebitAmount": "Voucher Debit Amount",
"VoucherID": "Voucher ID",
"VoucherInvoiceMapTitle": "Voucher Invoice Mapping",
"VoucherRange": "Voucher Range",
"VoucherReclassification": "Voucher Reclassification",
"VoucherReclassificationTitle": "Voucher Reclassification",
"VoucherSummary": "Voucher Summary",
"Voucher_Export_result": "Voucher Query Result",
"WaitCompleteTask": "Waiting Task Complete",
"WarningTitle": "Warning!",
"WithdrawReportStatusCheck": "Please Submit a Report Review First, And You Can Undo The Report Review Only if You Have Submitted Your Status.",
"WorkSheet": "Work Sheet:",
"YearSelection": "Year",
"Yuan": "Yuan",
"accountMapping": "Account Mapping",
"accountVoucher": "Account Voucher",
"addMeansures": "Add Index",
"addMeasures": "Add",
"adjustDate": "Adjusted Date",
"analyzeReport": "Data Analysis",
"areachart": "Area Chart",
"auditAdjust": "Audit Adjustment",
"auditAdjustDesc": "Audit Adjustment",
"balanceSheet": "Balance Sheet",
"barchart": "Barchart",
"c_businessIncome": "Business Income",
"c_declareIncome": "Declare Income",
"c_gap": "Gap",
"c_income": "Input Tax Amount",
"c_inputTaxAmount": "Input Tax Amount",
"c_mainBusinessIncomeAmount": "Main Business Income",
"c_month": "Month",
"c_otherReceivableAmount": "Other Receivable Amount",
"c_outcome": "Output Tax Amount",
"c_outputTaxAmount": "Output Tax Amount",
"c_projectID": "Project",
"c_rateType": "Tax Rate",
"c_receivableAmount": "Receivable Amount",
"c_region": "Region",
"c_regionID": "Region",
"c_salesAmount": "Sales Amount",
"c_vatShouldTaxAmount": "Actual Paid Tax ",
"c_vatType": "VAT Tax Type",
"c_year": "Declaration Year",
"caculateData": "Data Process",
"chartData": "Data",
"chartFullNameTitle": "Chart Name",
"chartName": "Chart Name",
"chartNameTooLong": "Chart Name Too Long",
"chartType": "Chart Type",
"completed": "Completed",
"customInvoice": "Customs List",
"dateFormat4Year": " year",
"dateFormat4YearMonth": " yyyy-mm",
"dateFormat4YearMonthDay": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"dateFormat4YearMonthDayCh": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"deleteChart": "Sure to delete the chart?",
"deleteChartTitle": "Delete Chart",
"dimension": "Analysis Dimension",
"dimensionOrMeasuresError": "Dimensions or metrics cannot be empty",
"documentList": "Business Information list",
"documentListTip": "Document List",
"empty": "Empty",
"erpData": "Financial Data",
"error": "Error",
"generateReport": "View Report",
"goodsMapping": "Goods Mapping",
"importData": "Import Data",
"inputInvoice": "Input Invoice",
"invoiceCode": "Invoice Code",
"invoiceMapping": "Invoice Mapping",
"invoiceMappingDesc": "Invoice Correspondence",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice Number",
"isRequired": "Is Required",
"itemID": "Journal Entry ID",
"journalEntry": "Journal Entry",
"linechart": "Line Chart",
"measures": "Analysis Indicators",
"measuresExist": "Current Analysis Indicators exist",
"modelNameTitle": "Model name",
"month": "Month",
"noChartName": "Chart Name Not Set",
"noCurMonthRecordErrorMsg": "No Current Period Records",
"noData": "No Data",
"toUpdate": "To be updated",
"off": "OFF",
"on": "ON",
"outputInvoice": "Output Invoice",
"period": "Period",
"piechart": "Pie Chart",
"previewData": "Data Preview",
"processing": "Processing...",
"rbarchart": "Bar Chart",
"reductionData": "Data Sorting",
"reportAnalysisConfig": "Report Analysis Config",
"saveData": "Save Changes",
"showData": "Display Data",
"startCaculateData": "Start Processing",
"stepchart": "Step Chart",
"switchValue": "Display Value",
"taxDashboardConfig": "Tax Dashboard Config",
"toUpdate": "To Update",
"tranCode": "TransCode",
"unbilledInvoice": "Unbilled Invoice",
"unstarted": "Unstarted",
"vGroup": "Voucher Group",
"vatCaculateDataDesc": "Data Processing",
"vid": "Voucher Code",
"voucherMapping": "Voucher Mapping",
"voucherMappingDesc": "Voucher Mapping Condition",
"~MustBeEndOneApp": "I Must be the End One, please!",
"DataSourceFilter": "Data Source Filter",
"PleaseSelectDatabase": "Please Select Database",
"PleaseEnterTheFiledWordings": "Please Enter The Value Field",
"PleaseEnterTheFilteredCondition": "Please Enter The Filter Condition",
"PleaseSelectTheField": "Please Select The Field",
"PleaseFillinAllDataField": "Please Fill in All Data Field",
"@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序",
"BS": "Balance sheet",
"FinancialReport": "Financial Report",
"PL": "Profit and Loss statement",
"isRetainDifference": "Is Retain Difference",
"TaxAccountDifference": "Tax Account Difference",
"TaxDepreciation": "Tax Depreciation",
......@@ -88,9 +1119,6 @@
"CitEAMAssetsDisposalImport": "Cit-EAM Assets Disposal Import",
"CitDraftAccountMappingImport": "Cit-Draft Account Mapping Import",
"PleaseSelectOrganization": "Please Select Organization!",
"PleaseSelectPeriod": "Please Select Period!",
"balanceSheet": "Balance Sheet",
"bsGenerateVer": "Balance Sheet Generate Version",
"bsMappingVer": "Balance Sheet Mapping Version",
"salaryAdvance": "Salary Advance",
......@@ -100,9 +1128,6 @@
"TrialBalanceGeneVer": "Trial Balance Generate Ver",
"TrialBalanceMappingVer": "Trial Balance Mapping Ver",
"AccountDescription": "Account Description",
"AccountPeriod": "Account Period",
"DebitAmount": "Debit Amount",
"CreditAmount": "Credit Amount",
"BeginningBalance": "Beginning Balance",
"EndingBalance": "Ending Balance",
"Attribute": "Attribute",
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@
"TaxData": "税务数据",
"AccountTotalepreciationAmount": "累计折旧额",
"SetAssetGroup": "资产分类",
"AssetStatus": "状态",
"AssetStatus": "状态",
"LevelOneGroup": "一级分类",
"LevelTwoGroup": "二级分类",
"LevelOneGroupValidation": "请选择一级分类",
......@@ -386,7 +384,6 @@
"CoverImportOutputInvoice": "覆盖导入销项发票",
"CoverImportTrialBalance": "覆盖导入试算平衡表",
"CreateTask": "新建税务事项",
"CreditAmount": "贷方发生",
"CreditAmountConfirmCol": "最终确认数(贷方)",
"CreditBal": "贷方发生额",
"CreditBalDiff": "贷方差额",
......@@ -455,7 +452,6 @@
"DataSourceNotFound": "数据源不存在",
"DataValidation": "数据验证",
"DateWarningSearch": "前日期不能大于后日期",
"DebitAmount": "借方发生",
"DebitAmountConfirmCol": "最终确认数(借方)",
"DebitBal": "借方发生额",
"DebitBalDiff": "借方差额",
......@@ -838,7 +834,6 @@
"PleaseSelectAtLeastOneItem": "请选择至少一项!",
"PleaseSelectColumn": "请选择列名",
"PleaseSelectFileFirst": "请先选择文件!",
"PleaseSelectPeriod": "请选择一个期间",
"PleaseSelectTB": "请选择更新标准科目余额表",
"ProductName": "商品名称",
"ProductStandar": "规格",
......@@ -1117,13 +1112,10 @@
"bsGenerateVer": "试算平衡生成版",
"bsMappingVer": "试算平衡Mapping版",
"salaryAdvance": "预提重分类",
"eamDisposal": "EAM资产处置金额记录表",
"createTime": "创建时间",
"importWay": "导入方式",
"TrialBalanceGeneVer": "试算平衡表生成版",
"TrialBalanceMappingVer": "试算平衡表Mapping版",
"AccountDescription": "科目说明",
"AccountPeriod": "期间",
"DebitAmount": "借方发生额",
"CreditAmount": "贷方发生额",
"BeginningBalance": "期初余额",
......@@ -1138,7 +1130,6 @@
"createBy": "创建人",
"createTime" : "创建时间",
"citSalaryAdvance" : "预提重分类数据源",
"assetLabelNumber" : "资产标签号",
"compensationSaleAmount" : "赔偿/变卖金额",
"EAMDisposal" : "EAM资产处理金额",
"MainBodyCode": "主体代码",
......@@ -1179,7 +1170,6 @@
"scrapReason" : "报废原因",
"assetNumber" : "资产编号",
"assetLabelNumber" : "资产标签号",
"compensationSaleAmount" : "赔偿/变卖金额",
"liableEmployeeNum" : "员工工号",
"liableEmployeeName" : "员工姓名",
"remitEmployeeNum" : "员工工号",
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