"AdjustmentSummaryInCurrentPeriod":"Current Period CIT Adjustment Summary",
"AdvancedSearch":"More Search Options",
"AdvertisingExpense":"Advertisement Expense",
"AdvertisingExpenses":"Advertisement Expenses",
"AlertDetail":"Alert details",
"AlertMap":"Alert Map",
"Amortization(m)":"Amortization Period in Month",
"AnyPasswordCanNotEmpty":"Password cannot be empty",
"AmortizationInCurrentYear":"Current Year Amortization Amount",
"AmountJudgement":"Entry Comparison Formula",
"AmountType":"Data Extraction",
"Analytics":"Profit Forecast",
"AnnualIndex":"Annual Value",
"Anticounterfeiting":"Anti-counterfeiting Tax Control Enterprise Related Materials",
"AnyPasswordCanNotEmpty":"No password Can be Empty!",
"ApplicationScope":"Scope of Service",
"ApplyService":"Applicable Service",
"AreaDesc":"Area Details",
"AreaRegion":"Subordinate Area",
"AssetManagement":"Asset management",
"AssetImpairmentLoss":"Asset Impairment Loss",
"AssignmentsList":"Assignment list",
"AssetItem":"Asset Item",
"Authorization":"Add permission",
"AssetList":"Asset List",
"AutoMapping":"Automatic mapping",
"AssetLoss":"Asset Loss",
"AssetManagement":"Asset Management",
"AssetsManage":"Value-added Tax Service for Asset Management",
"AssignmentsList":"Assignments List",
"AuditFeedback":"Notification of Tax Inspection",
"AuditImplementation":"Implementation of Tax Inspection",
"AuditNotice":"Notice of Tax Inspection",
"AuditSolution":"Tax Inspection and Processing",
"Authorization":"New Permissions",
"AutoMapping":"Auto Mapping",
"BadDebtProvision":"Bad Debt Preparation",
"BankCharges":"Bank Charges",
"Baseon":"Base on",
"BelongService":"Affiliated service(s)",
"BelongService":"Subordinate Services",
"BusinessUnitDesc":"Business unit",
"BusinessUnitID":"Business Unit",
"BillingManagement":"Billing Management",
"BranchCo":"Branch Office",
"BudgetTaxAmount":"Budgetary Tax",
"BudgetValue":"Budget Value",
"BusinessAllottedTime":"Business Term",
"BusinessAllottedTimeFrom":"Starting of Business Term",
"BusinessAllottedTimeTo":"Business Deadline",
"BusinessPromition":"Business Publicity Fees",
"BusinessScope":"Business Scope",
"RegStatus":"State of Business Registration",
"BusinessUnit":"Business Unit",
"BusinessUnitLog":"Business Unit Log",
"ByYear":"By Year",
"ByYear":"By Year",
"YearPeriod":"Year Period",
"CITDeclareDocument":"CIT Declare Document",
"CITTypeDesc":"There Are SignificantTtax Risks in the High Tax Burden Rate of Enterprise Income Tax. Enterprise Income Tax Should be Regarded as Tax Risks Such as Sales Uncounted Income and Frequent Issuance of Red-letter Invoices",
"CancelMapping":"Cancel mapping",
"CancelMapping":"Cancel Mapping",
"CellPosition":"Cell at: ",
"CapitalForecastWorkingPaper":"Capital Forecast Working Paper",
"MsgUsedPassword":"I Have Used This Password Recently, Please Reset it.!",
"MsgWrongPassword":"Old Password is Incorrect",
"NetProfit":"Net Profit",
"NetProfitMargin":"Net Profit Margin",
"NewPassword":"New Password",
"NewPasswordTips":"The Length is More Than 6 Characters, Must be a Combination of Numbers and Letters, and Cannot be the Same as the Original Password.",
"NewRegistration":"New Registration",
"NewReport":"Write Report",
"NextPage":"Next Page",
"NoData":"No Data",
"NoDataAvailable":"No Data Available",
"NoDataInChart":"No Data In Chart",
"NoDataText":"No Data",
"NoInvoiceVerify":"Not Invoiced",
"NoRiskAboveMid":"No Medium or Above Tax Risk",
"NoSearchContent":"Sorry, No Matching Information!",
"NoTaxPayerNumber":"No TaxPayer Number",
"NonOperatingExpenses":"Non Operating Expenses",
"NonOperatingIncome":"Non Operating Income",
"NonTaxation":"Certificate of Tax-free and Tax-free Income",
"VATTypeDesc":"There Are Tax Risks Such as High Tax Burden Rate of VAT, no Transfer of Input Tax, Income or Sales Without VAT.",
"VATTypeDesc1":"There is a High Tax Burden on VAT",
"VATTypeDesc2":"No Input Tax Transfer",
"VATTypeDesc3":"Income or Sales Without VAT",
"VATTypeDescDetail1":"There May be Cases Where Purchase Invoices are Not Obtained and Input Tax Cannot be Deducted.",
"VATTypeDescDetail2":"In the Case of Inventory Goods and Raw Materials Used by Enterprises for Internal Welfare, There is no Case Where the Input Tax is Transferred out.",
"VATTypeDescDetail3":"There May be Cases Where VAT Taxable Income is Not Included in VAT.",
"TaxToCurrentYearDepreciationAmount":"Up To Current Year Depreciation Amount(Tax)",
"ReportExportConfirm":"The Report Data Has not Been Saved, and the Operation Result May be Inconsistent With the Actual.Confirm to perform this operation??",
"LeaveReport":"The Report Data Has not Been Saved,Confirm to Leave?Leaving Will Miss All the Data",
"TaxCurrentYearDepreciationAmount":"Current Year Depreciation Amount(Tax)",
"TaxYearDepreciationPeriod":"Current Year Depreciation Period",
"BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorType":"Invoice Information Error",
"BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorMsg":"The Cumulative Amount or Tax Amount of the{rows}Detailed Information is Greater Than the Amount or Tax Amount of the Input Summary Table.",
"BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorType":"Comparison of the Input Summary Table and the Schedule Amount",
"BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorMsg":"The {rows} of the Input Schedule is not Associated With the Input Summary Table",
"BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorType":"Relationship With the Input Summary Table",
"BankAccount":"Bank Account",
"BankGroup":"Bank Group",
"BasicDataCheck":"Basic Data Check",
"BegBal":"Beginning Balance",
"BegBalMsg":"Beginning Balance Type Error",
"BegBalPlusBal":"Opening Balance + Balance",
"BegBalType":"Beginning Balance Type Error",
"BegCreditBal":"Beginning Credit Balance",
"BegCreditBalMsg":"Beginning Credit Balance Type Error",
"BegCreditBalType":"Beginning Credit Balance Type Error",
"BegDebitBal":"Beginning Debit Balance",
"BegDebitBalMsg":"Beginning Debit Balance Type Error",
"BegDebitBalType":"Beginning Debit Balance Type Error",
"BillIncome":"Billing Income",
"BuyerName":"Buyer Name",
"BuyerTaxNumber":"Buyer Tax Number",
"CITProject":"CIT Project",
"CallbackError":"Error: {errorMsg}",
"CancelGoodsMapping":"Cancel Mapping",
"CancelMapping":"Cancel Mapping",
"Cancellation":"Branch Established in Clearing and Writing Off",
"CellInfo":"Cell Info",
"CellInfoFail":"Cell Information Fail",
"CertificationDateCheckErrorMsg":"Certification Date Check Error",
"CertificationDateEmptyCheckErrorType":"Certification Date Empty",
"CertificationDateFormatCheckErrorType":"Certification Date Format Error",
"CertificationDateFormatMsg":"Certification Date Error",
"CertificationDateNullMsg":"Certification Date Null",
"CertificationDateRangeCheckErrorType":"Certification Date Range Check Error",
"CertificationNotPass":"Certification Fail",
"CertificationPass":"Certification Pass",
"CheckInputMemoLength":"Memo Input Length Too Long, The Length Can Not Exceed 500!",
"CheckInputValueFormat":"The Type of Numeric Input is Incorrect, Can Only Enter Numeric Types!",
"CheckInputValueLength":"The Value Exceeds the Upper Limit of 9999999999999!",
"CheckIntInputValue":"Input Format is Wrong, the Number of Copies Can only be Entered as an Integer!",
"CheckOrganizationDashboardConfig":"The Indicator Configuration is Invalid. Please Reconfigure!",
"ComfirmIgnoreUnsavedChanges":"The page has been changed and not saved. If you leave the page, you will lose your changes. Do you want to continue?",
"ComfirmToReMap":"The enterprise subject has been corresponding to the standard subject, is it necessary to re-correspond and overwrite the existing correspondence?",
"CompleteDeclarationStatusCheck":"The declaration can only be completed if the project status is generated and is not equal to the rejected status.",
"CompleteTask":"Task Completed",
"Condition1":"Both the beginning of the debit and the beginning of the credit must be selected at the same time",
"Condition2":"The opening balance or (at the beginning of the debit, the beginning of the credit) must be selected.",
"Condition3":"(Debit balance, credit balance) or (Debit ending balance, credit ending balance) or ending balance must be selected.",
"Condition4":"The opening balance or (the debit opening balance, the credit opening balance) cannot be selected at the same time.",
"Condition5":"The ending balance or (the debit ending balance, the credit ending balance) cannot be selected at the same time.",
"Condition6":"Debit balance and credit balance must be selected at the same time.",
"Condition7":"the debit ending balance and the credit ending balance must be selected at the same time.",
"ConditionDataSource":"Conditional data source",
"ConfirmClearCustomsInvoice":"Are you sure to delete the customs certification list data?",
"ConfirmCleartTbTitle":"Do you want to delete the data related to the trial balance import?",
"ConfirmCredit":"Confirm Credit Amount",
"ConfirmDebit":"Confirm Debit Amount",
"ConfirmSelectErpImportFile":"Import File not Selected, Cannot be Imported",
"ConfirmTbDataToDelete":"The data has been imported through the trial balance table and must be cleaned before the financial data can be imported. Do you confirm the deletion?",
"ConfirmToContinue":"Confirm to Continue?",
"ConfirmToMapForDiffAcctProp":"The corresponding corporate subject is not the same subject type in the standard subject. Are you sure to correspond?",
"ConfirmToMapForDiffDirection":"The corresponding corporate subjects are not in the same lending direction in the standard Account. Are you sure to correspond?",
"EprConfirmImportData":"The status of the project is: {status}, whether to confirm the {importTypeStr} data",
"EprConfirmImportDataTitle":"Confirm To Import Data?",
"ErpCheckTypeId":"Financial Data Recommendation Type Id",
"ErpDetailWarning":"Verify correctly, no error details",
"ErpDownloadFileTitle":"Download the universal template file and fill in the corresponding data according to the field requirements of the universal template.",
"ErpImportFileTitle":"Import data source files (see note)",
"ErpImportTitle":"Financial Data",
"ErpToolTips":"Note: 1. The csv file naming format is: Balance_*.csv, Voucher_*.csv; 2. Data is divided by Tab; 3. You can select multiple files to upload while holding down the Ctrl key.",
"ErpUploadFileExtensionCheck":"Please check the upload file format. Upload files can only be csv, xls, xlsx file format",
"ImportErrorPopUpTitle":"The following error was found during the import process, the import is about to be terminated, please re-import after correction",
"ImportFail":"Import Failed",
"ImportFileInvalidType":"Import File Type Invalid!",