Commit 0ccba1f9 authored by neo's avatar neo

[bugfix] revert bb period

parent 1ae26da1
......@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ public class BB extends FunctionBase implements FreeRefFunction {
} finally {
LOGGER.warn("error for bb cacls for {} and current for {}", bo.toString(), curPeriod.toString());
Long dataSourceID = saveDataSource(ec, ds, FormulaDataSourceDetailType.ReportCellDataSourceDto,
cellValue, curPeriod.getCurPeriod() < 1 ? formulaContext.getPeriod() : curPeriod.getCurPeriod(),
cellValue, formulaContext.getPeriod(),
formulaContext.getReportTemplateGroupID(), bo.getColumnIndex() - 1, bo.getRowIndex() - 1);
saveFormulaBlock(curPeriod.getCurPeriod() < 1 ? formulaContext.getPeriod() : curPeriod.getCurPeriod(), ec,
saveFormulaBlock(formulaContext.getPeriod(), ec,
bo.expression(curPeriod.getCurPeriod(), curPeriod.getCurYear()), cellValue, dataSourceID);
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