Commit 05a6d667 authored by neo's avatar neo

[DEV] add get project by id

parent 4a041590
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class ProjectController {
@ApiOperation(value = "getProject", notes = "Get Project")
@RequestMapping(value = "getProject", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody
List<ProjectDisplayDto> GetProjectById(String projectId) {
ProjectDisplayDto GetProjectById(String projectId) {
return projectService.getProjectById(projectId);
......@@ -105,10 +105,19 @@ public class ProjectServiceImpl {
* @TODO: this dmeo only for running,should change to query data from db (neo)
public List<ProjectDisplayDto> getProjectById(String projectId) {
List<ProjectDisplayDto> displayDtos = new ArrayList<>();
displayDtos.add(new ProjectDisplayDto().demo());
return displayDtos;
public ProjectDisplayDto getProjectById(String projectId) {
Project project = projectMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(projectId);
ProjectDisplayDto dto = new ProjectDisplayDto();
List<ProjectStatusManage> manageStatus = projectMapper.getStatusesByProjectId(projectId);
Map<Integer, Integer> dic = new HashMap<>();
manageStatus.forEach(m -> {
dic.put(m.getPeriodId(), m.getStatus());
return dto;
public List<ProjectDisplayDto> getAllProjectList(String orgId, String serviceId, Integer projectYear) {
package pwc.taxtech.atms.dpo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import pwc.taxtech.atms.entity.Project;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
......@@ -268,38 +269,6 @@ public class ProjectDisplayDto {
this.year = year;
public ProjectDisplayDto demo() {
this.clientCode = "1";
this.code = "1";
this.createTime = new Date();
this.dbName = "db";
this.effectiveDate = new Date();
this.endPeriod = 1;
this.enterpriseAccountSetId = "1";
this.expiredDate = new Date();
this.haveCreateProject = true; = "1";
this.industryId = "1";
this.industryName = "dname";
this.isActive = true; = "na";
this.organizationId = "oid";
this.organizationName = "oname";
this.projectStatusList = null;
this.regionId = "1";
this.regionName = "rn";
this.ruleType = 1;
this.serviceTypeId = "1";
this.serviceTypeIds = new ArrayList<>();
this.serviceTypeName = "sn";
this.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList = new ArrayList<>();
this.startPeriod = 1;
this.templateGroupId = "1";
this.templateGroupName = "tn";
this.upDate = new Date();
this.year = 1;
return this;
public Map<Integer, Integer> getProjectStatusList() {
return projectStatusList;
......@@ -308,4 +277,23 @@ public class ProjectDisplayDto {
public void setProjectStatusList(Map<Integer, Integer> projectStatusList) {
this.projectStatusList = projectStatusList;
public void extractFromProject(Project project){
this.clientCode = project.getClientCode();
this.code = project.getCode();
this.createTime = project.getCreateTime();
this.effectiveDate = new Date();
this.endPeriod = project.getEndPeriod();
this.enterpriseAccountSetId = project.getEnterpriseAccountSetId(); = project.getId();
this.industryId = project.getIndustryId();
this.isActive = project.getIsActive(); = project.getName();
this.organizationId = project.getOrganizationId();
this.regionId = project.getRegionId();
this.ruleType = project.getRuleType();
this.startPeriod = project.getStartPeriod();
this.upDate = project.getUpdateTime();
this.year = project.getYear();
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