Commit 01bae3eb authored by zhangshengbo's avatar zhangshengbo


parent cd06f241
const address = 'http://localhost:8080/traffic/';
const address = '/traffic/';
const videoAddress = '';
const photoAddress = '';
const imgAddress = '/traffic/';// 测试环境
......@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
<div class="logo">
<!-- <img v-show="companyId !=1 && authId!=11" style="width:180px;height:45px" src="../assets/logo_chuhang.png" alt /> -->
<img v-show="companyId != 4 && authId != 14" style="width:144px;height:36px" src="../assets/logo_new.png" alt />
<img v-show="companyId != 4 && authId != 14 && authId != 16" style="width:144px;height:36px" src="../assets/logo_new.png" alt />
<img v-show="authId == 16" style="width:144px;height:36px" src="../assets/img/moshizhineng_logo.png" alt />
<div v-show="companyId">
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