vatExportService.js 5.35 KB
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webservices.factory('vatExportService', ['$log', '$http', 'apiConfig', '$q','vatSessionService', function ($log, $http, apiConfig, $q ,vatSessionService) {
    'use strict';

    var exportToExcel = function (data, status, headers, defaultFileName, noExtendFileName) {

        var defer = $q.defer();
        var octetStreamMime = 'application/';
        var success = false;

        // Get the headers
        headers = headers();

        // Get the filename from the x-filename header or default to "download.bin"
        var filename = null;
        if (noExtendFileName) {
            filename = defaultFileName+ "_"'.xls'
        } else {
            filename = defaultFileName+"_"+decodeURI(headers['x-file-name']).replace('???','').replace(',','')+ "_"'.xls'

        // Determine the content type from the header or default to "application/octet-stream"
        var contentType = headers['content-type'] || octetStreamMime;

        try {
            // Try using msSaveBlob if supported
            //console.log("Trying saveBlob method ...");
            var blob = new Blob([data], {type: contentType});
            if (navigator.msSaveBlob)
                navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
            else {
                // Try using other saveBlob implementations, if available
                var saveBlob = navigator.webkitSaveBlob || navigator.mozSaveBlob || navigator.saveBlob;
                if (saveBlob === undefined) throw "Not supported";
                saveBlob(blob, filename);
            //console.log("saveBlob succeeded");
            success = true;
        } catch (ex) {
            $log.debug("saveBlob method failed with the following exception:");

        if (!success) {
            // Get the blob url creator
            var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL;
            if (urlCreator) {
                // Try to use a download link
                var link = document.createElement('a');
                if ('download' in link) {
                    // Try to simulate a click
                    try {
                        // Prepare a blob URL
                        //console.log("Trying download link method with simulated click ...");
                        var blobdownload = new Blob([data], {type: contentType});
                        var urldownload = urlCreator.createObjectURL(blobdownload);
                        link.setAttribute('href', urldownload);

                        // Set the download attribute (Supported in Chrome 14+ / Firefox 20+)
                        link.setAttribute("download", filename);

                        // Simulate clicking the download link
                        var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
                        event.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
                        //console.log("Download link method with simulated click succeeded");
                        success = true;

                    } catch (ex) {
                        $log.debug("Download link method with simulated click failed with the following exception:");

                if (!success) {
                    // Fallback to window.location method
                    try {
                        // Prepare a blob URL
                        // Use application/octet-stream when using window.location to force download
                        //console.log("Trying download link method with window.location ...");
                        var blobsuccess = new Blob([data], {type: octetStreamMime});
                        var urlsuccess = urlCreator.createObjectURL(blobsuccess);
                        window.location = urlsuccess;
                        //console.log("Download link method with window.location succeeded");
                        success = true;
                    } catch (ex) {
                        //console.log("Download link method with window.location failed with the following exception:");

        if (!success) {
            // Fallback to method
            $log.debug("No methods worked for saving the arraybuffer, using last resort");
  , '_blank', '');

        //Delete the file
        // todo deleteFile(encodeURI(filename));
        return defer.promise;

    var deleteFile = function (filename) {
        return $http.get('/inputInvoiceImport/delete/file?filename=' + filename, apiConfig.createVat());

    return {
        exportToExcel: exportToExcel,
        exportReport: function (jsonData) {
            return $'/Report/export', {ReportData: jsonData}, apiConfig.createVat());