vat.json 94.5 KB
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  "@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序",
  "ACEOLEDBUnInstallError": "Import failed. Please confirm if the Microsoft Office driver is installed.  AccessDatabaseEngine.exe",
  "ACompany": "A Company",
  "AcceptNO": "Receipt Number",
  "AccountCode": "Account code",
  "AccountCodeNullMag": "The Account Code Is Empty.",
  "AccountCodeNullType": "It Is Wrong If The Account code Is Empty",
  "AccountCodeOverLengthMag": "The Length of The Account Code Exceeds 50.",
  "AccountCodeOverLengthType": "Account Code Length Error",
  "AccountIncome": "Account Income",
  "AccountMapFailed": "Account Mapping Failed!",
  "AccountMapSuccess": "Account Mapping Successful!",
  "AccountMappingMenuUnSelect": "Please select...",
  "AccountMappingSubmit": "Account Mapping Submit",
  "AccountMappingSubmitComplete": "Account mapping Submission Completed",
  "AccountMappingTitle": "Account Re-classification",
  "AccountMappingUndo": "Cancel",
  "AccountName": "Account Name",
  "AccountPeriod": "Accounting Period",
  "AccountReMapVoucherDetailTitle": "Voucher Information",
  "AccountReMappingCredit": "Remapped Account Credit Amount",
  "AccountReMappingCustomerCode": "Customer Code",
  "AccountReMappingDebit": "Remapped Account Debit Amount",
  "AccountReMappingFail": "Failed",
  "AccountReMappingSelectOne": "Please Select an Item",
  "AccountReMappingSuccess": "Success",
  "AccountReMappingType": "Remapping Type",
  "AccountRemMappingStdReMapResult": "Standard Account Remapping Results",
  "AccountTypeDifferent": "Inconsistent Account Type",
  "AccountVoucher_AccountCode": "Account Code",
  "AccountVoucher_AccountName": "Account Name",
  "AccountVoucher_AccountVoucher": "Voucher",
  "AccountVoucher_AlertMsg_Leave": "Leaving The Current Page Will Lose the Current Query Result. Are You Sure You Want to Abandon the Current Query Operation?",
  "AccountVoucher_Credit": "Credit Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_CustomerCode": "Reciprocal Accounting Code",
  "AccountVoucher_CustomerName": "Reciprocal Accounting Name",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow": "Company Account",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit": "Credit Incurred",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCreditSum": "Credit Total Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow": "!!往来核算Transaction",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate": "Voucher Date",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit": "Debit Incurred",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebitSum": "Debit Total Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup": "Voucher Type",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod": "Period",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow": "Standard Account",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary": "Descriptions",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID": "Voucher ID",
  "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText": "NO Data",
  "AccountVoucher_Date": "Voucher Date",
  "AccountVoucher_Debit": "Debit Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit": "Credit",
  "AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit": "Debit",
  "AccountVoucher_Display": "Display",
  "AccountVoucher_Display_InEntry": "By Entry",
  "AccountVoucher_Display_InVoucher": "By Voucher",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountCodeEmpty": "Please Enter Account Code Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountNameEmpty": "Please Enter Account Name Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEmpty": "Please Enter The Credit Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEndAmountTooBig": "The Credit Amount Is Invalid, and The Minimum Value Should Be Less Than Or Equal To The Maximum Value.",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditInvalid": "Invalid Credit Amount, Please Enter a Valid Number",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerCodeEmpty": "Please Enter The Transaction Code Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerNameEmpty": "Please Enter The Transaction Name Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEmpty": "Please Enter the Voucher Date",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEndDateTooBig": "The voucher Date is Invalid And The Start Date Should be Less Than The Due Date",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateInvalid": "The Voucher Date Is Invalid. Please Enter a Valid Date.",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEmpty": "Please Enter The Debit Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEndAmountTooBig": "The Debit Amount Is Invalid, And The Minimum Value Should Be Less Than Or Equal To The Maximum Value.",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitInvalid": "Invalid Debit Amount, Please Enter a Valid Number",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupEmpty": "Please Enter a Voucher Type Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupNumEmpty": "Please Enter The Voucher Number Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEmpty": "Please Enter Accounting Period Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEndMonthTooBig": "Accounting Period is Invalid, The Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal To The Maximum Value.",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodInvalid": "Accounting Period is Invalid. Please Enter Integers Between 1 and 12.",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryEmpty": "Please Enter The Voucher Summary Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryTooShort": "Please Enter a Voucher Summary of 3 or More Characters",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_AND": "And",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_AllJe": "Show All Vouchers",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_AndOr": "Condition",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_ChoiceAccountCode": "Choose Account Code",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_CreditSum": "Credit Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_DebitCredit": "Debit And Credit Direction",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_DebitSum": "Debit Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_ItemIDCount": "Number of Entries",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_OR": "Or",
  "AccountVoucher_Fields_VIDCount": "Voucher Number",
  "AccountVoucher_FilterMode": "Filter",
  "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Advanced": "Advanced Search",
  "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Custom": "Custom Search",
  "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_DebitCrebitAccountCode": "Debit/Credit Related Account Search",
  "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Normal": "Search",
  "AccountVoucher_Group": "Voucher Type",
  "AccountVoucher_GroupNum": "Voucher ID",
  "AccountVoucher_Menu_RecordDoubtfulPoint": "Record Doubts",
  "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Amount": "Input Amount",
  "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date": "Input Voucher Date",
  "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period": "Input Account Period",
  "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text": "Input Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty": "",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_1": "Equal To Any Keywordah",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_10": "Greater Than",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_11": "Not Less Than",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_12": "Less Than",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_13": "Not Greater Than",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_2": "Start With Any Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_3": "Contain All Keywords",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_4": "Contain Any Keyword",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_9": "Equal To",
  "AccountVoucher_Summary": "Description Keywords",
  "AccountingVoucher": "Accounting Voucher",
  "AccumulatedAmount": "Accumulated Amount",
  "AccumulatedCreditAmount": "Credit Amount",
  "AccumulatedDebitAmount": "Debit Amount",
  "AcquireIntangibleAssets": "Acquire Intangible Assets",
  "Action": "Action",
  "ActiveEndTime": "Active End Time",
  "ActiveStartTime": "Active Start Time",
  "AddAccount": "Add Account",
  "AddCertificate": "Add Voucher",
  "AddCertificateCancel": "Cancel",
  "AddCertificateConfirm": "Confirm",
  "AddChart": "Add Chart",
  "AddChartButton": "Confirm Add",
  "AddChartDefault": "Custom Dashboard",
  "AddChartDescF": "You Can Add New Charts, Drag And Drop To Change The Position of The Chart, Or Delete Unwanted Charts.",
  "AddChartDescS": "You Can Select The Data Source In The Add Chart Function And The Selected Chart Will Be Added To Your Dashboard .",
  "AddChartDescT": "You Can Modify The Analysis Dimensions And Chart Styles In The Edit Charts Feature.",
  "AddFile": "Add File",
  "AddImportBtn": "Append",
  "AddImportInputInvoice": "Append Additional Input VAT Invoice Summary",
  "AddImportInputInvoiceItem": "Append Additional Input VAT Invoice Details",
  "AddImportJournalEntry": "Append Additional Journal Entry",
  "AddImportOutputInvoice": "Append Additional Sales Invoices",
  "AddImportTrialBalance": "Append Additional TB",
  "AddModelMappingFirst": "Please Add The Corresponding Relationship Between The License Plate Type And The Vehicle Type And The Seat.",
  "AddNew": "Add New",
  "AddNewMapping": "Add New Mapping",
  "AddReclassificationItem": "Add New Account Reclassification",
  "AdditReminder": "Review Reminder",
  "AddressPhoneColon": "Address And Phone Number:",
  "AdjustDateParseErrorMsg": "Invalid Date Adjustment In Row(s) {rows}",
  "AdjustDateParseErrorType": "Invalid Date Adjustment",
  "AdjustmentReasonCol": "Adjustment Reason",
  "AgriculturalProduct": "Agricultural Goods Invoice",
  "AllArea": "All Area",
  "AllBusinessUnit": "All Business Unit",
  "AllMappingStatus": "All Mapping Status",
  "AllOrganization": "All Organization",
  "AllTax": "All Taxes",
  "AllTheItems": "Select All",
  "Alltotal": "Subtotal",
  "Alternative": "You Can Only Choose One Of These Two",
  "Amount": "Amount",
  "AmountAdjusted": "Adjusted Amount",
  "AmountCheck": "Amount Check",
  "AmountCompareErrorType": "!!Cross Check Between Calculated Tax And Imported Tax Amount",
  "AmountDifference": "Amount Difference",
  "AmountNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Incorrect Amount",
  "AmountNumberCheckErrorType": "Amount Data Type Error",
  "AmountQueryError": "The Amount Range Is Incorrect, Please Re-enter!",
  "AmountTips": "Input Reclassified Amount",
  "AmountTotalLower": "!!Total Price And Tax(Lower Case)",
  "AmountTotalUpper": "!!Total Price And Tax(Capital) ",
  "AmountUnit": "",
  "AmountWarningSearch": "The Previous Amount Cannot Be Greater Than The Post Amount",
  "AnnualTaxationAmount": "Annual Taxation Amount",
  "ApplyingEntitesDetails": "Applicable Company",
  "ApproveLevelDescTitle": "!!({level}级)",
  "ApproveProcess": "Approval Process",
  "ApproveReportStatusCheck": "Audit Can Only Be Conducted After Submission Or Approval By Superiors.",
  "AtleastOne": "Please Choose at Least One Record",
  "AtleastOneReason": "Please Choose at Least One reason",
  "AuantityNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Quantity Data Type Error",
  "AutoCalcCreditAmount": "Auto Calculate Credit Amount",
  "AutoCalcDebitAmount": "Auto Calculate Debit Amount",
  "AutoGoodsMapping": "Automatic Mapping",
  "BColon": "B:",
  "BCompany": "B Company",
  "BDColon": "BD:",
  "BDFapiao": "BD Invoice",
  "BDIssuedDate": "BD Issued Date",
  "BDIssuedInvoice": "BD Issued Invoice",
  "BDName": "BD Name",
  "BDStatus": "BD Status",
  "BDStatusCancelled": "!!Cannot issue {0} because BD Status is Canceled or Red-lettered.",
  "BDStatusUnmatched": "!!Cannot issue {0} because BD Status is Unmatched.",
  "BDView": "BD View",
  "BDViewPageTitleSecond": "Invoiced List - BD View",
  "BDViewRedLetterConfirmReason1": "Invoicing Process Error",
  "BDViewRedLetterConfirmReason2": "Invoicing Information Error",
  "BDViewRedLetterConfirmTitle": "!!Issue Red Letter - BD",
  "BU": "BU",
  "BackEndDuplicateInputInvoiceErrorMsg": "Found Duplicate Rows {rows} In Database",
  "BackEndDuplicateInputInvoiceErrorType": "Duplicate Input Invoice Information In Database",
  "BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorMsg": "{rows} Wrong Invoice;",
  "BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorType": "Invoice Information Error",
  "BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorMsg": "!!The Cumulative Amount Or Tax Amount Of The Detailed Information Is Greater Than The Amount Or Tax Amount Of The Input Summary Table.",
  "BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorType": "!!Cross Check Between Input VAT Summary And Detailed Amount List",
  "BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorMsg": "!!Rows {rows} In Input VAT Details Sheet Is Not Related To the Input VAT Summary Sheet",
  "BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorType": "Relationship With The Input VAT Summary Sheet",
  "BalDiff": "Balance Difference",
  "BankAccount": "Bank Account",
  "BankAndAccountColon": "Bank and Account Number:",
  "BankNameColon": "Bank Name:",
  "BasicDataCheck": "Basic Data Validation",
  "BdChoseEvidenceTitle": "Please Choose Evidence Document:",
  "BdInputReasonTitle": "Please Input Reason:",
  "BdUserRedLetterWarningInfoInputLengthCheck": "The Max Length Of Input Reason Is 500.",
  "BdUserRedLetterWarningInfoInputRequired": "The Input Reason Is Required.",
  "BegBal": "Beginning Balance",
  "BegBalMsg": "Initial Balance Type Error.",
  "BegCreditBal": "Credit Beginning Balance",
  "BegCreditBalMsg": "Credit Initial Type Is Incorrect.",
  "BegDebitBalMsg": "Debit Initial Type Is Incorrect.",
  "BegDebitBalType": "Debit Beginning Balance",
  "BeginYearMonthColon": "Begin Year-Month:",
  "BeginYearMonthRequire": "Please Select Beginning Month",
  "Beijing": "Beijing",
  "BillIncome": "Invoiced Income",
  "Blank": "Blank",
  "BookTaxDifference": "Analysis Of Income Tax Differences",
  "BrandandModelNumberPlaceholder": "Please Input Brand and Model Number",
  "BtnDelete": "Delect",
  "BuildinModel": "Preset Model",
  "BuildingInstallationService": "Building Installation Service",
  "ButtonBrowser": "Browser...",
  "ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
  "Buyer": "Buyer",
  "BuyerACNo": "Buyer A/C No.",
  "BuyerAddress": "Buyer Address",
  "BuyerCodePlaceholder": "Please Input Driver License or Organization Code",
  "BuyerName": "Buyer Name",
  "BuyerPhoneColon": "Buyer Phone No:",
  "BuyerTaxIDColon": "Buyer Tax ID:",
  "CCompany": "C Company",
  "CIQNumber": "CIQ #",
  "CIT": "CIT",
  "CITFilingAnalysis": "CIT Filing Analysis",
  "CITProject": "Enterprise Account",
  "CNY": "CNY",
  "CabinConfig": "Seat Layout",
  "CabinConfiguration": "Cabin configuration",
  "CabinConfigurationName": "Cabin Configuration (e.g. Seven Seat Interior)",
  "CabinConfigurationRequired": "Seat Layout Information Cannot Be Empty",
  "CaculateBuildinModel": "Preset Model Computation",
  "CaculateUnbilled": "Uninvoiced Sales Calculation",
  "CallbackError": "Error message: {errorMsg}",
  "CancelDialogText": "Receiving All Pieces Of Invoices?",
  "CancelFapiao": "Invoice Invalidation",
  "CancelGoodsMapping": "Cancel Mapping",
  "CancelInvoiceBDTitle": "Invoice Invalidation - BD",
  "CancelInvoiceGDTitle": "Invoice Invalidation- GD",
  "CancelIssuing": "Cancellation Of Invoice",
  "CancelPrintBDInvoice": "Cancel Print BD Invoice",
  "CancelPrintFapiao": "Cancel and Reprint",
  "CancelReprintInvoiceBDTitle": "Cancel and Reprint Invoice - BD",
  "CancelReprintInvoiceGDTitle": "Cancel and Reprint Invoice - GD",
  "CannotSelectUnholdAndHold": "Can Not Choose [Hold] Vehicle And [Unhold] Vehicle At The Same Time!",
  "CantFind": "Not Find",
  "CapacityPlaceholder": "Please Enter A Limited Number Of Passengers",
  "CarType": "Car Type",
  "CaseCollectionDate": "Case Collection Date",
  "CaseNumber": "Case Id #",
  "Category": "Category",
  "CategoryName": "Vehicle Type - Automatically Generated",
  "CategoryRepeat": "Category Has Exists.",
  "CategoryRequire": "Please Input Category",
  "CellColumn": "Cell",
  "CellInfo": "Cell level Info",
  "CellInfoFail": "Failed to Retrieve Cell Level Information",
  "CellValue": "Value",
  "CertificateNumberPlaceholder": "Please Input Certificate Number",
  "CertificateNumberRequire": "Please Input Certificate Number!",
  "CertificationClearning": "Certification Clearance",
  "CertificationDateCheckErrorMsg": "The Date Of Certification Does Not Match The Selected Interval",
  "CertificationDateEmptyCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Is Empty",
  "CertificationDateFormatCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Format Error",
  "CertificationDateRangeCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Is Not In The Selected Period",
  "CertificationNotPass": "Certification Failed",
  "CertificationPass": "Certification passed",
  "ChangSha": "Changsha",
  "Check": "Check",
  "CheckFinanceTips": "Please Confirm The Final Price With The Financial",
  "CheckInputMemoLength": "Note Input Length Is Too Long, The Length Can Not Exceed 500!",
  "CheckInputValueFormat": "The Type Of Numeric Input Is incorrect, Only The Numeric Type Can be Input!",
  "CheckInputValueLength": "The Value Exceeds The Upper Limit Of 9999999999999!",
  "CheckIntInputValue": "The Input Format is Wrong, The Number of Copies Can Only be Entered as an Integer!",
  "CheckOrganizationDashboardConfig": "Indicator Configuration is Not Legal, Please Reconfigure!",
  "CheckResult": "Check Result",
  "ChooseManualInputReason": "Please Choose One Reason for Update",
  "ChoosePlaceholder": "-Please Select-",
  "ChoseReassignBD": "* Please Chose Reassign BD:",
  "CiqNumberPlaceholder": "Please Input CIQ Number",
  "ClassCode": "Invoice Code",
  "ClearAll": "Clear All",
  "ClearFailed": "Clear Failed",
  "ClearInputInvoice": "Clear Imported Input VAT Invoice Summary",
  "ClearJournalEntry": "Clear Imported Journal Entry Data",
  "ClearMapFailed": "Mapping Cancellation Failed.",
  "ClearMapSuccess": "Mapping Cancellation Completed.",
  "ClearMapping": "Cancel  mapping",
  "ClearOutputInvoice": "Clear Output Invoices",
  "ClearSuccess": "Deleted",
  "ClearTbError": "Fail in Trail Balance Delete and Accounting Data Import",
  "ClearTips": "Clear All Imported Records, Confirm?",
  "ClearTrialBalance": "Clear Trial Balance",
  "CloseButton": "Close",
  "CodeVersion": "Product Code Version Number",
  "Collapse": "Collapse",
  "CollectBuildinModelResult": "Setting of Pre-set Model Calculations",
  "ColumnsMapErrorMsg": "Required Field: {columns} Not Mapped!",
  "ColumnsMapErrorType": "Required Fields Check",
  "ComCreditBal": "Original Credit Balance",
  "ComDebitBal": "Original Debit Balance",
  "ComEndBal": "Original Ending Balance",
  "ComEndCreditBal": "Original Ending Credit Balance",
  "ComEndDebitBal": "Original Ending Debit Balance",
  "ComfirmIgnoreUnsavedChanges": "You Will Loss Your Unsaved Changes if You Leave This Page, Confirm to Continue",
  "ComfirmToReMap": "The Enterprise Account Has been Corresponding to the Standard Subject. Are You Sure to Re-correspond and Overwrite the Existing Correspondence??",
  "CommissionableStore": "!!Commissionable Store",
  "CommonFail": "System Error, Please Contact System Administrator",
  "CompanyCode": "Company Code",
  "CompanyTaxID": "Company Tax ID",
  "CompanyVATIDTaxIDPlaceholder": "Please Input Seven-Digit Tax Identification Number",
  "CompanyVATIDTaxIDRequire": "Taxpayer Identification Number",
  "CompareUnbilled": "Uninvoiced Sales Comparison",
  "Complete": "Declaration completed",
  "CompleteDeclarationStatusCheck": "The Declaration Can Only be Completed If the Project Status is Generated and is Not Equal to Rejected",
  "Completed": "Completed",
  "Conclusion": "Conclusion",
  "Condition1": "Need to Select Debit and Credit Beginning Balance at the Same Time",
  "Condition3": "(Debit Balance, Credit Balance) or (Debit Ending Period, Credit Ending Period) or ending balance required.",
  "Condition4": "Beginning Balance or ( Debit Beginning,Credit Beginning)Can't Choose at the Same Time.",
  "Condition5": "Ending Balance or ( Debit Ending,Credit Ending)Can't Choose at the Same Time.",
  "Condition6": "Debit and Credit Amount Need to be Selected at the Same Time",
  "Condition7": "Need to select debit and credit ending balance at the same time",
  "ConditionDataSource": "Condition Analysis Data Source",
  "Config": "Configuration",
  "ConfirmAll": "Confirm All and Print",
  "ConfirmCancelInvoice": "Whether to Invalidate the Selected Invoice?",
  "ConfirmCancelMapping": "Whether to Cancel the Correspondence?",
  "ConfirmCheckedFinance": "Has It been Confirmed with the Financial?",
  "ConfirmClearCustomsInvoice": "Are You Sure to Delete the Customs Certification List Data?",
  "ConfirmCleartTbTitle": "Do You Want to Delete the Data Related to the Trial Balance Import?",
  "ConfirmCredit": "Confirmation Number (Credit)",
  "ConfirmDebit": "Confirmation Number (Debit)",
  "ConfirmDeleteVehicle": "Are You Sure to Delete This Vehicle?",
  "ConfirmNo": "No",
  "ConfirmSelectErpImportFile": "Import File Not Selected, Cannot be Imported",
  "ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle": "Please Select File to Import",
  "ConfirmTbDataToDelete": "Accounting data can be import after delete all trail balance sheet.Confirm to delete?",
  "ConfirmToContinue": "Confirm to Continue?",
  "ConfirmToMapForDiffAcctProp": "The corresponding Corporate Account is Not the Same Account Type as the Standard Account. Are You Sure to Correspond?",
  "ConfirmToMapForDiffDirection": "The corresponding Corporate Account is Not the Same Direction of Debit-Credit as the Standard Account. Are You Sure to Correspond?",
  "ConfirmUndoJournal": "Confirm Undo Journal?",
  "ConfirmYes": "Yes",
  "ConfirmationNumber": "Confirmation Number",
  "ContactAdmin": "Please Contact the Administrator",
  "ConverImportBtn": "Overwrite",
  "CostCenter": "Cost Center",
  "CoverImportInputInvoice": "Overwrite Import  VAT Invoice Summary",
  "CoverImportInputInvoiceItem": "Overwrite Import  VAT Invoice Details",
  "CoverImportJournalEntry": "Overwrite Import Existing Journal Entry ",
  "CoverImportOutputInvoice": "Overwrite Import Output Invoice",
  "CoverImportTrialBalance": "Overwrite Import TB",
  "CreditAmount": "Credit Amount",
  "CreditAmountConfirmCol": "Final Confirmation Number (Credit)",
  "CreditBalDiff": "Credit Balance Difference",
  "CreditBalMsg": "The Credit Amount Type is Incorrect.",
  "CreditClosingBalance": "Credit Ending Balance",
  "CreditOpeningBalance": "Credit Beginning balance",
  "CreditParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Illegal Credit Amount!",
  "CreditReclassificationCol": "Credit Reclassification",
  "CreditRelevantAmtCol": "Credit Amount (Include Audit Adjustments)",
  "CreditTips": "Input Reclassification Credit Amount",
  "Creditor": "Credit",
  "CurrentIncomeNum": "Uninvoiced Income Recorded This Month.",
  "CurrentMarkupRate": "Current Pricing Ratio",
  "CurrentMonth": "Current Month",
  "CurrentMonthUnissuedRevenue": "Total Uninvoiced Income Recorded This Month",
  "CurrentMonthUnissuedTax": "Uninvoiced Tax Amount This Month",
  "CurrentPage": "Current Page",
  "CurrentPeriod": "Current Period",
  "CurrentPeriodBegCreditBal": "Current Period Beginning Credit Balance",
  "CurrentPeriodBegDebitBal": "Current Period Beginning Debit Balance",
  "CurrentPeriodEndBal": "Current Period Beginning Balance",
  "CurrentReportTaxAmount": "Tax Payable in the Current Period",
  "CurrentReportTaxableRevenue": "!!Sales Income Should be Declared in This Period",
  "CurrentTotal": "Invoiced Amount This Month",
  "CustCreditBal": "System Credit Balance",
  "CustDebitBal": "System Debit Balance",
  "CustEndBal": "System Ending Balance",
  "CustEndCreditBal": "System Credit Ending Balance",
  "CustEndDebitBal": "System Debit Ending Balance",
  "CustGoodsName": "Enterprise Goods Name",
  "CustomInvoiceFileCheck": "Please Check the Upload File Format. Upload Files Can Only be xls, xlsx File Format",
  "CustomerCode": "Customer Code",
  "CustomsAuditResult": "Audit Result",
  "CustomsCertList": "Customs Audit Results",
  "CustomsIssueDate": "Issuance Date",
  "CustomsIssueEmpty": " The {rowIndex} Line, The Date of Issue Cannot be Empty",
  "CustomsIssueError": "!!For the {rowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Customs Payment Number: {rows}'s Date of Issue (Different From the Period)",
  "CustomsIssueNotDate": " For the {RowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Customs Payment Number: {Rows} was Issued With an Illegal Date Format",
  "CustomsPayNum": "Customs Payment Certificate ID",
  "CustomsPayNumDuplicate": "Duplication of Customs Payment Number",
  "CustomsPayNumEorror": " The {rowIndex} Line Customs Payment Book Number is Empty, Please Confirm",
  "CustomsPayNumExistedInSheet": "The {rowIndex} Line in Sheet Has Duplicate Customs Payment Numbers: {rows} ",
  "DCompany": "D Company",
  "Dashboard": "Dashboard",
  "DataCheckType": "Type",
  "DataCorrectnessCheck": "Data Verification",
  "DataEmpty": "The Value is Empty",
  "DataFilter": "Filter Data",
  "DataLoadingError": "Data Loading Error!",
  "DataSource": "Data Source",
  "DataSourceCountFirst": "Total",
  "DataSourceCountSecond": " Types of Data Source",
  "DataSourceInfo": "Data source info",
  "DataValidation": "Data Verification",
  "Date": "Date",
  "DateWarningSearch": "The Previous Date Cannot be Greater Than the Last Date",
  "DeatilPanelTitle": "Details of Invoice",
  "DebitAmount": "Debit Amount",
  "DebitAmountConfirmCol": "Final Confirmation Number (Debit)",
  "DebitBalDiff": "Debit Balance Difference",
  "DebitBalMsg": "Debit Balance Type Error",
  "DebitBalType": "Credit Balance Type Error",
  "DebitClosingBalance": "Debit Ending Balance",
  "DebitOpeningBalance": "Credit Ending Balance",
  "DebitParseErrorMsg": "{rows} Illegal Debit Amount Exists ",
  "DebitParseErrorType": "Illegal Debit Amount",
  "DebitTips": "Please Enter  reclassified Debit Amount",
  "DeclarationComplete": "Complete Filing",
  "DeleteDuplicateData": "Remove Duplicate Trial  Balance Data",
  "DeleteEmptyWarning": "Please Select the Data and Then Delete It.",
  "DeleteEvidence": "Upload Evidence File",
  "DeleteFailed": "Delete Failed",
  "DeleteFiles": "Delete Files",
  "DeleteFromIssuingList": "Delete From Invoiced List",
  "DeleteMeasureAlert": "At Least Retain One Analytical Indicator .",
  "DeleteSuccess": "Delete Success",
  "DeleteTbDataTip": "Confirm to Remove Current Month's Data? Once Cleared it Cannot be Recovered",
  "DeleteTips": "Please Select Data Needs to be Removed.",
  "DeliveryStatus": "Delivery Status",
  "Details": "Details",
  "DirectionDifferent": "Debit and Credit Direction Not the Same",
  "DishonouredCheque": "Refund",
  "Display": "Display",
  "DisplayCurrentPeriod": "Display Current Period",
  "DocumentNum": "Document Number",
  "DownLoadCsvTemplate": " DownLoad CSV Template",
  "DownLoadExcelTemplate": "DownLoad Excel Template",
  "DownloadFiles": "Download Files",
  "DownloadOutputTemplate": "Download Template",
  "DownloadTemplateFail": "Template Download Failed, Please Contact Administrator.",
  "DrawerColon": "Issuer:",
  "DriverLicense": "Driver's License #/ Organization Code",
  "DriverOrganizationValidation": "Driver License and Organization Code/Company VAT ID Tax ID Don't Exist at the Same Time",
  "DuplicateCheckErrorMsg": "Duplications Exist at Line(s) {rows}",
  "DuplicateCheckErrorType": "Duplicate Invoice Information in the Imported File",
  "DuplicateDataCheck": "Duplicated Data",
  "DuplicateInDBErrorType": "Duplicated Import",
  "DuplicateInFileErrorType": "Duplicated Data Exists",
  "DuplicateNum": "Duplicated Number",
  "DuplicatedInformation": "Discover Duplicate Data in Salesforce",
  "ECompany": "E Company",
  "ENCancel": "Cancel",
  "ENConfirm": "Confirm",
  "EditFapiaoDetails": "Pending Invoice List ",
  "EditFapiaoDetailsTitle": "Vehicle Invoicing List/ Pending Invoice List",
  "EditMapping": "Edit Mapping",
  "EffectiveDateFormatCheckInfo": "The Effective Date Formate is Not Correct.",
  "EffectiveDateSpellCheck": "Please Enter a Valid Date.",
  "EffectiveDateTimeCheckInfo": "Effective Date Cannot be Earlier Than Current Date.",
  "ElecInfo": "Electronic Information",
  "EmployeeBenefit": "Employee Welfare",
  "EmptyFieldErrorMsg": "{rows}There is a Null Value For the Required Fields!!",
  "EmptyFieldErrorType": "Empty Check",
  "EmptyFileContent": "The File Content is Empty. Please Select a File With Content.",
  "EndBal": "Ending Balance",
  "EndBalMsg": "The Ending Balance Type is Incorrect.",
  "EndCreditBal": "Credit Ending balance",
  "EndCreditBalMsg": "The Credit Ending Balance Type is Incorrect",
  "EndDebitBal": "Debit Ending Balance",
  "EndDebitBalMsg": "The Debit Ending Balance Type is Incorrect",
  "EndYearMonthColon": "End of Term:",
  "EndYearMonthValidateMsg": "!!Please Select Validate End Year Month",
  "EntempriseAccount": "Enterprise Account",
  "EnterPricingData": "Enter New Pricing Data",
  "EnterpriceAccountImportDataFormatError": "Wrong File Format",
  "EnterpriseSubjectCodeCol": "Enterprise Account code",
  "Entity": "Entity",
  "EntityDetail": "Entity Detail",
  "EntityName": "Entity Name",
  "EntryComparison": "Entry Comparison",
  "Enum_Accounting": "Booked",
  "Enum_Billed": "Invoiced",
  "Enum_DisplayIncoice": "Page Display Invoice Information",
  "Enum_DisplayVoucher": "Page Display Credential Information",
  "Enum_NotAccounting": "Not Journalized",
  "Enum_PartAccounting": "Partially Booked",
  "Enum_PartBilled": "Partially Invoiced",
  "Enum_UnBilled": "Not Invoiced",
  "EprConfirmImportData": "The Status of the Project is: {status}, Do you Confirm the {importTypeStr} Data?",
  "EprConfirmImportDataTitle": "Confirm to Import Data?",
  "ErpCheckTypeId": "Financial Data Recommendation Type Id",
  "ErpDetailWarning": "Verify Correctly, No Error Details",
  "ErpDownloadFileTitle": "Download the Universal Template File and Fill in the Corresponding Data According to the Field Requirements of the Universal Template",
  "ErpFileUploadLimits": "File Should Not Bigger Than:",
  "ErpImportFileTitle": "Import Data Source File",
  "ErpImportTitle": "Accounting Data",
  "ErpToolTips": "Notice:1. CSV File Name Should be:Balance_*.csv,Voucher_*.csv; 2.Use Tab to Divide Data;3.Press Ctrl+click File Name to Add More",
  "ErpUploadFileExtensionCheck": "File format should be csv,xls or xlsx",
  "ErrorCount": "Financial Data",
  "ErrorDetail": "Error Number",
  "ErrorDetails": "Error Details",
  "ErrorFileMsg": ".EXE Files Are Not Supported",
  "ErrorFileType": "File Type Error",
  "ErrorResult": "Error Results",
  "EtsSubjectNameCol": "Corresponding Enterprise Account",
  "EvidenceDocumentRequired": "Please Chose Evidence Document.",
  "EvidenceFilesRequired": "Please Upload Evidence Files.",
  "EvidenceTab": "Evidence",
  "Expand": "Expand",
  "ExportBtn": "Export",
  "ExportExcel": "Export to Excel",
  "FCompany": "F Company",
  "FaceTaxAmount": "!!Face Value(Including Tax)",
  "FaipiaoCondition": "Invoice Condition",
  "FakeInvoice": "Fake invoice",
  "FapiaoByManual": "Manual Invoice",
  "FapiaoCode": "Invoice Code",
  "FapiaoKeywords": "Invoice Keywords",
  "FapiaoNumber": "Invoice Number",
  "FapiaoQuotaSettings": "Invoice Quota Settings",
  "FileName": "File Name: ",
  "FillBack": "Fill Back",
  "FillBackAmount": "Fill Back Amount",
  "FillingCurrentMonth": "Amount Declared This Month.",
  "Filter": "Filter:",
  "FilterByreadytoissue": "!!Filter Pending Invoice",
  "FilterCriteriaTags": "Filter Results",
  "FilterMapStatus": "Filter Mapping States",
  "FinalAmount": "Final Amount",
  "FinalAmountEmpty": "Please Make Sure Final Amount is Not Empty.",
  "FinalAmountRequired": "Final Amount is Required.",
  "FinalAmountShouldBeNumber": "Final Amount Should be a Number.",
  "FinalCredit": "Final Confirmation Number (Credit)",
  "FinalDebit": "Final confirmation number (Debit)",
  "FinancePartner": "Finance Partner",
  "FinancialInsuranceService": "Financial Insurance Service",
  "FinancialReturn": "Financial Return",
  "FixedAssetsMovable": "Fixed Assets - Movable Property",
  "FixedAssetsNonmoveable": "Fixed Assets - Real Estate",
  "Fold": "Fold",
  "ForceTaxReason": "Mandatory Taxable Cause",
  "FreightTransport": "Transportation Invoice",
  "GDBDDetailTitle": "View GD-BD Invoice Details",
  "GDBDRedLetterConfirmInfo": "Please Confirm the Information That Will be Sent to the Approval Group.",
  "GDBDRedLetterConfirmTitle": "!!Red letter Application(GD-BD)",
  "GDBDStatus": "GD-BD Status",
  "GDCost": "GD-cost",
  "GDOutputTaxAmount": "GD Output Tax Amount",
  "GDPaperInvoiceInventory": "GD  Invoice Inventory",
  "GDRevenue": "GD-revenue",
  "GDStatus": "GD Status",
  "GDStatusNotReady": "!!Cannot issue {0} because GD Status is not ready to issue.",
  "GDVAT": "GD-VAT",
  "GDView": "GD View",
  "GP_BuildService": "Building Installation Service",
  "GP_EstateLeasingService": "Real Estate Leasing Service",
  "GP_FinancialService": "Financial Insurance Services",
  "GP_GoodsAndRepairService": "Goods and Processing, Repair and Repair Services",
  "GP_InvisibleCapital": "Intangible Assets",
  "GP_LandUseRight": "Transfer of Land Use Rights",
  "GP_LifeService": "Life Service",
  "GP_TangibleMovablesService": "Tangible Chattel Leasing Service",
  "GP_TelecomService": "Telecommunication Service",
  "GP_TransportationService": "Transportation Services",
  "GeneralIndustry": "General Industry",
  "GenerateBalanceSheet": "Generating Balance Sheet",
  "GenerateFinanceReport": "Finance Report Generation",
  "GenerateReport": "Report Generation",
  "GenerateStdTb": "Standard Trail Balance Sheet Generation",
  "GetNotVerifyInvoice": "Acquire Unauthenticated Invoices",
  "GetVoucherDetailsFail": "Failed to Obtain Voucher Information",
  "Goods": "Goods",
  "GoodsAndProcessingRepairAndRepairServices": "Goods And Processing Repair Services",
  "GovernmentClassificationPlaceholder": "Please Input Government Classification",
  "GrandTotal": "Total Price With Tax:",
  "Group": "Group",
  "HandInputValue": "Manual Input Value",
  "HandleMapping": "Manual Mapping",
  "HasChooseItemCount": "Total selected",
  "HasNotMatchMonth": "!!Selected Invoice Contains Non-this Month's Data:",
  "HasNotMatchStatus": " The Invoice Can Only be Invalidated After Invoiced ",
  "Help": "Help",
  "HideAllZeroRecords": "Hide Accounts With No Data",
  "HideValidation": "Hide Incorrect Data",
  "History": "History",
  "HistoryPeriod": "Previous",
  "HoldVechicle": "!!Lock in Vehicle",
  "ImagePic": "Validation Result",
  "ImmovablePropertyLeasing": "Real Estate Leasing",
  "Import": "Import Data",
  "ImportBtn": "Import",
  "ImportCertificate": "Import Certificate Number #",
  "ImportCertificateNumberPlaceholder": "Please Input Import Certificate Number",
  "ImportErpDataFail": "Data Import Failed:",
  "ImportErpDataSuccess": "Data Import Success, Start Processing Data",
  "ImportErrorMsg": "An Error Occurred at {NumberOfError}, Please Correct it and Click the Refresh Button to Re-verify",
  "ImportErrorPopUpErrorDescCol": "Wrong Description",
  "ImportErrorPopUpErrorDetail": "Wrong Details",
  "ImportErrorPopUpErrorInfoCol": "Wrong Information",
  "ImportErrorPopUpErrorTypeCol": "Wrong Type",
  "ImportErrorPopUpNoCol": "Serial Number",
  "ImportErrorPopUpTitle": "The Following Error Was Found During the Import Process, the Import is About to be Terminated, Please Re-import After Correction",
  "ImportEvidence": "Upload Evidence",
  "ImportFail": "Import Failed",
  "ImportFileInvalidType": "Invalid File Type, Please Check",
  "ImportJournalEntry": "Import Journal Entry",
  "ImportOutputInvoice": "Import Output Invoices",
  "ImportShipmentList": "Import Departure List",
  "ImportShipmentListGd": "Import Departure List- GD",
  "ImportSuccess": "Import Success",
  "ImportTrialBalance": "Import TB",
  "ImportTypeTip": "Clear All Imported Financial Data for This Period, Proceed?",
  "Import_AccountMapping": "Account Mapping",
  "Import_AuditAdjust": "Audit Adjustments",
  "Import_CalculateData": "Process Data",
  "Import_CustomInvoice": "Customs Invoice Import",
  "Import_Erpdata": "Import Financial  Data",
  "Import_GoodsMapping": "Goods Name Mapping",
  "Import_InputInvoice": "Input Invoice Import",
  "Import_InvoiceMapping": "Import Invoice Mapping",
  "Import_JournalEntry": "Import Journal Entry",
  "Import_OutputInvoice": "Output Invoice Import",
  "Import_TrialBalance": "Import TB",
  "Import_UnbilledInvoice": "Sales Without Invoice",
  "Import_VoucherMapping": "Import Voucher Mapping",
  "Importing": "Processing",
  "Income": "Income",
  "IncomeAXReport": "Input AX Certificate",
  "IncomeDataSource": "Input Data Source",
  "IncomeDetailDataSource": "Input Details Data Source",
  "IncomeInvoiceDetail": "Input Invoice Details",
  "IncomeInvoiceTotal": "Input Invoice Summary ",
  "IndexAnalysis": "Index Analysis",
  "IndexConfig": "Indicator Configuration",
  "InputInvoiceClearTips": "Input VAT Details and Summary for Current Month Will be Cleared?",
  "InputInvoiceCoverImportTips": " If Overwrite the Summary Sheet, the Input VAT Details Sheet Will Also be Cleared",
  "InputInvoiceItemClearTips": "Input VAT Details Sheet for Current Month Will be Cleared?",
  "InputPlaceholder": "Please Input",
  "InterCompany": "Inter-Company",
  "InvocieType": "Invoice Type",
  "Invoice": "Invoice",
  "InvoiceCaseNo": "Invoice Case No.",
  "InvoiceClaim": "Reimburse",
  "InvoiceCode": "Invoice Code",
  "InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date",
  "InvoiceDateEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Date is Empty",
  "InvoiceDateErrorType": "Invoice Date Format Error",
  "InvoiceDateQueryError": "Time Range Incorrect, Please Re-enter",
  "InvoiceDateRangeCheckErrorMsg": "The Invoiced Date Does Not Match the Selected Period",
  "InvoiceDisplay": "!!Invoice Slide",
  "InvoiceElectronicTicket": "Electronic Invoice",
  "InvoiceEntity": "Invoice Entity",
  "InvoiceFPDMQuery": "Invoice code: ",
  "InvoiceFPFS": "Invoice Quantity",
  "InvoiceFPHM": "Invoice Number",
  "InvoiceFPLX": "Invoice type",
  "InvoiceGHFSH": "Seller Tax ID",
  "InvoiceHWMC": "Goods Name",
  "InvoiceHasAddRecord": "!!已补录",
  "InvoiceHasExpired": "Expired",
  "InvoiceHasMatch": "Already matched",
  "InvoiceHasRefund": "Refunded",
  "InvoiceHasUpload": "Uploaded",
  "InvoiceHasVerify": "Certified",
  "InvoiceIdentifySuccess": "Identify Success",
  "InvoiceInfoDetailTab": "Invoice details",
  "InvoiceInfoEmptyCheckErrorMsg": "Invoice Code or Invoice Number or Invoice Type is Empty",
  "InvoiceInfoTotalTab": "Invoice Info Summary",
  "InvoiceInputTransferOut": "Invoice Input Transfer Out",
  "InvoiceItemAmount": "Detailed Aggregate Amount",
  "InvoiceItemInfoEmptyCheckErrorMsg": "Invoice Code or Invoice Number is Empty",
  "InvoiceItemInfoEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Item Detail is Empty",
  "InvoiceItemTaxAmount": "Details Total Tax Amount",
  "InvoiceJE": "Amount",
  "InvoiceJEError": " For the {rowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Amount of the Customs Payment Book Number: {rows}",
  "InvoiceJEQuery": "Amount: ",
  "InvoiceKPRQ": "Issuance Date",
  "InvoiceManualVerify": "Manual Authentication",
  "InvoiceModeMobileDevice": "Scanner Upload",
  "InvoiceModePDF": "Upload  Paper Invoice",
  "InvoiceModeScan": "Scan Upload (PDF)",
  "InvoiceModeWay": "Upload Method",
  "InvoiceNo": "Invoice No.",
  "InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase": "Non-material Centralized Purchasing",
  "InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number",
  "InvoicePackage": "Forged Invoice",
  "InvoicePendingMatch": "To be Matched",
  "InvoiceQJ": "Accounting Period",
  "InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase": "Collecting Materials",
  "InvoiceSE": "Tax Amount",
  "InvoiceSL": "Tax Rate",
  "InvoiceSource": "Invoice Source",
  "InvoiceStampIncorrect": "Invoice Chapter Error",
  "InvoiceStatus": "Invoice Status",
  "InvoiceType": "Invoice Type",
  "InvoiceTypeCN": "Invoice Category",
  "InvoiceTypeEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Type is Empty",
  "InvoiceTypeErrorType": "Invoice Type Error",
  "InvoiceUnableVerify": "Invoice Unable Verify",
  "InvoiceUnrecognize": "Invoice Unrecognized",
  "InvoiceVerifyFailure": "True Failure",
  "IsComfirmToSubmitReport": "Whether to Confirm Submission Report Audit?",
  "IsComfirmToWithdrawSubmitReport": "Whether to Confirm the Withdrawal of Report Submission?",
  "IsConfirmCancelMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} State. Do You Confirm the Cancellation of Correspondence?",
  "IsConfirmManualReClassify": "The System Has Reached the {status} State. Are You Sure to Save Manual Reclassification?",
  "IsConfirmReCalcuate": "The System Has Reached the {status} State. Do You Confirm Recalculation??",
  "IsConfirmSaveReport": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status. Are You Sure to Save the Report?",
  "IsConfirmToApproveReport": "Whether to Confirm the Approval?",
  "IsConfirmToCompleteDeclaration": "Whether to Confirm the Completion Of the Declaration?",
  "IsConfirmToSubmitReportTitle": "Are You Sure to Submit a Report Review??",
  "IsConfirmToWithdrawSubmitReportTitle": "Are You Sure to Cancel the Submission of the Report Review??",
  "IsConfirmUndoMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status, Whether to Confirm the Revocation Corresponding?",
  "IsDelete": "Are You Sure to Delete?",
  "IsIncludedInTaxAmount": " Whether to Include In the Input Tax",
  "IsMarketingCar": "Car For Marketing",
  "IssuanceDate": "Date of Invoice",
  "IssuanceSpecialVATFapiao": "!!Issue a Special VAT Ticket",
  "IssuaranceTypeColon": "Billing Type:",
  "IssueGdBd": "Issue GD-BD",
  "IssueNumber": "Issue Number",
  "IssuePrint": "Issue and Print",
  "IssueReminder": "Issue Reminder",
  "IssueWarning": "Issue Warning",
  "IssuedDate": "Issued Date",
  "IssuedInvoiceSpecial": "Issued Special VAT Invoice List",
  "IssuedInvoicelist": "Issued Vehicle List",
  "IssuedNotRecorded": "invoiced - Recording",
  "IssuedPeriod": "Issued Period",
  "IssuedPeriodColon": "Issued Period:",
  "IssuedTo": "Issued Object ",
  "IssuedVehicleListGd": "Issued Vehicle List - GD View",
  "IssuingEntity": "Issuing Entity:",
  "IssuranceType": "Issuing Type",
  "Item": "Item",
  "ItemIDParseErrorMsg": "Exist{rows}Illegal Entry Number Value!",
  "ItemIDParseErrorType": "Illegal Entry Value",
  "ItemName": "Item Name",
  "JETaxRate": "JE-Tax Rate",
  "JournalCompare": "Journal Compare",
  "JournalDFJE": "Credit Amount",
  "JournalEntries": "Journal Entries",
  "JournalEntriesCondition": "Journal Entries Condition",
  "JournalEntryAccountCodeTooLongErrorMsg": "Amount Code Can Not Exceed 50 Characters!",
  "JournalEntryAccountCodeTooLongErrorType": "Amount Code is Too Long",
  "JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorMsg": "Account Code Cannot be Empty!",
  "JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorType": "Account Code is Empty",
  "JournalEntryAmountErrorMsg": "{rows}The Format of Debit Amount or Credit Amount is Incorrect!",
  "JournalEntryAmountErrorType": "Amount Format Error",
  "JournalEntryClearTips": "All the imported journal entry will be cleared, confirm?",
  "JournalEntryCustomerCodeTooLongErrorMsg": "All Chronological Information Will be Cleared This Month",
  "JournalEntryCustomerCodeTooLongErrorType": "Customer Code is Too Long",
  "JournalEntryDateFormatErrorMsg": "{Rows}Voucher Date Format Error!",
  "JournalEntryDateFormatErrorType": "Date Format Error",
  "JournalEntryDuplicateErrorMsg": "Duplicated Voucher Found in the Imported Files!",
  "JournalEntryDuplicateErrorType": "Duplicate Data Check",
  "JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher Type Cannot be Empty!",
  "JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Type is Empty ",
  "JournalEntryGroupTooLongErrorMsg": "Voucher Type can Not Exceed 50 Characters!",
  "JournalEntryGroupTooLongErrorType": "Voucher Type Is Too Long",
  "JournalEntryImportErrorERPDataImportedAlready": "Financial Data Has Been Imported, Cannot Import Trial Balance Again.",
  "JournalEntryImportErrorNotImportTBData": "Trial Balance Has Not Been Imported, Cannot Import Journal Entry!",
  "JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher Item ID Cannot be Empty!",
  "JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Item ID is Empty",
  "JournalEntryItemIDFormatErrorType": "Voucher Item ID Format Error",
  "JournalEntryItemIDTooLongErrorMsg": "The Entry Number Cannot Exceed 50 Characters!",
  "JournalEntryItemIDTooLongErrorType": "Entry Number is Too Long",
  "JournalEntryPeriodErrorMsg": "{rows}The Period Does Not Match the Currently Selected Interval",
  "JournalEntryPeriodErrorType": "Accounting Period Error",
  "JournalEntryPeriodFormatErrorType": "Accounting Period Data Format Error",
  "JournalEntrySummaryTooLongErrorMsg": "Abstracts Should Not Exceed 200 Characters!",
  "JournalEntrySummaryTooLongErrorType": "Abstract is Too Long",
  "JournalEntryTitle": "Journal Entry",
  "JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher ID Cannot be Empty!",
  "JournalEntryVoucherDateEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Date is Empty",
  "JournalFLCount": "Voucher Item Quantity",
  "JournalFLH": "Journal ID",
  "JournalJFJE": "Debit Amount",
  "JournalKHDM": "Customer ID",
  "JournalKMDM": "Account Code",
  "JournalKeywords": "Journal Keywords",
  "JournalPZCount": "Journal Entry Quantity",
  "JournalPZH": "Voucher ID",
  "JournalPZLX": "Voucher Type",
  "JournalPZRQ": "Voucher Date",
  "JournalQJ": "Period",
  "JournalZY": "Description",
  "JumpTo": "Jump To",
  "KeyData": "Key Data Values:",
  "LastModifiedBy": "Latest Modification Date",
  "LastMonth": "Last Month",
  "LastNodeIsNotFinished": "Last Node Hasn't Finish",
  "LastPeriodEndBal": "Last Period Closing Balance",
  "LastPeriodEndCreditBal": "Last Period Credit Closing Balance",
  "LastPeriodEndDebitBal": "Last period Debit Closing Balance",
  "LastReportTotal": "Cumulative Tax Declaration in the Previous Period",
  "LastUpdateTimeColon": "Last Update Time:",
  "LengthNotEqual": "!!The Value Length is Not Equal",
  "LimitKeyWords": "Keyword Limits Five Character Length!",
  "LineNum": "Line Number",
  "LinkChoice": "Link Choice",
  "LoadFail": "Load Fail, Please Try Again Later.",
  "Logtitle": "Log-",
  "MakeAndModel": "Brand Model",
  "MakeAndModelName": "Vehicle Type (e.g. XXX乘用车 XP100D)",
  "MakeAndModelRequired": "!!Make and Model is Required!",
  "MakeandModelMappingRelationship": "Brand Model Mapping Relationship",
  "ManageDataSuccess": "Data Process Success",
  "ManualInput": "Manual Input",
  "ManualInputDataSource": "Manual Input Data Source",
  "ManualInputFail": "Manual Input Saved Failed",
  "ManualInputReason1": "Vehicle Routing List Amount Calculation Error (Manual Input)",
  "ManualInputReason2": "Taxable Subtotal Not Updated (Need Manual Refresh Before Issuing)",
  "ManualInputReason3": "Gross Margin Maintenance Error (Use Vehicle Routing List Amount)",
  "ManualInputReason4": "Other Special Reasons (Manual Input)",
  "ManualInputSuccess": "Manual Input Saved Successful",
  "ManualReason": "Reason for Manual Issuing:",
  "ManualReasonRequire": "Please Choose Manual Issuing Reason.",
  "ManualReclassification": "Manual Remapping",
  "ManufacturerName": "Manufacturer:",
  "Mapped": "Mapped",
  "MappingConfiguration": "Mapping Configuration",
  "MappingResult": "Mapping Results",
  "MarkUpEffectiveDateRequire": "Effective Date is Required.",
  "MarkUpRateRequire": "The Above Two Items Are Required..",
  "MarkupRatioInputFormatCheckInfo": "Mark-up Rate Must between 0 and 100.",
  "MarkupRatioRequired": "The Two Options Above Are Required!",
  "MarkupRatioSettingsTitle": "Mark-up Rate Settings",
  "MaxConditionDataSource": "Conditional Judgment Data Source(Take the Maximum Value)",
  "MaximumValue": "Maximum Value",
  "MaximumValueFormatCheckInfo": "Maximum Value Format is Not Correct.",
  "MaximumValueLengthCheckInfo": "Maximum Value Should Less Than 1,000,000,000.00.",
  "MaximumValueRequired": "Maximum Value is Required!",
  "Memo": "Remark",
  "MinConditionDataSource": "Conditional Judgment Data Source(Take the Minimum Value)",
  "ModelAnalysis": "Model Analysis",
  "ModelAnalysisResult": "Model Analysis Results",
  "ModelByJournal": "By Journal",
  "ModelByVoucher": "By Voucher",
  "ModelCollection": "Model Collection",
  "ModelDisplay": "Model Display",
  "ModelFeature": "Model Feature",
  "ModelIssue": "Model Anomaly",
  "ModelJournalCount": "Journal Count",
  "ModelMappingExistsAlready": "The Matching Relationship Between the License Plate Type, the Vehicle Type and the Seat Already Exists.",
  "ModelMappingNotExist": "Model Mapping Does not Exist!",
  "ModelName": "Model Name",
  "ModelPeriod": "Period",
  "ModelSeries": "Vehicle Type",
  "ModelSeriesName": "Vehicle Type (e.g. Model X P100DL)",
  "ModelSeriesRequired": "Vehicle Type is Required!",
  "ModelVoucherCount": "Voucher",
  "Model_ColCalculatedValue": "Calculated Value",
  "Model_ColCompanyAccount": "Company Account",
  "Model_ColDebitRelatedAmount": "Debit Related Amount",
  "Model_ColFilterIssue": "Filter Issue",
  "Model_ColModelDescription": "Model Description",
  "Model_ColMonthlyWarningValue": "Monthly Warning Value",
  "Model_ColNO": "No.",
  "Model_ColStandardAccount": "Standard Account",
  "Model_ColStatus": "Status",
  "Model_ColVoucherDate": "Voucher Date",
  "Model_ColVoucherNumber": "Voucher Number",
  "Model_ColVoucherSummary": "Voucher Text",
  "Model_ColYearWarningValue": "Year Warning Value",
  "Modify": "Modify",
  "MonthDimension": "Month",
  "MonthlyTotal": "Monthly Total",
  "MoreCondition": "Detailed Inquiry",
  "MotorNumber": "Motor Number",
  "MotorNumberPlaceholder": "Please Input Motor Number",
  "MotorVehicle": "Vehicle Sales Invoice",
  "MyTrialBalanceTitle": "Trial Balance",
  "NameColon": "Name:",
  "No": "No",
  "NoAccountCode": "No Account Code",
  "NoCurrentPeriodData": "There is No Data for Current Selected Month.",
  "NoCustomsAuditResult": "Mandatory Field: Audit Results Are not Checked, Please Confirm",
  "NoCustomsIssueDate": "Mandatory Field: The Date of Issue is not Checked, Please Confirm.",
  "NoCustomsPayNum": "Mandatory Field: Customs Payment Number is not Checked, Please Confirm.",
  "NoData": "No Data",
  "NoDataGenerate": "It still No Data Generate.",
  "NoGroupExist": "No Group Exist",
  "NoInvoiceSE": "Mandatory Field: Tax Amount is not Checked, Please Confirm",
  "NoJournalCannotJoin": "No Journal Cannot Join.",
  "NoPeriod": "No Period Selected, Default to Import All Data, Confirm?",
  "NoSearchContent": "No Mapping Data.",
  "Normal": "General Invoice",
  "NormalOrmatched": "Normal + Matched",
  "NotAllowDataProcess": "Need to Submit Account Mapping Before Processing Data",
  "NotAllowSubmitAccountMap": "Need to Import Data Before Submitting Account Mapping",
  "NotAvaliable": "N/A",
  "NotBegin": "Not Started",
  "NotInputTheQueryConditions": "Not Input The Query Conditions!",
  "NotLetterAndNumber": "The Value is not 0-9,a-z,A-Z",
  "NotMappedEnterpriseAccountCountTips": "Number of Unmapped Accounts:",
  "NotMappingCondition": "If Any of the Selected Records Do not Meet the Requirements, Please Exclude Them and Then Proceed with the Operation.",
  "NotNumber": "The value is not number",
  "NullSpan": "NULL",
  "NullValue": "Empty",
  "NumOutRangeErrorType": "Data Range Error",
  "NumOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range (- 1 Trillion to + 1 Trillion)",
  "OccupiedInformation": "Issued by Another BD",
  "Officer": "Officer",
  "OnGoing": "In Progress",
  "OnlyInvoiceItemCheckErrorMsg": "Please Import Input VAT Summary List First",
  "OnlyInvoiceItemCheckErrorType": "Import Input VAT Item Details List",
  "OnlyUnholdMySelf": "Please Choose at Least One Lockout Vehicle.",
  "Operate": "User Action",
  "Operation": "Operation",
  "OperationLogApproveUpdateStauts": "Audited Level {level}",
  "OrderAmount": "Order Amount",
  "OrderBy": "Order By",
  "OrderByFileType": "Order By File Type",
  "OrderByPeriod": "Order By Period",
  "OrderIdentifier": "Order By Identification Code",
  "OrderyByFileName": "Order By File Name",
  "OrderyByName": "By Name",
  "OrderyByServiceType": "By Service Type",
  "OrderyByStatus": "By Status",
  "OrderyByYear": "By Year",
  "Organise": "Data Processing",
  "OrganizationsHasDirtyData": "We Have Identified Data Updates, Need to Recalculate Model Analysis Data?",
  "OrginalbeforeIntercompany": "Orginal Before Inter company",
  "Other": "Other",
  "OtherBDColon": "Other BD:",
  "OtherReason": "Other Reasons",
  "OtherTax": "Others",
  "OutOfAmount": "Upload Up to Five Files at a Time",
  "OutOfAmountType": "Error in File Number",
  "OutOfSize": "{rows}File Size Should Not Exceed 10M",
  "OutOfSizeType": "File Size Error",
  "Output100LengthMsg": "Length Over 100",
  "OutputCount": "Output VAT Invoice Total Count",
  "OutputInvoiceDataSource": "Output Details Data Source",
  "OutputInvoiceErrorMsg": "Invoice Code or Invoice Category is Empty",
  "OutputInvoiceErrorType": "Invoice number, invoice code, or invoice type is empty",
  "OutputInvoiceManagement": "Output Invoice Management",
  "OutputInvoiceTab": "Invoice",
  "OutputInvoiceTitle": "Output VAT invoices",
  "OutputInvoiceTypeErrorMsg": "Output Invoice Type Error",
  "OutputModelResult": "Export",
  "OutputReconciliation": "Output Invoice Management",
  "OutputReconciliationConfiguration": "!!Configuration of Corresponding Rules for Accounts for Sales",
  "OutputReconciliationOverview": "Output Invoice Overview",
  "OutputReconciliationRule": "Output Invoice Rule",
  "OutputStringLengthMsg": "Length Over 50",
  "OutputStringLengthMsg_200": "Length over 200",
  "OutputStringLengthType": "Data Length Error",
  "OutputTempError": "Please Use the Standard Template for Data Import.",
  "OverLengthErrorMsg": "{rows}The Field Length Exceeds the Maximum Length Limit!",
  "OverLengthFieldErrorType": "Field Length Check",
  "OvertimeReminder": "Overtime Reminder",
  "PIndustry": "Industry",
  "Page": "Page",
  "PagingFirstPage": "First Page",
  "PagingLastPage": "Last Page",
  "PagingNextPage": "Next Page",
  "PagingPreviousPage": "Previous Page",
  "PaperInvoiceRunningOut": "Paper Invoices Are Running Out, Please Add More.",
  "Password": "Password",
  "PeriodColon": "Period:",
  "PeriodDifferenceTip": "Only Import Current Month's Data?",
  "PeriodErrorMag": "Period Type Error.",
  "PeriodId": "Accounting Period",
  "PeriodInputValueErrors": "Period Input Value Errors!",
  "PeriodOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range(1-12)",
  "PeriodParseErrorMsg": "{rows}There is an Illegal Period Value!",
  "PeriodParseErrorType": "Illegal Period Value",
  "PgiWeek": "PGI Week",
  "PhoneNum": "Address and Phone Number",
  "PhysicalAndCommercialLeasing": "Rental of Tangible Movable Property",
  "PicInfo": "Image Information",
  "PleaseContactAdministrator": "An Exception Has Occurred, Please Contact the Administrator!",
  "PleaseInputAcceptNO": "Please Enter the Receipt Number",
  "PleaseInputInvoiceNumber": "Please Enter the Invoice Number",
  "PleaseInputOrderIdentifierTips": "Please Enter the Order ID",
  "PleaseInputPrice": "Please Input Price",
  "PleaseInputVendorNameTips": "Please Input Vendor Name",
  "PleaseInputVoucherNO": "Please Input Voucher NO",
  "PleaseSelect": "Please Select...",
  "PleaseSelectColumn": "Please Select Column Name",
  "PleaseSelectFileFirst": "Please Choose at Lease One File!",
gary's avatar
gary committed
999 1000
  "PleaseSelectCountryFirst": "Please Choose at one country!",
  "PleaseSelectCompanyFirst": "Please Choose at one company!",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160
  "PostedBy": "Posted by",
  "PostingPeriod": "Posting Period",
  "PreVoucherNumber": "Initial Value of Voucher Number",
  "PrevUninvoiceIncome": "Previous Uninvoiced Income ",
  "Preview": "Preview",
  "PriceCheck": "Price Check",
  "PriceUnmatched": "Price Unmatched",
  "PrintInvoiceProgress": "Invoice Print Progress",
  "ProcessData": "Data Process",
  "Processing": "Processing",
  "ProducingPlacePlaceholder": "Please Input Country of Manufacturing",
  "ProductAndService": "Goods or Service Name:",
  "ProductName": "Product Name",
  "ProductNameCN": "Product Name",
  "ProductStandar": "Specification",
  "ProductionType": "Commodity Category",
  "ProejctStatusCompleted": "Completed",
  "ProhibitInformation": "!!Issued by GD to another BD and not red letter",
  "Project": "Project or Entity name:",
  "ProjectCompanyCol": "Entity",
  "ProjectNameCol": "Project name",
  "ProjectResultMsg": "{ProjectNum} Results",
  "ProjectServiceCol": "Service",
  "ProjectStatus": "Project status",
  "ProjectStatusAcccountMapSubmitted": "Mapping completed",
  "ProjectStatusGenerated": "Filing form generated",
  "ProjectStatusImported": "Imported",
  "ProjectStatusReportApproved": "Approved",
  "ProjectStatusReportRejected": "Rejected",
  "ProjectStatusReportSubmitted": "Submitted for Approval",
  "ProjectStatusStarted": "Started",
  "ProjectStatusTitle": "Project Entity Status:",
  "ProjectStatusUnStarted": "Not Started",
  "ProjectYearCol": "Year",
  "PromotionalProducts": "Promotional Products",
  "PurchaseDate": "Purchase Date",
  "PurchaseOrderNO": "Purchase Order NO",
  "PurchaserTaxNo": "Purchaser Tax No.",
  "PurchaserTesla": "The Buyer is Tesla",
  "Quantity": "Quantity",
  "QuantityOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range(1-9999)",
  "Query": "Query",
  "QuotaSettingsTitle": "Invoice Quota Settings",
  "RatePercentSeventeen": "Rate. 17%",
  "RatePercentSix": "Rate. 6%",
  "RawMaterial": "Raw Material",
  "ReadyToIssue": "Ready to Issue",
  "Reason": "Reason",
  "ReasonRequire": "Please Choose Update Reason.",
  "ReasonRequired": "Reason is Required.",
  "Reassign": "Re-assign",
  "ReceiverColon": "Payment Receiver:",
  "ReclassificationItem": "Reclassification Details",
  "ReclassificationName": "Reclassification Name",
  "ReclassificationNameTips": "Define Reclassification Name",
  "ReconciliationConfig": "Configuring Account Correspondence",
  "RecordCount": "Records",
  "RecordedNotIssued": "Recorded - Uninvoiced",
  "RedLetter": "!!Red Letter",
  "RedLetterConfirmText": "Sure to Issue Red Letter Invoice?",
  "RedLetterConfirmTitle": "Issue Red Letter - GD",
  "Refresh": "Refresh",
  "RefreshFail": "Refresh Fail, Please Try Again Later.",
  "RefreshForms": "Refresh Forms",
  "RefreshInputInvoiceItemValidationData": "Refresh Input VAT Invoice Details Validation Results",
  "RefreshInputInvoiceValidationData": "Refresh Check Results for Input VAT Invoice",
  "RefreshSuccess": "Refresh Completed",
  "RefreshTbFail": "Data Refresh Failed, Please Reload Page",
  "RefreshValidationData": "Refresh Validation Results",
  "RefundReasonColon": "Invoice Reject Reason: ",
  "RegistrationLocalName": "Registration Local Name",
  "RegistrationLocalNamePlaceholder": "Please Input Registration Local Name",
  "Reidentification": "Reidentification",
  "RejectReportStatusCheck": "You Can Only Decline the Review After Submitting a Review",
  "RelatePO": "Relate PO",
  "RelatedAttach": "Related Attachments",
  "RelatedVoucherCol": "Related Vouchers",
  "Remark": "Remark",
  "Remarks": "Action Log",
  "ReportApprove": "Approve",
  "ReportDataSource": "Filing forms Data Source",
  "ReportName": "Report Name",
  "ReportReject": "Reject",
  "ReportSubmitToApprove": "Submit For Approval",
  "ReportUnissuedTaxAmount": "Reported Un-invoiced Tax Amount",
  "ReportUpdateStatus": "Filing Form Generated",
  "ReportWithdrawToApprove": "Remove Approval",
  "Reports": "Reports",
  "RequiredColumnNotSelect": "Please Select the Required Field: {errorMsg} and Then Import the Data",
  "Reset": "Reset",
  "ReturnIssue": "Report Exception",
  "ReviewerColon": "Reviewer:",
  "RiskDescription": "Risk Description",
  "RiskIssue": "Risk Warning",
  "RowForPage": "Row/Page",
  "RowIndex": "Row {rowIndex}",
  "RuleNo": "Rule No.:",
  "RuleNoRequire": "Please Input Rule No",
  "RuleStatusColon": "Rule Status:",
  "STANDARDProject": "Standard Account",
  "SaveBtn": "Save",
  "SaveFail": "Save Failed",
  "Schedule": "Schedule",
  "Search": "Search",
  "SearchFileName": "Search By File Name",
  "SearchFileType": "Search By File Type",
  "SearchHintText": "Search",
  "SearchResult": "Search Result",
  "SelectAFile": "Select File(s)...",
  "SelectASheet": "Please Select a Worksheet",
  "SelectAtLeastOne": "Please Select at Least One Item.",
  "SelectBdInvoiceCheck": "Please Select at Least One Invoice.",
  "SelectCheck": "Please Select at Least One Record.",
  "SelectColumnError": "Column Name Mapping Incorrect",
  "SelectFile": "Please Select a File...",
  "SelectFileTitle": "Select File:",
  "SelectMappTips": "Please Select Enterprise Goods Name",
  "SelectMappingCheck": "Please select One Corresponding at First.",
  "SelectOneAccountToClearMap": "Please Select an Enterprise Subject for Manual Reclassification!",
  "SelectStdAccount": "Select Standard Account",
  "SelectWarning": "Select Warning",
  "Seller": "Seller",
  "SellerName": "Seller Name",
  "SellerTaxNumber": "Seller Tax ID",
  "SellerTaxNumberCN": "Seller Tax Number",
  "SellerTeslaColon": "Seller Tesla:",
  "SequenceNo": "Sequence No.",
  "Service": "Service",
  "ServiceForLife": "Life Service",
  "SetEffectiveDate": "Effective Date",
  "SetProjectStatusError": "Setting Project Status Error",
  "SetupMarkupRatio": "Pricing Ratio",
  "SeveralAcceptNOs": "(Separate Multiple Singles by Commas)",
  "Shanghai": "Shanghai",
  "Shenzhen": "Shenzhen",
  "ShipmentShipmentAmount": "Departure List\nAmount",
  "ShipmentVehicleAmount": "Vehicle\nAmount",
  "ShowInPeriod": "View by Period",
  "SmartTax": "Smart Tax",
  "SourceOrFormula": "Column Description",
  "Special": "Special Invoice",
  "SpecialCarTaxAmount": "Special Invoice Tax on Motor Vehicles This Month ",
  "SpecialVATInvoice": "VAT Special Invoice",
  "Specifications": "Specification Type",
  "StaffID": "Staff ID",
  "StandardAccountAcctPropAsset": "Asset",
  "StandardAccountAcctPropCommon": "Common",
  "StandardAccountAcctPropCost": "Cost",
  "StandardAccountAcctPropDebt": "Liability",
  "StandardAccountAcctPropInterest": "Owners' Equity",
  "StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss": "Profit and Loss",
  "StandardAccountCredit": "Credit",
  "StandardAccountDebit": "Debit",
  "StandardAccoutDoubleClick": "Standard Chart of Accounts (Double Click to Map)",
  "StandardSubjectCol": "Mapping Status",
  "StartRowError": "Error in first Row",
  "StartRowNull": "First Row Should Not be Empty",
  "StartRowNum": "Beginning Row: ",
  "StartRowNumberCheckMsg": "Starting Rows Should Not be Greater Than the Total Number of Currently Imported Data!",
  "StartingDate": "Start Date",
gary's avatar
gary committed
  "EndDate": "End Date",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1162 1163
  "StartingPeriod": "Start Period",
  "EndPeriod": "End Period",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510
  "StatesColon": "States:",
  "Status": "Status",
  "StdAccountMappingResult": "Standard Account Mapping Result...",
  "StdGoodsName": "Standard Goods Name",
  "StdGoodsNameList": "Standard Goods List(Double check to map)",
  "SubmitAccountMap": "Submit Account Mapping",
  "SubmitReportStatusCheck": "Report Auditing Can Only be Submitted If the Status Has Been Generated or Rejected",
  "SubsidiaryAccounts": "View Journal Entries",
  "Subtotal": "Subtotal",
  "SubtotalForFinalPayment": "Invoice Amount",
  "SuccessTitle": "Success!",
  "SummaryCheckResult": "IF( Income=Total , 0.00, (Income -total)) ",
  "SwitchToCITProject": "Data for Enterprise Subjects",
  "SwitchToSTANDARDProject": "View the General Ledger in a Standard Way, Please Sort Out the Data First.",
  "SystemError": "System Error, Please Contact Administrator.",
  "TableName": "Table name",
  "Tag": "Tag",
  "TaskList": "Task list",
  "TaxAmount": "Tax Amount",
  "TaxAmountCheckErrorMsg": "Please Confirm Amount, Tax Rate, and Tax Amount in {rows} Are Correct",
  "TaxAmountNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Amount Error",
  "TaxAmountNumberCheckErrorType": "Tax Amount Data Type Error",
  "TaxAmountQueryError": "Tax Amount Not in Range, Please Re-enter",
  "TaxBurdenAmount": "Tax Burden Amount",
  "TaxBurdenRate": "Tax Burden Rate",
  "TaxClassCode": "Tax Category Code",
  "TaxClassCodeCN": "Tax Classification Code",
  "TaxControlSystemEquipmentAndMaintenanceCosts": "Equipment and Maintenance Cost of Tax Control System",
  "TaxDistribution": "Tax Distribution",
  "TaxFaPiao": "Tax - Invoice",
  "TaxProjectState": "Project State",
  "TaxRate": "Tax Rate",
  "TaxRateCheckErrorMsg": "The Tax Rate Data Type is Wrong!",
  "TaxRateColon": "Tax Rate:",
  "TaxReportColumn": "Form Column",
  "TaxReturn": "Tax Return Forms",
  "TaxableSubtotal": "Taxable Subtotal",
  "TaxationAmount": "Taxation Amount",
  "TaxationAmountbytheendofcurrentperiod": "Taxation Amount By the End of Current Period",
  "TaxpaperIDColon": "Tax Payer ID:",
  "TaxtationIssue": "Taxation Abnormal ",
  "TelecommunicationsService": "Telecommunications Service",
  "Text": "Text",
  "TheRightToUseTheLand": "Transfer of Land Use Rights",
  "ThisMonth": "This Month",
  "TicketMatchingInfo": "Ticket Matching Information",
  "Tips": "Warning",
  "ToBeIssuedStatus": "To-be-Invoiced Status",
  "ToDoList": "To Do List",
  "Today": "Today",
  "TonnagePlaceholder": "Please Input Tonnage",
  "Total": "Total",
  "TotalAmount": "Total Amount",
  "TotalAmountTitle": "Total Amount:",
  "TotalAnnualTax": "Annual Taxation Amount",
  "TotalCreditAmount": "Credit Total Amount:",
  "TotalDebitAmount": "Debit Total Amount:",
  "TotalG": "Total = G(17%)+G(6%)",
  "TotalIssuedTaxAmount": "Total Issued Tax Amount",
  "TotalNo": "Total",
  "TotalNotIssuedRecord": "Total Recorded But Not Issued Tax Amount",
  "TotalPrice": "Total Price",
  "TotalPricewithTax": "Total Price with Tax:",
  "TotalReportTaxAmount": "Total To-report Tax Amount",
  "TotalSelected": "Total Selected",
  "TotalTaxAmount": "Total of Tax Amount:",
  "TotalTranscationAmount": "Total of Transcation Amount:",
  "TransactionDay": "Transaction Day",
  "TranscationAmount": "Transcation Amount",
  "TransportService": "Transportation Services",
  "TrialBalanceDataSource": "Trial Balance",
  "TrialBalanceTitle": "General Ledger",
  "TriggerMessageSchedulerJob": "!!触发消息轮询Job",
  "Triggersync": "Synchronous Data",
  "TslMotorVehicle": "Motor Vehicle Sales Invoice",
  "TslOutInvoiceNormal": "VAT Ordinary Invoice",
  "TslOutInvoiceSpecial": "VAT Special Invoice",
  "UNHoldVechicle": "Unlock the Vehicle",
  "UnMatched": "Un-matched",
  "Unbalance": "Unbalanced",
  "UnbilledMappingConfigTitle": "Unbilled Smart Corresponding Configuration",
  "Undo": "Undo",
  "UndoAccountMap": "Revoke the Corresponding Completion of Subjects",
  "UndoAccountMapToMap": "!!Please Cancel the Subject Correspondence Before Making the Correspondence.",
  "UndoAccountMappingComplete": "Account Mapping Canceled",
  "UninvoiceLastMonth": "Uninvoiced Taxable Income Till Last Month",
  "UninvoiceTaxableThisMonth": "Uninvoiced Taxable Income Till This Month",
  "UninvoiceThisMonth": "Uninvoiced Tax Income This Month",
  "UnissuedMaintenance": "Uninvoiced Maintenance Fee Tax Amount",
  "Unit": "Unit",
  "UnitPrice": "Unit Price",
  "UnitPriceNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Unit Price Data Type Error!",
  "UniversalImport": "Data Import",
  "Unmapped": "Unmapped",
  "UnsavedChange": "Changes Not Saved",
  "Unstarted": "Unstart",
  "UpdateFail": "Update Fail, Please Try Again Later.",
  "UpdateFailed": "Data Update Failed!",
  "UpdateReportConfig": "Report Configuration Updating",
  "UpdateSuccess": "Data Update Success!",
  "UpdateWarrantyCheck": "The Form Has no Data, Please Refresh Form to Load Data.",
  "UploadCertificate": "Upload Evidence",
  "UploadDate": "Upload Date",
  "UploadFileFail": "File Upload Failed",
  "UploadFileSuccess": "File Upload Success",
  "UploadStatus": "Upload Status",
  "UploadType": "Upload Type",
  "UploadTypeCN": "Upload Method",
  "UserName": "User Name",
  "UserTaxID": "Tax ID",
  "VAT": "VAT",
  "VATFiling": "VAT Filing",
  "VATInvoice": "Special VAT Invoice",
  "VATTitle": "VAT",
  "VIN": "VIN",
  "VINNumberTitle": "VIN number:",
  "VRL": "VRL",
  "ValidationTips": "Tips",
  "VehicalInvoicing": "Vehicle Invoicing",
  "VehicleCaseIssuing": "Vehicle Case List",
  "VehicleCaseReassign": "Vehicle Case Re-assign",
  "VehicleModel": "Vehicle Model",
  "VehicleNumber": "Vehicle Number",
  "VehiclePriceafterDiscounts": "Vehicle Price After Discounts",
  "VehicleroutinglocationText": "VRL",
  "VendorName": "Vendor Name",
  "View": "View",
  "ViewDetails": "View Details",
  "ViewGDBDFapiao": "View GD-BD Fapiao",
  "VinPlaceholder": "Please Input VIN!",
  "VoucherNO": "Voucher NO",
  "VoucherRange": "Voucher Range",
  "VoucherReclassification": "Voucher Reclassification",
  "VoucherSummary": "Voucher Summary",
  "Voucher_Export_result": "Accounting Document Query Result",
  "WarningTitle": "Warning!",
  "Warranty14": "14 Year Warranty",
  "WorkSheet": "Worksheet Name:",
  "WuHan": "Wu Han",
  "YearDimension": "Year",
  "YearOnYearbasis": "Year-on-Year",
  "YearSelection": "Year",
  "addMeansures": "Add Indicator",
  "addMeasures": "Add",
  "adjustDate": "Adjust Date",
  "analyzeLayout": "Analysis",
  "areachart": "Area Chart",
  "auditAdjust": "Audit Adjustments",
  "balanceSheet": "Trial Balance",
  "barchart": "Bar Chart",
  "bookTax": "Reconciliation of Tax and Accounting",
  "bookTaxDifference": "Difference",
  "bookTaxItem": "Item",
  "c_businessIncome": "Business Income",
  "c_declareIncome": "Declare Income",
  "c_gap": "Difference",
  "c_mainBusinessIncomeAmount": "Main Business Income",
  "c_otherReceivableAmount": "Other Receivable Amount",
  "c_outcome": "Output Tax",
  "c_projectID": "Project",
  "c_rateType": "Tax Rate",
  "c_salesAmount": "Sales Amount",
  "c_vatShouldTaxAmount": "Actual Tax Payment",
  "c_vatType": "VAT Tax Type",
  "c_year": "Declaration Year",
  "caculateData": "Data Process",
  "cancelled": "Invalid",
  "caseNumberColon": "Case Number:",
  "chartData": "Data",
  "chartFullNameTitle": "Chart Name",
  "chartName": "Chart Name",
  "chartNameTooLong": "Chart Name is Too Long",
  "chartType": "Chart Type",
  "checkChartName": "Chart Name is Required",
  "checkChartYears": "Please Select Year",
  "chooseReason": "* Please Chose One Reason",
  "commonQuestion": "Common Question",
  "completed": "Completed",
  "customInvoice": "Customs List",
  "dataMapping": "Data Mapping",
  "deleteChart": "Are You Sure to Delete the Chart?",
  "deleteChartTitle": "Delete Chart",
  "dimension": "Analysis Dimension",
  "dimensionOrMeasuresError": "Dimension or Indicator is Required",
  "empty": "Empty",
  "erpData": "Financial Data",
  "error": "Error Occurred",
  "generateReport": "Reports",
  "goodsMapping": "Goods mapping",
  "importData": "Import",
  "inputInvoice": "Input Invoice",
  "invoiceCode": "Invoice code",
  "invoiceMapping": "Invoice mapping",
  "invoiceMappingDesc": "Invoice Mapping",
  "invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
  "issued": "Issued",
  "itemID": "Voucher Item ID",
  "journalEntry": "Journal Entries",
  "linechart": "Line Chart",
  "measures": "Indicator",
  "measuresExist": "Current Analysis Indicators Already Exist",
  "modelNameTitle": "Model Name",
  "month": "Month",
  "needRedLetter": "!!Need Red Letter",
  "noChartName": "No Chart Name",
  "noCurMonthRecordErrorMsg": "No Current Period Records",
  "off": "Off",
  "on": "On",
  "otherItem1": "Other Item",
  "otherItem1Amount": "Other Item Amount",
  "outputInvoice": "Output Invoice",
  "partialRedLettered": "Partial Red-lettered",
  "pendingForApproval": "Pending for Approval",
  "period": "Period",
  "piechart": "pie Chart",
  "previewData": "Preview Data",
  "processing": "Processing...",
  "rbarchart": "Bar Chart",
  "readyToIssue": "Ready to Issue",
  "reconciliationResult": "Corresponding Result",
  "redLettered": "Red-lettered",
  "reductionData": "Data Sorting",
  "reportAnalysisConfig": "Tax Analysis Indicator Configuration",
  "ruleNO": "Rule NO.",
  "saveData": "Save",
  "showData": "Display Data",
  "startCaculateData": "Start Processing",
  "stepchart": "Step Chart",
  "switchValue": "Display Value",
  "taxDashboard": "Tax Dashboard",
  "taxDashboardConfig": "Tax Dashboard Configuration",
  "toBeIssuedStatus": "To-be-Issued Status",
  "tranCode": "Transaction Code",
  "unbilledInvoice": "Sales Without Invoice",
  "unstarted": "Not Started",
  "vGroup": "Voucher Type",
  "vatCaculateDataDesc": "Process Data",
  "vid": "Voucher ID",
  "voucherMapping": "Voucher Correspondence",
  "voucherMappingDesc": "Voucher Mapping",
  "offlineBilling": "Offline Billing",
  "TBAccountCode": "Account Code",
  "ProfitCenterCode": "Profit Center Code",
  "ProfitCenterName": "Profit Center Name",
  "ProductCode": "Product Code",
  "TBProductName": "Product Name",
  "IsContainsAdjustmentTable": "Does it Contain Adjustment Tables?",
  "AccountCategory": "Account Category",
  "PrimarySubjectCode": "Primary Subject Code",
  "FirstAccountDescription": "Primary Subject Description",
  "SecondarySubjectDescription": "Secondary Subject Description",
  "ThirdAccountDescription": "Third Subject Description",
  "TBInterCompany": "Inter Company Code",
  "Alternate1": "Alternate 1",
  "Alternate2": "Alternate 2",
  "OpeningBalance": "Beginning Balance",
  "EndingBalance": "Ending Balance",
  "SeasonDebitAmount": "Season Debit Amount",
  "SeasonCreditsAmount": "Season Credits Amount",
  "vatInvoiceRecord": "Vat Invoice Record",
  "ApplicationSector": "Application Sector",
  "invoiceRecord": "Invoice Record",
  "VatInvoiceRecordNoCol": "Serial Number",
  "BillingBody": "Billing Body",
  "CustomerCompanyName": "Customer Company Name",
  "BillingContent": "Invoice Content",
  "InvoiceAmount": "Invoice Amount",
  "Applicant": "Applicant",
  "OAApplicationNum": "OA Application Number",
  "ContractNo": "Contract No",
  "ContractAmount": "Contract Amount",
  "Department": "Department",
  "ApplicationDate": "Application Date",
  "BillingMonth": "Billing Month",
  "InvoiceRemarks": "Invoice Remarks",
  "InvoicePaperNum": "Invoice paper number",
  "CustomerCompanyTaxNum": "Customer Company Tax Number",
  "CustomerSourceSystem": "Customer Source System",
  "certifiedInvoicesList": "Certified Invoices List",
  "TaxpayerIdNum": "Taxpayer Id",
  "CertificationMonth": "Certification Month",
  "UnitYuan": "Unit : Yuan",
  "InvoiceNoCol": "Invoice No",
  "InvoiceNum": "Invoice Number",
  "BillingDate": "Billing Date",
  "SalesTaxNum": "Sales Tax Number",
  "SalesTaxName": "Sales tax Name",
  "VerificationMethod": "Verification Method",
  "ConfirmDate": "Confirm Date",
  "redLetterInformationTable": "Red Letter Information Table",
  "SubjectNum": "Subject Number",
  "SubjectName": "Subject Name",
  "RedLetterInvoiceInfoTableNum": "Red Letter Information Table Number",
  "FillInDate": "Fill in Date",
  "SalespersonName": "Salesperson Name",
  "RedLetterInfoTotalAmount": "Total Amount",
  "RedLetterInfoTotalTaxAmount": "Total Tax Amount",
  "ApplicantsManager": "Applicant's Agent",
  "ApplicationSelectionDescription": "Application Selection Description",
  "coupaPurchasingReport": "Coupa Purchasing Report",
  "CoupaLineNum": "Line Number",
  "HeadUpStatus": "HeadUp Status",
  "CoupaInvoiceDate": "Invoice Date",
  "InvoiceReceiptDate": "Invoice Receipt Date",
  "PayExpiration": "Pay Expiration",
  "PurchaseOrderNum": "Purchase Order Number",
  "PurchaseOrderLineNum": "Purchase Order Line Number",
  "CoupaDescription": "Description",
  "SupplierNumber": "Supplier Number",
  "Supplier": "Supplier",
  "Currency": "Currency",
  "Bill": "Bill",
  "Paid": "Paid",
  "Cancel": "Cancel",
  "Prepayments": "Prepayments",
  "ReviewReason": "Review Reason",
  "Commodity": "Commodity",
  "CommodityCode": "Commodity Code",
  "Founder": "Founder",
  "CreationDate": "Creation Date",
  "CurrentApprover": "Current Approver",
  "CoupaBillingDate": "Billing Date",
  "LastUpdatedDate": "Last Updated Date",
  "LastUpdatedPerson": "Last Updated Person",
  "TotalTaxAmountHeader": "Total Tax Amount Header",
  "BillingNote": "Billing Note",
  "adjustmentTable": "Adjustment Table",
  "MainBody": "Main Body",
  "Subject": "Subject",
  "AuxiliarySubject": "Auxiliary Subject",
  "ProfitCenter": "Profit Center",
  "Product": "Product",
  "ProjectName": "Project Name",
  "BetweenCompanies": "Inter Company",
  "Alternate 1": "Alternate 1",
  "Alternate 2": "Alternate 2",
  "MainBodyDescription": "Main body Description",
  "CostCenterDescription": "Cost Center Description",
  "SubjectDescription": "Subject Description",
  "AuxiliaryAccountDescription": "Auxiliary Account Description",
  "ProfitCenterDescription": "Profit Center Description",
  "ProductManual": "Product Manual",
  "ProjectInstruction": "Project Instruction",
  "InterCompanyDescription": "Inter company Description",
  "Alternate1Description": "Alternate 1 Description",
  "Alternate2Description": "Alternate 2 Description",
Ken you's avatar
Ken you committed
  "profitLoss": "Profit Statement",
gary's avatar
gary committed
  "profitLossPRC": "Profit Statement PRC",
  "ProfitLossTitle": "Profit Statement",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1514 1515 1516 1517 1518
  "CurrentPeriodAmount": "Current Period Amount",
  "ThisYearAccumulatedAmount": "This Year Accumulated Amount",
  "quarterlyOwnersEquityChangeTable": "Quarterly Owners Equity Change Table",
  "directMethodCashFlowStatement": "Direct Method Cash Flow Statement",
  "offBalanceSheet": "Balance Sheet",
gary's avatar
gary committed
  "offBalanceSheetPRC": "Balance Sheet PRC",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870
  "OffBalanceSheetTitle": "Balance sheet",
  "InitialBalance": "Beginning Balance",
  "journal": "Journal Entry",
  "IsContainsAdjustmentRecord": "!!Is contains adjustment record是否包含调表不调账记录",
  "ApprovalStatus": "Approval Status",
  "Posting": "Posting",
  "AccountingPeriod": "Accounting Period",
  "DocumentDate": "Document Date",
  "JournalSource": "Journal Source",
  "JournalCategory": "Journal Category",
  "JournalName": "Journal Name",
  "DocumentNo": "Document No",
  "Summary": "Summary",
  "AccountDescription": "Account Description",
  "AuxiliarySubjectDescription": "Auxiliary Subject Description",
  "CurrencyGroup": "Currency group",
  "LocalCurrency": "Base currency",
  "JournalDebitAmount": "Base Currency Debit Amount",
  "JournalCreditAmount": "Base Currency Credit Amount",
  "CashFlowEntry": "Cash Flow Entry",
  "City": "City",
  "TransactionDate": "Transaction Date",
  "BankAccountNumber": "Bank Account Number",
  "BankSerialNumber": "Bank Serial Number",
  "SupplierCode": "Supplier code",
  "TransactionOrderNumber": "Transaction order number",
  "SupplierName": "Supplier Name",
  "ReceiveCode": "Receive Code",
  "PreparedBy": "Prepared By",
  "Reviewer": "Reviewer",
  "CostCenterDepartmentDescription1": "Cost Center Department Description 1",
  "CostCenterDepartmentDescription2": "Cost Center Department Description 2",
  "CostCenterDepartmentDescription3": "Cost Center Department Description 3",
  "CostCenterDepartmentDescription4": "Cost Center Department Description 4",
  "CostCenterDepartmentDescription5": "Cost Center Department Description 5",
  "CostCenterDepartmentDescription6": "Cost Center Department Description 6",
  "GroupCertificateNumber": "Group Certificate Number",
  "DataSourceFilter": "Data Source Filter",
  "PleaseSelectDatabase": "Please Select Database",
  "PleaseEnterTheFiledWordings": "Please Enter The Filed Wordings",
  "PleaseEnterTheFilteredCondition": "Please Enter The Filtered Condition",
  "PleaseSelectTheField": "Please Select The Field",
  "originator": "Originator",
  "associatedSchedule": "Associated Schedule",
  "associatedCell": "Associated Cell",
  "currentReviewNotesDetails": "Current Review Notes Details",
  "ImportFixedAssets": "Import Fixed Assets",
  "FixedAssetsMapping": "Fixed Assets Mapping",
  "PleaseFillinAllDataField": "Please Enter a Data Source Filter",
  "AccountVoucher_Period": "Accounting period",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_5": "",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_6": "",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_7": "",
  "AccountVoucher_Selector_8": "",
  "AmountCN": "金额",
  "ApplyingEntity": "Applying Entity",
  "Area": "Area",
  "AuantityNumberCheckErrorType": "Data type error for Quantity",
  "AutoMapping": "Automatic mapping",
  "BD": "BD",
  "BankAccountCN": "银行账号",
  "BankName": "Bank Name",
  "ITME": "ITME",
  "BegBalType": "期初余额类型错误",
  "BegCreditBalType": "贷方期初类型错误",
  "BegDebitBal": "Debit beginning balance",
  "BrandandModelNumberRequire": "Please Input Brand and Model Number!",
  "BuyerACNoColon": "Buyer A/C No.:",
  "BuyerAddressColon": "Buyer Address:",
  "BuyerNameCN": "购方企业名称",
  "BuyerNameColon": "Buyer Name:",
  "BuyerNameSpan": "Buyer Name",
  "BuyerPhoneNo": "Buyer Phone No.",
  "BuyerTaxID": "Buyer Tax ID",
  "BuyerTaxNumberCN": "购方税号",
  "CancelInvoice": "Cancel Invoice",
  "CancelMapping": "Cancel mapping",
  "CapacityRequire": "Please Input Capacity!",
  "CategoryColon": "Category:",
  "CertificationDateFormatMsg": "的认证日期有误",
  "CertificationDateNullMsg": "的认证日期为空",
  "CiqNumberRequire": "Please Input CIQNumber!",
  "ClassCodeCN": "发票代码",
  "ClearInputInvoiceItem": "Clear imported input VAT invoice details",
  "CodeVersionCN": "商品编码版本号",
  "CompanyName": "Company Name",
  "CompletedBtn": "完成",
  "Condition2": "期初余额 或者 (借方期初,贷方期初)必选。",
  "Confirm": "Confirm",
  "CreditBal": "Credit accruals",
  "CreditBalType": "贷方发生额类型错误",
  "CreditParseErrorType": "贷方金额非法",
  "CreditReclassificationCountCol": "贷方重分类数",
  "CustomsAuditResultError": "第{rowIndex}行,请确认海关缴款书号: {rows} 的稽核结果",
  "CustomsPayNumExisted": "第{rowIndex}行,海关缴款书号: {rows} 已经存在",
  "DebitBal": "Debit accruals",
  "DebitReclassificationCol": "Debit recategorisation",
  "DebitReclassificationCountCol": "借方重分类数",
  "DebitRelevantAmtCol": "Debit accrual (include audit adjustments) ",
  "Debitor": "Debit",
  "DeleteFailure": "删除失败",
  "DetailsText": "Details",
  "DocumentNumCN": "单据号",
  "DuplicateInDBErrorMsg": "{rows}在系统中已存在!",
  "DuplicateInFileErrorMsg": "{rows}在导入文件中重复!",
  "DuplicateOnly": "Duplicate Only",
  "EndBalType": "期末余额类型错误",
  "EndCreditBalType": "贷方期末类型错误",
  "EndDebitBalType": "借方期末类型错误",
  "EnterpriseSubjectNameCol": "Enterprise account name",
  "EntityColon": "Entity:",
  "FaceTaxAmountColon": "Subtotal including tax:",
  "FailureTitle": "失败!",
  "FapiaoKeywordsColon": "Fapiao Keywords:",
  "FiveSeatInterior": "五座座椅布局",
  "GeneralCarTaxAmount": "Fapiao general tax amount",
  "GenerateProfitSheet": "Profit loss statement generated",
  "GovernmentClassificationRequire": "Please Input Government classification!",
  "HoldedStatus": "On Hold",
  "Icon": " ",
  "ImportCertificateNumberRequire": "Please Input Import Certificate Number!",
  "ImportErrorPopUpErrorCountCol": "错误数量",
  "ImportInputInvoice": "Import input VAT invoice summary",
  "ImportInputInvoiceItem": "Import input VAT invoice details",
  "ImportShipmentTitle": "Import Shipment List - GD",
  "IncomeInvoiceTitle": "Input invoices",
  "InvoiceCaseNum": "Invoice Case Number",
  "InvoiceCaseNumber": "Invoice Case Number:",
  "InvoiceCaseNumberText": "Invoice Case Number",
  "InvoiceCodeColon": "Invoice Code:",
  "InvoiceDateCN": "开票日期",
  "InvoiceDateColon": "Issuance date:",
  "InvoiceDateErrorMsg": "的开票日期有误",
  "InvoiceDateNullMsg": "的开票日期为空",
  "InvoiceDateRangeCheckErrorType": "Issuance date is not in the selected period",
  "InvoiceFPDM": "Invoice code",
  "InvoiceFPHMColon": "Invoice number:",
  "InvoiceFPHMQuery": "Invoice number: ",
  "InvoiceFPLXQuery": "Invoice type: ",
  "InvoiceGHFSHQuery": "Seller tax ID: ",
  "InvoiceInfoEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice code, invoice number or invoice type is empty",
  "InvoiceNoColon": "Invoice No.:",
  "InvoiceNumberCN": "发票号码",
  "InvoiceNumberColon": "Invoice number",
  "InvoicePaperTicket": "纸票",
  "InvoiceRZJG": "Verification results",
  "InvoiceRZJGQuery": "Verification result: ",
  "InvoiceRZRQ": "Verfication date",
  "InvoiceRZRQQuery": "Verification date: ",
  "InvoiceSEError": "第{rowIndex}行,请确认海关缴款书号: {rows} 的税额信息",
  "InvoiceSEQuery": "Tax amount: ",
  "InvoiceTotalAmount": "Total amount",
  "InvoiceTotalTaxAmount": "Total tax amount",
  "InvoiceTypeErrorMsg": "的发票类型错误",
  "IsConfirmToApproveReportTitle": "是否确定审核通过?",
  "IsConfirmToReImport": "系统已到达{status}状态,是否确认重新导入?",
  "IsConfirmToReMap": "系统已到达{status}状态,是否确认重新对应?",
  "IsConfirmToRejectReport": "是否确认拒绝审核?",
  "IsConfirmToRejectReportTitle": "是否确定拒绝审核?",
  "IsConfirmVoucherReClassify": "系统已到达{status}状态,是否确认保存凭证重分类?",
  "IssuanceDateColon": "Issuance Date:",
  "IssueReminderColon": "Issue Reminder:",
  "IssuingDate": "Issuing Date",
  "JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorType": "Voucher ID is empty",
  "JournalEntryVIDTooLongErrorMsg": "凭证号不能超过50个字符!",
  "JournalEntryVIDTooLongErrorType": "Voucher ID is too long",
  "JournalKeywordsColon": "Journal Keywords:",
  "LastModifiedDate": "Last Modified Date",
  "ModelAnalysisResults": "Model Analysis Results",
  "ModelSeriesG": "Model-Series",
  "ModelType": "Model Type",
  "Model_ColCreditAcctualAmount": "Credit Acctual Amount",
  "Model_ColCreditRelatedAmount": "Credit Related Amount",
  "Model_ColDebitAcctualAmount": "Debit Acctual Amount",
  "Model_ColVoucherNumberCount": "Voucher Number",
  "MotorNumberRequire": "Please Input Motor Number!",
  "NoDataAvailable": "No data",
  "NormalStatus": "Normal",
  "NotDecimal": "The value is not amount",
  "Num": "Number",
  "OperationLogApproveContent": "第{level}级审核",
  "OrganizationCodeCompanyVATIDTaxIDValid": "Organization Code and CompanyVATIDTaxID should be equal or empty",
  "OutputInvoiceTypeErrorType": "发票类别错误 ",
  "Period": "Period",
  "PeriodErrorType": "期间类型错误 ",
  "PhoneNumCN": "地址电话",
  "Postedby": "Posted by:",
  "PreVoucherNumberColon": "Pre-Voucher Number:",
  "ProducingPlaceRequire": "Please Input Country of manufacturing!",
  "ProductStandarCN": "规格",
  "PurchaserTeslaColon": "Purchaser Tesla:",
  "QuantityCN": "数量",
  "ReclassificationNameCol": "New category name (remapped)",
  "RedLettered": "Red-lettered",
  "RegistrationLocalNameRequire": "Please Input Registration Local Name!",
  "RelatedAttachmentCol": "Related attachments",
  "RemarkColon": "Remarks:",
  "RemarksSpan": "Remarks",
  "SelectOneAccountToManualReclassificate": "Please select an enterprise account for manual recategorisation",
  "SelectOneAccountToMap": "请选择至少一个企业科目进行对应!",
  "SelectOneAccountToVoucherReclassificate": "Please select an enterprise account for recategorisation",
  "SellerNameColon": "Seller name:",
  "SellerTesla": "Seller",
  "Separator": ".",
  "StatusColon": "Status:",
  "StdSubjectCodeCol": "Standard account code",
  "StdSubjectNameCol": "Standard account name",
  "SubjectCodeCol": "Account code",
  "SubjectDirectionCol": "Debit or credit",
  "SubjectNameCol": "Account name",
  "SubjectTypeCol": "Account type",
  "SubtotalforFinalPaymentPlaceholder": "Please Input SubtotalforFinalPayment",
  "SubtotalforFinalPaymentRequire": "Please Input SubtotalforFinalPayment!",
  "TagColon": "Tag:",
  "TaxAmountCN": "税额",
  "TaxBurdenRateFull": "Tax Burden Rate",
  "TaxRateCN": "税率",
  "TaxRateCheckErrorType": "税率数据类型错误 Data type error for Tax rate",
  "TaxRateNumberCheckErrorMsg": "的税率有误",
  "TaxRateNumberCheckErrorType": "Tax rate data type error",
  "TenThousandYuan": "",
  "Thousand": "K",
  "TodayOnly": "Today Only",
  "TonnageRequire": "Please Input Tonnage!",
  "TriggerIssuance": "Trigger Issuance (Preview)",
  "UnbilledInvoiceTitle": "Sales without issuing Fapiao ",
  "UnitCN": "单位",
  "UnitPriceCN": "单价",
  "UnitPriceNumberCheckErrorType": "单价数据类型错误 Data type error for Unit price",
  "VINColon": "VIN:",
  "VRLColon": "VRL:",
  "VatInvoiceOrdinaryTicket": "专用发票",
  "VatInvoiceSpecialTicket": "普通发票",
  "VehicleModelColon": "Vehicle Model:",
  "VehicleNumberColon": "Vehicle Number:",
  "VinCN": "车架号",
  "VinNumber": "VIN",
  "VinRequire": "Please Input VIN!",
  "Voucher": "Voucher",
  "VoucherAccountCode": "Account",
  "VoucherCode": "Voucher ID",
  "VoucherCreditAmount": "Credit Amount",
  "VoucherDataSource": "Vouchers data source",
  "VoucherDate": "Date",
  "VoucherDebitAmount": "Debit Amount",
  "VoucherID": "Voucher Number",
  "VoucherInvoiceMapTitle": "Voucher & Fapiao Mapping",
  "VoucherReclassificationTitle": "Voucher items recategorisation",
  "Warranty14Colon": "Warranty14:",
  "WithdrawReportStatusCheck": "请先提交报表审核,只有已提交状态时才可以撤销报表审核",
  "Yes": "Yes",
  "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
  "accountMapping": "Account mapping",
  "accountSummary": "Account summary",
  "accountVoucher": "Vouchers",
  "analyzeReport": "Analysis",
  "auditAdjustDesc": "Audit Adjustment",
  "c_income": "进项税额",
  "c_inputTaxAmount": "进项税额",
  "c_month": "月份",
  "c_outputTaxAmount": "销项税额",
  "c_receivableAmount": "应收账款",
  "c_region": "区域",
  "c_regionID": "区域",
  "dateFormat4Year": " yyyy",
  "dateFormat4YearMonth": " yyyy - mm",
  "dateFormat4YearMonthDay": "yyyy-mm-dd",
  "otherItem2": "Other Item2",
  "otherItem2Amount": "Other Item2 Amount",
  "otherItem3": "Other Item3",
  "otherItem3Amount": "Other Item3 Amount",
  "trialBalance": "Trial balance",
  "TrialBalanceDDTitle": "Trial balance",
  "BegBalBeq": "Beg bal beq",
  "EndBalBeq": "End bal beq",
  "PeriodDrBeq": "Period dr beq",
  "PeriodCrBeq": "Period cr beq",
  "QtdDrBeq": "Qtd dr beq",
  "QtdCrBeq": "Qtd cr beq",
  "YtdDrBeq": "Ytd dr beq",
  "YtdCrBeq": "Ytd cr beq",
  "InvoiceRecordTitle": "Invoice record",
  "CertifiedInvoicesListTitle": "Certified invoices list",
  "RedLetterInformationTableTitle": "Red letter information table",
  "RedLetterInfoSalesTaxNum": "Sales tax number",
  "RedLetterInfoInvoiceNum": "Invoice number",
  "CoupaPurchasingReportTitle": "Coupa purchasing report",
  "CoupaInvoiceNum": "Invoice number",
  "CoupaTotalTaxAmount": "Total tax amount",
  "AdjustmentTableTitle": "Adjustment table",
  "QuarterlyOwnersEquityChangeTableTitle": "Quarterly owners equity change Table",
  "DirectMethodCashFlowStatementTitle": "Direct method cash flow statement",
  "JournalTitle": "Journal entry",
  "LocalCurrencyDebitAmount": "Local currency debit amount",
  "LocalCurrencyCreditAmount": "Local currency credit amount",
  "CoverImportBtn": "Overwrite",
  "TemplateBtn": "Template",
  "ImportProfitLoss": "Import PL",
  "CoverImportProfitLoss": "Overwrite import PL",
  "AddImportProfitLoss": "Expand import PL",
  "ImportBalanceSheet": "Import BS",
  "CoverImportBalanceSheet": "Overwrite import BS",
  "AddImportBalanceSheet": "Expand import BS",
  "TMSPeriod": "TMS Period",
  "cashFlow": "Cash Flow",
  "CashFlowDDTitle": "Cash Flow",
  "invoiceData": "Invoice Data",
  "InvoiceDataTitle": "Invoice Data",
  "IDTotalAmount": "Total",
  "Amount1": "16%",
  "Amount2": "10%",
  "Amount3": "6%",
  "Amount4": "3%",
  "Amount5": "17%",
  "Amount6": "11%",
  "Amount7": "5%",
  "OtherAmount": "Other",
  "specialInvoiceAmount1": "专票正数发票份数",
  "specialInvoiceAmount2": "专票负数发票份数",
  "specialInvoiceAmount3": "专票正数废票份数",
  "specialInvoiceAmount4": "专票负数废票份数",
  "specialInvoiceSalesAmount1": "专票销项正废金额",
  "specialInvoiceSalesAmount2": "专票销项正数金额",
  "specialInvoiceSalesAmount3": "专票销项负废金额",
  "specialInvoiceSalesAmount4": "专票销项负数金额",
  "specialInvoiceSalesAmount5": "专票实际销项金额",
  "specialInvoiceTaxAmount1": "专票销项正废税额",
  "specialInvoiceTaxAmount2": "专票销项正数税额",
  "specialInvoiceTaxAmount3": "专票销项负废税额",
  "specialInvoiceTaxAmount4": "专票销项负数税额",
  "specialInvoiceTaxAmount5": "专票实际销项税额",
  "invoiceAmount1": "普票正数发票份数",
  "invoiceAmount2": "普票负数发票份数",
  "invoiceAmount3": "普票正数废票份数",
  "invoiceAmount4": "普票负数废票份数",
  "invoiceSalesAmount1": "普票销项正废金额",
  "invoiceSalesAmount2": "普票销项正数金额",
  "invoiceSalesAmount3": "普票销项负废金额",
  "invoiceSalesAmount4": "普票销项负数金额",
  "invoiceSalesAmount5": "普票实际销项金额",
  "invoiceTaxAmount1": "普票销项正废税额",
  "invoiceTaxAmount2": "普票销项正数税额",
  "invoiceTaxAmount3": "普票销项负废税额",
  "invoiceTaxAmount4": "普票销项负数税额",
  "invoiceTaxAmount5": "普票实际销项税额",
  "EnterpriseAccountSetName": "Enterprise Account Set Name",
  "EnterpriseAccountSetCurrency": "Enterprise Account Set Currency",
  "IsCloseAccount": "Is Close Account",
  "ImportTime": "Import Time",
  "DataImportLog": "Data Import Log",
  "DataImportLogTitle": "Data Import Log",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1871 1872
  "StartDateMao": "Start Date:",
  "EndDateMao": "End Date:",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884
  "SelectedOrganization": "Selected Organization",
  "SelectedDataType": "Selected DataType",
  "extractFinancialData": "Extract Financial Data",
  "ExtractFinancialDataTitle": "Extract Financial Data",
  "extractInvoiceData": "Extract Invoice Data",
  "ExtractInvoiceDataTitle": "Extract Invoice Data",
  "dataValidate": "data Validate",
  "DataProcessLog": "Data Process Log",
  "DataProcessLogTitle": "Data Process Log",
  "ValidateContent": "Validate Content",
  "ValidateResult": "Validate Result",
  "ResultMsg": "Result Message",
1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943
  "revenueDetail": "Revenue Detail",
  "RevSearchAccountCode": "Revenue Account Code",
  "RevSearchAccountName": "Revenue Account Name",
  "RevSearchProfitCenterCode": "Revenue Profit Center Code",
  "RevSearchProfitCenterName": "Revenue Profit Center Name",
  "RevSearchProductCode": "Revenue Product Code",
  "RevSearchProductName": "Revenue Product Name",
  "RevSearchType": "Revenue Type",
  "RevSearchCategory": "Revenue Category",
  "RevSearchTaxOn": "Revenue TaxOn",
  "RevDetailSearch": "Revenue Search",
  "RevDetailReset": "Revenue Reset",
  "RevDetailColSerialNo": "SerialNo",
  "RevDetailColSubject": "Subject",
  "RevDetailColAccount": "Account",
  "RevDetailColProfitCenter": "Profit Center",
  "RevDetailProduct": "Product",
  "RevDetailColSubjectExp": "Subject Exp",
  "RevDetailColAccountExp": "Account Exp",
  "RevDetailColProfitCenterExp": "Profit Center Exp",
  "RevDetailProductExp": "Product Exp",
  "RevDetailAmount": "Amount",
  "RevDetailType": "Type",
  "RevDetailCategory": "Category",
  "RevDetailTaxOn": "TaxOn",
  "RevCMTitle": "开票记录与收入类型映射配置",
  "RevCMApplyBU": "申请部门",
  "RevCMInvoiceCTX": "开票内容",
  "BillDetail": "Bill Detail",
  "BillEditRevenueType": "Bill Edit Revenue Type",
  "BillDtlHandle": "Bill Handle",
  "BillSearchType": "Bill Type",
  "BillSearchCustomer": "Bill Customer",
  "BillSearchProfitCenter": "Bill ProfitCenter",
  "BillSearchContent": "Bill Content",
  "BillSearchDate": "Bill Date",
  "BillSearchRevenueType": "Bill Revenue Type",
  "BillSearchDepartment": "Bill Department",
  "BillSearchTaxRate": "Bill Tax Rate",
  "BillSearchNumber": "Bill Number",
  "BillDtlSearch": "Bill Search",
  "BillDtlReset": "Bill Reset",
  "BillDtlMoreSearch": "Bill More Search",
  "BillDtlShrink": "Bill Shrink",
  "BillDtlColSerialNo": "Bill SerialNo",
  "BillDtlColSubject": "Bill Subject",
  "BillDtlColCustCompany": "Bill Cust Company",
  "BillDtlColType": "Bill Type",
  "BillDtlColContent": "Bill Content",
  "BillDtlColAmount": "Bill Amount",
  "BillDtlColTaxRate": "Bill Tax Rate",
  "BillDtlColTaxAmount": "Bill Tax Amount",
  "BillDtlColOANo": "Bill OA No",
  "BillDtlColDepartment": "Bill Department",
  "BillDtlColDate": "Bill Date",
  "BillDtlColCode": "Bill Code",
  "BillDtlColNumber": "Bill Number",
  "BillDtlColRevenueType": "Bill RevenueType",
  "BillDtlUpdateSuccess": "Bill Update Success",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
  "Operater": "Operater",
  "OperateTime": "Operate Time",
  "SelectedImportType": "Selected Import Type",
  "JoinInAmount": "Join In Amount",
  "SelfSupportAmount": "Self Support Amount",
  "DirectSaleAmount": "Direct Sale Amount",
  "RightPublicAmount": "Right Public Amount",
  "EachTaxAmount": "Each Tax Amount",
  "ActualReturnTax": "Actual Return Tax",
  "GMVSubsidy": "GMV and Subsidy",
  "EmployeeNum": "Employee Num",
  "DriverNum": "Driver Num",
  "BUData": "Business Data",
  "TaxData": "Tax Data",
  "FullTimeAmount": "Full Time Amount",
  "InternAmount": "Intern Amount",
  "VendorAmount": "Vendor Amount",
  "EmployeeTotalAmount": "Total Amount",
  "BusinessLine": "Business Line",
  "OrderChainRatio": "Order Chain Ratio",
  "GmvChainRatio": "GMV Chain Ratio",
  "BSubsidyRate": "B Subsidy Rate",
  "BEndLinkRatio": "B End Link Ratio",
  "CSubsidyRate": "C Subsidy Rate",
  "CEndLinkRatio": "C End Link Ratio",
  "BuildingTax": "Building Tax",
  "EducationSurcharge": "Education Surcharge",
  "UrbanEducationSurcharge": "Urban Education Surcharge",
  "EmployeeTax": "Employee Tax",
  "DriverTax": "Driver Tax",
  "StampDuty": "Stamp Duty",
  "VATRefund": "VAT Refund",
  "UrbanConstructionTaxRefund": "UrbanConstruction Tax Refund",
  "EducationFeeSurcharge": "Education Fee Surcharge",
  "LocalEducationFeeSurcharge": "Local Education Fee Surcharge",
  "PersonalIncomeTaxReturn": "Personal Income Tax Return",
  "Country": "Country",
  "Company": "Company",
  "CompanySimpleName": "Company Simple Name",
gary's avatar
gary committed
  "DriverType": "Driver Type",
gary's avatar
gary committed
1984 1985 1986
  "FileExportSuccess": "File Export Success",
  "FileExportFailed": "File Export Failed",

gary's avatar
gary committed
  "~MustBeEndOneApp": "I Must be the End One, please!"
eddie.woo's avatar
eddie.woo committed