angular-notify.js 7.28 KB
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angular.module('cgNotify', []).factory('notify',['$timeout','$http','$compile','$templateCache','$rootScope',

        var startTop = 10;
        var verticalSpacing = 15;
        var defaultDuration = 10000;
        var defaultTemplateUrl = 'angular-notify.html';
        var position = 'center';
        var container = document.body;
        var maximumOpen = 0;

        var messageElements = [];
        var openNotificationsScope = [];

        var notify = function(args){

            if (typeof args !== 'object'){
                args = {message:args};

            args.duration = args.duration ? args.duration : defaultDuration;
            args.templateUrl = args.templateUrl ? args.templateUrl : defaultTemplateUrl;
            args.container = args.container ? args.container : container;
            args.classes = args.classes ? args.classes : '';

            var scope = args.scope ? args.scope.$new() : $rootScope.$new();
            scope.$position = args.position ? args.position : position;
            scope.$message = args.message;
            scope.$classes = args.classes;
            scope.$messageTemplate = args.messageTemplate;

            if (maximumOpen > 0) {
                var numToClose = (openNotificationsScope.length + 1) - maximumOpen;
                for (var i = 0; i < numToClose; i++) {

            $http.get(args.templateUrl,{cache: $templateCache}).then(function(template){

                var templateElement = $compile(;
                templateElement.bind('webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend transitionend msTransitionEnd', function(e){
                    if (e.propertyName === 'opacity' || === 0 || 
                        (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.propertyName === 'opacity')){


                if (args.messageTemplate){
                    var messageTemplateElement;
                    for (var i = 0; i < templateElement.children().length; i ++){
                        if (angular.element(templateElement.children()[i]).hasClass('cg-notify-message-template')){
                            messageTemplateElement = angular.element(templateElement.children()[i]);
                    if (messageTemplateElement){
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('cgNotify could not find the .cg-notify-message-template element in '+args.templateUrl+'.');


                if (scope.$position === 'center'){
                        scope.$centerMargin = '-' + (templateElement[0].offsetWidth /2) + 'px';

                scope.$close = function(){

                var layoutMessages = function(){
                    var j = 0;
                    var currentY = startTop;
                    for(var i = messageElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i --){
                        var shadowHeight = 10;
                        var element = messageElements[i];
                        var height = element[0].offsetHeight;
                        var top = currentY + height + shadowHeight;
                        if (element.attr('data-closing')){
                            top += 20;
                        } else {
                            currentY += height + verticalSpacing;
                        element.css('top',top + 'px').css('margin-top','-' + (height+shadowHeight) + 'px').css('visibility','visible');
                        j ++;


                if (args.duration > 0){

            }, function(data) {
                    throw new Error('Template specified for cgNotify ('+args.templateUrl+') could not be loaded. ' + data);

            var retVal = {};
            retVal.close = function(){
                if (scope.$close){

                get: function(){
                    return scope.$message;
                set: function(val){
                    scope.$message = val;


            return retVal;


        notify.config = function(args){
            startTop = !angular.isUndefined(args.startTop) ? args.startTop : startTop;
            verticalSpacing = !angular.isUndefined(args.verticalSpacing) ? args.verticalSpacing : verticalSpacing;
            defaultDuration = !angular.isUndefined(args.duration) ? args.duration : defaultDuration;
            defaultTemplateUrl = args.templateUrl ? args.templateUrl : defaultTemplateUrl;
            position = !angular.isUndefined(args.position) ? args.position : position;
            container = args.container ? args.container : container;
            maximumOpen = args.maximumOpen ? args.maximumOpen : maximumOpen;

        notify.closeAll = function(){
            for(var i = messageElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i --){
                var element = messageElements[i];

        return notify;

angular.module('cgNotify').run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
  'use strict';

    "<div class=\"cg-notify-message\" ng-class=\"[$classes, \n" +
    "    $position === 'center' ? 'cg-notify-message-center' : '',\n" +
    "    $position === 'left' ? 'cg-notify-message-left' : '',\n" +
    "    $position === 'right' ? 'cg-notify-message-right' : '']\"\n" +
    "    ng-style=\"{'margin-left': $centerMargin}\">\n" +
    "\n" +
    "    <div ng-show=\"!$messageTemplate\">\n" +
    "        {{$message}}\n" +
    "    </div>\n" +
    "\n" +
    "    <div ng-show=\"$messageTemplate\" class=\"cg-notify-message-template\">\n" +
    "        \n" +
    "    </div>\n" +
    "\n" +
    "    <button type=\"button\" class=\"cg-notify-close\" ng-click=\"$close()\">\n" +
    "        <span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span>\n" +
    "        <span class=\"cg-notify-sr-only\">Close</span>\n" +
    "    </button>\n" +
    "\n" +
