role-manage.js 3.69 KB
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infrastructureModule.directive('roleManage', ['$log',
    function ($log) {
        'use strict';

        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/roleManage/views/role-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(),
            replace: true,
            scope: {},
            controller: 'RoleManageController',
            link: function (scope, element) {
                    mouseenter: function (e) {
                        $(this).css('font-weight', 'bold');
                    mouseleave: function (e) {
                        $(this).css('font-weight', 'normal');
                }, '.icon-role-category-modify,.icon-role-category-delete,.ng-inline-edit__button');

                $(document).on('click', '.ng-inline-edit__button--edit', function () {

                Split(['#left-container', '#right-container'], {
                    //An array of initial sizes of the elements, specified as percentage values. Example: Setting the initial sizes to 25% and 75%.
                    sizes: [22, 78],

                    //An array of minimum sizes of the elements, specified as pixel values. Example: Setting the minimum sizes to 100px and 300px, respectively.
                    minSize: [250, 750],

                    onDragEnd: function () {
                        //$timeout(function () {
                        //    $rootScope.$broadcast(enums.vatEvent.layoutChanged, {});
                        //}, 700);

infrastructureModule.directive('roleNameUnique', ['$q', 'roleService', function ($q, roleService) {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
            if (!ctrl) return;

            ctrl.$asyncValidators.roleNameUnique = function (modelValue, viewValue) {
                if (ctrl.$isEmpty(modelValue)) {

                var def = $q.defer();

                var newRoleName = $('#EditRoleName').val(); //scope.roleUpdatedModel.editRoleName;
                var oldRoleName =;

                roleService.validateRoleNameUnique(newRoleName, oldRoleName)
                    .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                        if (data) {
                        } else {
                    .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {

                return def.promise;

infrastructureModule.directive("editableDiv", function () {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        require: "ngModel",
        link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {

            function read() {
                // view -> model
                var html = element.html();
                html = html.replace(/ /g, "\u00a0");
            // model -> view
            ngModel.$render = function () {
                element.html(ngModel.$viewValue || "");

            element.bind("blur", function () {
            element.bind("keydown keypress", function (event) {
                if (event.which === 13) {