Commit dd26930a authored by limingbo's avatar limingbo


parent d38bb2ca
Pipeline #871 canceled with stages
......@@ -136,9 +136,12 @@ bool initTrajectory(
const string &trajPath,
boost::shared_ptr<Trajectory> &trajectory)
if(boost::filesystem::path(trajPath).filename().string() == "ie.txt"){
string trajFileName =
LOG(INFO) << "trajFileName: " << trajFileName;
if(trajFileName == "ie.txt"){
trajectory.reset(new Trajectory(trajPath, PPK));
}else if(boost::filesystem::path(trajPath).filename().string() == "sample.gps"){
}else if(trajFileName == "sample.gps"){
trajectory.reset(new Trajectory(trajPath, PPK, 10));
return false;
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