Commit cb10f4fc authored by limingbo's avatar limingbo

test filterByPosition

parent fee1ccf8
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <pcl/octree/octree.h>
using namespace boost::filesystem;
const float Squared30 = 30 * 30;
vector<string> getActiveTraces(
const string &activeTracePath)
......@@ -213,13 +214,16 @@ void filterByPosition(
auto tarPeriod =;
PointCloudExport tarPeriodCloud =
getCloudFromPeriod(, tarPeriod);
uint32_t hitCnt = 0;
for(const PointExport& query : tarPeriodCloud.points){
int result_index;
float sqr_distance;
octree.approxNearestSearch(query, result_index, sqr_distance);
if(sqrt(sqr_distance) < 30){
if(sqr_distance < Squared30){
if(hitCnt / tarPeriodCloud->size() < 0.8){
aroundIndexVec.push_back(make_pair(tarRetIndex, tarPeriodIndex));
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