Commit 25cd8a84 authored by wangdawei's avatar wangdawei

check pc size

parent 3ccfd427
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<!-- Written by QtCreator 4.11.1, 2023-06-26T18:52:18. -->
<!-- Written by QtCreator 4.11.1, 2023-06-26T19:12:39. -->
......@@ -436,9 +436,15 @@ vector<CloseTrajInfo> crossFilter(
pcl::octree::OctreePointCloudSearch<PointExport> octree(resolution);
pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("/tmp/" + to_string(filteredTaskInfo[0].meshId) + ".pcd", *pointClouds[0]);
LOG(INFO) << "pointClouds[" << 0 << "]->size(): " << pointClouds[0]->size();
pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("/tmp/" + to_string(filteredTaskInfo[0].meshId) + ".pcd", *pointClouds[0]);
for(size_t pcIndex = 1; pcIndex < pointClouds.size(); pcIndex++){
pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("/tmp/" + to_string(filteredTaskInfo[pcIndex].meshId) + ".pcd", *pointClouds[pcIndex]);
LOG(INFO) << "pointClouds[" << pcIndex << "]->size(): " << pointClouds[0]->size();
pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("/tmp/" + to_string(filteredTaskInfo[pcIndex].meshId) + ".pcd", *pointClouds[pcIndex]);
bool found = false;
bool inPeriod = false;
uint64_t start = 0, end = 0;
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