Commit 47389152 authored by wangdawei's avatar wangdawei

map dir

parent 8eda77f0
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void AdjustPPK::ReadBag(const string &bagPath)
for(; viewIterator != view->end(); viewIterator++)
const rosbag::MessageInstance &m = *viewIterator;
LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 100) << setprecision(15) << "m.getTime() - 28800: " << m.getTime().toSec() - 28800;
// LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 100) << setprecision(15) << "m.getTime() - 28800: " << m.getTime().toSec() - 28800;
// if(m.getTime().toSec() - 28800 < 1683762409){
// continue;
// }
......@@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ void AdjustPPK::Compress(const vector<PCDPathInfo> &pcdPathVec,
*pointcloud += pc;
LOG(INFO) << "pointcloud->size() to dispatch: " << pointcloud->size();
boost::shared_ptr<Dispatch> dispatch(new Dispatch(pointcloud));
// dispatch.setMeshId(meshId);
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