Commit 296d390b authored by wangdawei's avatar wangdawei


parent f03ac3b3
Pipeline #1535 canceled with stages
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void AdjustPPK::CalLocalPose()
LocalCartesian proj(center_.x(), center_.y(), center_.z());
std::ofstream ofs(ieBaseDir_ + "/LocalPPK.txt", ios::app);
for(const IERawData& rawPPK : rawData_){
// LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 1000) << "rawPPK.unix_time: " << rawPPK.unix_time;
LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 10) << "rawPPK.unix_time: " << rawPPK.unix_time;
IsometryData localPose;
proj.Forward(rawPPK.latitude, rawPPK.longitude, rawPPK.height,
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