Commit 059d88e9 authored by wangdawei's avatar wangdawei


parent 3751d706
......@@ -383,12 +383,17 @@ bool AdjustPPK::LocateCloud(const CloudInfoForMatch &cloudInfo)
ofs << setprecision(16) << cloudInfo.timestamp << ", " << mapPose_.translation().x()
<< ", " << mapPose_.translation().y() << ", " << mapPose_.translation().z() << endl;
if(0 == cloudCnt_){
guessPose.precision_type = MATCH_PRECISION_INIT;
guessPose.precision_type = MATCH_PRECISION_FAST;
Isometry3f finalPose;
float score = currMatcher_->MatchPointCloud(cloudInfo.frame, guessPose, finalGnssPose, finalPose);
if(score < 0.45){
return false;
mapPose_ = finalPose.cast<double>();
// if(score < 0.45){
// return false;
// }
guessPose.map_point = mapPose_.cast<double>();
guessPose.precision_type = MATCH_PRECISION_HIGH;
currMatcher_->MatchPointCloud(cloudInfo.frame, guessPose, finalGnssPose, finalPose);
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