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// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: str_cat.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This package contains functions for efficiently concatenating and appending
// strings: `StrCat()` and `StrAppend()`. Most of the work within these routines
// is actually handled through use of a special AlphaNum type, which was
// designed to be used as a parameter type that efficiently manages conversion
// to strings and avoids copies in the above operations.
// Any routine accepting either a string or a number may accept `AlphaNum`.
// The basic idea is that by accepting a `const AlphaNum &` as an argument
// to your function, your callers will automagically convert bools, integers,
// and floating point values to strings for you.
// NOTE: Use of `AlphaNum` outside of the //absl/strings package is unsupported
// except for the specific case of function parameters of type `AlphaNum` or
// `const AlphaNum &`. In particular, instantiating `AlphaNum` directly as a
// stack variable is not supported.
// Conversion from 8-bit values is not accepted because, if it were, then an
// attempt to pass ':' instead of ":" might result in a 58 ending up in your
// result.
// Bools convert to "0" or "1".
// Floating point numbers are formatted with six-digit precision, which is
// the default for "std::cout <<" or printf "%g" (the same as "%.6g").
// You can convert to hexadecimal output rather than decimal output using the
// `Hex` type contained here. To do so, pass `Hex(my_int)` as a parameter to
// `StrCat()` or `StrAppend()`. You may specify a minimum hex field width using
// a `PadSpec` enum.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

#include "absl/base/port.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"

namespace absl {

namespace strings_internal {
// AlphaNumBuffer allows a way to pass a string to StrCat without having to do
// memory allocation.  It is simply a pair of a fixed-size character array, and
// a size.  Please don't use outside of absl, yet.
template <size_t max_size>
struct AlphaNumBuffer {
  std::array<char, max_size> data;
  size_t size;

}  // namespace strings_internal

// Enum that specifies the number of significant digits to return in a `Hex` or
// `Dec` conversion and fill character to use. A `kZeroPad2` value, for example,
// would produce hexadecimal strings such as "0A","0F" and a 'kSpacePad5' value
// would produce hexadecimal strings such as "    A","    F".
enum PadSpec : uint8_t {
  kNoPad = 1,

  kSpacePad2 = kZeroPad2 + 64,

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// `Hex` stores a set of hexadecimal string conversion parameters for use
// within `AlphaNum` string conversions.
struct Hex {
  uint64_t value;
  uint8_t width;
  char fill;

  template <typename Int>
  explicit Hex(
      Int v, PadSpec spec = absl::kNoPad,
      typename std::enable_if<sizeof(Int) == 1 &&
                              !std::is_pointer<Int>::value>::type* = nullptr)
      : Hex(spec, static_cast<uint8_t>(v)) {}
  template <typename Int>
  explicit Hex(
      Int v, PadSpec spec = absl::kNoPad,
      typename std::enable_if<sizeof(Int) == 2 &&
                              !std::is_pointer<Int>::value>::type* = nullptr)
      : Hex(spec, static_cast<uint16_t>(v)) {}
  template <typename Int>
  explicit Hex(
      Int v, PadSpec spec = absl::kNoPad,
      typename std::enable_if<sizeof(Int) == 4 &&
                              !std::is_pointer<Int>::value>::type* = nullptr)
      : Hex(spec, static_cast<uint32_t>(v)) {}
  template <typename Int>
  explicit Hex(
      Int v, PadSpec spec = absl::kNoPad,
      typename std::enable_if<sizeof(Int) == 8 &&
                              !std::is_pointer<Int>::value>::type* = nullptr)
      : Hex(spec, static_cast<uint64_t>(v)) {}
  template <typename Pointee>
  explicit Hex(Pointee* v, PadSpec spec = absl::kNoPad)
      : Hex(spec, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(v)) {}

  Hex(PadSpec spec, uint64_t v)
      : value(v),
        width(spec == absl::kNoPad
                  ? 1
                  : spec >= absl::kSpacePad2 ? spec - absl::kSpacePad2 + 2
                                             : spec - absl::kZeroPad2 + 2),
        fill(spec >= absl::kSpacePad2 ? ' ' : '0') {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dec
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// `Dec` stores a set of decimal string conversion parameters for use
// within `AlphaNum` string conversions.  Dec is slower than the default
// integer conversion, so use it only if you need padding.
struct Dec {
  uint64_t value;
  uint8_t width;
  char fill;
  bool neg;

  template <typename Int>
  explicit Dec(Int v, PadSpec spec = absl::kNoPad,
               typename std::enable_if<(sizeof(Int) <= 8)>::type* = nullptr)
      : value(v >= 0 ? static_cast<uint64_t>(v)
                     : uint64_t{0} - static_cast<uint64_t>(v)),
        width(spec == absl::kNoPad
                  ? 1
                  : spec >= absl::kSpacePad2 ? spec - absl::kSpacePad2 + 2
                                             : spec - absl::kZeroPad2 + 2),
        fill(spec >= absl::kSpacePad2 ? ' ' : '0'),
        neg(v < 0) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AlphaNum
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The `AlphaNum` class acts as the main parameter type for `StrCat()` and
// `StrAppend()`, providing efficient conversion of numeric, boolean, and
// hexadecimal values (through the `Hex` type) into strings.

class AlphaNum {
  // No bool ctor -- bools convert to an integral type.
  // A bool ctor would also convert incoming pointers (bletch).

  AlphaNum(int x)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      : piece_(digits_,
               numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(x, digits_) - &digits_[0]) {}
  AlphaNum(unsigned int x)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      : piece_(digits_,
               numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(x, digits_) - &digits_[0]) {}
  AlphaNum(long x)  // NOLINT(*)
      : piece_(digits_,
               numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(x, digits_) - &digits_[0]) {}
  AlphaNum(unsigned long x)  // NOLINT(*)
      : piece_(digits_,
               numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(x, digits_) - &digits_[0]) {}
  AlphaNum(long long x)  // NOLINT(*)
      : piece_(digits_,
               numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(x, digits_) - &digits_[0]) {}
  AlphaNum(unsigned long long x)  // NOLINT(*)
      : piece_(digits_,
               numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(x, digits_) - &digits_[0]) {}

  AlphaNum(float f)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      : piece_(digits_, numbers_internal::SixDigitsToBuffer(f, digits_)) {}
  AlphaNum(double f)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      : piece_(digits_, numbers_internal::SixDigitsToBuffer(f, digits_)) {}

  AlphaNum(Hex hex);  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
  AlphaNum(Dec dec);  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)

  template <size_t size>
  AlphaNum(  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      const strings_internal::AlphaNumBuffer<size>& buf)
      : piece_(&[0], buf.size) {}

  AlphaNum(const char* c_str) : piece_(c_str) {}  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
  AlphaNum(absl::string_view pc) : piece_(pc) {}  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
  template <typename Allocator>
  AlphaNum(  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Allocator>& str)
      : piece_(str) {}

  // Use std::string literals ":" instead of character literals ':'.
  AlphaNum(char c) = delete;  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)

  AlphaNum(const AlphaNum&) = delete;
  AlphaNum& operator=(const AlphaNum&) = delete;

  absl::string_view::size_type size() const { return piece_.size(); }
  const char* data() const { return; }
  absl::string_view Piece() const { return piece_; }

  // Normal enums are already handled by the integer formatters.
  // This overload matches only scoped enums.
  template <typename T,
            typename = typename std::enable_if<
                std::is_enum<T>{} && !std::is_convertible<T, int>{}>::type>
  AlphaNum(T e)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      : AlphaNum(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>(e)) {}

  absl::string_view piece_;
  char digits_[numbers_internal::kFastToBufferSize];

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrCat()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merges given strings or numbers, using no delimiter(s).
// `StrCat()` is designed to be the fastest possible way to construct a string
// out of a mix of raw C strings, string_views, strings, bool values,
// and numeric values.
// Don't use `StrCat()` for user-visible strings. The localization process
// works poorly on strings built up out of fragments.
// For clarity and performance, don't use `StrCat()` when appending to a
// string. Use `StrAppend()` instead. In particular, avoid using any of these
// (anti-)patterns:
//   str.append(StrCat(...))
//   str += StrCat(...)
//   str = StrCat(str, ...)
// The last case is the worst, with a potential to change a loop
// from a linear time operation with O(1) dynamic allocations into a
// quadratic time operation with O(n) dynamic allocations.
// See `StrAppend()` below for more information.

namespace strings_internal {

// Do not call directly - this is not part of the public API.
std::string CatPieces(std::initializer_list<absl::string_view> pieces);
void AppendPieces(std::string* dest,
                  std::initializer_list<absl::string_view> pieces);

}  // namespace strings_internal

ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT inline std::string StrCat() { return std::string(); }

ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT inline std::string StrCat(const AlphaNum& a) {
  return std::string(, a.size());

ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT std::string StrCat(const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT std::string StrCat(const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b,
                                   const AlphaNum& c);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT std::string StrCat(const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b,
                                   const AlphaNum& c, const AlphaNum& d);

// Support 5 or more arguments
template <typename... AV>
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT inline std::string StrCat(const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b,
                                          const AlphaNum& c, const AlphaNum& d,
                                          const AlphaNum& e,
                                          const AV&... args) {
  return strings_internal::CatPieces(
      {a.Piece(), b.Piece(), c.Piece(), d.Piece(), e.Piece(),
       static_cast<const AlphaNum&>(args).Piece()...});

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrAppend()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Appends a string or set of strings to an existing string, in a similar
// fashion to `StrCat()`.
// WARNING: `StrAppend(&str, a, b, c, ...)` requires that none of the
// a, b, c, parameters be a reference into str. For speed, `StrAppend()` does
// not try to check each of its input arguments to be sure that they are not
// a subset of the string being appended to. That is, while this will work:
//   string s = "foo";
//   s += s;
// This output is undefined:
//   string s = "foo";
//   StrAppend(&s, s);
// This output is undefined as well, since `absl::string_view` does not own its
// data:
//   string s = "foobar";
//   absl::string_view p = s;
//   StrAppend(&s, p);

inline void StrAppend(std::string*) {}
void StrAppend(std::string* dest, const AlphaNum& a);
void StrAppend(std::string* dest, const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b);
void StrAppend(std::string* dest, const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b,
               const AlphaNum& c);
void StrAppend(std::string* dest, const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b,
               const AlphaNum& c, const AlphaNum& d);

// Support 5 or more arguments
template <typename... AV>
inline void StrAppend(std::string* dest, const AlphaNum& a, const AlphaNum& b,
                      const AlphaNum& c, const AlphaNum& d, const AlphaNum& e,
                      const AV&... args) {
      dest, {a.Piece(), b.Piece(), c.Piece(), d.Piece(), e.Piece(),
             static_cast<const AlphaNum&>(args).Piece()...});

// Helper function for the future StrCat default floating-point format, %.6g
// This is fast.
inline strings_internal::AlphaNumBuffer<
SixDigits(double d) {
  result.size = numbers_internal::SixDigitsToBuffer(d, &[0]);
  return result;

}  // namespace absl