transform.h 7.48 KB
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 * Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <cmath>

#include "absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "Eigen/Geometry"
#include "cartographer/common/math.h"
#include "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.pb.h"
#include "cartographer/transform/rigid_transform.h"

namespace cartographer {
namespace transform {

// Returns the non-negative rotation angle in radians of the 3D transformation
// 'transform'.
template <typename FloatType>
FloatType GetAngle(const Rigid3<FloatType>& transform) {
  return FloatType(2) * std::atan2(transform.rotation().vec().norm(),

// Returns the yaw component in radians of the given 3D 'rotation'. Assuming
// 'rotation' is composed of three rotations around X, then Y, then Z, returns
// the angle of the Z rotation.
template <typename T>
T GetYaw(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& rotation) {
  const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> direction =
      rotation * Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>::UnitX();
  return atan2(direction.y(), direction.x());

// Returns the yaw component in radians of the given 3D transformation
// 'transform'.
template <typename T>
T GetYaw(const Rigid3<T>& transform) {
  return GetYaw(transform.rotation());

// Return as xyz (roll pitch yaw) Euler angles, with a static frame
template <typename T>
Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> RotationQuaternionToEulerVector(
    const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion) {
  Eigen::Quaternion<T> n_q = quaternion.normalized();
  // We choose the quaternion with positive 'w', i.e., the one with a smaller
  // angle that represents this orientation.
  if (n_q.w() < 0.) {
    // Multiply by -1.
    n_q.w() = -1. * n_q.w();
    n_q.x() = -1. * n_q.x();
    n_q.y() = -1. * n_q.y();
    n_q.z() = -1. * n_q.z();
  // We convert the normalized_quaternion(n_q) into a vector along the rotation
  // axis with length of the rotation angle.
  const T roll = atan2(2 * (n_q.w() * n_q.x() + n_q.y() * n_q.z()),
                       1 - 2 * (n_q.x() * n_q.x() + n_q.y() * n_q.y()));
  const T pitch = asin(2 * (n_q.w() * n_q.y() - n_q.z() * n_q.x()));
  const T yaw = atan2(2 * (n_q.w() * n_q.z() + n_q.x() * n_q.y()),
                      1 - 2 * (n_q.y() * n_q.y() + n_q.z() * n_q.z()));
  return Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>(roll, pitch, yaw);

// Returns an angle-axis vector (a vector with the length of the rotation angle
// pointing to the direction of the rotation axis) representing the same
// rotation as the given 'quaternion'.
template <typename T>
Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> RotationQuaternionToAngleAxisVector(
    const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion) {
  Eigen::Quaternion<T> normalized_quaternion = quaternion.normalized();
  // We choose the quaternion with positive 'w', i.e., the one with a smaller
  // angle that represents this orientation.
  if (normalized_quaternion.w() < 0.) {
    // Multiply by -1.
    normalized_quaternion.w() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.w();
    normalized_quaternion.x() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.x();
    normalized_quaternion.y() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.y();
    normalized_quaternion.z() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.z();
  // We convert the normalized_quaternion into a vector along the rotation axis
  // with length of the rotation angle.
  const T angle =
      2. * atan2(normalized_quaternion.vec().norm(), normalized_quaternion.w());
  constexpr double kCutoffAngle = 1e-7;  // We linearize below this angle.
  const T scale = angle < kCutoffAngle ? T(2.) : angle / sin(angle / 2.);
  return Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>(scale * normalized_quaternion.x(),
                                scale * normalized_quaternion.y(),
                                scale * normalized_quaternion.z());

// Returns a quaternion representing the same rotation as the given 'angle_axis'
// vector.
template <typename T>
Eigen::Quaternion<T> AngleAxisVectorToRotationQuaternion(
    const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>& angle_axis) {
  T scale = T(0.5);
  T w = T(1.);
  constexpr double kCutoffAngle = 1e-8;  // We linearize below this angle.
  if (angle_axis.squaredNorm() > kCutoffAngle) {
    const T norm = angle_axis.norm();
    scale = sin(norm / 2.) / norm;
    w = cos(norm / 2.);
  const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> quaternion_xyz = scale * angle_axis;
  return Eigen::Quaternion<T>(w, quaternion_xyz.x(), quaternion_xyz.y(),

// Projects 'transform' onto the XY plane.
template <typename T>
Rigid2<T> Project2D(const Rigid3<T>& transform) {
  return Rigid2<T>(transform.translation().template head<2>(),

// Embeds 'transform' into 3D space in the XY plane.
template <typename T>
Rigid3<T> Embed3D(const Rigid2<T>& transform) {
  return Rigid3<T>(
      {transform.translation().x(), transform.translation().y(), T(0)},
                          Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>::UnitZ()));

// For output vector
template <typename T>
std::string DebugVector(const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>& vector3) {
  return absl::Substitute("[ $0, $1, $2 ]", vector3(0), vector3(1), vector3(2));

// For output Quaternion
template <typename T>
std::string DebugRawQuaternion(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& q) {
  return absl::Substitute("[ $0, $1, $2, $3 ]", q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z());
template <typename T>
std::string DebugQuaternion(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& q) {
  Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> euler3 = RotationQuaternionToEulerVector(q);
  return DebugVector(euler3);

// For output Rigid
template <typename T>
std::string DebugRigid3(const Rigid3<T>& rigid3) {
  Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> euler3 =
  return "{ pos:" + DebugVector(rigid3.translation()) 
      + ", euler:" + DebugVector(euler3) + " }";

// Conversions between Eigen and proto.
Rigid2d ToRigid2(const proto::Rigid2d& transform);
Eigen::Vector2d ToEigen(const proto::Vector2d& vector);
Eigen::Vector3f ToEigen(const proto::Vector3f& vector);
Eigen::Vector4f ToEigen(const proto::Vector4f& vector);
Eigen::Vector3d ToEigen(const proto::Vector3d& vector);
Eigen::Quaterniond ToEigen(const proto::Quaterniond& quaternion);
proto::Rigid2d ToProto(const Rigid2d& transform);
proto::Rigid2f ToProto(const Rigid2f& transform);
proto::Rigid3d ToProto(const Rigid3d& rigid);
Rigid3d ToRigid3(const proto::Rigid3d& rigid);
proto::Rigid3f ToProto(const Rigid3f& rigid);
proto::Vector2d ToProto(const Eigen::Vector2d& vector);
proto::Vector3f ToProto(const Eigen::Vector3f& vector);
proto::Vector4f ToProto(const Eigen::Vector4f& vector);
proto::Vector3d ToProto(const Eigen::Vector3d& vector);
proto::Quaternionf ToProto(const Eigen::Quaternionf& quaternion);
proto::Quaterniond ToProto(const Eigen::Quaterniond& quaternion);

}  // namespace transform
}  // namespace cartographer