observer_list.h 6.29 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>

#include "butil/basictypes.h"
#include "butil/logging.h"
#include "butil/memory/weak_ptr.h"

//   A container for a list of observers.  Unlike a normal STL vector or list,
//   this container can be modified during iteration without invalidating the
//   iterator.  So, it safely handles the case of an observer removing itself
//   or other observers from the list while observers are being notified.
//   class MyWidget {
//    public:
//     ...
//     class Observer {
//      public:
//       virtual void OnFoo(MyWidget* w) = 0;
//       virtual void OnBar(MyWidget* w, int x, int y) = 0;
//     };
//     void AddObserver(Observer* obs) {
//       observer_list_.AddObserver(obs);
//     }
//     void RemoveObserver(Observer* obs) {
//       observer_list_.RemoveObserver(obs);
//     }
//     void NotifyFoo() {
//       FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observer_list_, OnFoo(this));
//     }
//     void NotifyBar(int x, int y) {
//       FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observer_list_, OnBar(this, x, y));
//     }
//    private:
//     ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
//   };

template <typename ObserverType>
class ObserverListThreadSafe;

template <class ObserverType>
class ObserverListBase
    : public butil::SupportsWeakPtr<ObserverListBase<ObserverType> > {
  // Enumeration of which observers are notified.
  enum NotificationType {
    // Specifies that any observers added during notification are notified.
    // This is the default type if non type is provided to the constructor.

    // Specifies that observers added while sending out notification are not
    // notified.

  // An iterator class that can be used to access the list of observers.  See
  // also the FOR_EACH_OBSERVER macro defined below.
  class Iterator {
    Iterator(ObserverListBase<ObserverType>& list)
        : list_(list.AsWeakPtr()),
          max_index_(list.type_ == NOTIFY_ALL ?
                     std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() :
                     list.observers_.size()) {

    ~Iterator() {
      if (list_.get() && --list_->notify_depth_ == 0)

    ObserverType* GetNext() {
      if (!list_.get())
        return NULL;
      ListType& observers = list_->observers_;
      // Advance if the current element is null
      size_t max_index = std::min(max_index_, observers.size());
      while (index_ < max_index && !observers[index_])
      return index_ < max_index ? observers[index_++] : NULL;

    butil::WeakPtr<ObserverListBase<ObserverType> > list_;
    size_t index_;
    size_t max_index_;

  ObserverListBase() : notify_depth_(0), type_(NOTIFY_ALL) {}
  explicit ObserverListBase(NotificationType type)
      : notify_depth_(0), type_(type) {}

  // Add an observer to the list.  An observer should not be added to
  // the same list more than once.
  void AddObserver(ObserverType* obs) {
    if (std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), obs)
        != observers_.end()) {
      NOTREACHED() << "Observers can only be added once!";

  // Remove an observer from the list if it is in the list.
  void RemoveObserver(ObserverType* obs) {
    typename ListType::iterator it =
      std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), obs);
    if (it != observers_.end()) {
      if (notify_depth_) {
        *it = 0;
      } else {

  bool HasObserver(ObserverType* observer) const {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < observers_.size(); ++i) {
      if (observers_[i] == observer)
        return true;
    return false;

  void Clear() {
    if (notify_depth_) {
      for (typename ListType::iterator it = observers_.begin();
           it != observers_.end(); ++it) {
        *it = 0;
    } else {

  size_t size() const { return observers_.size(); }

  void Compact() {
        std::remove(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(),
                    static_cast<ObserverType*>(NULL)), observers_.end());

  friend class ObserverListThreadSafe<ObserverType>;

  typedef std::vector<ObserverType*> ListType;

  ListType observers_;
  int notify_depth_;
  NotificationType type_;

  friend class ObserverListBase::Iterator;


template <class ObserverType, bool check_empty = false>
class ObserverList : public ObserverListBase<ObserverType> {
  typedef typename ObserverListBase<ObserverType>::NotificationType

  ObserverList() {}
  explicit ObserverList(NotificationType type)
      : ObserverListBase<ObserverType>(type) {}

  ~ObserverList() {
    // When check_empty is true, assert that the list is empty on destruction.
    if (check_empty) {
      DCHECK_EQ(ObserverListBase<ObserverType>::size(), 0U);

  bool might_have_observers() const {
    return ObserverListBase<ObserverType>::size() != 0;

#define FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(ObserverType, observer_list, func)               \
  do {                                                                     \
    if ((observer_list).might_have_observers()) {                          \
      ObserverListBase<ObserverType>::Iterator                             \
          it_inside_observer_macro(observer_list);                         \
      ObserverType* obs;                                                   \
      while ((obs = it_inside_observer_macro.GetNext()) != NULL)           \
        obs->func;                                                         \
    }                                                                      \
  } while (0)