Commit eb2118c1 authored by puasonych's avatar puasonych

Update step_file_sink

parent 5c1951ac
......@@ -75,7 +75,15 @@ public:
throw spdlog_ex("step_file_sink: Invalid time step in ctor");
if (max_size == 0)
if (!file_header.empty())
pattern_formatter formatter_for_file_header("%v");
_file_header.raw << file_header;
if (max_size <= _file_header.formatted.size())
throw spdlog_ex("step_file_sink: Invalid max log size in ctor");
......@@ -88,13 +96,6 @@ public:
throw spdlog_ex("step_file_sink: The temporary extension matches the specified in ctor");
if (!file_header.empty())
pattern_formatter formatter_for_file_header("%v");
_file_header.raw << file_header;
_current_size = _file_helper.size(); // expensive. called only once
......@@ -120,14 +121,19 @@ protected:
if (std::chrono::system_clock::now() >= _tp || _current_size + msg_size > _max_size)
filename_t new_filename;
std::tie(new_filename, std::ignore) = FileNameCalc::calc_filename(_base_filename, _tmp_ext);
if (new_filename != _current_filename)
std::tie(_current_filename, std::ignore) = FileNameCalc::calc_filename(_base_filename, _tmp_ext);;
_tp = _next_tp();
// std::tie(_current_filename, std::ignore) = FileNameCalc::calc_filename(_base_filename, _tmp_ext);;
_tp = _next_tp();
_current_size = _file_header.formatted.size();
if (_current_size) _file_helper.write(_file_header);
_current_size = _file_header.formatted.size();
if (_current_size) _file_helper.write(_file_header);
_current_size += msg_size;
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