Commit b962fbb1 authored by gabime's avatar gabime

Fixed issue #797

parent 4a871b97
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ inline const char *to_short_c_str(spdlog::level::level_enum l)
return short_level_names[l];
inline spdlog::level::level_enum from_str(const std::string &name)
static std::unordered_map<std::string, level_enum> name_to_level = // map string->level
......@@ -131,35 +132,28 @@ enum class pattern_time_type
// Log exception
class spdlog_ex : public std::runtime_error
class spdlog_ex : public std::exception
explicit spdlog_ex(const std::string &msg)
: runtime_error(msg)
: msg_(msg)
spdlog_ex(const std::string &msg, int last_errno)
: runtime_error(msg)
, last_errno_(last_errno)
fmt::memory_buffer outbuf;
fmt::format_system_error(outbuf, last_errno, msg);
msg_ = fmt::to_string(outbuf);
const char *what() const SPDLOG_NOEXCEPT override
if (last_errno_)
fmt::memory_buffer buf;
std::string msg(runtime_error::what());
fmt::format_system_error(buf, last_errno_, msg);
return fmt::to_string(buf).c_str();
return runtime_error::what();
return msg_.c_str();
int last_errno_{0};
std::string msg_;
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