Commit b18d235b authored by Gabi Melman's avatar Gabi Melman Committed by GitHub

Update spdlog.h

......@@ -20,15 +20,13 @@
namespace spdlog
// Return an existing logger or nullptr if a logger with such name doesn't exist.
// Examples:
// example: spdlog::get("my_logger")->info("hello {}", "world");
// spdlog::get("mylog")->info("Hello");
// auto logger = spdlog::get("mylog");
//"This is another message" , x, y, z);
// << "This is another message" << x << y << z;
std::shared_ptr<logger> get(const std::string& name);
// Set global formatting
// example: spdlog::set_pattern("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e %l : %v");
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