Commit aa9012fa authored by JamesReynolds's avatar JamesReynolds

Fixes #717

This fix uses the fmt::safe_strerror instead of the underlying
strerror_r functionality. I think this is better - but I'm not
sure if there is a reason for avoiding the use of this function.
parent 3fbac8e2
......@@ -383,57 +383,16 @@ inline std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t &filename)
inline std::string errno_to_string(char[256], char *res)
return std::string(res);
inline std::string errno_to_string(char buf[256], int res)
if (res == 0)
return std::string(buf);
return "Unknown error";
inline std::string errno_to_string(char buf[256], const fmt::internal::Null<> &/*tag*/)
return errno_to_string(buf, -1);
// Return errno string (thread safe)
inline std::string errno_str(int err_num)
char buf[256];
char buf[256], *buf_ptr = buf;
SPDLOG_CONSTEXPR auto buf_size = sizeof(buf);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (strerror_s(buf, buf_size, err_num) == 0)
if (fmt::safe_strerror(err_num, buf_ptr, buf_size) == 0)
return std::string(buf);
return std::string(buf_ptr);
return "Unknown error";
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(ANDROID) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || \
((_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)) // posix version
if (strerror_r(err_num, buf, buf_size) == 0)
return std::string(buf);
return "Unknown error";
#else // gnu version (might not use the given buf, so its retval pointer must be used)
auto err = strerror_r(err_num, buf, buf_size); // let compiler choose type
return errno_to_string(buf, err); // use overloading to select correct stringify function
inline int pid()
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