Commit a13b0abb authored by gabime's avatar gabime

Simplify meson for tests

parent c0819193
test_sources = files([
if not get_option('no_exceptions')
test_sources += 'test_errors.cpp'
......@@ -38,13 +37,8 @@ endif
# --------------------------------------
# --- Build the test executables ---
# --------------------------------------
test_exe = executable('spdlog-utests', test_sources, dependencies: global_test_deps + [spdlog_dep])
test('test_spdlog', test_exe, is_parallel : false)
test_matrix = [
['spdlog-utests', spdlog_dep],
['spdlog-utests-ho', spdlog_headeronly_dep],
foreach i : test_matrix
test_exe = executable(i[0], test_sources, dependencies: global_test_deps + [i[1]])
test('test_' + i[0], test_exe, is_parallel : false)
test_exe = executable('spdlog-utests-ho', test_sources, dependencies: global_test_deps + [spdlog_headeronly_dep])
test('test_spdlog-ho', test_exe, is_parallel : false)
\ No newline at end of file
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