Commit 39cdd08a authored by gabime's avatar gabime

no exceptions while logging

parent 2fc332ab
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Just copy the source [folder](
* Linux (gcc 4.8.1+, clang 3.5+)
* Windows (visual studio 2013+, cygwin/mingw with g++ 4.9.1+)
* Mac OSX (clang 3.5+)
* FreeBSD (gcc 4.8.1+)
* Very fast - performance is the primary goal (see [benchmarks](#benchmarks) below).
......@@ -58,22 +57,36 @@ Time needed to log 1,000,000 lines in asynchronous mode, i.e. the time it takes
## Usage Example
#include <iostream>
// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
// Distributed under the MIT License (
// spdlog usage example
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
int main(int, char* [])
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
void async_example();
void syslog_example();
void user_defined_example();
void err_handler_example();
namespace spd = spdlog;
int main(int, char*[])
namespace spd = spdlog;
// console logger (multithreaded and with color)
// Multithreaded color console
auto console = spd::stdout_logger_mt("console", true);
console->info("Welcome to spdlog!") ;
console->info("An info message example {}..", 1);
console->info("Welcome to spdlog!");
console->error("An info message example {}..", 1);
//Formatting examples
console->info("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
console->info("Support for int: {0:d}; hex: {0:x}; oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
// Formatting examples
console->warn("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
console->critical("Support for int: {0:d}; hex: {0:x}; oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
console->info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
console->info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");
......@@ -81,72 +94,110 @@ int main(int, char* [])
console->info("{:>30}", "right aligned");
console->info("{:^30}", "centered");
spd::get("console")->info("loggers can be retrieved from a global registry using the spdlog::get(logger_name) function");
// Runtime log levels
spd::set_level(spd::level::info); //Set global log level to info
console->debug("This message shold not be displayed!");
console->set_level(spd::level::debug); // Set specific logger's log level
console->debug("Now it should..");
// Create a basic multithreaded file logger (or "basic_logger_st" for single threaded logger)
console->debug("This message shold be displayed..");
// Create basic file logger (not rotated)
auto my_logger = spd::basic_logger_mt("basic_logger", "logs/basic.txt");
my_logger->info("Some log message");
// Create a file rotating logger with 5mb size max and 3 rotated files
auto rotating_logger = spd::rotating_logger_mt("some_logger_name", "logs/mylogfile", 1048576 * 5, 3);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
rotating_logger->info("{} * {} equals {:>10}", i, i, i*i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
rotating_logger->info("{} * {} equals {:>10}", i, i, i*i);
// Create a daily logger - a new file is created every day at 2:30am
// Create a daily logger - a new file is created every day on 2:30am
auto daily_logger = spd::daily_logger_mt("daily_logger", "logs/daily", 2, 30);
// Customize msg format for all messages
spd::set_pattern("*** [%H:%M:%S %z] [thread %t] %v ***");
rotating_logger->info("This is another message with custom format");
spd::get("console")->info("loggers can be retrieved from a global registry using the spdlog::get(logger_name) function");
// Compile time debug or trace macros.
// Enabled #ifdef SPDLOG_DEBUG_ON or #ifdef SPDLOG_TRACE_ON
SPDLOG_TRACE(console, "Enabled only #ifdef SPDLOG_TRACE_ON..{} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
SPDLOG_DEBUG(console, "Enabled only #ifdef SPDLOG_DEBUG_ON.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
// Asynchronous logging is very fast..
// Just call spdlog::set_async_mode(q_size) and all created loggers from now on will be asynchronous..
size_t q_size = 8192; //queue size must be power of 2
auto async_file= spd::daily_logger_st("async_file_logger", "logs/async_log.txt");
async_file->info("This is async log..Should be very fast!");
// syslog example. linux only..
#ifdef __linux__
std::string ident = "spdlog-example";
auto syslog_logger = spd::syslog_logger("syslog", ident, LOG_PID);
syslog_logger->warn("This is warning that will end up in syslog. This is Linux only!");
// syslog example. linux/osx only..
// log user-defined types example..
// Change default log error handler
console->info("End of example. bye..");
// Release and close all loggers
// Exceptions will only be thrown upon failed logger or sink construction (not during logging)
catch (const spd::spdlog_ex& ex)
std::cout << "Log failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log init failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
void async_example()
size_t q_size = 4096; //queue size must be power of 2
auto async_file = spd::daily_logger_st("async_file_logger", "logs/async_log.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
async_file->info("Async message #{}{}", i);
//syslog example (linux/osx only)
void syslog_example()
#if defined (__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
std::string ident = "spdlog-example";
auto syslog_logger = spd::syslog_logger("syslog", ident, LOG_PID);
syslog_logger->warn("This is warning that will end up in syslog. This is Linux only!");
// user defined types logging by implementing operator<<
struct my_type
int i;
template<typename OStream>
friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const my_type &c)
return os << "[my_type i="<<c.i << "]";
#include <spdlog/fmt/ostr.h> // must be included
void user_defined_example()
spd::get("console")->info("user defined type: {}", my_type { 14 });
//custom error handler
void err_handler_example()
//can be set globaly or per logger (logger->set_error_handler(..))
spdlog::set_error_handler([](const std::string& msg) {
std::cerr << "my err handler: " << msg << std::endl;
spd::get("console")->info("some invalid message to trigger an error {}{}{}{}", 3);
......@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include <cstdlib> // EXIT_FAILURE
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
void async_example();
void syslog_example();
void user_defined_example();
void err_handler_example();
namespace spd = spdlog;
int main(int, char*[])
......@@ -61,12 +61,11 @@ int main(int, char*[])
spd::set_pattern("*** [%H:%M:%S %z] [thread %t] %v ***");
rotating_logger->info("This is another message with custom format");
// Compile time debug or trace macros.
// Enabled #ifdef SPDLOG_DEBUG_ON or #ifdef SPDLOG_TRACE_ON
SPDLOG_TRACE(console, "Enabled only #ifdef SPDLOG_TRACE_ON..{} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
SPDLOG_DEBUG(console, "Enabled only #ifdef SPDLOG_DEBUG_ON.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
// Asynchronous logging is very fast..
// Just call spdlog::set_async_mode(q_size) and all created loggers from now on will be asynchronous..
......@@ -77,27 +76,29 @@ int main(int, char*[])
// log user-defined types example..
// Change default log error handler
console->info("End of example. bye..");
// Release and close all loggers
// Exceptions will only be thrown upon failed logger or sink construction (not during logging)
catch (const spd::spdlog_ex& ex)
std::cout << "Log failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log init failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
void async_example()
size_t q_size = 4096; //queue size must be power of 2
auto async_file = spd::daily_logger_st("async_file_logger", "logs/async_log.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
async_file->info("Async message #{}", i);
async_file->info("Async message #{}{}", i);
//syslog example (linux/osx only)
......@@ -127,3 +128,15 @@ void user_defined_example()
spd::get("console")->info("user defined type: {}", my_type { 14 });
//custom error handler
void err_handler_example()
//can be set globaly or per logger(logger->set_error_handler(..))
spdlog::set_error_handler([](const std::string& msg) {
std::cerr << "my err handler: " << msg << std::endl;
spd::get("console")->info("some invalid message to trigger an error {}{}{}{}", 3);
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(SPDLOG_WCHAR_FILENAMES)
#include <codecvt>
#include <locale>
......@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ using level_t = details::null_atomic_int;
using level_t = std::atomic_int;
using log_err_handler = std::function<void(const std::string &err_msg)>;
//Log level enum
namespace level
......@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ public:
async_log_helper(formatter_ptr formatter,
const std::vector<sink_ptr>& sinks,
size_t queue_size,
const log_err_handler err_handler,
const async_overflow_policy overflow_policy = async_overflow_policy::block_retry,
const std::function<void()>& worker_warmup_cb = nullptr,
const std::chrono::milliseconds& flush_interval_ms = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero(),
......@@ -142,14 +143,13 @@ private:
// queue of messages to log
q_type _q;
log_err_handler _err_handler;
bool _flush_requested;
bool _terminate_requested;
// last exception thrown from the worker thread
std::shared_ptr<spdlog_ex> _last_workerthread_ex;
// overflow policy
const async_overflow_policy _overflow_policy;
......@@ -166,10 +166,7 @@ private:
std::thread _worker_thread;
void push_msg(async_msg&& new_msg);
// throw last worker thread exception or if worker thread is not active
void throw_if_bad_worker();
// worker thread main loop
void worker_loop();
......@@ -181,7 +178,7 @@ private:
// sleep,yield or return immediatly using the time passed since last message as a hint
static void sleep_or_yield(const spdlog::log_clock::time_point& now, const log_clock::time_point& last_op_time);
......@@ -193,6 +190,7 @@ inline spdlog::details::async_log_helper::async_log_helper(
formatter_ptr formatter,
const std::vector<sink_ptr>& sinks,
size_t queue_size,
log_err_handler err_handler,
const async_overflow_policy overflow_policy,
const std::function<void()>& worker_warmup_cb,
const std::chrono::milliseconds& flush_interval_ms,
......@@ -200,6 +198,7 @@ inline spdlog::details::async_log_helper::async_log_helper(
......@@ -232,8 +231,7 @@ inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::log(const details::log_msg& msg)
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::push_msg(details::async_log_helper::async_msg&& new_msg)
if (!_q.enqueue(std::move(new_msg)) && _overflow_policy != async_overflow_policy::discard_log_msg)
auto last_op_time = details::os::now();
......@@ -263,14 +261,12 @@ inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::worker_loop()
while(process_next_msg(last_pop, last_flush));
if (_worker_teardown_cb) _worker_teardown_cb();
catch (const std::exception& ex)
_last_workerthread_ex = std::make_shared<spdlog_ex>(std::string("async_logger worker thread exception: ") + ex.what());
catch (...)
_last_workerthread_ex = std::make_shared<spdlog_ex>("async_logger worker thread exception");
catch (const std::exception &ex) {
catch (...) {
_err_handler("Unknown exception");
// process next message in the queue
......@@ -362,15 +358,6 @@ inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::sleep_or_yield(const spdlog::log_
return sleep_for(milliseconds(200));
// throw if the worker thread threw an exception or not active
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::throw_if_bad_worker()
if (_last_workerthread_ex)
auto ex = std::move(_last_workerthread_ex);
throw *ex;
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name,
const std::chrono::milliseconds& flush_interval_ms,
const std::function<void()>& worker_teardown_cb) :
logger(logger_name, begin, end),
_async_log_helper(new details::async_log_helper(_formatter, _sinks, queue_size, overflow_policy, worker_warmup_cb, flush_interval_ms, worker_teardown_cb))
_async_log_helper(new details::async_log_helper(_formatter, _sinks, queue_size, _err_handler, overflow_policy, worker_warmup_cb, flush_interval_ms, worker_teardown_cb))
......@@ -73,5 +73,14 @@ inline void spdlog::async_logger::_set_pattern(const std::string& pattern)
inline void spdlog::async_logger::_sink_it(details::log_msg& msg)
catch (const std::exception &ex) {
catch (...) {
_err_handler("Unknown exception");
......@@ -6,35 +6,39 @@
#pragma once
#include <spdlog/logger.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
// create logger with given name, sinks and the default pattern formatter
// all other ctors will call this one
template<class It>
inline spdlog::logger::logger(const std::string& logger_name, const It& begin, const It& end) :
_sinks(begin, end),
// no support under vs2013 for member initialization for std::atomic
_level = level::info;
_flush_level = level::off;
inline spdlog::logger::logger(const std::string& logger_name, const It& begin, const It& end):
_sinks(begin, end),
_level = level::info;
_flush_level = level::off;
_last_err_time = 0;
_err_handler = [this](const std::string &msg) { this->_default_err_handler(msg);};
// ctor with sinks as init list
inline spdlog::logger::logger(const std::string& logger_name, sinks_init_list sinks_list) :
logger(logger_name, sinks_list.begin(), sinks_list.end()) {}
inline spdlog::logger::logger(const std::string& logger_name, sinks_init_list sinks_list):
logger(logger_name, sinks_list.begin(), sinks_list.end())
// ctor with single sink
inline spdlog::logger::logger(const std::string& logger_name, spdlog::sink_ptr single_sink) :
}) {}
inline spdlog::logger::logger(const std::string& logger_name, spdlog::sink_ptr single_sink):
inline spdlog::logger::~logger() = default;
......@@ -42,131 +46,143 @@ inline spdlog::logger::~logger() = default;
inline void spdlog::logger::set_formatter(spdlog::formatter_ptr msg_formatter)
inline void spdlog::logger::set_pattern(const std::string& pattern)
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::log(level::level_enum lvl, const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
if (!should_log(lvl)) return;
details::log_msg log_msg(&_name, lvl);
log_msg.raw.write(fmt, args...);
catch (fmt::FormatError &ex)
throw spdlog::spdlog_ex(std::string("format error in \"") + fmt + "\": " + ex.what());
if (!should_log(lvl)) return;
try {
details::log_msg log_msg(&_name, lvl);
log_msg.raw.write(fmt, args...);
catch (const std::exception &ex) {
catch (...) {
_err_handler("Unknown exception");
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::log(level::level_enum lvl, const char* msg)
if (!should_log(lvl)) return;
details::log_msg log_msg(&_name, lvl);
log_msg.raw << msg;
if (!should_log(lvl)) return;
try {
details::log_msg log_msg(&_name, lvl);
log_msg.raw << msg;
catch (const std::exception &ex) {
catch (...) {
_err_handler("Unknown exception");
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::log(level::level_enum lvl, const T& msg)
if (!should_log(lvl)) return;
details::log_msg log_msg(&_name, lvl);
log_msg.raw << msg;
if (!should_log(lvl)) return;
try {
details::log_msg log_msg(&_name, lvl);
log_msg.raw << msg;
catch (const std::exception &ex) {
catch (...) {
_err_handler("Unknown exception");
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::trace(const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
log(level::trace, fmt, args...);
log(level::trace, fmt, args...);
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::debug(const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
log(level::debug, fmt, args...);
log(level::debug, fmt, args...);
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::info(const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
log(level::info, fmt, args...);
log(level::info, fmt, args...);
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::warn(const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
log(level::warn, fmt, args...);
log(level::warn, fmt, args...);
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::error(const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
log(level::err, fmt, args...);
log(level::err, fmt, args...);
template <typename... Args>
inline void spdlog::logger::critical(const char* fmt, const Args&... args)
log(level::critical, fmt, args...);
log(level::critical, fmt, args...);
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::trace(const T& msg)
log(level::trace, msg);
log(level::trace, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::debug(const T& msg)
log(level::debug, msg);
log(level::debug, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::info(const T& msg)
log(level::info, msg);
log(level::info, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::warn(const T& msg)
log(level::warn, msg);
log(level::warn, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::error(const T& msg)
log(level::err, msg);
log(level::err, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void spdlog::logger::critical(const T& msg)
log(level::critical, msg);
log(level::critical, msg);
......@@ -177,27 +193,38 @@ inline void spdlog::logger::critical(const T& msg)
inline const std::string& spdlog::logger::name() const
return _name;
return _name;
inline void spdlog::logger::set_level(spdlog::level::level_enum log_level)
inline void spdlog::logger::set_error_handler(spdlog::log_err_handler err_handler)
_err_handler = err_handler;
inline spdlog::log_err_handler spdlog::logger::error_handler()
return _err_handler;
inline void spdlog::logger::flush_on(level::level_enum log_level)
inline spdlog::level::level_enum spdlog::logger::level() const
return static_cast<spdlog::level::level_enum>(_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
return static_cast<spdlog::level::level_enum>(_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
inline bool spdlog::logger::should_log(spdlog::level::level_enum msg_level) const
return msg_level >= _level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return msg_level >= _level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
......@@ -205,26 +232,41 @@ inline bool spdlog::logger::should_log(spdlog::level::level_enum msg_level) cons
inline void spdlog::logger::_sink_it(details::log_msg& msg)
for (auto &sink : _sinks)
const auto flush_level = _flush_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (msg.level >= flush_level)
for (auto &sink : _sinks)
const auto flush_level = _flush_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (msg.level >= flush_level)
inline void spdlog::logger::_set_pattern(const std::string& pattern)
_formatter = std::make_shared<pattern_formatter>(pattern);
_formatter = std::make_shared<pattern_formatter>(pattern);
inline void spdlog::logger::_set_formatter(formatter_ptr msg_formatter)
_formatter = msg_formatter;
_formatter = msg_formatter;
inline void spdlog::logger::flush()
for (auto& sink : _sinks)
for (auto& sink : _sinks)
inline void spdlog::logger::_default_err_handler(const std::string &msg)
auto now = time(nullptr);
if (now - _last_err_time < 60)
auto tm_time = details::os::localtime(now);
char date_buf[100];
std::strftime(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm_time);
details::log_msg err_msg;
err_msg.formatted.write("[*** LOG ERROR ***] [{}] [{}] [{}]{}", name(), msg, date_buf, details::os::eol);
_last_err_time = now;
......@@ -21,612 +21,603 @@
namespace spdlog
namespace details
class flag_formatter
virtual ~flag_formatter() {}
virtual void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) = 0;
// name & level pattern appenders
class name_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << *msg.logger_name;
// log level appender
class level_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << level::to_str(msg.level);
// short log level appender
class short_level_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << level::to_short_str(msg.level);
// Date time pattern appenders
static const char* ampm(const tm& t)
return t.tm_hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
static int to12h(const tm& t)
return t.tm_hour > 12 ? t.tm_hour - 12 : t.tm_hour;
//Abbreviated weekday name
static const std::string days[] { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
class a_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << days[tm_time.tm_wday];
//Full weekday name
static const std::string full_days[] { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
class A_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << full_days[tm_time.tm_wday];
//Abbreviated month
static const std::string months[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
class b_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted<< months[tm_time.tm_mon];
//Full month name
static const std::string full_months[] { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
class B_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << full_months[tm_time.tm_mon];
//write 2 ints seperated by sep with padding of 2
static fmt::MemoryWriter& pad_n_join(fmt::MemoryWriter& w, int v1, int v2, char sep)
w << fmt::pad(v1, 2, '0') << sep << fmt::pad(v2, 2, '0');
return w;
//write 3 ints seperated by sep with padding of 2
static fmt::MemoryWriter& pad_n_join(fmt::MemoryWriter& w, int v1, int v2, int v3, char sep)
w << fmt::pad(v1, 2, '0') << sep << fmt::pad(v2, 2, '0') << sep << fmt::pad(v3, 2, '0');
return w;
//Date and time representation (Thu Aug 23 15:35:46 2014)
class c_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << days[tm_time.tm_wday] << ' ' << months[tm_time.tm_mon] << ' ' << tm_time.tm_mday << ' ';
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_hour, tm_time.tm_min, tm_time.tm_sec, ':') << ' ' << tm_time.tm_year + 1900;
// year - 2 digit
class C_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_year % 100, 2, '0');
// Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y 08/23/01
class D_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_mon + 1, tm_time.tm_mday, tm_time.tm_year % 100, '/');
// year - 4 digit
class Y_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << tm_time.tm_year + 1900;
// month 1-12
class m_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_mon + 1, 2, '0');
// day of month 1-31
class d_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_mday, 2, '0');
// hours in 24 format 0-23
class H_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_hour, 2, '0');
// hours in 12 format 1-12
class I_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(to12h(tm_time), 2, '0');
// minutes 0-59
class M_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_min, 2, '0');
// seconds 0-59
class S_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_sec, 2, '0');
// milliseconds
class e_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000;
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(static_cast<int>(millis), 3, '0');
// microseconds
class f_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto micros = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count() % 1000000;
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(static_cast<int>(micros), 6, '0');
// nanoseconds
class F_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(duration).count() % 1000000000;
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(static_cast<int>(ns), 9, '0');
// AM/PM
class p_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << ampm(tm_time);
// 12 hour clock 02:55:02 pm
class r_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, to12h(tm_time), tm_time.tm_min, tm_time.tm_sec, ':') << ' ' << ampm(tm_time);
// 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M
class R_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_hour, tm_time.tm_min, ':');
// ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S
class T_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_hour, tm_time.tm_min, tm_time.tm_sec, ':');
// ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone (+-HH:MM)
class z_formatter :public flag_formatter
const std::chrono::seconds cache_refresh = std::chrono::seconds(5);
z_formatter() :_last_update(std::chrono::seconds(0)) {}
z_formatter(const z_formatter&) = delete;
z_formatter& operator=(const z_formatter&) = delete;
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
namespace details
class flag_formatter
virtual ~flag_formatter()
virtual void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) = 0;
// name & level pattern appenders
class name_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << *msg.logger_name;
// log level appender
class level_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << level::to_str(msg.level);
// short log level appender
class short_level_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << level::to_short_str(msg.level);
// Date time pattern appenders
static const char* ampm(const tm& t)
return t.tm_hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
static int to12h(const tm& t)
return t.tm_hour > 12 ? t.tm_hour - 12 : t.tm_hour;
//Abbreviated weekday name
static const std::string days[]{ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
class a_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << days[tm_time.tm_wday];
//Full weekday name
static const std::string full_days[]{ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
class A_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << full_days[tm_time.tm_wday];
//Abbreviated month
static const std::string months[]{ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
class b_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << months[tm_time.tm_mon];
//Full month name
static const std::string full_months[]{ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
class B_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << full_months[tm_time.tm_mon];
//write 2 ints seperated by sep with padding of 2
static fmt::MemoryWriter& pad_n_join(fmt::MemoryWriter& w, int v1, int v2, char sep)
w << fmt::pad(v1, 2, '0') << sep << fmt::pad(v2, 2, '0');
return w;
//write 3 ints seperated by sep with padding of 2
static fmt::MemoryWriter& pad_n_join(fmt::MemoryWriter& w, int v1, int v2, int v3, char sep)
w << fmt::pad(v1, 2, '0') << sep << fmt::pad(v2, 2, '0') << sep << fmt::pad(v3, 2, '0');
return w;
//Date and time representation (Thu Aug 23 15:35:46 2014)
class c_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << days[tm_time.tm_wday] << ' ' << months[tm_time.tm_mon] << ' ' << tm_time.tm_mday << ' ';
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_hour, tm_time.tm_min, tm_time.tm_sec, ':') << ' ' << tm_time.tm_year + 1900;
// year - 2 digit
class C_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_year % 100, 2, '0');
// Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y 08/23/01
class D_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_mon + 1, tm_time.tm_mday, tm_time.tm_year % 100, '/');
// year - 4 digit
class Y_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << tm_time.tm_year + 1900;
// month 1-12
class m_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_mon + 1, 2, '0');
// day of month 1-31
class d_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_mday, 2, '0');
// hours in 24 format 0-23
class H_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_hour, 2, '0');
// hours in 12 format 1-12
class I_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(to12h(tm_time), 2, '0');
// minutes 0-59
class M_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_min, 2, '0');
// seconds 0-59
class S_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(tm_time.tm_sec, 2, '0');
// milliseconds
class e_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000;
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(static_cast<int>(millis), 3, '0');
// microseconds
class f_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto micros = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count() % 1000000;
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(static_cast<int>(micros), 6, '0');
// nanoseconds
class F_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(duration).count() % 1000000000;
msg.formatted << fmt::pad(static_cast<int>(ns), 9, '0');
// AM/PM
class p_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
msg.formatted << ampm(tm_time);
// 12 hour clock 02:55:02 pm
class r_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, to12h(tm_time), tm_time.tm_min, tm_time.tm_sec, ':') << ' ' << ampm(tm_time);
// 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M
class R_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_hour, tm_time.tm_min, ':');
// ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S
class T_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, tm_time.tm_hour, tm_time.tm_min, tm_time.tm_sec, ':');
// ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone (+-HH:MM)
class z_formatter:public flag_formatter
const std::chrono::seconds cache_refresh = std::chrono::seconds(5);
z_formatter(const z_formatter&) = delete;
z_formatter& operator=(const z_formatter&) = delete;
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
#ifdef _WIN32
int total_minutes = get_cached_offset(msg, tm_time);
int total_minutes = get_cached_offset(msg, tm_time);
// No need to chache under gcc,
// it is very fast (already stored in tm.tm_gmtoff)
int total_minutes = os::utc_minutes_offset(tm_time);
// No need to chache under gcc,
// it is very fast (already stored in tm.tm_gmtoff)
int total_minutes = os::utc_minutes_offset(tm_time);
int h = total_minutes / 60;
int m = total_minutes % 60;
if (h >= 0) //minus sign will be printed anyway if negative
msg.formatted << '+';
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, h, m, ':');
log_clock::time_point _last_update;
int _offset_minutes;
std::mutex _mutex;
int get_cached_offset(const log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time)
using namespace std::chrono;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_mutex);
if (msg.time - _last_update >= cache_refresh)
_offset_minutes = os::utc_minutes_offset(tm_time);
_last_update = msg.time;
return _offset_minutes;
//Thread id
class t_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << msg.thread_id;
class v_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << fmt::StringRef(, msg.raw.size());
class ch_formatter :public flag_formatter
explicit ch_formatter(char ch) : _ch(ch)
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << _ch;
char _ch;
//aggregate user chars to display as is
class aggregate_formatter :public flag_formatter
void add_ch(char ch)
_str += ch;
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << _str;
std::string _str;
// Full info formatter
// pattern: [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e] [%n] [%l] %v
class full_formatter :public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
int h = total_minutes / 60;
int m = total_minutes % 60;
if (h >= 0) //minus sign will be printed anyway if negative
msg.formatted << '+';
pad_n_join(msg.formatted, h, m, ':');
log_clock::time_point _last_update;
int _offset_minutes;
std::mutex _mutex;
int get_cached_offset(const log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time)
using namespace std::chrono;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_mutex);
if (msg.time - _last_update >= cache_refresh) {
_offset_minutes = os::utc_minutes_offset(tm_time);
_last_update = msg.time;
return _offset_minutes;
//Thread id
class t_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << msg.thread_id;
class v_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << fmt::StringRef(, msg.raw.size());
class ch_formatter:public flag_formatter
explicit ch_formatter(char ch): _ch(ch)
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << _ch;
char _ch;
//aggregate user chars to display as is
class aggregate_formatter:public flag_formatter
void add_ch(char ch)
_str += ch;
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm&) override
msg.formatted << _str;
std::string _str;
// Full info formatter
// pattern: [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e] [%n] [%l] %v
class full_formatter:public flag_formatter
void format(details::log_msg& msg, const std::tm& tm_time) override
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000;
/* Slower version(while still very fast - about 3.2 million lines/sec under 10 threads),
msg.formatted.write("[{:d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}] [{}] [{}] {} ",
tm_time.tm_year + 1900,
tm_time.tm_mon + 1,
// Faster (albeit uglier) way to format the line (5.6 million lines/sec under 10 threads)
msg.formatted << '[' << static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_year + 1900) << '-'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_mon + 1), 2, '0') << '-'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_mday), 2, '0') << ' '
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_hour), 2, '0') << ':'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_min), 2, '0') << ':'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_sec), 2, '0') << '.'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(millis), 3, '0') << "] ";
//no datetime needed
auto duration = msg.time.time_since_epoch();
auto millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000;
/* Slower version(while still very fast - about 3.2 million lines/sec under 10 threads),
msg.formatted.write("[{:d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}] [{}] [{}] {} ",
tm_time.tm_year + 1900,
tm_time.tm_mon + 1,
// Faster (albeit uglier) way to format the line (5.6 million lines/sec under 10 threads)
msg.formatted << '[' << static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_year + 1900) << '-'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_mon + 1), 2, '0') << '-'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_mday), 2, '0') << ' '
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_hour), 2, '0') << ':'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_min), 2, '0') << ':'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(tm_time.tm_sec), 2, '0') << '.'
<< fmt::pad(static_cast<unsigned int>(millis), 3, '0') << "] ";
//no datetime needed
msg.formatted << '[' << *msg.logger_name << "] ";
msg.formatted << '[' << *msg.logger_name << "] ";
msg.formatted << '[' << level::to_str(msg.level) << "] ";
msg.formatted << fmt::StringRef(, msg.raw.size());
msg.formatted << '[' << level::to_str(msg.level) << "] ";
msg.formatted << fmt::StringRef(, msg.raw.size());
// pattern_formatter inline impl
inline spdlog::pattern_formatter::pattern_formatter(const std::string& pattern)
inline void spdlog::pattern_formatter::compile_pattern(const std::string& pattern)
auto end = pattern.end();
std::unique_ptr<details::aggregate_formatter> user_chars;
for (auto it = pattern.begin(); it != end; ++it)
if (*it == '%')
if (user_chars) //append user chars found so far
if (++it != end)
else // chars not following the % sign should be displayed as is
if (!user_chars)
user_chars = std::unique_ptr<details::aggregate_formatter>(new details::aggregate_formatter());
if (user_chars) //append raw chars found so far
auto end = pattern.end();
std::unique_ptr<details::aggregate_formatter> user_chars;
for (auto it = pattern.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if (*it == '%') {
if (user_chars) //append user chars found so far
if (++it != end)
else // chars not following the % sign should be displayed as is
if (!user_chars)
user_chars = std::unique_ptr<details::aggregate_formatter>(new details::aggregate_formatter());
if (user_chars) //append raw chars found so far
inline void spdlog::pattern_formatter::handle_flag(char flag)
switch (flag)
// logger name
case 'n':
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::name_formatter()));
case 'l':
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::level_formatter()));
case 'L':
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::short_level_formatter()));
case('t') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::t_formatter()));
case('v') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::v_formatter()));
case('a') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::a_formatter()));
case('A') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::A_formatter()));
case('b') :
case('h') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::b_formatter()));
case('B') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::B_formatter()));
case('c') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::c_formatter()));
case('C') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::C_formatter()));
case('Y') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::Y_formatter()));
case('D') :
case('x') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::D_formatter()));
case('m') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::m_formatter()));
case('d') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::d_formatter()));
case('H') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::H_formatter()));
case('I') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::I_formatter()));
case('M') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::M_formatter()));
case('S') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::S_formatter()));
case('e') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::e_formatter()));
case('f') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::f_formatter()));
case('F') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::F_formatter()));
case('p') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::p_formatter()));
case('r') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::r_formatter()));
case('R') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::R_formatter()));
case('T') :
case('X') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::T_formatter()));
case('z') :
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::z_formatter()));
case ('+'):
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::full_formatter()));
default: //Unkown flag appears as is
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::ch_formatter('%')));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::ch_formatter(flag)));
switch (flag) {
// logger name
case 'n':
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::name_formatter()));
case 'l':
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::level_formatter()));
case 'L':
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::short_level_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::t_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::v_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::a_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::A_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::b_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::B_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::c_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::C_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::Y_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::D_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::m_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::d_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::H_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::I_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::M_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::S_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::e_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::f_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::F_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::p_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::r_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::R_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::T_formatter()));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::z_formatter()));
case ('+'):
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::full_formatter()));
default: //Unkown flag appears as is
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::ch_formatter('%')));
_formatters.push_back(std::unique_ptr<details::flag_formatter>(new details::ch_formatter(flag)));
inline void spdlog::pattern_formatter::format(details::log_msg& msg)
auto tm_time = details::os::localtime(log_clock::to_time_t(msg.time));
auto tm_time = details::os::localtime(log_clock::to_time_t(msg.time));
std::tm tm_time;
std::tm tm_time;
for (auto &f : _formatters)
f->format(msg, tm_time);
//write eol
msg.formatted.write(details::os::eol, details::os::eol_size);
catch(const fmt::FormatError& e)
throw spdlog_ex(fmt::format("formatting error while processing format string: {}", e.what()));
for (auto &f : _formatters) {
f->format(msg, tm_time);
//write eol
msg.formatted.write(details::os::eol, details::os::eol_size);
......@@ -60,7 +60,12 @@ public:
if (_formatter)
if (_err_handler)
//Add to registry
_loggers[logger_name] = new_logger;
return new_logger;
......@@ -112,6 +117,13 @@ public:
_level = log_level;
void set_error_handler(log_err_handler handler)
for (auto& l : _loggers)
_err_handler = handler;
void set_async_mode(size_t q_size, const async_overflow_policy overflow_policy, const std::function<void()>& worker_warmup_cb, const std::chrono::milliseconds& flush_interval_ms, const std::function<void()>& worker_teardown_cb)
std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(_mutex);
......@@ -149,6 +161,7 @@ private:
std::unordered_map <std::string, std::shared_ptr<logger>> _loggers;
formatter_ptr _formatter;
level::level_enum _level = level::info;
log_err_handler _err_handler;
bool _async_mode = false;
size_t _async_q_size = 0;
async_overflow_policy _overflow_policy = async_overflow_policy::block_retry;
......@@ -147,6 +147,13 @@ inline void spdlog::set_level(level::level_enum log_level)
return details::registry::instance().set_level(log_level);
inline void spdlog::set_error_handler(log_err_handler handler)
return details::registry::instance().set_error_handler(handler);
inline void spdlog::set_async_mode(size_t queue_size, const async_overflow_policy overflow_policy, const std::function<void()>& worker_warmup_cb, const std::chrono::milliseconds& flush_interval_ms, const std::function<void()>& worker_teardown_cb)
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace spdlog
......@@ -52,14 +51,17 @@ public:
template <typename T> void warn(const T&);
template <typename T> void error(const T&);
template <typename T> void critical(const T&);
bool should_log(level::level_enum) const;
void set_level(level::level_enum);
level::level_enum level() const;
const std::string& name() const;
void set_pattern(const std::string&);
void set_formatter(formatter_ptr);
void set_formatter(formatter_ptr);
// error handler
void set_error_handler(log_err_handler);
log_err_handler error_handler();
// automatically call flush() if message level >= log_level
void flush_on(level::level_enum log_level);
......@@ -70,11 +72,16 @@ protected:
virtual void _set_pattern(const std::string&);
virtual void _set_formatter(formatter_ptr);
// default error handler: print the error to stderr with the max rate of 1 message/minute
virtual void _default_err_handler(const std::string &msg);
const std::string _name;
std::vector<sink_ptr> _sinks;
formatter_ptr _formatter;
spdlog::level_t _level;
spdlog::level_t _flush_level;
log_err_handler _err_handler;
std::atomic<time_t> _last_err_time;
......@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ void set_formatter(formatter_ptr f);
void set_level(level::level_enum log_level);
// Set global error handler
void set_error_handler(log_err_handler);
// Turn on async mode (off by default) and set the queue size for each async_logger.
// effective only for loggers created after this call.
* This content is released under the MIT License as specified in
#include "includes.h"
TEST_CASE("default_error_handler", "[errors]]")
std::string filename = "logs/simple_log.txt";
auto logger = spdlog::create<spdlog::sinks::simple_file_sink_mt>("logger", filename, true);
logger->info("Test message {} {}", 1);
logger->info("Test message {}", 2);
REQUIRE(file_contents(filename) == std::string("Test message 2\n"));
REQUIRE(count_lines(filename) == 1);
struct custom_ex{};
TEST_CASE("custom_error_handler", "[errors]]")
std::string filename = "logs/simple_log.txt";
auto logger = spdlog::create<spdlog::sinks::simple_file_sink_mt>("logger", filename, true);
logger->set_error_handler([=](const std::string& msg) {
throw custom_ex();
logger->info("Good message #1");
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(logger->info("Bad format msg {} {}", "xxx"), custom_ex);
logger->info("Good message #2");
REQUIRE(count_lines(filename) == 2);
TEST_CASE("async_error_handler", "[errors]]")
std::string err_msg("log failed with some msg");
std::string filename = "logs/simple_async_log.txt";
auto logger = spdlog::create<spdlog::sinks::simple_file_sink_mt>("logger", filename, true);
logger->set_error_handler([=](const std::string& msg) {
std::ofstream ofs("logs/custom_err.txt");
if (!ofs) throw std::runtime_error("Failed open logs/custom_err.txt");
ofs << err_msg;
logger->info("Good message #1");
logger->info("Bad format msg {} {}", "xxx");
logger->info("Good message #2");
spdlog::drop("logger"); //force logger to drain the queue and shutdown
REQUIRE(count_lines(filename) == 2);
REQUIRE(file_contents("logs/custom_err.txt") == err_msg);
......@@ -49,24 +49,7 @@ TEST_CASE("log_levels", "[log_levels]")
REQUIRE(log_info("Hello", spdlog::level::trace) == "Hello");
TEST_CASE("invalid_format", "[format]")
using namespace spdlog::sinks;
spdlog::logger null_logger("null_logger", std::make_shared<null_sink_st>());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS("{} {}", "first"),
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS("{0:f}", "aads"),
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS("{0:kk}", 123),
......@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="errors.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="file_helper.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="file_log.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="format.cpp" />
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
<ClCompile Include="utils.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="errors.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="includes.h">
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