Commit 217ad75e authored by gabime's avatar gabime

Fixed deault error handler not to use sink but write directly to stderr

parent ce41991c
......@@ -344,13 +344,11 @@ inline void spdlog::logger::_default_err_handler(const std::string &msg)
_last_err_time = now;
auto tm_time = details::os::localtime(now);
char date_buf[100];
std::strftime(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm_time);
details::log_msg err_msg;
err_msg.formatted.write("[*** LOG ERROR ***] [{}] [{}] [{}]{}", name(), msg, date_buf, details::os::default_eol);
_last_err_time = now;
fmt::print(stderr, "[*** LOG ERROR ***] [{}] [{}] {}\n", date_buf, name(), msg);
inline bool spdlog::logger::_should_flush_on(const details::log_msg &msg)
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