Commit 18ccd557 authored by gabime's avatar gabime

Removed multisink and test in example

parent 87eb5699
......@@ -53,11 +53,4 @@ if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Android")
target_link_libraries(example_header_only log Threads::Threads)
endif ()
add_executable(multisink multisink.cpp)
target_link_libraries(multisink spdlog::spdlog)
add_test(NAME example COMMAND example)
add_test(NAME example_header_only COMMAND example)
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h"
#include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
int main(int, char *[])
bool enable_debug = true;
// This other example use a single logger with multiple sinks.
// This means that the same log_msg is forwarded to multiple sinks;
// Each sink can have it's own log level and a message will be logged.
std::vector<spdlog::sink_ptr> sinks;
spdlog::logger console_multisink("multisink", sinks.begin(), sinks.end());
sinks[0]->set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // console. Allow everything. Default value
sinks[1]->set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // regular file. Allow everything. Default value
sinks[2]->set_level(spdlog::level::off); // regular file. Ignore everything.
console_multisink.warn("warn: will print only on console and regular file");
if (enable_debug)
console_multisink.set_level(spdlog::level::debug); // level of the logger
sinks[1]->set_level(spdlog::level::debug); // regular file
sinks[2]->set_level(spdlog::level::debug); // debug file
console_multisink.debug("Debug: you should see this on console and both files");
// Release and close all loggers
// Exceptions will only be thrown upon failed logger or sink construction (not during logging)
catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex &ex)
std::cout << "Log init failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
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