Unverified Commit 10578ff0 authored by Gabi Melman's avatar Gabi Melman Committed by GitHub

Update test_mpmc_q.cpp

parent 1f0513cf
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ TEST_CASE("dequeue-empty-wait", "[mpmc_blocking_q]")
size_t q_size = 100;
milliseconds wait_ms(250);
milliseconds tolerance_wait(50);
milliseconds tolerance_wait(250);
spdlog::details::mpmc_blocking_queue<int> q(q_size);
int popped_item;
......@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ TEST_CASE("full_queue", "[mpmc_blocking_q]")
int item = -1;
q.dequeue_for(item, milliseconds(0));
REQUIRE(item == 123456);
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