Commit 0d263598 authored by gabime's avatar gabime


parent 0f889969
......@@ -110,21 +110,21 @@ private:
// wchar support for windows file names (SPDLOG_WCHAR_FILENAMES must be defined)
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(SPDLOG_WCHAR_FILENAMES)
#define SPDLOG_FILENAME_T(s) L ## s
using filename_t = std::wstring;
inline std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t& filename)
#define SPDLOG_FILENAME_T(s) L ## s
using filename_t = std::wstring;
inline std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t& filename)
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>, wchar_t> c;
return c.to_bytes(filename);
#define SPDLOG_FILENAME_T(s) s
using filename_t = std::string;
#define SPDLOG_FILENAME_T(s) s
using filename_t = std::string;
inline std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t& filename)
inline std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t& filename)
return filename;
} //spdlog
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