JSON Schema Test Suite [](https://travis-ci.org/json-schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite) ====================== This repository contains a set of JSON objects that implementors of JSON Schema validation libraries can use to test their validators. It is meant to be language agnostic and should require only a JSON parser. The conversion of the JSON objects into tests within your test framework of choice is still the job of the validator implementor. Structure of a Test ------------------- If you're going to use this suite, you need to know how tests are laid out. The tests are contained in the `tests` directory at the root of this repository. Inside that directory is a subdirectory for each draft or version of the schema. We'll use `draft3` as an example. If you look inside the draft directory, there are a number of `.json` files, which logically group a set of test cases together. Often the grouping is by property under test, but not always, especially within optional test files (discussed below). Inside each `.json` file is a single array containing objects. It's easiest to illustrate the structure of these with an example: ```json { "description": "the description of the test case", "schema": {"the schema that should" : "be validated against"}, "tests": [ { "description": "a specific test of a valid instance", "data": "the instance", "valid": true }, { "description": "another specific test this time, invalid", "data": 15, "valid": false } ] } ``` So a description, a schema, and some tests, where tests is an array containing one or more objects with descriptions, data, and a boolean indicating whether they should be valid or invalid. Coverage -------- Draft 3 and 4 should have full coverage. If you see anything missing or think there is a useful test missing, please send a pull request or open an issue. Who Uses the Test Suite ----------------------- This suite is being used by: ### Coffeescript ### * [jsck](https://github.com/pandastrike/jsck) ### Dart ### * [json_schema](https://github.com/patefacio/json_schema) ### Erlang ### * [jesse](https://github.com/klarna/jesse) ### Go ### * [gojsonschema](https://github.com/sigu-399/gojsonschema) * [validate-json](https://github.com/cesanta/validate-json) ### Haskell ### * [aeson-schema](https://github.com/timjb/aeson-schema) * [hjsonschema](https://github.com/seagreen/hjsonschema) ### Java ### * [json-schema-validator](https://github.com/fge/json-schema-validator) ### JavaScript ### * [json-schema-benchmark](https://github.com/Muscula/json-schema-benchmark) * [direct-schema](https://github.com/IreneKnapp/direct-schema) * [is-my-json-valid](https://github.com/mafintosh/is-my-json-valid) * [jassi](https://github.com/iclanzan/jassi) * [JaySchema](https://github.com/natesilva/jayschema) * [json-schema-valid](https://github.com/ericgj/json-schema-valid) * [Jsonary](https://github.com/jsonary-js/jsonary) * [jsonschema](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema) * [request-validator](https://github.com/bugventure/request-validator) * [skeemas](https://github.com/Prestaul/skeemas) * [tv4](https://github.com/geraintluff/tv4) * [z-schema](https://github.com/zaggino/z-schema) * [jsen](https://github.com/bugventure/jsen) * [ajv](https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv) ### Node.js ### The JSON Schema Test Suite is also available as an [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-schema-test-suite) package. Node-specific support is maintained on the [node branch](https://github.com/json-schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tree/node). See [NODE-README.md](https://github.com/json-schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/blob/node/NODE-README.md) for more information. ### .NET ### * [Newtonsoft.Json.Schema](https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema) ### PHP ### * [json-schema](https://github.com/justinrainbow/json-schema) ### Python ### * [jsonschema](https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema) ### Ruby ### * [json-schema](https://github.com/hoxworth/json-schema) ### Rust ### * [valico](https://github.com/rustless/valico) ### Swift ### * [JSONSchema](https://github.com/kylef/JSONSchema.swift) If you use it as well, please fork and send a pull request adding yourself to the list :). Contributing ------------ If you see something missing or incorrect, a pull request is most welcome! There are some sanity checks in place for testing the test suite. You can run them with `bin/jsonschema_suite check` or `tox`. They will be run automatically by [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/) as well.