Commit d84d5fe0 authored by StilesCrisis's avatar StilesCrisis

Add example SimplePullHandler code

Example code to demonstrate how the token-pulling reader can be used.
parent 4394b3ba
#include "rapidjson/reader.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace rapidjson;
using namespace std;
struct MyHandler {
const char* type;
std::string data;
bool Null() { type = "Null"; data.clear(); return true; }
bool Bool(bool b) { type = "Bool"; data = b? "true": "false"; return true; }
bool Int(int i) { type = "Int"; data = std::to_string(i); return true; }
bool Uint(unsigned u) { type = "Uint"; data = std::to_string(u); return true; }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { type = "Int64"; data = std::to_string(i); return true; }
bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { type = "Uint64"; data = std::to_string(u); return true; }
bool Double(double d) { type = "Double"; data = std::to_string(d); return true; }
bool RawNumber(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) { type = "Number"; data = std::string(str, length); return true; }
bool String(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) { type = "String" data = std::string(str, length); return true; }
bool StartObject() { type = "StartObject"; data.clear(); return true; }
bool Key(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) { type = "Key" data = std::string(str, length); return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { type = "EndObject"; data = std::to_string(memberCount); return true; }
bool StartArray() { type = "StartArray"; data.clear(); return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { type = "EndArray"; data = std::to_string(elementCount); return true; }
int main() {
const char json[] = " { \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3, 4] } ";
MyHandler handler;
Reader reader;
StringStream ss(json);
while (!reader.IterativeParseComplete()) {
reader.IterativeParseNext<kParseDefaultFlags>(ss, handler);
cout << handler.type << ": " << << endl;
return 0;
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