Commit a0177ca2 authored by Mateusz Loskot's avatar Mateusz Loskot

Add documentation for new GenericDocument ctor taking object type.

Update also documentation of the existing GenericDocument constructor.
parent 413144a8
......@@ -1748,6 +1748,13 @@ public:
typedef GenericValue<Encoding, Allocator> ValueType; //!< Value type of the document.
typedef Allocator AllocatorType; //!< Allocator type from template parameter.
//! Constructor
/*! Creates an empty document of specified type.
\param type Mandatory type of object to create.
\param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory.
\param stackCapacity Optional initial capacity of stack in bytes.
\param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating memory for stack.
GenericDocument(Type type, Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity, StackAllocator* stackAllocator = 0) :
GenericValue<Encoding, Allocator>(type), allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0), stack_(stackAllocator, stackCapacity), parseResult_()
......@@ -1756,7 +1763,8 @@ public:
//! Constructor
/*! \param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory.
/*! Creates an empty document which type is Null.
\param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory.
\param stackCapacity Optional initial capacity of stack in bytes.
\param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating memory for stack.
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