Commit 8d612570 authored by miloyip's avatar miloyip

Revise doxygen style

Imitate readthedocs
parent 19cdf7b7
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Document Object Model(DOM) is a in-memory representation of JSON for query and manipulation. The basic usage of DOM is described in [Tutorial]( This section will describe some details and more advanced usages.
# RapidJSON Encoding
# Encoding
## Unicode
## General
# RapidJSON Features
# Features
## General
# RapidJSON Internals
# Internals
This section records some design and implementation details.
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# RapidJSON Performance
# Performance
The old performance article for RapidJSON 0.1 is provided [here](
## Reader
# RapidJSON Stream
# Stream
In RapidJSON, `rapidjson::Stream` is a concept for reading/writing JSON. Here we first show how to use streams provided. And then see how to create a custom streams.
# RapidJSON Tutorial
# Tutorial
This tutorial introduces the basics of the Document Object Model(DOM) API.
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