Commit 6b7f3464 authored by Philipp A. Hartmann's avatar Philipp A. Hartmann

ParseErrorCode: fix typo (NumberTooBig)

parent a22f325a
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ inline const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* GetParseError_En(ParseErrorCode parseErro
case kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Missing a closing quotation mark in string.");
case kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Invalid encoidng in string.");
case kParesErrorNumberTooBig: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Number too big to be stored in double.");
case kParseErrorNumberTooBig: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Number too big to be stored in double.");
case kParseErrorNumberMissFraction: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Miss fraction part in number.");
case kParseErrorNumberMissExponent: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Miss exponent in number.");
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ enum ParseErrorCode {
kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, //!< Missing a closing quotation mark in string.
kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, //!< Invalid encoidng in string.
kParesErrorNumberTooBig, //!< Number too big to be stored in double.
kParseErrorNumberTooBig, //!< Number too big to be stored in double.
kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, //!< Miss fraction part in number.
kParseErrorNumberMissExponent //!< Miss exponent in number.
......@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ private:
d = (double)i64;
while (s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9') {
if (d >= 1E307)
RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParesErrorNumberTooBig, is.Tell());
RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, is.Tell());
d = d * 10 + (s.Take() - '0');
......@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ private:
while (s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9') {
exp = exp * 10 + (s.Take() - '0');
if (exp > 308)
RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParesErrorNumberTooBig, is.Tell());
RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, is.Tell());
......@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ TEST(Reader, ParseNumber_Error) {
for (int i = 1; i < 310; i++)
n1e309[i] = '0';
n1e309[310] = '\0';
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParesErrorNumberTooBig, n1e309);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, n1e309);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParesErrorNumberTooBig, "1e309");
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e309");
// Miss fraction part in number.
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, "1.");
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