Commit 5fb06596 authored by bluehero's avatar bluehero


parent 8ba1f84f
......@@ -2168,8 +2168,7 @@ public:
// Allow assignment from ValueType.
// Refer to Effective C++ 3rd Edition/Item 33: Avoid hiding inherited names.
// Allow assignment like a ValueType.
using ValueType::operator=;
//! Exchange the contents of this document with those of another.
......@@ -2188,7 +2187,6 @@ public:
// Allow Swap from ValueType.
// Refer to Effective C++ 3rd Edition/Item 33: Avoid hiding inherited names.
using ValueType::Swap;
//! free-standing swap function helper
......@@ -661,17 +661,25 @@ TYPED_TEST(DocumentMove, MoveAssignmentStack) {
// Issue 22: Memory corruption via operator= from Document
// Fixed by making unimplemented assignment operator private.
// Prohibit assignment from Document, But allow assignment from Value
// Prohibit assignment from Document.
// But allow assignment from ValueType/int/double/..., like a ValueType
TEST(Document, Assignment) {
// Document d1;
// Document d2;
// d1 = d2;
Value x(1234);
Document d;
Value x(1234);
d = x;
EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNull()); // move semantic
EXPECT_EQ(1234, d.GetInt());
d = 1;
EXPECT_EQ(1, d.GetInt());
d = 12.34;
EXPECT_NEAR(12.34, d.GetDouble(), 0.0);
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