Commit 5ad3639d authored by miloyip's avatar miloyip

Add Json Schema Test Suite

[ci skip]
parent 15c712dc
language: python
python: "2.7"
install: pip install jsonschema
script: bin/jsonschema_suite check
Copyright (c) 2012 Julian Berman
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
JSON Schema Test Suite [![Build Status](](
This repository contains a set of JSON objects that implementors of JSON Schema
validation libraries can use to test their validators.
It is meant to be language agnostic and should require only a JSON parser.
The conversion of the JSON objects into tests within your test framework of
choice is still the job of the validator implementor.
Structure of a Test
If you're going to use this suite, you need to know how tests are laid out. The
tests are contained in the `tests` directory at the root of this repository.
Inside that directory is a subdirectory for each draft or version of the
schema. We'll use `draft3` as an example.
If you look inside the draft directory, there are a number of `.json` files,
which logically group a set of test cases together. Often the grouping is by
property under test, but not always, especially within optional test files
(discussed below).
Inside each `.json` file is a single array containing objects. It's easiest to
illustrate the structure of these with an example:
"description": "the description of the test case",
"schema": {"the schema that should" : "be validated against"},
"tests": [
"description": "a specific test of a valid instance",
"data": "the instance",
"valid": true
"description": "another specific test this time, invalid",
"data": 15,
"valid": false
So a description, a schema, and some tests, where tests is an array containing
one or more objects with descriptions, data, and a boolean indicating whether
they should be valid or invalid.
Draft 3 and 4 should have full coverage. If you see anything missing or think
there is a useful test missing, please send a pull request or open an issue.
Who Uses the Test Suite
This suite is being used by:
* [json-schema-validator (Java)](
* [jsonschema (python)](
* [aeson-schema (haskell)](
* [direct-schema (javascript)](
* [jsonschema (javascript)](
* [JaySchema (javascript)](
* [z-schema (javascript)](
* [jassi (javascript)](
* [json-schema-valid (javascript)](
* [jesse (Erlang)](
* [json-schema (PHP)](
* [gojsonschema (Go)](
* [json_schema (Dart)](
* [tv4 (JavaScript)](
* [Jsonary (JavaScript)](
If you use it as well, please fork and send a pull request adding yourself to
the list :).
If you see something missing or incorrect, a pull request is most welcome!
There are some sanity checks in place for testing the test suite. You can run
them with `bin/jsonschema_suite check`. They will be run automatically by
[Travis CI]( as well.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import textwrap
import argparse
except ImportError:
The argparse library could not be imported. jsonschema_suite requires
either Python 2.7 or for you to install argparse. You can do so by
running `pip install argparse`, `easy_install argparse` or by
downloading argparse and running `python2.6 install`.
See for details.
import errno
import fnmatch
import json
import os
import random
import shutil
import unittest
import warnings
if getattr(unittest, "skipIf", None) is None:
unittest.skipIf = lambda cond, msg : lambda fn : fn
import jsonschema
except ImportError:
jsonschema = None
validators = getattr(
jsonschema.validators, "validators", jsonschema.validators
ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir).rstrip("__pycache__")
SUITE_ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "tests")
"integer.json": {"type": "integer"},
"subSchemas.json": {
"integer": {"type": "integer"},
"refToInteger": {"$ref": "#/integer"},
"folder/folderInteger.json": {"type": "integer"}
REMOTES_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "remotes")
"$schema": "",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": {"type": "string", "required": True},
"schema": {"required": True},
"tests": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": {"type": "string", "required": True},
"data": {"required": True},
"valid": {"type": "boolean", "required": True}
"additionalProperties": False
"minItems": 1
"additionalProperties": False,
"minItems": 1
def files(paths):
for path in paths:
with open(path) as test_file:
yield json.load(test_file)
def groups(paths):
for test_file in files(paths):
for group in test_file:
yield group
def cases(paths):
for test_group in groups(paths):
for test in test_group["tests"]:
test["schema"] = test_group["schema"]
yield test
def collect(root_dir):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.json"):
yield os.path.join(root, filename)
class SanityTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print("Looking for tests in %s" % SUITE_ROOT_DIR)
cls.test_files = list(collect(SUITE_ROOT_DIR))
print("Found %s test files" % len(cls.test_files))
assert cls.test_files, "Didn't find the test files!"
def test_all_files_are_valid_json(self):
for path in self.test_files:
with open(path) as test_file:
except ValueError as error:"%s contains invalid JSON (%s)" % (path, error))
def test_all_descriptions_have_reasonable_length(self):
for case in cases(self.test_files):
descript = case["description"]
"%r is too long! (keep it to less than 60 chars)" % (descript,)
def test_all_descriptions_are_unique(self):
for group in groups(self.test_files):
descriptions = set(test["description"] for test in group["tests"])
"%r contains a duplicate description" % (group,)
@unittest.skipIf(jsonschema is None, "Validation library not present!")
def test_all_schemas_are_valid(self):
for schema in os.listdir(SUITE_ROOT_DIR):
schema_validator = validators.get(schema)
if schema_validator is not None:
test_files = collect(os.path.join(SUITE_ROOT_DIR, schema))
for case in cases(test_files):
except jsonschema.SchemaError as error:"%s contains an invalid schema (%s)" %
(case, error))
warnings.warn("No schema validator for %s" % schema)
@unittest.skipIf(jsonschema is None, "Validation library not present!")
def test_suites_are_valid(self):
validator = jsonschema.Draft3Validator(TESTSUITE_SCHEMA)
for tests in files(self.test_files):
except jsonschema.ValidationError as error:
def test_remote_schemas_are_updated(self):
for url, schema in REMOTES.items():
filepath = os.path.join(REMOTES_DIR, url)
with open(filepath) as schema_file:
self.assertEqual(json.load(schema_file), schema)
def main(arguments):
if arguments.command == "check":
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SanityTests)
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())
elif arguments.command == "flatten":
selected_cases = [case for case in cases(collect(arguments.version))]
if arguments.randomize:
json.dump(selected_cases, sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
elif arguments.command == "remotes":
json.dump(REMOTES, sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
elif arguments.command == "dump_remotes":
if arguments.update:
shutil.rmtree(arguments.out_dir, ignore_errors=True)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
print("%s already exists. Aborting." % arguments.out_dir)
for url, schema in REMOTES.items():
filepath = os.path.join(arguments.out_dir, url)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
with open(filepath, "wb") as out_file:
json.dump(schema, out_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
elif arguments.command == "serve":
from flask import Flask, jsonify
except ImportError:
The Flask library is required to serve the remote schemas.
You can install it by running `pip install Flask`.
Alternatively, see the `jsonschema_suite remotes` or
`jsonschema_suite dump_remotes` commands to create static files
that can be served with your own web server.
app = Flask(__name__)
def serve_path(path):
if path in REMOTES:
return jsonify(REMOTES[path])
return "Document does not exist.", 404
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="JSON Schema Test Suite utilities",
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="utility commands", dest="command")
check = subparsers.add_parser("check", help="Sanity check the test suite.")
flatten = subparsers.add_parser(
help="Output a flattened file containing a selected version's test cases."
help="Randomize the order of the outputted cases.",
"version", help="The directory containing the version to output",
remotes = subparsers.add_parser(
help="Output the expected URLs and their associated schemas for remote "
"ref tests as a JSON object."
dump_remotes = subparsers.add_parser(
"dump_remotes", help="Dump the remote ref schemas into a file tree",
help="Update the remotes in an existing directory.",
help="The output directory to create as the root of the file tree",
serve = subparsers.add_parser(
help="Start a webserver to serve schemas used by remote ref tests."
if __name__ == "__main__":
"type": "integer"
\ No newline at end of file
"type": "integer"
\ No newline at end of file
"integer": {
"type": "integer"
"refToInteger": {
"$ref": "#/integer"
\ No newline at end of file
"description": "additionalItems as schema",
"schema": {
"items": [],
"additionalItems": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "additional items match schema",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
"valid": true
"description": "additional items do not match schema",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, "foo" ],
"valid": false
"description": "items is schema, no additionalItems",
"schema": {
"items": {},
"additionalItems": false
"tests": [
"description": "all items match schema",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
"valid": true
"description": "array of items with no additionalItems",
"schema": {
"items": [{}, {}, {}],
"additionalItems": false
"tests": [
"description": "no additional items present",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"valid": true
"description": "additional items are not permitted",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
"valid": false
"description": "additionalItems as false without items",
"schema": {"additionalItems": false},
"tests": [
"items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
"valid": true
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": {"foo" : "bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "additionalItems are allowed by default",
"schema": {"items": []},
"tests": [
"description": "only the first items are validated",
"data": [1, "foo", false],
"valid": true
"additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties",
"schema": {
"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}},
"patternProperties": { "^v": {} },
"additionalProperties": false
"tests": [
"description": "no additional properties is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "an additional property is invalid",
"data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": [1, 2, 3],
"valid": true
"description": "patternProperties are not additional properties",
"data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2},
"valid": true
"additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate",
"schema": {
"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}},
"additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"}
"tests": [
"description": "no additional properties is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "an additional valid property is valid",
"data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true},
"valid": true
"description": "an additional invalid property is invalid",
"data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12},
"valid": false
"description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default",
"schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}},
"tests": [
"description": "additional properties are allowed",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true},
"valid": true
"description": "dependencies",
"schema": {
"dependencies": {"bar": "foo"}
"tests": [
"description": "neither",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "nondependant",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "with dependency",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "missing dependency",
"data": {"bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "multiple dependencies",
"schema": {
"dependencies": {"quux": ["foo", "bar"]}
"tests": [
"description": "neither",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "nondependants",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "with dependencies",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": 3},
"valid": true
"description": "missing dependency",
"data": {"foo": 1, "quux": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "missing other dependency",
"data": {"bar": 1, "quux": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "missing both dependencies",
"data": {"quux": 1},
"valid": false
"description": "multiple dependencies subschema",
"schema": {
"dependencies": {
"bar": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"},
"bar": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "wrong type",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "wrong type other",
"data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"},
"valid": false
"description": "wrong type both",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": "quux"},
"valid": false
"description": "disallow",
"schema": {
"disallow": "integer"
"tests": [
"description": "allowed",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "disallowed",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "multiple disallow",
"schema": {
"disallow": ["integer", "boolean"]
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "other mismatch",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "multiple disallow subschema",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "string"
"tests": [
"description": "match",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "other match",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "other mismatch",
"data": {"foo": "bar"},
"valid": false
"description": "by int",
"schema": {"divisibleBy": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "int by int",
"data": 10,
"valid": true
"description": "int by int fail",
"data": 7,
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-numbers",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "by number",
"schema": {"divisibleBy": 1.5},
"tests": [
"description": "zero is divisible by anything (except 0)",
"data": 0,
"valid": true
"description": "4.5 is divisible by 1.5",
"data": 4.5,
"valid": true
"description": "35 is not divisible by 1.5",
"data": 35,
"valid": false
"description": "by small number",
"schema": {"divisibleBy": 0.0001},
"tests": [
"description": "0.0075 is divisible by 0.0001",
"data": 0.0075,
"valid": true
"description": "0.00751 is not divisible by 0.0001",
"data": 0.00751,
"valid": false
"description": "simple enum validation",
"schema": {"enum": [1, 2, 3]},
"tests": [
"description": "one of the enum is valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "something else is invalid",
"data": 4,
"valid": false
"description": "heterogeneous enum validation",
"schema": {"enum": [6, "foo", [], true, {"foo": 12}]},
"tests": [
"description": "one of the enum is valid",
"data": [],
"valid": true
"description": "something else is invalid",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "objects are deep compared",
"data": {"foo": false},
"valid": false
"description": "enums in properties",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"enum":["foo"]},
"bar": {"enum":["bar"], "required":true}
"tests": [
"description": "both properties are valid",
"data": {"foo":"foo", "bar":"bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "missing optional property is valid",
"data": {"bar":"bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "missing required property is invalid",
"data": {"foo":"foo"},
"valid": false
"description": "missing all properties is invalid",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "extends",
"schema": {
"properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer", "required": true}},
"extends": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "string", "required": true}
"tests": [
"description": "extends",
"data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch extends",
"data": {"foo": "baz"},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch extended",
"data": {"bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "wrong type",
"data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"},
"valid": false
"description": "multiple extends",
"schema": {
"properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer", "required": true}},
"extends" : [
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "string", "required": true}
"properties": {
"baz": {"type": "null", "required": true}
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2, "baz": null},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch first extends",
"data": {"bar": 2, "baz": null},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch second extends",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch both",
"data": {"bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "extends simple types",
"schema": {
"minimum": 20,
"extends": {"maximum": 30}
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": 25,
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch extends",
"data": 35,
"valid": false
"description": "a schema given for items",
"schema": {
"items": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "valid items",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"valid": true
"description": "wrong type of items",
"data": [1, "x"],
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": {"foo" : "bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "an array of schemas for items",
"schema": {
"items": [
{"type": "integer"},
{"type": "string"}
"tests": [
"description": "correct types",
"data": [ 1, "foo" ],
"valid": true
"description": "wrong types",
"data": [ "foo", 1 ],
"valid": false
"description": "maxItems validation",
"schema": {"maxItems": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "shorter is valid",
"data": [1],
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "too long is invalid",
"data": [1, 2, 3],
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": "foobar",
"valid": true
"description": "maxLength validation",
"schema": {"maxLength": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "shorter is valid",
"data": "f",
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": "fo",
"valid": true
"description": "too long is invalid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-strings",
"data": 10,
"valid": true
"description": "two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough",
"data": "\uD83D\uDCA9\uD83D\uDCA9",
"valid": true
"description": "maximum validation",
"schema": {"maximum": 3.0},
"tests": [
"description": "below the maximum is valid",
"data": 2.6,
"valid": true
"description": "above the maximum is invalid",
"data": 3.5,
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-numbers",
"data": "x",
"valid": true
"description": "exclusiveMaximum validation",
"schema": {
"maximum": 3.0,
"exclusiveMaximum": true
"tests": [
"description": "below the maximum is still valid",
"data": 2.2,
"valid": true
"description": "boundary point is invalid",
"data": 3.0,
"valid": false
"description": "minItems validation",
"schema": {"minItems": 1},
"tests": [
"description": "longer is valid",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": [1],
"valid": true
"description": "too short is invalid",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "minLength validation",
"schema": {"minLength": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "longer is valid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": "fo",
"valid": true
"description": "too short is invalid",
"data": "f",
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-strings",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough",
"data": "\uD83D\uDCA9",
"valid": false
"description": "minimum validation",
"schema": {"minimum": 1.1},
"tests": [
"description": "above the minimum is valid",
"data": 2.6,
"valid": true
"description": "below the minimum is invalid",
"data": 0.6,
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-numbers",
"data": "x",
"valid": true
"description": "exclusiveMinimum validation",
"schema": {
"minimum": 1.1,
"exclusiveMinimum": true
"tests": [
"description": "above the minimum is still valid",
"data": 1.2,
"valid": true
"description": "boundary point is invalid",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "integer",
"schema": {"type": "integer"},
"tests": [
"description": "a bignum is an integer",
"data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031,
"valid": true
"description": "number",
"schema": {"type": "number"},
"tests": [
"description": "a bignum is a number",
"data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331,
"valid": true
"description": "string",
"schema": {"type": "string"},
"tests": [
"description": "a bignum is not a string",
"data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331,
"valid": false
"description": "integer comparison",
"schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615},
"tests": [
"description": "comparison works for high numbers",
"data": 18446744073709551600,
"valid": true
"description": "float comparison with high precision",
"schema": {
"maximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137,
"exclusiveMaximum": true
"tests": [
"description": "comparison works for high numbers",
"data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371,
"valid": false
"description": "validation of regular expressions",
"schema": {"format": "regex"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid regular expression",
"data": "([abc])+\\s+$",
"valid": true
"description": "a regular expression with unclosed parens is invalid",
"data": "^(abc]",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of date-time strings",
"schema": {"format": "date-time"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid date-time string",
"data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid date-time string",
"data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST",
"valid": false
"description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid",
"data": "2013-350T01:01:01",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of date strings",
"schema": {"format": "date"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid date string",
"data": "1963-06-19",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid date string",
"data": "06/19/1963",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of time strings",
"schema": {"format": "time"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid time string",
"data": "08:30:06",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid time string",
"data": "8:30 AM",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of URIs",
"schema": {"format": "uri"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid URI",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid URI",
"data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare",
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference",
"data": "abc",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of e-mail addresses",
"schema": {"format": "email"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid e-mail address",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid e-mail address",
"data": "2962",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of IP addresses",
"schema": {"format": "ip-address"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid IP address",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "an IP address with too many components",
"data": "",
"valid": false
"description": "an IP address with out-of-range values",
"data": "",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of IPv6 addresses",
"schema": {"format": "ipv6"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid IPv6 address",
"data": "::1",
"valid": true
"description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values",
"data": "12345::",
"valid": false
"description": "an IPv6 address with too many components",
"data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1",
"valid": false
"description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters",
"data": "::laptop",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of host names",
"schema": {"format": "host-name"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid host name",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "a host name starting with an illegal character",
"data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--",
"valid": false
"description": "a host name containing illegal characters",
"data": "not_a_valid_host_name",
"valid": false
"description": "a host name with a component too long",
"data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of CSS colors",
"schema": {"format": "color"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid CSS color name",
"data": "fuchsia",
"valid": true
"description": "a valid six-digit CSS color code",
"data": "#CC8899",
"valid": true
"description": "a valid three-digit CSS color code",
"data": "#C89",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid CSS color code",
"data": "#00332520",
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid CSS color name",
"data": "puce",
"valid": false
"description": "a CSS color name containing invalid characters",
"data": "light_grayish_red-violet",
"valid": false
"description": "ECMA 262 regex dialect recognition",
"schema": { "format": "regex" },
"tests": [
"description": "[^] is a valid regex",
"data": "[^]",
"valid": true
"description": "ECMA 262 has no support for lookbehind",
"data": "(?<=foo)bar",
"valid": false
"description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value",
"schema": {
"type": "integer"
"tests": [
"description": "a float is not an integer even without fractional part",
"data": 1.0,
"valid": false
"description": "pattern validation",
"schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"},
"tests": [
"description": "a matching pattern is valid",
"data": "aaa",
"valid": true
"description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid",
"data": "abc",
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-strings",
"data": true,
"valid": true
"patternProperties validates properties matching a regex",
"schema": {
"patternProperties": {
"f.*o": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "a single valid match is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "multiple valid matches is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "foooooo" : 2},
"valid": true
"description": "a single invalid match is invalid",
"data": {"foo": "bar", "fooooo": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "multiple invalid matches is invalid",
"data": {"foo": "bar", "foooooo" : "baz"},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": 12,
"valid": true
"description": "multiple simultaneous patternProperties are validated",
"schema": {
"patternProperties": {
"a*": {"type": "integer"},
"aaa*": {"maximum": 20}
"tests": [
"description": "a single valid match is valid",
"data": {"a": 21},
"valid": true
"description": "a simultaneous match is valid",
"data": {"aaaa": 18},
"valid": true
"description": "multiple matches is valid",
"data": {"a": 21, "aaaa": 18},
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid due to one is invalid",
"data": {"a": "bar"},
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid due to the other is invalid",
"data": {"aaaa": 31},
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid due to both is invalid",
"data": {"aaa": "foo", "aaaa": 31},
"valid": false
"description": "regexes are not anchored by default and are case sensitive",
"schema": {
"patternProperties": {
"[0-9]{2,}": { "type": "boolean" },
"X_": { "type": "string" }
"tests": [
"description": "non recognized members are ignored",
"data": { "answer 1": "42" },
"valid": true
"description": "recognized members are accounted for",
"data": { "a31b": null },
"valid": false
"description": "regexes are case sensitive",
"data": { "a_x_3": 3 },
"valid": true
"description": "regexes are case sensitive, 2",
"data": { "a_X_3": 3 },
"valid": false
"description": "object properties validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"},
"bar": {"type": "string"}
"tests": [
"description": "both properties present and valid is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"},
"valid": true
"description": "one property invalid is invalid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": {}},
"valid": false
"description": "both properties invalid is invalid",
"data": {"foo": [], "bar": {}},
"valid": false
"description": "doesn't invalidate other properties",
"data": {"quux": []},
"valid": true
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": [],
"valid": true
"properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties interaction",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "array", "maxItems": 3},
"bar": {"type": "array"}
"patternProperties": {"f.o": {"minItems": 2}},
"additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "property validates property",
"data": {"foo": [1, 2]},
"valid": true
"description": "property invalidates property",
"data": {"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]},
"valid": false
"description": "patternProperty invalidates property",
"data": {"foo": []},
"valid": false
"description": "patternProperty validates nonproperty",
"data": {"fxo": [1, 2]},
"valid": true
"description": "patternProperty invalidates nonproperty",
"data": {"fxo": []},
"valid": false
"description": "additionalProperty ignores property",
"data": {"bar": []},
"valid": true
"description": "additionalProperty validates others",
"data": {"quux": 3},
"valid": true
"description": "additionalProperty invalidates others",
"data": {"quux": "foo"},
"valid": false
"description": "root pointer ref",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"$ref": "#"}
"additionalProperties": false
"tests": [
"description": "match",
"data": {"foo": false},
"valid": true
"description": "recursive match",
"data": {"foo": {"foo": false}},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": {"bar": false},
"valid": false
"description": "recursive mismatch",
"data": {"foo": {"bar": false}},
"valid": false
"description": "relative pointer ref to object",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"},
"bar": {"$ref": "#/properties/foo"}
"tests": [
"description": "match",
"data": {"bar": 3},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": {"bar": true},
"valid": false
"description": "relative pointer ref to array",
"schema": {
"items": [
{"type": "integer"},
{"$ref": "#/items/0"}
"tests": [
"description": "match array",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch array",
"data": [1, "foo"],
"valid": false
"description": "escaped pointer ref",
"schema": {
"tilda~field": {"type": "integer"},
"slash/field": {"type": "integer"},
"percent%field": {"type": "integer"},
"properties": {
"tilda": {"$ref": "#/tilda~0field"},
"slash": {"$ref": "#/slash~1field"},
"percent": {"$ref": "#/percent%25field"}
"tests": [
"description": "slash",
"data": {"slash": "aoeu"},
"valid": false
"description": "tilda",
"data": {"tilda": "aoeu"},
"valid": false
"description": "percent",
"data": {"percent": "aoeu"},
"valid": false
"description": "nested refs",
"schema": {
"definitions": {
"a": {"type": "integer"},
"b": {"$ref": "#/definitions/a"},
"c": {"$ref": "#/definitions/b"}
"$ref": "#/definitions/c"
"tests": [
"description": "nested ref valid",
"data": 5,
"valid": true
"description": "nested ref invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "remote ref, containing refs itself",
"schema": {"$ref": ""},
"tests": [
"description": "remote ref valid",
"data": {"items": {"type": "integer"}},
"valid": true
"description": "remote ref invalid",
"data": {"items": {"type": 1}},
"valid": false
"description": "remote ref",
"schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/integer.json"},
"tests": [
"description": "remote ref valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "remote ref invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "fragment within remote ref",
"schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer"},
"tests": [
"description": "remote fragment valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "remote fragment invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "ref within remote ref",
"schema": {
"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/refToInteger"
"tests": [
"description": "ref within ref valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "ref within ref invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "change resolution scope",
"schema": {
"id": "http://localhost:1234/",
"items": {
"id": "folder/",
"items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"}
"tests": [
"description": "changed scope ref valid",
"data": [[1]],
"valid": true
"description": "changed scope ref invalid",
"data": [["a"]],
"valid": false
"description": "required validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"required" : true},
"bar": {}
"tests": [
"description": "present required property is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "non-present required property is invalid",
"data": {"bar": 1},
"valid": false
"description": "required default validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {}
"tests": [
"description": "not required by default",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "required explicitly false validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"required": false}
"tests": [
"description": "not required if required is false",
"data": {},
"valid": true
This diff is collapsed.
"description": "uniqueItems validation",
"schema": {"uniqueItems": true},
"tests": [
"description": "unique array of integers is valid",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid",
"data": [1, 1],
"valid": false
"description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal",
"data": [1.0, 1.00, 1],
"valid": false
"description": "unique array of objects is valid",
"data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid",
"data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}],
"valid": false
"description": "unique array of nested objects is valid",
"data": [
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}},
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}}
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid",
"data": [
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}},
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}
"valid": false
"description": "unique array of arrays is valid",
"data": [["foo"], ["bar"]],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid",
"data": [["foo"], ["foo"]],
"valid": false
"description": "1 and true are unique",
"data": [1, true],
"valid": true
"description": "0 and false are unique",
"data": [0, false],
"valid": true
"description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid",
"data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid",
"data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1],
"valid": false
"description": "additionalItems as schema",
"schema": {
"items": [{}],
"additionalItems": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "additional items match schema",
"data": [ null, 2, 3, 4 ],
"valid": true
"description": "additional items do not match schema",
"data": [ null, 2, 3, "foo" ],
"valid": false
"description": "items is schema, no additionalItems",
"schema": {
"items": {},
"additionalItems": false
"tests": [
"description": "all items match schema",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
"valid": true
"description": "array of items with no additionalItems",
"schema": {
"items": [{}, {}, {}],
"additionalItems": false
"tests": [
"description": "no additional items present",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"valid": true
"description": "additional items are not permitted",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
"valid": false
"description": "additionalItems as false without items",
"schema": {"additionalItems": false},
"tests": [
"items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
"valid": true
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": {"foo" : "bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "additionalItems are allowed by default",
"schema": {"items": [{"type": "integer"}]},
"tests": [
"description": "only the first item is validated",
"data": [1, "foo", false],
"valid": true
"additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties",
"schema": {
"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}},
"patternProperties": { "^v": {} },
"additionalProperties": false
"tests": [
"description": "no additional properties is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "an additional property is invalid",
"data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": [1, 2, 3],
"valid": true
"description": "patternProperties are not additional properties",
"data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2},
"valid": true
"additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate",
"schema": {
"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}},
"additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"}
"tests": [
"description": "no additional properties is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "an additional valid property is valid",
"data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true},
"valid": true
"description": "an additional invalid property is invalid",
"data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12},
"valid": false
"description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default",
"schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}},
"tests": [
"description": "additional properties are allowed",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true},
"valid": true
"description": "allOf",
"schema": {
"allOf": [
"properties": {
"bar": {"type": "integer"}
"required": ["bar"]
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "string"}
"required": ["foo"]
"tests": [
"description": "allOf",
"data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch second",
"data": {"foo": "baz"},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch first",
"data": {"bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "wrong type",
"data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"},
"valid": false
"description": "allOf with base schema",
"schema": {
"properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}},
"required": ["bar"],
"allOf" : [
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "string"}
"required": ["foo"]
"properties": {
"baz": {"type": "null"}
"required": ["baz"]
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2, "baz": null},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch base schema",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "baz": null},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch first allOf",
"data": {"bar": 2, "baz": null},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch second allOf",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "mismatch both",
"data": {"bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "allOf simple types",
"schema": {
"allOf": [
{"maximum": 30},
{"minimum": 20}
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": 25,
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch one",
"data": 35,
"valid": false
"description": "anyOf",
"schema": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "integer"
"minimum": 2
"tests": [
"description": "first anyOf valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "second anyOf valid",
"data": 2.5,
"valid": true
"description": "both anyOf valid",
"data": 3,
"valid": true
"description": "neither anyOf valid",
"data": 1.5,
"valid": false
"description": "anyOf with base schema",
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf" : [
"maxLength": 2
"minLength": 4
"tests": [
"description": "mismatch base schema",
"data": 3,
"valid": false
"description": "one anyOf valid",
"data": "foobar",
"valid": true
"description": "both anyOf invalid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "valid definition",
"schema": {"$ref": ""},
"tests": [
"description": "valid definition schema",
"data": {
"definitions": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"}
"valid": true
"description": "invalid definition",
"schema": {"$ref": ""},
"tests": [
"description": "invalid definition schema",
"data": {
"definitions": {
"foo": {"type": 1}
"valid": false
"description": "dependencies",
"schema": {
"dependencies": {"bar": ["foo"]}
"tests": [
"description": "neither",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "nondependant",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "with dependency",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "missing dependency",
"data": {"bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "multiple dependencies",
"schema": {
"dependencies": {"quux": ["foo", "bar"]}
"tests": [
"description": "neither",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "nondependants",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "with dependencies",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": 3},
"valid": true
"description": "missing dependency",
"data": {"foo": 1, "quux": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "missing other dependency",
"data": {"bar": 1, "quux": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "missing both dependencies",
"data": {"quux": 1},
"valid": false
"description": "multiple dependencies subschema",
"schema": {
"dependencies": {
"bar": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"},
"bar": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "no dependency",
"data": {"foo": "quux"},
"valid": true
"description": "wrong type",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "wrong type other",
"data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"},
"valid": false
"description": "wrong type both",
"data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": "quux"},
"valid": false
"description": "simple enum validation",
"schema": {"enum": [1, 2, 3]},
"tests": [
"description": "one of the enum is valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "something else is invalid",
"data": 4,
"valid": false
"description": "heterogeneous enum validation",
"schema": {"enum": [6, "foo", [], true, {"foo": 12}]},
"tests": [
"description": "one of the enum is valid",
"data": [],
"valid": true
"description": "something else is invalid",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "objects are deep compared",
"data": {"foo": false},
"valid": false
"description": "enums in properties",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"enum":["foo"]},
"bar": {"enum":["bar"]}
"required": ["bar"]
"tests": [
"description": "both properties are valid",
"data": {"foo":"foo", "bar":"bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "missing optional property is valid",
"data": {"bar":"bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "missing required property is invalid",
"data": {"foo":"foo"},
"valid": false
"description": "missing all properties is invalid",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "a schema given for items",
"schema": {
"items": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "valid items",
"data": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"valid": true
"description": "wrong type of items",
"data": [1, "x"],
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": {"foo" : "bar"},
"valid": true
"description": "an array of schemas for items",
"schema": {
"items": [
{"type": "integer"},
{"type": "string"}
"tests": [
"description": "correct types",
"data": [ 1, "foo" ],
"valid": true
"description": "wrong types",
"data": [ "foo", 1 ],
"valid": false
"description": "maxItems validation",
"schema": {"maxItems": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "shorter is valid",
"data": [1],
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "too long is invalid",
"data": [1, 2, 3],
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": "foobar",
"valid": true
"description": "maxLength validation",
"schema": {"maxLength": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "shorter is valid",
"data": "f",
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": "fo",
"valid": true
"description": "too long is invalid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-strings",
"data": 10,
"valid": true
"description": "two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough",
"data": "\uD83D\uDCA9\uD83D\uDCA9",
"valid": true
"description": "maxProperties validation",
"schema": {"maxProperties": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "shorter is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "too long is invalid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": "foobar",
"valid": true
"description": "maximum validation",
"schema": {"maximum": 3.0},
"tests": [
"description": "below the maximum is valid",
"data": 2.6,
"valid": true
"description": "above the maximum is invalid",
"data": 3.5,
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-numbers",
"data": "x",
"valid": true
"description": "exclusiveMaximum validation",
"schema": {
"maximum": 3.0,
"exclusiveMaximum": true
"tests": [
"description": "below the maximum is still valid",
"data": 2.2,
"valid": true
"description": "boundary point is invalid",
"data": 3.0,
"valid": false
"description": "minItems validation",
"schema": {"minItems": 1},
"tests": [
"description": "longer is valid",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": [1],
"valid": true
"description": "too short is invalid",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-arrays",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "minLength validation",
"schema": {"minLength": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "longer is valid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": "fo",
"valid": true
"description": "too short is invalid",
"data": "f",
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-strings",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough",
"data": "\uD83D\uDCA9",
"valid": false
"description": "minProperties validation",
"schema": {"minProperties": 1},
"tests": [
"description": "longer is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "exact length is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "too short is invalid",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "minimum validation",
"schema": {"minimum": 1.1},
"tests": [
"description": "above the minimum is valid",
"data": 2.6,
"valid": true
"description": "below the minimum is invalid",
"data": 0.6,
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-numbers",
"data": "x",
"valid": true
"description": "exclusiveMinimum validation",
"schema": {
"minimum": 1.1,
"exclusiveMinimum": true
"tests": [
"description": "above the minimum is still valid",
"data": 1.2,
"valid": true
"description": "boundary point is invalid",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "by int",
"schema": {"multipleOf": 2},
"tests": [
"description": "int by int",
"data": 10,
"valid": true
"description": "int by int fail",
"data": 7,
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-numbers",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "by number",
"schema": {"multipleOf": 1.5},
"tests": [
"description": "zero is multiple of anything",
"data": 0,
"valid": true
"description": "4.5 is multiple of 1.5",
"data": 4.5,
"valid": true
"description": "35 is not multiple of 1.5",
"data": 35,
"valid": false
"description": "by small number",
"schema": {"multipleOf": 0.0001},
"tests": [
"description": "0.0075 is multiple of 0.0001",
"data": 0.0075,
"valid": true
"description": "0.00751 is not multiple of 0.0001",
"data": 0.00751,
"valid": false
"description": "not",
"schema": {
"not": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "allowed",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "disallowed",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "not multiple types",
"schema": {
"not": {"type": ["integer", "boolean"]}
"tests": [
"description": "valid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "other mismatch",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "not more complex schema",
"schema": {
"not": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "string"
"tests": [
"description": "match",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "other match",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": {"foo": "bar"},
"valid": false
"description": "forbidden property",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {
"not": {}
"tests": [
"description": "property present",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "property absent",
"data": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2},
"valid": true
"description": "oneOf",
"schema": {
"oneOf": [
"type": "integer"
"minimum": 2
"tests": [
"description": "first oneOf valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "second oneOf valid",
"data": 2.5,
"valid": true
"description": "both oneOf valid",
"data": 3,
"valid": false
"description": "neither oneOf valid",
"data": 1.5,
"valid": false
"description": "oneOf with base schema",
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"oneOf" : [
"minLength": 2
"maxLength": 4
"tests": [
"description": "mismatch base schema",
"data": 3,
"valid": false
"description": "one oneOf valid",
"data": "foobar",
"valid": true
"description": "both oneOf valid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "integer",
"schema": {"type": "integer"},
"tests": [
"description": "a bignum is an integer",
"data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031,
"valid": true
"description": "number",
"schema": {"type": "number"},
"tests": [
"description": "a bignum is a number",
"data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331,
"valid": true
"description": "string",
"schema": {"type": "string"},
"tests": [
"description": "a bignum is not a string",
"data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331,
"valid": false
"description": "integer comparison",
"schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615},
"tests": [
"description": "comparison works for high numbers",
"data": 18446744073709551600,
"valid": true
"description": "float comparison with high precision",
"schema": {
"maximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137,
"exclusiveMaximum": true
"tests": [
"description": "comparison works for high numbers",
"data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371,
"valid": false
"description": "validation of date-time strings",
"schema": {"format": "date-time"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid date-time string",
"data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid date-time string",
"data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST",
"valid": false
"description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid",
"data": "2013-350T01:01:01",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of URIs",
"schema": {"format": "uri"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid URI",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid URI",
"data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare",
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference",
"data": "abc",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of e-mail addresses",
"schema": {"format": "email"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid e-mail address",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid e-mail address",
"data": "2962",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of IP addresses",
"schema": {"format": "ipv4"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid IP address",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "an IP address with too many components",
"data": "",
"valid": false
"description": "an IP address with out-of-range values",
"data": "",
"valid": false
"description": "an IP address without 4 components",
"data": "127.0",
"valid": false
"description": "an IP address as an integer",
"data": "0x7f000001",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of IPv6 addresses",
"schema": {"format": "ipv6"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid IPv6 address",
"data": "::1",
"valid": true
"description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values",
"data": "12345::",
"valid": false
"description": "an IPv6 address with too many components",
"data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1",
"valid": false
"description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters",
"data": "::laptop",
"valid": false
"description": "validation of host names",
"schema": {"format": "hostname"},
"tests": [
"description": "a valid host name",
"data": "",
"valid": true
"description": "a host name starting with an illegal character",
"data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--",
"valid": false
"description": "a host name containing illegal characters",
"data": "not_a_valid_host_name",
"valid": false
"description": "a host name with a component too long",
"data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component",
"valid": false
"description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value",
"schema": {
"type": "integer"
"tests": [
"description": "a float is not an integer even without fractional part",
"data": 1.0,
"valid": false
"description": "pattern validation",
"schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"},
"tests": [
"description": "a matching pattern is valid",
"data": "aaa",
"valid": true
"description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid",
"data": "abc",
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-strings",
"data": true,
"valid": true
"patternProperties validates properties matching a regex",
"schema": {
"patternProperties": {
"f.*o": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "a single valid match is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "multiple valid matches is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "foooooo" : 2},
"valid": true
"description": "a single invalid match is invalid",
"data": {"foo": "bar", "fooooo": 2},
"valid": false
"description": "multiple invalid matches is invalid",
"data": {"foo": "bar", "foooooo" : "baz"},
"valid": false
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": 12,
"valid": true
"description": "multiple simultaneous patternProperties are validated",
"schema": {
"patternProperties": {
"a*": {"type": "integer"},
"aaa*": {"maximum": 20}
"tests": [
"description": "a single valid match is valid",
"data": {"a": 21},
"valid": true
"description": "a simultaneous match is valid",
"data": {"aaaa": 18},
"valid": true
"description": "multiple matches is valid",
"data": {"a": 21, "aaaa": 18},
"valid": true
"description": "an invalid due to one is invalid",
"data": {"a": "bar"},
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid due to the other is invalid",
"data": {"aaaa": 31},
"valid": false
"description": "an invalid due to both is invalid",
"data": {"aaa": "foo", "aaaa": 31},
"valid": false
"description": "regexes are not anchored by default and are case sensitive",
"schema": {
"patternProperties": {
"[0-9]{2,}": { "type": "boolean" },
"X_": { "type": "string" }
"tests": [
"description": "non recognized members are ignored",
"data": { "answer 1": "42" },
"valid": true
"description": "recognized members are accounted for",
"data": { "a31b": null },
"valid": false
"description": "regexes are case sensitive",
"data": { "a_x_3": 3 },
"valid": true
"description": "regexes are case sensitive, 2",
"data": { "a_X_3": 3 },
"valid": false
"description": "object properties validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"},
"bar": {"type": "string"}
"tests": [
"description": "both properties present and valid is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"},
"valid": true
"description": "one property invalid is invalid",
"data": {"foo": 1, "bar": {}},
"valid": false
"description": "both properties invalid is invalid",
"data": {"foo": [], "bar": {}},
"valid": false
"description": "doesn't invalidate other properties",
"data": {"quux": []},
"valid": true
"description": "ignores non-objects",
"data": [],
"valid": true
"properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties interaction",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "array", "maxItems": 3},
"bar": {"type": "array"}
"patternProperties": {"f.o": {"minItems": 2}},
"additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"}
"tests": [
"description": "property validates property",
"data": {"foo": [1, 2]},
"valid": true
"description": "property invalidates property",
"data": {"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]},
"valid": false
"description": "patternProperty invalidates property",
"data": {"foo": []},
"valid": false
"description": "patternProperty validates nonproperty",
"data": {"fxo": [1, 2]},
"valid": true
"description": "patternProperty invalidates nonproperty",
"data": {"fxo": []},
"valid": false
"description": "additionalProperty ignores property",
"data": {"bar": []},
"valid": true
"description": "additionalProperty validates others",
"data": {"quux": 3},
"valid": true
"description": "additionalProperty invalidates others",
"data": {"quux": "foo"},
"valid": false
"description": "root pointer ref",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"$ref": "#"}
"additionalProperties": false
"tests": [
"description": "match",
"data": {"foo": false},
"valid": true
"description": "recursive match",
"data": {"foo": {"foo": false}},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": {"bar": false},
"valid": false
"description": "recursive mismatch",
"data": {"foo": {"bar": false}},
"valid": false
"description": "relative pointer ref to object",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {"type": "integer"},
"bar": {"$ref": "#/properties/foo"}
"tests": [
"description": "match",
"data": {"bar": 3},
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch",
"data": {"bar": true},
"valid": false
"description": "relative pointer ref to array",
"schema": {
"items": [
{"type": "integer"},
{"$ref": "#/items/0"}
"tests": [
"description": "match array",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "mismatch array",
"data": [1, "foo"],
"valid": false
"description": "escaped pointer ref",
"schema": {
"tilda~field": {"type": "integer"},
"slash/field": {"type": "integer"},
"percent%field": {"type": "integer"},
"properties": {
"tilda": {"$ref": "#/tilda~0field"},
"slash": {"$ref": "#/slash~1field"},
"percent": {"$ref": "#/percent%25field"}
"tests": [
"description": "slash",
"data": {"slash": "aoeu"},
"valid": false
"description": "tilda",
"data": {"tilda": "aoeu"},
"valid": false
"description": "percent",
"data": {"percent": "aoeu"},
"valid": false
"description": "nested refs",
"schema": {
"definitions": {
"a": {"type": "integer"},
"b": {"$ref": "#/definitions/a"},
"c": {"$ref": "#/definitions/b"}
"$ref": "#/definitions/c"
"tests": [
"description": "nested ref valid",
"data": 5,
"valid": true
"description": "nested ref invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "remote ref, containing refs itself",
"schema": {"$ref": ""},
"tests": [
"description": "remote ref valid",
"data": {"minLength": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "remote ref invalid",
"data": {"minLength": -1},
"valid": false
"description": "remote ref",
"schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/integer.json"},
"tests": [
"description": "remote ref valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "remote ref invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "fragment within remote ref",
"schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer"},
"tests": [
"description": "remote fragment valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "remote fragment invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "ref within remote ref",
"schema": {
"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/refToInteger"
"tests": [
"description": "ref within ref valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "ref within ref invalid",
"data": "a",
"valid": false
"description": "change resolution scope",
"schema": {
"id": "http://localhost:1234/",
"items": {
"id": "folder/",
"items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"}
"tests": [
"description": "changed scope ref valid",
"data": [[1]],
"valid": true
"description": "changed scope ref invalid",
"data": [["a"]],
"valid": false
"description": "required validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {},
"bar": {}
"required": ["foo"]
"tests": [
"description": "present required property is valid",
"data": {"foo": 1},
"valid": true
"description": "non-present required property is invalid",
"data": {"bar": 1},
"valid": false
"description": "required default validation",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"foo": {}
"tests": [
"description": "not required by default",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "integer type matches integers",
"schema": {"type": "integer"},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is an integer",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "a float is not an integer",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "a string is not an integer",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "an object is not an integer",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is not an integer",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is not an integer",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is not an integer",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "number type matches numbers",
"schema": {"type": "number"},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is a number",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "a float is a number",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": true
"description": "a string is not a number",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "an object is not a number",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is not a number",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is not a number",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is not a number",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "string type matches strings",
"schema": {"type": "string"},
"tests": [
"description": "1 is not a string",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "a float is not a string",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "a string is a string",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "an object is not a string",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is not a string",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is not a string",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is not a string",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "object type matches objects",
"schema": {"type": "object"},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is not an object",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "a float is not an object",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "a string is not an object",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "an object is an object",
"data": {},
"valid": true
"description": "an array is not an object",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is not an object",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is not an object",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "array type matches arrays",
"schema": {"type": "array"},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is not an array",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "a float is not an array",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "a string is not an array",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "an object is not an array",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is not an array",
"data": [],
"valid": true
"description": "a boolean is not an array",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is not an array",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "boolean type matches booleans",
"schema": {"type": "boolean"},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is not a boolean",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "a float is not a boolean",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "a string is not a boolean",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "an object is not a boolean",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is not a boolean",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is not a boolean",
"data": true,
"valid": true
"description": "null is not a boolean",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "null type matches only the null object",
"schema": {"type": "null"},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is not null",
"data": 1,
"valid": false
"description": "a float is not null",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "a string is not null",
"data": "foo",
"valid": false
"description": "an object is not null",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is not null",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is not null",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is null",
"data": null,
"valid": true
"description": "multiple types can be specified in an array",
"schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]},
"tests": [
"description": "an integer is valid",
"data": 1,
"valid": true
"description": "a string is valid",
"data": "foo",
"valid": true
"description": "a float is invalid",
"data": 1.1,
"valid": false
"description": "an object is invalid",
"data": {},
"valid": false
"description": "an array is invalid",
"data": [],
"valid": false
"description": "a boolean is invalid",
"data": true,
"valid": false
"description": "null is invalid",
"data": null,
"valid": false
"description": "uniqueItems validation",
"schema": {"uniqueItems": true},
"tests": [
"description": "unique array of integers is valid",
"data": [1, 2],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid",
"data": [1, 1],
"valid": false
"description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal",
"data": [1.0, 1.00, 1],
"valid": false
"description": "unique array of objects is valid",
"data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid",
"data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}],
"valid": false
"description": "unique array of nested objects is valid",
"data": [
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}},
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}}
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid",
"data": [
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}},
{"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}
"valid": false
"description": "unique array of arrays is valid",
"data": [["foo"], ["bar"]],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid",
"data": [["foo"], ["foo"]],
"valid": false
"description": "1 and true are unique",
"data": [1, true],
"valid": true
"description": "0 and false are unique",
"data": [0, false],
"valid": true
"description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid",
"data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1],
"valid": true
"description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid",
"data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1],
"valid": false
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "document.h"
#include <cmath> // HUGE_VAL, fmod
#if !defined(RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX) && __cplusplus >=201103L
#if !defined(RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX) && (__cplusplus >=201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800))
......@@ -1225,6 +1225,18 @@ inline BaseSchema<Encoding>* CreateSchema(const ValueType& value, const ValueTyp
else return 0;
template <typename Encoding, typename ValueType>
inline BaseSchema<Encoding>* CreateSchema(const ValueType& value, SchemaType type) {
if (type == kNullSchemaType ) return new NullSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (type == kBooleanSchemaType) return new BooleanSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (type == kObjectSchemaType ) return new ObjectSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (type == kArraySchemaType ) return new ArraySchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (type == kStringSchemaType ) return new StringSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (type == kIntegerSchemaType) return new IntegerSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (type == kNumberSchemaType ) return new NumberSchema<Encoding>(value);
else return 0;
template <typename Encoding, typename ValueType>
inline BaseSchema<Encoding>* CreateSchema(const ValueType& value) {
if (!value.IsObject())
......@@ -1232,9 +1244,44 @@ inline BaseSchema<Encoding>* CreateSchema(const ValueType& value) {
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator typeItr = value.FindMember("type");
if (typeItr == value.MemberEnd()) return new TypelessSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (typeItr->value.IsArray()) return new MultiTypeSchema<Encoding>(value, typeItr->value);
else return CreateSchema<Encoding, ValueType>(value, typeItr->value);
if (typeItr == value.MemberEnd()) {
// Detect type with existing properties
struct PropertyMap {
const char* name;
SchemaType type;
static const PropertyMap kPropertyMap[] = {
{ "additional", kArraySchemaType },
{ "additionalProperties", kObjectSchemaType },
{ "dependencies", kObjectSchemaType },
{ "exclusiveMinimum", kNumberSchemaType },
{ "exclusiveMaximum", kNumberSchemaType },
{ "items", kArraySchemaType },
{ "minimum", kNumberSchemaType },
{ "minItems", kArraySchemaType },
{ "minLength", kStringSchemaType },
{ "minProperties", kObjectSchemaType },
{ "maximum", kNumberSchemaType },
{ "maxItems", kArraySchemaType },
{ "maxLength", kStringSchemaType },
{ "maxProperties", kObjectSchemaType },
{ "multipleOf", kNumberSchemaType },
{ "pattern", kStringSchemaType },
{ "patternProperties", kObjectSchemaType },
{ "properties", kObjectSchemaType },
{ "required", kObjectSchemaType },
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kPropertyMap) / sizeof(kPropertyMap[0]); i++)
if (value.HasMember(kPropertyMap[i].name))
return CreateSchema<Encoding, ValueType>(value, kPropertyMap[i].type);
return new TypelessSchema<Encoding>(value);
else if (typeItr->value.IsArray())
return new MultiTypeSchema<Encoding>(value, typeItr->value);
return CreateSchema<Encoding, ValueType>(value, typeItr->value);
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<> >
......@@ -27,14 +27,8 @@ using namespace rapidjson;
/*printf("\n%s\n", json);*/\
if (expected) {\
else {\
EXPECT_FALSE(validator.IsValid()); \
EXPECT_TRUE(expected == d.Accept(validator));\
EXPECT_TRUE(expected == validator.IsValid());\
TEST(SchemaValidator, Typeless) {
......@@ -613,3 +607,111 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, AllOf_Nested) {
VALIDATE(s, "\"too long\"", false);
VALIDATE(s, "123", false);
static char* ReadFile(const char* filename, size_t& length) {
const char *paths[] = {
char buffer[1024];
FILE *fp = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(paths) / sizeof(paths[0]); i++) {
sprintf(buffer, paths[i], filename);
fp = fopen(buffer, "rb");
if (fp)
if (!fp)
return 0;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
length = (size_t)ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
char* json = (char*)malloc(length + 1);
size_t readLength = fread(json, 1, length, fp);
json[readLength] = '\0';
return json;
TEST(SchemaValidator, TestSuite) {
const char* filenames[] = {
unsigned testCount = 0;
unsigned passCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(filenames) / sizeof(filenames[0]); i++) {
const char* filename = filenames[i];
size_t length;
char* json = ReadFile(filename, length);
if (!json) {
printf("json test suite file %s not found", filename);
else {
Document d;
if (d.HasParseError()) {
printf("json test suite file %s has parse error", filename);
else {
for (Value::ConstValueIterator schemaItr = d.Begin(); schemaItr != d.End(); ++schemaItr) {
Schema schema((*schemaItr)["schema"]);
SchemaValidator validator(schema);
const Value& tests = (*schemaItr)["tests"];
for (Value::ConstValueIterator testItr = tests.Begin(); testItr != tests.End(); ++testItr) {
const Value& data = (*testItr)["data"];
bool expected = (*testItr)["valid"].GetBool();
const char* description = (*testItr)["description"].GetString();
bool actual = data.Accept(validator);
if (expected != actual) {
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "%s \"%s\"", filename, description);
printf("%d / %d passed (%2d%%)\n", passCount, testCount, passCount * 100 / testCount);
\ No newline at end of file
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