This is called move assignment operator in C++11. As RapidJSON supports C++03, it adopts move semantics using assignment operator, and all other modifying function like `AddMember()`, `PushBack()`.
### Move semantics and temporary values {#TemporaryValues}
Sometimes, it is convenient to construct a Value in place, before passing it to one of the "moving" functions, like `PushBack()` or `AddMember()`. As temporary objects can't be converted to proper Value references, the convenience function `Move()` is available:
Value a(kArrayType);
// a.PushBack(Value(42)); // will not compile
a.PushBack(Value().SetInt(42)); // fluent API
a.PushBack(Value(42).Move()); // same as above
## Create String {#CreateString}
RapidJSON provide two strategies for storing string.