Commit 4b32a305 authored by Philipp A. Hartmann's avatar Philipp A. Hartmann

MemoryPoolAllocator: prohibit copying and assignment

The MemoryPoolAllocator implementation cannot and should not be
copied (Rule of Three).  Declare copy constructor and copy-assignment
operator as private.
parent 72de00f6
......@@ -187,6 +187,11 @@ public:
static void Free(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; } // Do nothing
//! Copy constructor is not permitted.
MemoryPoolAllocator(const MemoryPoolAllocator& rhs) /* = delete */;
//! Copy assignment operator is not permitted.
MemoryPoolAllocator& operator=(const MemoryPoolAllocator& rhs) /* = delete */;
//! Creates a new chunk.
/*! \param capacity Capacity of the chunk in bytes.
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