Commit 44755211 authored by Philipp A. Hartmann's avatar Philipp A. Hartmann

GenericDocument: simplify error handling in ParseStream

 * unconditionally store error state of reader after parsing
 * clear stack after parsing by using a ClearStackOnExit scope guard
parent 3c1d4bc2
......@@ -1226,17 +1226,13 @@ public:
GenericDocument& ParseStream(InputStream& is) {
ValueType::SetNull(); // Remove existing root if exist
GenericReader<SourceEncoding, Encoding, Allocator> reader(&GetAllocator());
ClearStackOnExit scope(*this);
if (reader.template Parse<parseFlags>(is, *this)) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(stack_.GetSize() == sizeof(ValueType)); // Got one and only one root object
this->RawAssign(*stack_.template Pop<ValueType>(1)); // Add this-> to prevent issue 13.
parseErrorCode_ = kParseErrorNone;
errorOffset_ = 0;
else {
parseErrorCode_ = reader.GetParseErrorCode();
errorOffset_ = reader.GetErrorOffset();
parseErrorCode_ = reader.GetParseErrorCode();
errorOffset_ = reader.GetErrorOffset();
return *this;
......@@ -1349,6 +1345,14 @@ public:
size_t GetStackCapacity() const { return stack_.GetCapacity(); }
// clear stack on any exit from ParseStream, e.g. due to exception
struct ClearStackOnExit {
explicit ClearStackOnExit(GenericDocument& d) : d_(d) {}
~ClearStackOnExit() { d_.ClearStack(); }
GenericDocument& d_;
// callers of the following private Handler functions
template <typename,typename,typename> friend class GenericReader; // for parsing
friend class GenericValue<Encoding,Allocator>; // for deep copying
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