Commit 33e96f86 authored by Philipp A. Hartmann's avatar Philipp A. Hartmann

.travis.yml: simplify config, prepare for running 32/64 bit configurations

parent e440b695
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ compiler:
- config=debug64 config_suffix=debug_x64_gmake
- config=release64 config_suffix=release_x64_gmake
- CONF=debug
- CONF=release
secure: "CR3yKliFhwQLX+Zs1PCRcGej6jr4DIZsCqs9x6J2NN+U9Aow0gd/uiPBho/utgm+/TmSBji5n8FO/J3ORo34q4gC6EebTEaN4gCHNXVlIBJFw9x+Gs/lML5i8F2AoweFJY334OVaOf9qC8ZVJ8Z1nEwxj77fq3gcSLzRU3pIaS8="
# prepare for 32/64 bit multi-arch support
- BITS=64
- secure: "CR3yKliFhwQLX+Zs1PCRcGej6jr4DIZsCqs9x6J2NN+U9Aow0gd/uiPBho/utgm+/TmSBji5n8FO/J3ORo34q4gC6EebTEaN4gCHNXVlIBJFw9x+Gs/lML5i8F2AoweFJY334OVaOf9qC8ZVJ8Z1nEwxj77fq3gcSLzRU3pIaS8="
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:codegear/release
......@@ -22,11 +24,11 @@ before_script:
- pushd build && premake4 'gmake' && popd
- make -C build/gmake -f test.make
- make -C build/gmake -f example.make
- make -C build/gmake -f test.make config=${CONF}${BITS}
- make -C build/gmake -f example.make config=${CONF}${BITS}
- pushd bin
- ./unittest_${config_suffix}
- valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1 ./unittest_${config_suffix}
- if [ "$config" = "release64" ]; then ./perftest_${config_suffix}; fi
- ./unittest_${CONF}_x${BITS}_gmake
- valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1 ./unittest_${CONF}_x${BITS}_gmake
- if [ "$CONF" = "release" ]; then ./perftest_${CONF}_x${BITS}_gmake; fi
- popd
- ./build/;
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