Commit 2c159853 authored by miloyip's avatar miloyip

Update and localize performance

parent fb607879
# Performance
The old performance article for RapidJSON 0.1 is provided [here](
The (third-party) performance tests have been removed from this repository
and are now part of a dedicated [native JSON benchmark collection] [1].
This file will be updated with a summary of benchmarking results based on
the above benchmark collection in the future.
There is a [native JSON benchmark collection] [1] which evaluates speed, memory usage and code size of various operations among 20 JSON libaries.
The old performance article for RapidJSON 0.1 is provided [here](
Additionally, you may refer to the following third-party benchmarks.
## Third-party benchmarks
# 性能
有一个[native JSON benchmark collection][1]项目,能评估20个JSON库在不同操作下的速度、內存用量及代码大小。
RapidJSON 0.1版本的性能测试文章位于[这里](
## 第三方评测
* [Basic benchmarks for miscellaneous C++ JSON parsers and generators]( by Mateusz Loskot (Jun 2013)
* [casablanca](
* [json_spirit](
* [jsoncpp](
* [libjson](
* [rapidjson](
* [QJsonDocument](
* [JSON Parser Benchmarking]( by Chad Austin (Jan 2013)
* [sajson](
* [rapidjson](
* [vjson](
* [YAJL](
* [Jansson](
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