Commit 0fb2b803 authored by Milo Yip's avatar Milo Yip

Change $ref handling mechnism

parent e0a8a327
......@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ struct SchemaValidationContext {
......@@ -221,7 +220,6 @@ struct SchemaValidationContext {
~SchemaValidationContext() {
delete hasher;
delete notValidator;
delete refValidator;
delete[] patternPropertiesSchemas;
delete[] objectDependencies;
......@@ -239,7 +237,6 @@ struct SchemaValidationContext {
SchemaValidatorArray patternPropertiesValidators;
const SchemaType** patternPropertiesSchemas;
ISchemaValidator* notValidator;
ISchemaValidator* refValidator;
SizeType patternPropertiesSchemaCount;
PatternValidatorType valuePatternValidatorType;
PatternValidatorType objectPatternValidatorType;
......@@ -274,7 +271,6 @@ public:
type_((1 << kTotalSchemaType) - 1), // typeless
......@@ -332,10 +328,10 @@ public:
AssigIfExist(oneOf_, document, p, value, "oneOf");
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, "not"))
not_ = document->CreateSchema(p.Append("not"), *v);
document->CreateSchema(&not_, p.Append("not"), *v);
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, "$ref"))
document->AddRefSchema(this, *v);
//if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, "$ref"))
// document->AddRefSchema(this, *v);
// Object
......@@ -379,7 +375,7 @@ public:
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
SizeType index;
if (FindPropertyIndex(itr->name, &index)) {
properties_[index].schema = document->CreateSchema(q.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
document->CreateSchema(&properties_[index].schema, q.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
properties_[index].typeless = false;
......@@ -393,7 +389,7 @@ public:
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = v->MemberBegin(); itr != v->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
new (&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_]) PatternProperty();
patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].pattern = CreatePattern(itr->name);
patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].schema = document->CreateSchema(q.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
document->CreateSchema(&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].schema, q.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
......@@ -425,7 +421,7 @@ public:
else if (itr->value.IsObject()) {
hasSchemaDependencies_ = true;
properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema = document->CreateSchema(q.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
document->CreateSchema(&properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema, q.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
......@@ -435,7 +431,7 @@ public:
if (v->IsBool())
additionalProperties_ = v->GetBool();
else if (v->IsObject())
additionalPropertiesSchema_ = document->CreateSchema(p.Append("additionalProperties"), *v);
document->CreateSchema(&additionalPropertiesSchema_, p.Append("additionalProperties"), *v);
AssignIfExist(minProperties_, value, "minProperties");
......@@ -444,13 +440,13 @@ public:
// Array
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, "items")) {
if (v->IsObject()) // List validation
itemsList_ = document->CreateSchema(p, *v);
document->CreateSchema(&itemsList_, p, *v);
else if (v->IsArray()) { // Tuple validation
PointerType q = p.Append("items");
itemsTuple_ = static_cast<const Schema**>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(const Schema*) * v->Size()));
SizeType index = 0;
for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr, index++)
itemsTuple_[itemsTupleCount_++] = document->CreateSchema(q.Append(index), *itr);
document->CreateSchema(&itemsTuple_[itemsTupleCount_++], q.Append(index), *itr);
......@@ -461,7 +457,7 @@ public:
if (v->IsBool())
additionalItems_ = v->GetBool();
else if (v->IsObject())
additionalItemsSchema_ = document->CreateSchema(p.Append("additionalItems"), *v);
document->CreateSchema(&additionalItemsSchema_, p.Append("additionalItems"), *v);
AssignIfExist(uniqueItems_, value, "uniqueItems");
......@@ -600,9 +596,6 @@ public:
if (not_ && context.notValidator->IsValid())
if (ref_ && !context.refValidator->IsValid())
return true;
......@@ -867,7 +860,7 @@ private:
out.schemas = static_cast<const Schema**>(allocator_->Malloc(out.count * sizeof(const Schema*)));
memset(out.schemas, 0, sizeof(Schema*)* out.count);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < out.count; i++)
out.schemas[i] = document->CreateSchema(q.Append(i), (*v)[i]);
document->CreateSchema(&out.schemas[i], q.Append(i), (*v)[i]);
......@@ -921,9 +914,6 @@ private:
if (not_ && !context.notValidator)
context.notValidator = context.factory->CreateSchemaValidator(*not_);
if (ref_ && !context.refValidator)
context.refValidator = context.factory->CreateSchemaValidator(*ref_);
if (hasSchemaDependencies_ && !context.dependencyValidators.validators) {
context.dependencyValidators.validators = new ISchemaValidator*[propertyCount_];
context.dependencyValidators.count = propertyCount_;
......@@ -1082,7 +1072,6 @@ private:
SchemaArray anyOf_;
SchemaArray oneOf_;
const SchemaType* not_;
const SchemaType* ref_;
unsigned type_; // bitmask of kSchemaType
Property* properties_;
......@@ -1150,6 +1139,7 @@ public:
friend class GenericSchemaValidator;
GenericSchemaDocument(const ValueType& document, IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider = 0, Allocator* allocator = 0) :
......@@ -1162,24 +1152,36 @@ public:
// Generate root schema, it will call CreateSchema() to create sub-schemas,
// And call AddRefSchema() if there are $ref.
root_ = CreateSchemaRecursive(PointerType(), static_cast<const ValueType&>(document));
CreateSchemaRecursive(&root_, PointerType(), static_cast<const ValueType&>(document));
// Resolve $ref
while (!schemaRef_.Empty()) {
SchemaEntry* refEntry = schemaRef_.template Pop<SchemaEntry>(1);
refEntry->schema->ref_ = GetSchema(refEntry->pointer);
SchemaRefEntry* refEntry = schemaRef_.template Pop<SchemaRefEntry>(1);
if (const SchemaType* s = GetSchema(refEntry->target)) {
*refEntry->schema = s;
// Create entry in map if not exist
if (!GetSchema(refEntry->source)) {
new (schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(refEntry->source, const_cast<SchemaType*>(s), false);
schemaRef_.ShrinkToFit(); // Deallocate all memory for ref
~GenericSchemaDocument() {
while (!schemaMap_.Empty()) {
SchemaEntry* e = schemaMap_.template Pop<SchemaEntry>(1);
if (e->owned) {
......@@ -1187,39 +1189,60 @@ public:
const SchemaType& GetRoot() const { return *root_; }
struct SchemaRefEntry {
SchemaRefEntry(const PointerType& s, const PointerType& t, const SchemaType** outSchema) : source(s), target(t), schema(outSchema) {}
PointerType source;
PointerType target;
const SchemaType** schema;
struct SchemaEntry {
SchemaEntry(const PointerType& p, SchemaType* s) : pointer(p), schema(s) {}
SchemaEntry(const PointerType& p, SchemaType* s, bool o) : pointer(p), schema(s), owned(o) {}
PointerType pointer;
SchemaType* schema;
bool owned;
const SchemaType* CreateSchemaRecursive(const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v) {
void CreateSchemaRecursive(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v) {
*schema = SchemaType::GetTypeless();
if (v.GetType() == kObjectType) {
const SchemaType* s = GetSchema(pointer);
if (!s)
s = CreateSchema(pointer, v);
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, v);
*schema = s;
for (typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.MemberBegin(); itr != v.MemberEnd(); ++itr)
CreateSchemaRecursive(pointer.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
return s;
CreateSchemaRecursive(&s, pointer.Append(itr->name), itr->value);
else if (v.GetType() == kArrayType)
else if (v.GetType() == kArrayType) {
const SchemaType* s;
for (SizeType i = 0; i < v.Size(); i++)
CreateSchemaRecursive(pointer.Append(i), v[i]);
return 0;
CreateSchemaRecursive(&s, pointer.Append(i), v[i]);
const SchemaType* CreateSchema(const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v) {
void CreateSchema(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v) {
SchemaType* schema = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))) SchemaType(this, allocator_, pointer, v);
new (schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(pointer, schema);
return schema;
if (v.IsObject()) {
if (!HandleRefSchema(pointer, schema, v)) {
SchemaType* s = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))) SchemaType(this, allocator_, pointer, v);
new (schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(pointer, s, true);
*schema = s;
void AddRefSchema(SchemaType* schema, const ValueType& v) {
if (v.IsString()) {
SizeType len = v.GetStringLength();
bool HandleRefSchema(const Pointer& source, const SchemaType** schema, const ValueType& v) {
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.FindMember("$ref");
if (itr == v.MemberEnd())
return false;
if (itr->value.IsString()) {
SizeType len = itr->value.GetStringLength();
if (len > 0) {
const Ch* s = v.GetString();
const Ch* s = itr->value.GetString();
SizeType i = 0;
while (i < len && s[i] != '#') // Find the first #
......@@ -1228,18 +1251,29 @@ private:
if (remoteProvider_) {
if (const GenericSchemaDocument* remoteDocument = remoteProvider_->GetRemoteDocument(s, i - 1)) {
PointerType pointer(&s[i], len - i);
if (pointer.IsValid())
schema->ref_ = remoteDocument->GetSchema(pointer);
if (pointer.IsValid()) {
if (const SchemaType* s = remoteDocument->GetSchema(pointer)) {
*schema = s;
return true;
else if (s[i] == '#') { // Local reference, defer resolution
PointerType pointer(&s[i], len - i);
if (pointer.IsValid())
new (schemaRef_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(pointer, schema);
if (pointer.IsValid()) {
if (const ValueType* nv = pointer.Get(*document_))
if (HandleRefSchema(source, schema, *nv))
return true;
new (schemaRef_.template Push<SchemaRefEntry>()) SchemaRefEntry(source, pointer, schema);
return true;
return false;
const SchemaType* GetSchema(const PointerType& pointer) const {
......@@ -1259,6 +1293,7 @@ private:
static const size_t kInitialSchemaMapSize = 64;
static const size_t kInitialSchemaRefSize = 64;
const ValueType* document_; //!< Only temporarily for constructor
IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider_;
Allocator *allocator_;
Allocator *ownAllocator_;
......@@ -1360,8 +1395,6 @@ public:
static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(context->oneOfValidators.validators[i_])->method arg2;\
if (context->notValidator)\
static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(context->notValidator)->method arg2;\
if (context->refValidator)\
static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(context->refValidator)->method arg2;\
if (context->dependencyValidators.validators)\
for (SizeType i_ = 0; i_ < context->dependencyValidators.count; i_++)\
if (context->dependencyValidators.validators[i_])\
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